Cutting 1719

Chapter 268 Abolishing the Bad Government

Chapter 268 Abolishing the Bad Government
Ning Zhongyuan still brewed a cup of camellia for himself. Since Ning Yu brought the tea back from Yunmeng Mountain, he fell in love with the slightly bitter taste. Of course, Ning Yu’s master Cui Wancai also loves it. The bitterness of camellia.Therefore, this kind of camellia, which was originally very rustic, has become the favorite of the dignitaries and nobles in Wuchang City.The Chu Palace alone purchases thousands of catties every year.

In this way, the life of the people in Yunmeng Mountain has become much easier. Many people have no land to cultivate, so they pick tea in the mountains for a living, and they can also support their families. As for Ning Yu, the governor who rescued them, My heart is also very grateful to Dade.

Ning Yu took a deep breath of the scent of camellia, but sighed: "When I was training in Yunmeng in the early years, things were very messy, and I was very busy every day, all supported by this tea."

Ning Zhongyuan had a smile on his face, "Hey, your master said back then that it was too small for you to let those people grow tea, but Weifu didn't think so. The people can support their family by growing tea, and that's already enough." It’s an amazing thing.”

Ning Yu sighed with emotion, "What the master said is correct. Since I started this expedition, I have realized that China is so vast and densely populated. It is impossible to rely on only one, two or even dozens of methods." The way to help everyone, only by mastering the root of the Dao, can more people benefit from it.”

"Well, are you talking about supporting business this time?"

Ning Zhongyuan had a wry smile on his face, "However, there is too much internal opposition to this matter, and many people will worry that the merchants will mess up the government in the future. As long as our Fuhan Army takes Jiangnan, it will have a chance to pacify Southeast , won half of the country, why should it be extravagant now?"

Ning Yu knew in his heart that although this was said by his father Ning Zhongyuan, it was said on behalf of those in the Fuhan Army. If even he, Ning Zhongyuan, could not convince him, then naturally this proposal could not be used for political affairs. talk.

Of course, Ning Yu can also choose to forcefully promote the decree, but this will only cause internal dissension, and there is absolutely no benefit at all. Therefore, only by convincing the other party and most of the Fuhan Army can it be promoted.

"Father, now that our Han army and the Qing court are at a stalemate, and there will be no foreign troubles in a short period of time, then this is a great opportunity for our army to reform, and it is also a competition with Yongzheng who can adjust the internal affairs faster. As long as Yongzheng is one step faster than us, he will never allow our army to make changes, and I am afraid that there will be no chance at that time."

Ning Zhongyuan sighed in his heart. He naturally understood this truth. Although he has won a lot of wars now, the Qing Dynasty is still a skinny camel that is bigger than a horse. In addition, Yongzheng is such a young and promising king, and the future will be uncertain. Hard to say.

"But right now, you have to give everyone an explanation, otherwise everyone will feel unbalanced."

What Ning Zhongyuan said was cryptic, but Ning Yu understood it. The landlords and gentry contributed money and effort to fight the war. When the time comes, let the industry and commerce pick peaches. Let no one do it. Don't you want to give the industry and commerce a head start?Then show your sincerity first.The previous military expenditures alone are not enough.

Although it is very difficult to really talk about it, Ning Zhongyuan's words have already left a hole for Ning Yu, so Ning Yu can accept such a result in his heart. As for talking on behalf of the business, there is currently no one suitable Support point, so Ning Yu had to think carefully.

The father and son continued to talk for a while, but they didn't discuss this topic any more. Instead, they started discussing the few battles they are fighting now.Ning Zhongyuan heard Ning Yu's high-spirited talk, but he was greedy. He wanted to gallop on the battlefield for more than a day or two, and his heart was always the same as that weed.

"You boy, wait until your father and I go to the battlefield again, and I will call you personally! Hey, that Fu Erdan didn't count last time, and unexpectedly attacked me at night, huh!"

Ning Yu was a little dumbfounded, of course he understood that his old man was disobedient, and he had fought for half his life, but now he dealt with Wen Mo as a whole, his heart was already itchy.

"Father, when Huaibei is taken, the boy plans to organize a special cavalry team. When the time comes, our Fuhan army will not be so passive when facing the Qing army."

Ning Yu stood up and refilled the cup in front of Ning Zhongyuan. Green tea leaves were floating up and down in the water.

Ning Zhongyuan smiled and said: "The Huaibei is flat and wide, and there are countless people who are good at riding horses. It is appropriate to recruit cavalry for training. It seems that you don't need me to teach you." taste.

Ning Yu slapped his head quickly, but took out a short sword from his arms and handed it to Ning Zhongyuan. He saw that the scabbard was inlaid with some jewels, which looked more like a work of art than a weapon. .

Ning Zhongyuan looked at Ning Yu with some doubts. After Ning Yu drank the tea, he quickly offered courteously and said, "Father, this is a treasured sword that my child captured when he killed Arsun Ah, the leader of the Qing army on the battlefield. , it is said that this sword was given by Kangxi himself, and the child saw the beauty of this sword, so he specially gave it to his father."

Ning Zhongyuan became interested when he heard it, he pulled out the short sword, the blade seemed to be emitting a chill, and at a glance, he knew it was the precious sword that was waiting for him, but he just looked at the radiant sword again Sheath, she couldn't help curling her lips: "The sword is a good sword, but with such a scabbard, it is too tacky."

Ning Yu couldn't help but smiled wryly, this man Emperor Kangxi bestowed on his minister of guards naturally didn't expect him to use this dagger to kill his life.But fortunately, with this short sword, Ning Zhongyuan's thoughts on going to the battlefield also faded away.

By the time Ning Yu and Cui Si returned to their small courtyard, it was already evening, and the entire courtyard had become completely silent, and some servants and maids also walked cautiously.

"Why has everyone become so cautious? Isn't it good to see it on weekdays, but now it's a lot less angry." Ning Yu was a little puzzled.

Cui Si glanced at Ning Yu with some resentment, and sighed sadly: "Didn't you win a lot of battles a while ago? I don't know who is talking nonsense, saying that my father is going to be the emperor. After that, in the yard Everyone has to pay attention, don't lose your courtesy status."

Ning Yu was shocked when he heard this remark. It would be fine if it was just the words of one or two young men, but if the senior officials of the Fuhan Army think so now, I am afraid it will be a little bit bad.

It was night, the husband and wife were newly married after a long absence, and they had a lot of nonsense, but it made Cui Si's face even more rosy.

The next day, Ning Yu rushed to the Political Affairs Hall early, and saw that many people had already arrived in the compound. These people were, to some extent, the core supporters of the Fuhan Army. For major adjustments, it is still necessary to consult these people's ideas.

It’s not that without the consent of these people, this matter cannot be done. In fact, the main thing is to convey a message to everyone, that is, the Fuhan Army wants to win over and unite the gentry class, and it is by no means the master who waits to cross the river and demolish the bridge, so as to calm people’s hearts.

Seeing Ning Yu's arrival, many people knelt on the ground and saluted. After all, they had not learned anything else during the years under the rule of the Qing Dynasty. I hope to be favored by this elder son.

After a while, Ning Zhongyuan and the old man of the Cheng family came together, and Zheng Xian also hurriedly followed behind, followed by a series of family backbones, including Cui Wancai, Gao Hanming, Cheng Xiaozhang, etc. The courtiers walked in together.

Everyone saluted again, and then sat down very tacitly.Needless to say, Ning Zhongyuan sat in the main seat in the center, while Ning Yu sat in a slightly shorter chair next to him, followed by the old man of the Cheng family, Zheng Xian, Ning Zhongjing, Cui Wancai, etc. People lined up one by one, stuffing this fairly large room to the brim.

From the outset, the meeting set the tone for tax standards that will be relevant for years, if not decades, to come.This time, Ning Zhongyuan was also trying to make a good start, and he did not hesitate to vigorously toss the still slightly immature bureaucratic system of the Fuhan Army.

"As the so-called state magistrates are officials who are close to the people and the foundation of official governance. As for money and food, the relationship is particularly important, and the slightest particle is the fat of the people. One point increases, and the people are burdened by one point, and one point is reduced, and the people are affected. One cent of the fortune. The evil government of the Puppet Qing Dynasty is vividly visible, and you should not fail to notice it."

Ning Zhongyuan's face turned red, and his words became more and more severe. Although this is the result of his gradually improving acting skills, it is also a true reflection of his heart.Therefore, in the current era, there is no difference in essence between the Fuhan Army and the Qing Dynasty, or Zhu Yigui, and they are all extremely reactionary and backward.Of course, those members of the White Lotus Sect are even lower.

The specific manifestation is that the taxation aimed at the people did not completely abolish the bad policies that existed in the Qing court. For example, fire consumption is an extremely common method, and the people hate it.

The so-called fire consumption means that after the local states and counties have collected the taxes, they have to melt the broken silver handed in by the common people and then cast it into silver ingots. Because the purity and quality of the broken silver of the common people are different, in this process of smelting and casting ingots In the process, some losses are prone to occur, so when local states and counties collect taxes, they will collect more taxes on the grounds of hunger and "fire consumption".

This kind of burning money was already very common in the Kangxi period, but because the Qing court system inherited the pre-Ming Dynasty, a small seventh-rank magistrate had a yearly salary of only 45 taels, which was really unable to support such a family. Everyone has children and masters, so fire consumption has become an unwritten rule.

For Ning Zhongyuan, he naturally didn't want to let this kind of loophole continue to exist. He looked at everyone with a very serious face, and said loudly: "This king also knows your difficulties. Some people please temporarily increase the fire consumption to make up for it." Being short of funds is not necessarily for the sake of our own family, but we are different now, we are not the kind of rural people. Now that we have entered the house, we have to show the people a good look, we are better than the fake Qing , you have to be a lot stronger, so that the hearts of the people can be attached!"

Although Mr. Cheng pretended to be asleep at this time, he listened to Ning Zhongyuan's words verbatim, coughed slightly, and when everyone's eyes were on him, he smiled and said: "This man When I get older, I can't sit still, and I want to sleep when I sit down, haha!"

Everyone laughed when they heard it, but it made the atmosphere in the venue less dignified. This scene made Ning Yu also have to sigh secretly, this ginger is really old and spicy, and he can control people's hearts almost Perfect.Because of his interruption, the two sides have room to turn around in the discussion, so they won't be unable to step down.

"My lord, the old man shouldn't have interrupted the big politics, but now he has to say a few more words." Old Master Cheng stood up tremblingly.

"It is inseparable from all of you that I can achieve the progress of my restoration of the Han Dynasty today. May I ask everyone here, which family does not have a few nephews fighting on the front line? Which family does not donate money to support the army? This is the key now. At this time, we still have to take people's hearts as the most important thing!"

When everyone heard this, although they felt that something was wrong, they all nodded their heads. When it comes to dedication, there is no one who is worse than anyone sitting here. Aren’t everyone destroying their families and fighting against the Great Wall together? Clear.

At this time, Ning Yu stood up and saluted Mr. Cheng, "Although what Grandpa said has some truth, Yu'er has the courage to express some of her own thoughts on this important political matter."

Old Master Cheng laughed loudly. He loved this grandson very much, so he stroked his beard and smiled and said, "If you have anything to say, just say it."

Before Ning Yu opened his mouth, he sighed deeply, "Strictly speaking, all of you here are my uncles and seniors. It would be rude for Yu'er to speak here, but Yu'er doesn't say anything. Not fast."

"On August 59th of the [-]th year of Kangxi, our army of the Han Dynasty formally raised troops to fight against the Qing Dynasty. It has been a year and a half since today. We have already won the three provinces of Huguang and Jiangxi, and half of Anhui is in our hands, but this is in addition to the lives of our soldiers. , and the support of those common people is indispensable.”

Thinking of the scenes on the battlefield, Ning Yu always felt a little red under his eyes, "They don't understand the righteousness of the nation, they don't understand why they want to restore my Han family, but they understand in their hearts that the current Qing Dynasty, although there are so-called 'Never add a tax', but in essence, all kinds of bad governance have been buried deep, and many people can't survive at all, so they defected to my army of Fuhan!"

"If our army still copy the bad government of the Qing government, how is it different from the puppet Qing Dynasty? If our army wants to unify the country in the future, how difficult will it be? Now, the time has come to abolish the bad government. If the Qing government rushes to us It was abolished earlier, so what hope do we have in this world?"

Ning Yu's words were full of heartache, and he knelt on the ground, "I will report to my father, now that the fire consumption in prefectures and counties is increasing arbitrarily, it is regarded as a rule of thumb, why should the people be embarrassed? It should be banned later, or be impeached by the superiors, Or being corrected by Ke Dao, he must be punished severely, and will never be lenient."

"As for the expenses of officials in various prefectures and counties, I think that the salary should be increased, so as to strengthen the insufficiency of people's hearts and make up for the lack of reality."

(End of this chapter)

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