Cutting 1719

Chapter 275

Chapter 275
In May, the Fuhan army was finally ready for the Eastern Expedition. Four main divisions with full staff were ready. Forty thousand troops stood under the city of Anqing. The fiery red military flag fluttered in the wind. The soldiers of the Fuhan Army, also wearing red military uniforms and carrying long flintlock guns, are forming a formation.

Of course, although the current armaments of these four divisions have been satisfied, after all, among the 4 people, nearly [-] are recruits sent from Wuchang, and have not really been on the battlefield, so the combat effectiveness still needs a certain test .

Ning Yu held the binoculars in his hand and looked at these soldiers with an uncontrollable smile on his face. He didn't care about this issue, at least Ning Yu knew that although there were still many recruits in the Fuhan Army, they were really difficult to fight. The battle has passed, and the remaining tens of thousands of green camps and more than 1 Eight Banners in the south of the Yangtze River are not hard bones.

On the contrary, for the gentry in the south of the Yangtze River, it is still a bit tricky to organize regiment training, but for Ning Yu, there is not much difference. Anyway, they are all fighting, and it will be better if they can train soldiers.

"Look at our current situation. When we were in Yunmeng, we never imagined that one day we would become so many people!"

Dong Ce seems to like to sigh a lot recently. He held the binoculars and looked at the Fuhan army below, and couldn't help but let out a sigh. "It's the group of people from back then, and there are not many left now."

Ning Yu said softly: "Dong Ce, in the Young Eagle Camp, there were 24 people I was most optimistic about. These 24 people were carefully selected by me. There are you, Xu Chengliang, and Chang Youcai."

"It's a pity that one general will be successful. Now, among the 24 people, there are only eleven people left. There are six people who died in the last battle with Kangxi. For the battlefield , No one can guarantee that they can walk down alive.”

Dong Ce's expression was a little heavy and sad. It's not that he didn't understand this truth. After fighting more battles, his heart became harder and harder. It's just that he didn't want to understand it, and he didn't want to understand this truth.

"Governor, the Military Intelligence Department urgently reports."

Shi Xue hurried over and whispered something in Ning Yu's ear, with a serious look on his face.

Ning Yu was overjoyed, and he quickly sent someone to summon the generals, and then walked directly into the war room, tapping his palms with the whip from time to time, looking very happy.

After the generals walked in, Ning Yu couldn't suppress the excitement in his heart, looked at the crowd and said with a smile: "We have ushered in a good opportunity!"

Li Shihu's eyes lit up, and he said, "Good opportunity? Could it be that Yongzheng died?"

The rest of the generals also looked at Ning Yu excitedly. In their view, only one more emperor died in the Qing Dynasty, which could be regarded as a good opportunity.

Ning Yu was laughed out of anger, he pointed at Li Shihu and shook his head, and then said: "You think about these beautiful things all day long, forget it, I won't go around in circles with you anymore, Cewang Allah Butan from Northwest and Luo from Qinghai Bu Zang Danjin has raised troops, and Yongzheng sent Nian Gengyao and Yue Zhongqi to the northwest."

Everyone was at a loss when they heard the news, only veteran Cheng Ming was a little surprised. He walked in front of Yutu, but after looking at it for a long time, he shook his head and said, "How could Yongzheng be so unwise?"

Ning Yu chuckled, he understood Cheng Ming's meaning, because under everyone's normal analysis environment, the biggest threat to the Qing Dynasty is always the Fuhan Army. From another perspective, it is very unwise to give the Han army a chance.

Li Fu shook his head and smiled, he looked at Cheng Ming and said with a smile: "General Cheng's words are wrong, Yongzheng is by no means incompetent, from this move, I can see at least three advantages."

Cheng Ming was a little curious, saluted and said: "Please advise, sir, but I really can't see it, which step is right?"

Li Fu smiled and said, "Now that Yongzheng has just succeeded to the throne, he urgently needs a big victory to enhance his prestige and consolidate his position. This is one of them."

"Secondly, Yongzheng is determined to reform, but he will undoubtedly offend ministers all over the world. If there is a big victory in this battle, it will also prevent the Qing court from counterattacking. Therefore, this battle is destined to be fought, but the old man originally thought that This battle will fall on the White Lotus Sect, but I didn't expect this Northwest plan to be reckless, and I'm a little restless."

"Thirdly, this is the third one. I think Yongzheng should have the idea of ​​taking this opportunity to train troops. After all, in the previous battle, almost all the elites of the Beijing Camp Eight Banners were wiped out. Naturally, he wanted to train more troops at this time."

Ning Yu is thoughtful, Yongzheng's idea is obviously to pick a soft persimmon, although Ce Wang is not soft at all, but compared to the Fu Han army that he just fought, it is a relatively soft persimmon .

However, Ning Yu also understood that Yongzheng's actions were also giving him a chance to win Jiangnan, but he gave up Jiangnan so easily, and always felt a little illusory.

"Yongzheng gave up Jiangnan this time, maybe there is something else." Ning Yu moved his finger on the sand table, and followed the Yangtze River all the way to Anqing, with a somewhat hesitant expression.

"If we talk about abandoning Jiangnan, it's not really a big deal. It's just that Yongzheng is more able to recognize the reality. Besides, those gangsters in Jiangnan who rebelled against the people caused the Qing court to suffer a lot."

As Li Fu from Jiangxi, he can naturally understand the grievances and entanglements hidden behind this. He said it repeatedly, and he didn't let the emperors of the Qing Dynasty worry at all.

When the Manchu Qing Dynasty entered the customs, Jiangnan undoubtedly became the biggest resistance to the stable rule of the Qing court. In particular, this kind of resistance was not just the reason for the braids, but the all-round resistance to the Qing Dynasty in terms of politics, economy, military, and ideology. , especially the gentry group in the south of the Yangtze River, although they accepted the rule of the Qing Dynasty, they still tried to preserve their political and economic rights and interests.

Therefore, after Kangxi succeeded to the throne, Jiangnan has not been considered particularly stable. The local gentry interviewed the Qing court at the political and economic levels, trying to restore and maintain various privileges that had existed since the Ming Dynasty, so that the later Qing emperors On the one hand, they went to the south of the Yangtze River many times, and on the other hand, they repeatedly set up literary inquisitions to wipe out all the things in the hearts of the Han people in the south of the Yangtze River, so as to leave a bunch of real obedient citizens.

For Yongzheng, the reform he wanted to achieve also had a lot of resistance from Jiangnan. Therefore, seeing that Jiangnan was about to lose its hold, he did not really try to save it by selling pots and irons, even though Jiangnan's money and grain almost occupied the entire Qing Dynasty. More than [-]% of Ting.If you don't want to, you can't.

It can be seen from the personnel arrangement of the Qing Dynasty in Liangjiang that during the war in Huguang and Jiangxi, the Qing Dynasty killed a governor of Liangjiang, an admiral of Jiangnan, and a general of Jiangning. The court has never appointed a new governor of Liangjiang, and later Yue Zhongqi only served as admiral of Anhui, and the position of governor of Liangjiang has always been vacant.

In previous years, the governor of Liangjiang was a big fat that the ministers could not reach, but now it is different. Everyone knows in their hearts that whoever goes to Liangjiang now is tantamount to seeking death.

The previous governor of Liangjiang still had 1 troops, but what's the point of this one?Relying on tens of thousands of green battalions and more than [-] Eight Banners alone, it is wishful thinking to block the advance of the Fuhan army.

Under such circumstances, people in Jiangnan were also panic-stricken. Many people expressed pessimism about the future of the Qing Dynasty, and even wanted to withdraw directly north to Shandong, but without Yongzheng's order, no one dared to leave rashly.

After Yongzheng prepared countermeasures for the first battle, he did not completely abandon Jiangnan. He quickly found a new candidate for the governor of Liangjiang-Fan Shiyi.

In the Qing Dynasty, there were not many noble ministers surnamed Fan, and the most famous one was Fan Wencheng.This old traitor exhausted his efforts for the rise and fall of the Qing Dynasty, so he has always been valued by Kangxi, and his descendants have also been reused in the Kangxi Dynasty, and Fan Shiyi is the grandson of Fan Wencheng.

Today's Fan Shiyi was originally the commander-in-chief of Malan Town. From any point of view, it was not his turn to be the governor of Liangjiang, but the current situation is not good. The governor of Liangjiang has become a brazier. Meng Xungui didn't want to jump into the fire pit, so when Yongzheng proposed this candidate, almost no one objected, and the unlucky Fan Shiyi was forced to take this seat.

Ning Yu naturally knew the descendant of this big traitor, but he felt a little happy in his heart. You must know that there is no Han in the world who does not hate this old thief of the Fan family. Head, I'm afraid everyone in the world will have to rejoice.

"Since this is the case, our army will send troops to the south of the Yangtze River on May [-]th!"

At this time, Jiangning City on the sand table had already been planted with a small red flag.

"The battle of the Eastern Expedition is related to the rise and fall of our Han Dynasty, saving the people of the world, and the world will learn from it!"

On May [-]th, four main divisions and a guard brigade of the commander-in-chief swore an oath under the city of Anqing. After Ning Yu prayed to heaven and earth, he stopped talking and headed eastward along the Yangtze River on a warship.

The goal of the Fuhan army this time is very clear. They passed through Chizhou, Tongling and Wuhu all the way, and directly marched towards Jiangning. According to the opinion of the staff office, in addition to the 10 army, nearly 20 civilian husbands were mobilized along the way. , known to the outside world as an army of [-], attacked Jiangnan.

This time was the largest force ever mobilized by the Fuhan Army since its rise, and the amount of food and supplies required far exceeded that of previous wars.

In addition to using so much manpower, the Fuhan army also specially mobilized [-] large and small civilian ships to accompany them all the way, responsible for transporting logistics supplies from Anqing to ensure the army's needs along the way.

For Ning Yu, there are many things he needs to do to win Jiangnan this time. The military is not very important, but how to lay the foundation of the future Han army.

Yes, when Ning Yu was in Wuchang, he discussed this with his father Ning Zhongyuan, Ning Zhongjing, Cui Wancai and others. The current situation of the Fuhan Army is actually very obvious. Since the end of the war, the Qing court has changed Become a sick tiger, at this time, the choice to become emperor has become imminent.

Only by proclaiming the imperial system can we completely get rid of the identity of a traitor and attract more talents to Nantou.The Fuhan Army at that time will no longer be the Fuhan Army of today.

Of course, the key to all this lies in Jiangnan. Only by taking Jiangnan can one be qualified to proclaim the emperor, otherwise, it would be a bit reluctant to proclaim the emperor with only the power of the three provinces.

Ning Yu's heart ached when he thought that the Fuhan Army would completely become a newly created country at that time.

Three years of work, all at this time.

The news of the eastward advance of the Fuhan Army naturally cannot be concealed from the people of the world, nor can it be concealed from Yongzheng who is hiding his strength and biding his time. He wanted to choose to pretend to be deaf and dumb, but he had no choice but someone took the initiative to challenge him.

"Reporting to the Emperor, Fourteen Baylor Yunyu has submitted a paperwork." Ma Qi was a little uneasy, and he knew in his heart that if this paperwork was submitted, Yongzheng might be furious, but if he didn't submit it, the matter would also be difficult to end.

Yongzheng took the notebook, but he didn't look at it a few times, and he was already furious. What Yunti said was very simple, and the key point in the notebook was only one sentence.

"The land of money and food in the south of the Yangtze River is the lifeblood of the Qing Dynasty, and should not be neglected. If the emperor does not fight, the slaves are willing to lead the army to fight to the death in Jiangnan!"

Well, in this memorial, Yunti only had one request, but it seemed as if he slapped Yongzheng directly in the face, almost pointing at Yongzheng's nose to scold cowardice.

All of a sudden, Yongzheng's old and new grudges rushed into his heart. He directly sent eunuchs to Jingshan to reprimand Yunti severely, and punished him to guard the mausoleum, which was equivalent to imprisoning Yunti directly. , Let him think about it.

Prince Lian Yunyu couldn't bear it, so he submitted the memorial together with Nine Baylor Yunyu, wanting to intercede for Fourteen Baylor Yunyu, but just after submitting the memorial, Yongzheng was offended.

Soon, the eunuch took Yongzheng's oral instructions and went to the residence of Prince Lian Yunyu, reprimanded him severely, and then promoted Emperor Kangxi and his four empresses to the Taimiao, and opened the changing tent in front of the door. They are all newly made, and the smell of paint is a big reason, so that Prince Lian Yunxu, Minister of the Ministry of Industry, Langzhong and others knelt in front of the Taimiao for a whole day and night.

Later, Yunhu almost fell off his knees, especially when he was not in good health. After suffering such a big setback, his heart was even more disheartened, but he no longer thought about government affairs, so he asked Yongzheng to resign from the Ministry of Industry However, this time Yongzheng did not stop him. He changed Yunhu to the idle Lifanyuan Shangshu.

For Jiubeile Yunyu, who always liked to make things difficult for him, Yongzheng did not show any mercy.

"Yunyu didn't know how to be grateful for my kindness, and acted arrogantly, without the courtesy of a minister to serve the emperor, and said that if he became a monk, he would have no brotherhood, and if he left the world, there would be no distinction between a monarch and a minister. Such absurdity, I I don't understand what kind of opinion he has in his heart. I have been entrusted by the emperor's examination, and since I came to the imperial court, I have carefully handled the country's government affairs. I have the spiritual strength to manage more than enough, but among my brothers, it is difficult for these people to be taught. Being neither grateful nor fearful of the law has made me feel exhausted."

An eunuch stood in Jiubeile Yunyu's mansion, with a stern look on his face, but this reprimand was a bit harsher than the one he had given Yunyu before, and Yunyu's face turned ashen.

Of course, it was not enough just to scold Yunzhen, and soon the measures to deal with Yunzhen came down. Yongzheng sent Yunzhen directly to the army in Xining, Qinghai, on the grounds that the war in Qinghai was urgent, but in fact everyone knew that this Almost tantamount to exile.

Taking advantage of this opportunity in the south of the Yangtze River, Yongzheng dealt a severe blow to the Baye Party in the imperial court, but after the blow was over, he did not forget to send an imperial edict to Fan Shiyi who was far away in the south of the Yangtze River.

The content is very simple, stick to the south of the Yangtze River and wait for time to change.But apart from this sentence, there was no help at all.

(End of this chapter)

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