Cutting 1719

Chapter 273

Chapter 273
Ning Yu immediately dispatched the servants, and invited people to his study in the future, only to see a middle-aged man in green hills slowly walking in, with an unhurried expression on his face, as if he was simply coming over. Average for a cup of tea.

Let's not talk about anything else, just because of this attitude, Ning Yu has a little more affection in his heart. Although there are too many people who climb the dragon and the phoenix these days, human nature is like this after all, so no one can blame it. Restraining a little bit and maintaining a bit of eating, that is also extremely impressive, at least it can make people look at it high.

In Ning Yu's eyes, stupidity is a more intolerable existence than greedy, and stupid greedy people delay from the bottom of their hearts.

Cui Yu's expression was indifferent, but his etiquette was not lacking at all. After walking in, he knelt down directly and carried out a grand ceremony firmly.

"Student Cui Yu has met Duke Hanyang." His voice was refreshing and not greasy, and his manners were also very measured.

Ning Yu smiled, he found that the person in front of him was indeed a very flattering person, and it was obvious that this person was very particular, he put himself as a student, not a businessman , in order to maintain a bit of character in front of Ning Yu.

In any case, this person still has to maintain a good image sometimes, otherwise he will become a merchant, and his status will drop completely.The so-called Confucian businessmen have become a joke.

"Well, Mr. Cui please hurry up, our two families are considered relatives now, so we can't be a big gift from Mr. Cui." Ning Yu also had a smile on his face, and stretched out his hand to help Cui Yu up.

After the two sat down, Ning Yu took the initiative to pour a cup of tea for Cui Yu. The fragrance of the tea wafted up, but it made people feel refreshed. He smiled and said: "The teacher likes this kind of tea very much, and I prepared it myself. There are many, please taste it today, sir."

Cui Yu picked up the teacup and took a sip. Although the aroma of the tea was indeed pleasant, he thought of his cousin in his heart, so he couldn't help but secretly sighed.Regarding Cui Wancai, he really felt some complicated feelings in his heart.

Strictly speaking, the Cui family is not a famous family, let alone the so-called heirloom of poetry and books. The seeds of reading in the family, I hope that in the future, a Cui family will come out of the officialdom, and lead the family to carry forward.

Later this person appeared, and it was Cui Wancai, Ning Yu's mentor, but Cui Wancai was too stubborn and couldn't bear the darkness of the officialdom. Later, he abandoned his official position and returned to his hometown to teach and educate people. The head of the Cui family fell seriously ill.

After all, for the Cui family, it is extremely rare to have a character like Cui Wancai. It has exhausted the family's cultural heritage for decades, and it also depends on chance and coincidence. All the efforts were in vain.

From then on, the Cui family and Cui Wancai had no contact with each other until after the Fuhan army rose up. The Cui family heard that Cui Wancai had joined the rebellion.But what I didn't expect was that before the Cui family could drive Cui Wancai out of the family, the Fuhan army fought too fiercely, and took Huguang in less than a year.

The following things are not difficult to understand. As the momentum of the Fuhan army becomes more and more fierce, Cui Wancai's weight is also increasing day by day, but now the Cui family wants to look up at Cui Wancai.It's just that Cui Wancai at this time has no intention of contacting his tribe anymore.

Cui Yu's expression was a bit complicated, but he wanted to know that some attitudes must be expressed now, otherwise it would be impossible to continue the conversation.

"My father was really reckless in his actions back then, but he blamed his cousin a lot. I think he was too impatient. Now that my father is old and no longer the director, the Cui family unanimously elected me to be the director, just as a helper."

Ning Yu naturally understood Cui Yu's meaning. Now the Cui family knew they were wrong, and they changed people, hoping to turn the page completely. As for the others, we can continue to chat slowly.Sincerity is enough, but Ning Yu still wants to see some things.

"I remember your Cui family, and now you are also a member of the Huguang Chamber of Commerce, right?"

Cui Yu gave a wry smile, "It is said that he is a member of the Huguang Chamber of Commerce, but he is no match for the old seniors in any aspect. Fortunately, the prince is enjoying the meal, and now he is also a second-level merchant in the Chamber of Commerce. Some names."

Ning Yu nodded. He still knew about the Huguang Chamber of Commerce. He made a lot of things in it by himself. Although a second-level big merchant is nothing, he can be regarded as a prominent figure in the current chamber of commerce. Yes, basically behind Ning, Cheng, Zheng and others.

"In this case, it is worth supporting." Ning Yu smiled. Although his attitude was still very modest at this time, what he said was somewhat condescending.

Cui Yu didn't show any dissatisfaction, he knelt down on the ground again, and said in a low voice: "Although the Cui family's strength is low, as long as Duke Hanyang needs something, the Cui family is willing to abandon their family and business and follow Duke Hanyang. A cow is a horse for driving!"

Of course, all of this is by no means due to Ning Yu's personal charm. In fact, the Cui family's understanding of Ning Yu is only limited to the level of being able to fight, but this does not affect the Cui family's desire to contribute.

It is very simple to be willing. The businessmen who have been traveling all over the world to make a profit these days are at best small businessmen, no matter how big they are.The real big businessmen, like Lu Buwei, started investing in the rise and fall of a country early on.

For the Cui family, Ning Yu is such an excellent potential stock, and the future they want to invest in is their future relative status. This is a real lucrative business, and the Cui family already has excellent capital. That was Cui Si. If it was another family, they wouldn't even have the capital to talk today.

Seeing the Cui family being so upbeat, Ning Yu was also a little happy, so he smiled and said: "I don't like the things of your Cui family. But I value the talents of your Cui family. Well, we have to look at the long-term."

Cui Yu was both surprised and happy, lying on the ground, kowtowed three times, the voice was clear and powerful.

"The whole Cui family is willing to listen to Duke Hanyang's orders!"

Three days later, Ning Yu boarded the boat with a group of people, ready to set off for Anqing.At the same time, there are dozens of large ships carrying the last batch of ordnance, food and grass, and follow Ning Yu all the way to the east. After Anqing, these food, grass and ordnance will also be distributed to the armies to prepare for the upcoming World War I. Make final preparations.

Before leaving, Ning Yu and Cui Yu had a good and in-depth talk, and told Cui Yu all his thoughts about glass and white sugar, and regarding the related crafts, Ning Yu also proposed some things that he had seen from later generations. method, let the other party to experiment first, as long as the process is figured out first.

As for how to develop in the future, Ning Yu also thinks very clearly, whether it is glass or white sugar technology, it is not difficult in itself, but the problem is that these things need to be sold through reasonable sales channels. This will take time, so let Cui Yu toss slowly.

Just after returning to Anqing, Ning Yu found Li Fu without stopping, and told him in detail what he had experienced in Wuchang. The key point was naturally to formulate new industrial and commercial regulations in Jiangnan in the future, so as to achieve the purpose of supporting industry and commerce.

Li Fu's face was a little solemn, he naturally understood how much resistance there would be to implementing the regulations at this moment, but he felt a little too impatient about Ning Yu's thoughts.

"Governor, although industrial and commercial support is necessary, are you too anxious at this moment? After all, the industrial and commercial industry does not have a stable support point until now. If the great governor insists on doing this, I am afraid it will be thankless."

To put it bluntly, behind the current industrial and commercial industries are those landlords and gentry.They themselves are not willing to agree to the so-called support for industrial and commercial status. If Ning Yu forcibly lifts them to the table, it will be a bit high.

Ning Yu shook his head with a wry smile, and sighed softly: "Mr. Li, do you know what's in the dozens of boats behind me this way?"

"I think they should all be guns and cannons." Li Fu nodded slightly.

Ning Yu waved his hand and said with a wry smile: "There are less than one-third of the guns and artillery. The remaining two-thirds are all our military rations. In the future, these military rations will support us until we take Jiangnan. Other than that, we can It’s just some miscellaneous things that the army needs.”

"Except for firearms, the other military rations and sundries in the army are all materials raised by the merchants in Huguang. They hope that we can quickly take Jiangnan, so that the money they took out will not be wasted."

Ning Yu casually picked up a newly made flintlock gun made in Hanyang. The black barrel of the gun reflected light, and it looked a bit beautiful, but everyone knew that the gun fired from the barrel Things that will kill people.

"To make this flintlock gun made in Hanyang, dozens of processes are required up and down. If a skilled shotgun craftsman builds it himself, it may take about two months to make one. But now in Hanyang gun In the gun factory, one thousand skilled shotgun craftsmen, plus two thousand ordinary craftsmen, can make about five thousand guns a month."

Li Fu was thoughtful, he understood what Ning Yu wanted to say.

Ning Yu said with emotion: "This is why I have always emphasized the power of industry and commerce. Many things can be done by the current Fuhan Army. For example, it took a year to establish the Hanyang Gun Factory and the Hanyang Iron Factory, but In many other respects, the current Fuhan Army alone is not enough."

Li Fu said softly: "I probably understand what the governor thinks. It's just that the first step is easy to talk about right now, but I'm afraid this trouble will be serious in the future."

Ning Yu said helplessly: "We'll talk about the future, but we don't do it right now, some people just want to do it. Besides, we started as rebels all the way, so this little turmoil is nothing. That master, right now is the real desperation."

Thinking of Yongzheng's situation at this time, Ning Yu felt a little happy. This person is like this. If you say that you are miserable, it's fine, but if there is someone worse than yourself, you will feel a lot better. After all, this happiness is all out of comparison.

However, different from what Ning Yu thought, the current Yongzheng is not only battered, but almost beset by enemies.Not to mention the Fuhan Army and Ce Wang outside, even the ministers in the capital have a bad sense of Yongzheng. Everyone originally hoped to have an emperor who cherishes his reputation like the old eight, so that everyone can Those who continue to make money continue to make money, and those who should play women continue to play women.

But now it is different. Yongzheng is no more than other emperors. He also cherishes his reputation, but he cherishes the ancestral foundation of the Qing Dynasty even more. In order to keep this foundation, he has already thought about torturing his officials.

In fact, Emperor Yongzheng, who just took over the throne, in order to show his image of being diligent, thrifty and caring for the people, has specifically ordered to stop the contribution of the province, and intends to continue to hold high the banner of Kangxi, to change the temple ceremonies of the emperors of all dynasties, and to call it ancient and modern. The collection of books is not yet finished, so it is advisable to quickly invite people with deep knowledge to edit it into a book.

But after these things were done, Yongzheng began to sharpen his sword, and he quickly decreed that all direct provincial warehouses should make up the deficit within three years, otherwise they would be punished.

This move is completely different from that of Kangxi in his later years. Kangxi had a good reputation, and he lost a little because of a reputation, but Yongzheng did not have this kind of capital loss, because his treasury has less than 500 million taels of silver. , if it loses more, the Qing Dynasty will lose even its trousers.

A vigorous action to recover debts has been launched. During this process, especially Yongzheng has a clear understanding of the activities of the Ministry of Households. He knows in his heart that the tax money handed over to the Ministry of Households will He was stripped of his skin, and in the end Yongzheng was reprimanded, but the treasury was still empty.

For this reason, Yongzheng personally sent Prince Yi Yunxiang and Minister of the Ministry of Officials Longkodo to check the accounts, but they didn't know if they didn't check, but they were shocked when they checked, and Yongzheng was so angry that he bleeds.

It turns out that just one household department has a shortfall of 250 million taels of silver, and like those fat poor yamen, such as the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the river channel yamen, and the weaving yamen, the deficit hidden in it is even more frightening. It is a huge hole, waiting for Yongzheng to fill it.

Yongzheng's face was as dark as ink, he threw the memorial in front of the ministers, and roared angrily as he watched these respectful ministers.

"A bunch of wolf-hearted things, my Daqing, was eaten up by this bunch of dogs!"

"As for the deficit of the household department, the successive officials of the household department will pay for it. When the family property is lost, their descendants will continue to pay for it, and make up for it every year. Not a penny is missing!"

"There are other yamen, you take care of your heart, liver and stomach, and see what kind of thing you are!"

The ministers knelt on the ground and looked at their noses and their hearts, but no one stood up to speak, but everyone knew one thing clearly, that was the time of the Qing Dynasty, but the real thing was that internal and external troubles were all together.

(End of this chapter)

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