Cutting 1719

241 King to King

241 King to King

"Reporting to the governor, there are still ten miles left before we can reach Lu Tingyi, but I don't understand that the Xiaoqi battalion is behind us. If we charge at that time, how should our army respond?"

Cheng Ming's face was slightly solemn. It's not that he doesn't understand the key to the current battle, but he doesn't quite understand Ning Yu's almost conceited decision.

Ning Yu was wearing an iron armor on the outside, and a soft armor made of multi-layered silk on the inside, and a heavy iron helmet on his head. Although he looked a little silly, he was protecting himself in a big battle. best means.

Playing handsome on the battlefield is an extremely stupid behavior. Ning Yu has never been willing to appear too eye-catching on the battlefield. All signs that were too dazzling have been removed from his body, just to better hide himself. protect yourself.

"General Cheng, what you think is very reasonable, but the current Qing army has reached a point where there is no way out, and there is no other way except to jump over the wall in a hurry. But, after all, we cannot be fooled by their posture. Be scared, otherwise let Kangxi go, are you willing?"

After hearing this, all the generals nodded silently. After all, it was a desperate bloody battle for more than a year, and now they have earned a chance to fight Kangxi face to face. How could they let it go so easily?Since ancient times, there are really few examples of capturing an enemy emperor alive on the battlefield, and that is a major event that will be passed down through the ages.

Cheng Ming thought for a while, and couldn't help but smiled wryly: "What the governor said is very true, and I am not willing to let go of this opportunity now."

Ning Yu chuckled, "As for the Xiaoqi camp in Naersu, the sharp knife in Kangxi's hand was placed on the northern plains, and I would never fight him, but now that we have reached the border of Anqing, we can still Think of a way."

The 5000 Fu Han troops in Tongcheng lined up and marched all the way. In front of them were the [-] elites of Kangxi, and behind them were the [-] Xiaoqi Battalion of Naersu. If you are careful, you will never recover.

But in Ning Yu's hand, there is still a hole card that has not been lifted.

On February 61, the 23st year of Kangxi, the main force of the Fuhan army led by Ning Yu and the main force of the Qing army finally met at Lutingyi. At this time, there was only fifteen miles between Ning Yu and Kangxi.

"The emperor is watching from behind! If you retreat again, our Qing Dynasty will be completely finished!"

Li Zhengzong, the Commander of the Firearms Battalion of the Han Army, looked at the soldiers who couldn't hold on, and couldn't help shouting loudly. He really regarded Daqing as more important than his own life. A trace of blood was covered with carbon ash. It was a lead bullet flying past the side of his cheek, causing a bloodstain to be drawn on his face.

"Chu Ni has guns, so do we. The emperor's cannons are still behind. If we run away, I, Li Zhengzong, will be the first to chop off your heads!"

The soldiers of the Han Army's Firearms Battalion just ran away with their heads depressed. They had persisted for a long time before the battle, but they saw that the Fu Han Army on the opposite side had nearly 800 dead, while their own casualties had exceeded [-]. Such tragic casualties are extremely rare in all dynasties, so even the Eight Banners Army of the Han Army was originally very brave and fearless, but now they have to run away.

Li Zhengzong picked up a knife and hacked several people to death, even the blade was twisted, but still couldn't stop the soldiers from retreating, they threw their shotguns on the ground regardless, and started running backwards Go, just to save a life.

Tong Fahai saw this scene from the back of the formation, with a slight hatred on his face, and then let the Qing army's artillery fire directly, not only bombing the Han army, but also bombing the escaped Qing army.

Hundreds of bullets directly covered the path of the Qing army's retreat. Amid the constant roar, the soldiers of the Han army's firearms battalion wished to grow a few more legs, but there was artillery in front and chasing soldiers behind them, but there was no escape. Fleeing, many people just crooked, fell to the ground and knelt and begged for mercy.

"Order, anyone who dares to attack the camp of the Chinese army will be shot to death!"

Kangxi's face was as gloomy as ice, and he murmured silently in his heart, this Han is really useless.
At this time, the main force of the Fuhan Army led by Ning Yu also entered the battlefield in a neat formation. Hundreds of artillery pieces were lined up behind the formation, and many soldiers of the Fuhan Army directly raised their flintlock guns. , Line up the formation and prepare to meet the enemy.

"The governor has arrived! Kill the dog and seize the world!"

Li Shihu's body was already completely stained with blood, and he didn't know whether the blood was on his own body or someone else's body, but it looked like Yama in the mixed world.

Ning Yu was not in a hurry to directly attack the Qing army on the opposite side, but began to arrange people to build fortifications, and put the barbed wire up three times in the direction of the guards behind the camp, and this was Ning Yu's gift to Naersu. Small surprise arranged.

With the tactics of barbed wire and grenades, Ning Yu is confident that he can completely block Naersu's Xiaoqi camp outside. There is no big problem with the [-] Xiaoqi Battalion.

Kangxi looked at the current scene of the Fu Han army, his face was slightly gloomy, he was unwilling to delay any longer, no matter what the follow-up result was, it was already a one-shot deal, and then he waved his hand lightly .

"Tell Naersu, get ready to charge! The Manmeng Firearms Battalion is mixed with tiger-clothed and rattan soldiers, ready to meet the enemy!"

The original Firearms Battalion of the Eight Banners, Manchuria and Mongolia had a full capacity of 8000 people. However, since the rise of the Fuhan Army with the benefits of firearms, Kangxi also felt that the number of people in the Firearms Battalion seemed to be a bit small, so he expanded the number from 8000 to 5000. There are about 1 people, of which 3000 belong to the shotgun guards, and [-] are artillery armors, mainly handling sub-basic cannons. In addition, there are [-] people who are dedicated to logistics.

In addition, there is a relatively special army in the Qing army, that is, the tiger-clothed rattan soldiers. This kind of soldiers are actually Fujian rattan soldiers. The great merit is mainly to make a shield out of Fujian old vines, and then double-layered to form a layer, with old cotton in the middle, and the oil-soaked rattan shield can prevent bows and arrows, and can also block shotguns. It is very powerful.

Because of this, when the Manmeng Firearms Battalion goes out on an expedition, they will bring tiger-clothed rattan soldiers. The main function is that when the opposing army rushes into the line of shotgun soldiers, the rattan soldiers will quickly form a line with the spearmen to block them. The opponent, so that the shotgunners can form a line again and wait for the attack. After the shotgunners are formed, they retreat and reorganize the formation.

However, the number of such rattan soldiers is extremely rare. This time, there were only more than two thousand people who followed Kangxi in the expedition. Therefore, seeing the critical moment, Kangxi no longer hid it, and planned to send it to the Fuhan army. surprise.

It's just that Kangxi may not be aware that the rattan plate can block shotguns, but it may not be able to block flintlock guns.

(End of this chapter)

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