Cutting 1719

Chapter 234 Fighting Kangxi

Chapter 234 Fighting Kangxi ([-])
Because of this, the attack on the Qing court cannot only be carried out around the green battalion, otherwise, no matter how many green battalions are defeated, it will not be able to pose a substantial threat to the Qing court.

Ning Yu pointed at Lu Gongshan with his finger, "The [-] green battalion above here can basically be concluded to be bait, we don't need to pay attention to it." Then he pointed to Kongcheng, "What is the current situation in Kongcheng?"

Shi Xue scratched his head, quite distressed, "Ever since Kangxi entered Kongcheng, he has been strictly investigating information. The military spies I sent out and the shadow sent by Ning Luoyuan didn't have any results. I only know about the Eight Banners there. There will be no shortage of soldiers, and the composition of the military force is not very clear."

Ning Luoyuan is now the person in charge of the shadow. Since the separation of the family, he has gradually faded out of the field of military intelligence, and only concentrates on other intelligence collection and analysis for the outside world, as well as assassination activities. Wuchang, in order to provide intelligence information to the Chu Palace.

This made Ning Yu feel a little upset. The Qing army in Kongcheng could not be determined, which meant that the main force of the Qing army could not be grasped. It may come out at any time, and the consequences will be unpredictable.

Li Fu waved his hand and said with a wry smile: "The establishment of the Eight Banners is very complicated. It's normal for ordinary people to not be able to figure it out. There is no need to be too embarrassed. I just ask you, have there ever been a large number of horse troops in Kongcheng?"

Shi Xue quickly said: "According to the information, Kongcheng doesn't have a large number of cavalry troops, only a few, and the rest are mainly infantry, but the banners used by the infantry are mixed. There are both guard camps and firearm camps. , and the vanguard battalion, the soldiers of these battalions also belong to different Eight Banners, so it is difficult to distinguish the exact number."

Hearing this sentence, Ning Yu understood in his heart that the so-called horse army should refer to the soldiers of Xiaoqi Battalion. They are different from the infantry army. Even though they belong to different Eight Banners, they all gather together to fight, so As long as the location of Ma Jun can be found, then some small calculations of the Qing army will be clear.

"In addition to the Ma Army, there is another army under Kangxi that needs attention, and that is the Firearms Battalion. It can be said that it is also the force that can pose the greatest threat to us besides the Ma Army."

Ning Yu felt a bit of a headache. So far, the Qing army's head is still covered with a layer of veil, and they can only see a faint appearance, but can't see the truth. This is extremely unfavorable for the upcoming decisive battle.

Shi Xue hesitated and said: "The organization of the Eight Banners Firearms Battalion is also very complicated, and it has not been fully understood yet, but according to various sources, the Eight Banners Firearms Battalion under Kangxi's hands probably has 5000 to 1 people. After checking, as for the Green Camp Firearms Camp with less than [-] people, they are all in Kongcheng."

After Shi Xue finished speaking, Li Fu took up the conversation, "When I was working in the South Study Room in the early years, I was fortunate to have contact with some construction affairs of the Firearms Camp, and I also have a little understanding of the establishment of the Firearms Camp. The rest is as good as the old man. Tell the governor."

"I also ask Mr. Li to enlighten me." Ning Yu now really feels that it is too profitable for his teacher Cui Wancai to win over talents like Li Fu. After all, a core minister like Li Fu who has been with Kangxi before, can There are not many, and it is even more impossible to join the Fuhan Army. Now Li Fu's role in the internal affairs of the Manchu Qing Dynasty is really crucial.

Li Fu chuckled, then stood up and said: "Speaking of which, the internal military system of the Eight Banners is a core secret, and no one else can see it. It is only by chance that the old man has a certain understanding of the Eight Banners Firearms Battalion."

"When the Qing army entered the customs in the early years, the Eight Banners had not set up a special firearms battalion. Later, when the Qing court quelled the San Francisco Rebellion, the Han army's firearms battalion made outstanding achievements. Therefore, in the 22nd year of Kangxi, the Eight Banners Han army was specially set up. The Weapon Battalion, under the Xiaoqi Firearms Battalion of the Han Army and the Shotgun Battalion of the Han Army, selected the old subordinates Kong Youde and Geng Zhongming who were proficient in firearms, and it can be said to have flourished for a while."

"Later, in the 30th year of Kangxi, Emperor Kangxi believed that it was disadvantageous for the Han people to master too powerful firearms, so they withdrew the Eight Banners Han Army Firearms Battalion. Later, after the rise of Galdan in the Northwest, the power of firearms was re-emphasized. , but this time Kangxi did not restore the firearms battalion of the Han army, but specially selected soldiers from the Eight Banners, Manchuria, and Mongolia to learn firearms, and organized it as a Manchurian firearms battalion."

Thinking about the past, Li Fu felt very sad, and said: "The Manchurian Firearms Battalion is mainly divided into two types: shotgun guards and artillery armor. There are six shotgun guards and one artillery armor in each of Manchuria and Mongolia. The second battalion performed, the inner firearms battalion in the city, divided into two battalions of guns and artillery. The outer firearms battalion outside the city, specializing in shotguns, the total number of people was about 8000."

Hearing this, Ning Yu felt that it was okay when he fought in the green camp. It was easy to figure out the context, not to mention that there were a large number of soldiers and generals from the green camp, and even their Ning family was from the green camp. It can be figured out quickly by twists and turns.

But the Eight Banners are different, especially the Beijing Eight Banners, which have never been fought in a serious way before, and they are quite unfamiliar with its military system. It is not a fixed establishment, but divided into the three Eight Banners of Manchurian and Han Dynasty. In the Eight Banners, there are also the three inner banners directly under the emperor's coat. Let alone them, many people in the Eight Banners themselves are not clear about it.

Everyone discussed and discussed, but found that the military system of the Eight Banners alone is extremely complicated, that is to say, it is basically confirmed that there are at least 2 firearms troops in Kongcheng, and then there are [-] to [-] horse troops who are not in Kongcheng. I still don't know where to hide, and I'm ready to deal a fatal blow to the Fuhan army.

When everyone was frowning, an officer from the Military Intelligence Department walked in quickly and handed Shi Xue a note. Shi Xue glanced at it, his expression changed suddenly, and there was a hint of excitement in his eyes.

"Great governor, the spies sent in the direction of Huangjiapu were intercepted and killed by the Qing army less than ten miles away from Huangjiapu. 20 of the 19 sentries were killed, and only one person returned seriously injured."

The sentry was killed?Everyone here smelled something unusual by coincidence. The spies sent to the Huangjiapu at this time were originally regular sentries. There have been dozens of teams of such sentries sent out by the Fuhan Army, but only the sentries from the Huangjiapu The fact that Tan was intercepted and killed fully demonstrated that the Qing army had made moves in Huangjiaji, and it was a big move.

Ning Yu's face was slightly solemn. He stood in front of the map and looked at the Huangjiapu area, but the doubts in his heart were gradually resolved. It seems that the Xiaoqi battalion should have been found.

A black flag was planted on the Huangjiaji, and everything seemed to be settled.

(End of this chapter)

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