Cutting 1719

Chapter 278

Chapter 278
Yang Zongren was released, and was appointed by Yongzheng as the inspector of Jiangsu and responsible for the compilation and training of the Jiangnan regiment, which soon aroused rumors in the capital, and this time not only the ministers were against it, but also the Eight Banners. Big buzz.

The reason is very simple. In everyone's mind, once you want to organize and practice regiments, it means that you want the military power of the Han people.But this military power is no different than others, and it can be taken back if it is given. Everyone still remembers the fight against San Francisco. Although there were not as many Eight Banners who died at that time, it still made Eight Banners feel deeply pained.

Because of this, Kangxi imprisoned Yang Zongren at the time, also with the intention of stabilizing the hearts of the people inside and outside, but everywhere in the capital, it has already begun to spread that Yongzheng did not follow the system of the ancestors, did not conform to the general trend, and actually rebelled against the hearts of the people. Act of.

"If you want me to say, the first emperor should have passed the throne to the eighth elder brother. Otherwise, why would this happen today? The Chu rebellion in Huguang has not been defeated. Do you want to create another 20 rebels in the south of the Yangtze River?"

The fifth master blushed and had a thick neck. After drinking two bowls of yellow soup, he didn't know his real name. He stepped on the bench with one foot and held the wine bowl with the other hand.

The Eight Banners disciples on the side also applauded, their eyes were blood red, but they were so frightened that the shopkeeper in the restaurant turned pale and collapsed on the ground.

These gangs of goddamned goods!

If this news gets to the sticky stick, everyone will die!

Who doesn't know that the spy team under the current emperor's hand kills people like killing chickens. This group of people with yellow belts and red belts talk nonsense after drinking. What should we do?
The shopkeeper cleared all the other guests out of the venue early on, and he specially sent two waiters downstairs to guard, but his heart was pounding, and he wished he could quickly invite these plague gods away.

A boy from the Eight Banners beside the fifth master said mysteriously at this time: "Hey, don't say it, that guy's life is not easy! I heard that this time the household department cleared the debts, which made the officials all over the world angry. Resentment, why did Chu Ni rebel in the first place? Isn’t it all because of money!”

"If there is another Chu rebellion, I'll see how his fourth brother will explain to his ancestors!" The fifth master slammed the wine bowl on the ground, and the remaining liquid was flowing on the ground
Prince Lian's mansion is brightly lit, but it is different from before, that is, some elder brothers and ministers will come to the door.Now it has become deserted, and even the servants in the mansion have decreased a lot.

The tenth elder brother Yun hurried into the garden, wanting to look for Prince Lian Yunxu, but along the way, there was no one there, so he ran all the way to the mansion.

But a maid stopped the ten elder brother Yun, and said softly: "Ten beile, the prince is not feeling well today, and there are no outsiders."

Yun was in a hurry, he pushed the maidservant away, but rushed inside, yelling, "Brother, our good opportunity has come, at this time we brothers have to discuss it carefully, slave, you Dare to stop Ben Baylor?"

But when Yun was making a scene, Ying Cheng, the housekeeper of Prince Lian's mansion, stood in front of him with a wry smile on his face.

"Hey, tenth master, even if you give me ten more courage, I will not dare to stop you, but in the current situation, it is really not a slave who can be the master. The prince has been guarding against the wind and cold for a while, and he really can't see outsiders. "

Yingcheng had a look of embarrassment on his face, but no matter how much Yun pushed and pushed, his body did not move at all, standing in front of Yun like a wall.

Yun's face was a bit resentful, "In this case, I won't bother Myna's recovery, but I have to say, if Myna wants to achieve great things, he must cheer up!"

With a smile on his face, Yingcheng didn't bother to say anything.

"Congratulations to Master Ten"

In fact, when Yun was making a scene in front of the mansion, Prince Lian Yunxu was hiding in a hidden attic, watching the scene coldly, without the slightest expression on his face.

There was a man in black standing next to him, he looked at the ten elder brother Yun who left indignantly, and said with a smile: "The prince is cautious, and this servant really admires him."

Prince Lian Yunxu's expression was extremely calm, he glanced at the man in black, "You don't want to see me today just to watch this play, do you?"

At this time, the man in black showed a bit of indignation on his face, and he said in a concentrated voice: "Of course not, the Eighth Prince, the slaves are here to save my country and society in the Qing Dynasty!"

Prince Lian Yunhu has experienced so many changes, and has long been immune to these big words and empty words. He glanced at the man in black and waited for the other party to continue.

"I think back then, my Qing dynasty was not easy to come by. It can be said that my ancestors fought it down with blood. But now that Emperor Yongzheng is replaced, the slaves think that this is to push my Qing Dynasty to a dead end!"

A faint smile appeared on Prince Lian Yunhu's face, but he didn't answer, just waiting for the other party to finish everything.

The man in black looked a little embarrassed, and he smiled wryly: "At the beginning, the servant advised the Fourteenth Master to raise troops in time, but the Fourteenth Master thought too much and hesitated too much, so that the military power was taken away by Yanxin, a thief. Now the Fourteenth Master Trapped in Jingshan, although the slave was promoted to be the minister of the bodyguard, it was just an idle job. The slave has hatred in his heart!"

It turned out that this person was Erlun Dai who was next to the Fourteenth Brother. Since Yongzheng's registration, the Fourteenth Brother's power was the first to be unlucky. The Fourteenth Brother himself was locked up in Jingshan to study. Those cronies around him were also severely hit, and as for Orondai himself, because of his prominent family background, he was not directly taken down, but was secretly surrendered by Yongzheng Mingsheng to remove his military power.

Seeing that Prince Lian Yunyu was still indifferent, Elundai was also a little anxious and resentful, and said anxiously: "My lord, the reason why this slave came here today is not for my own honor or disgrace, but for my own sake. Daqing, for the sake of you, the lord, and now the entire Qing Dynasty, only you, the lord, can prevent that tyrant from doing what he did!"

"Who in this world doesn't know that even if the emperor didn't want to say that he was the eighth master, he wasn't his fourth son. Now that he is in power, he wantonly attacked the ministers and clan relatives of the Manchu dynasty, and even demoted the ninth master to Qinghai. Could it be that the prince doesn't care about vicious means?"

Prince Lian Yunhu let out a long sigh, and said with a wry smile: "But now there is nothing we can do. Clearing the debts of the household department is originally beneficial to the country, but the emperor's method is a little urgent. As for the others, what's the point of talking about it now?"

Seeing that Prince Lian Yunhu was a little disheartened, Orondai couldn't care less, he quietly listened to him, and whispered something to Prince Lian Yunhu, but these words made Prince Lian Yunhu's eyes widen. Bright, then dim again.

"However, even if they agree to support this king, what can we do now that all the forces are concentrated in the hands of the emperor?"

Erlundai was a little excited, he knelt down on the ground, and bowed down to Prince Lian Yunhu.

"My lord, as long as we are like this, military power will naturally be a problem!"

The wind and rain in the capital is slowly gathering, and it seems that a bigger storm is about to condense out, so it looks relatively calm, but today's Jiangnan has really become the cusp of the storm.

Yang Zongren took a few entourages, rode a fast horse all the way south, and changed the boat halfway, so it only took six days to rush from the capital to Jiangning, and at this time the Fuhan army also set off from Tongling. Arriving at Taiping Mansion, only three hundred miles away from Jiangning Mansion, it can be said that life and death are on the line.

Before Yang Zongren arrived, Fan Shiyi had already begun to recruit the people to organize training regiments. In addition, he concentrated the entire Jiangnan army in Jiangning Mansion, but there were only 1 green battalions and 6 taels. There are more than a thousand and eight banners. The key is that although there are more than 5 of these people, they are very hungry. The actual number is probably less than [-], or [-] old, weak, sick and disabled.

This scene almost made Fan Shiyi give up all his fantasies. He sadly realized a problem, that is, even if he organizes group training, in terms of time, he might not be able to keep Jiang Ning.

However, Fan Shiyi also knew in his heart that the overall situation in the south of the Yangtze River does not depend on Jiang Ning's gains or losses. The key still depends on whether the attack of the Han army can be delayed. Realize the original idea.

Regarding Yang Zongren's arrival, Fan Shiyi felt a little bored. He planned to swallow up most of the regiment practice, but now a Jiangsu police envoy came and was also responsible for organizing the regiment practice, which made Fan Shiyi feel a little uncomfortable It's a taste, whether it's checks and balances or other reasons, in Yongzheng's heart, he didn't get more trust.

"Perhaps Cao Fu's move needs to be held for a while longer."

Fan Shiyi murmured in his heart. At this critical moment, he still didn't let go of the fight for power and profit.

At the same time, Cao Fu of the Jiangnan Manufacturing Mansion was also very worried. The deficit of the Weaving Mansion was like a sword hanging in the air, which would fall at any time. How dangerous is it?
Li Xi, who has always been relied on, has been arrested and taken to the capital, so Cao Fu has no other choice. He wrote to Sun Wencheng of Hangzhou Weaving, intending to discuss with him to see how to overcome the current difficulty.

In a sense, the Cao family is Sun Wencheng's benefactor. Without Cao Yin's recommendation, Sun Wencheng would not be able to take up the fat job of Hangzhou Weaving. In addition, Sun Wencheng is also anxious now, so seeing Cao Yin After I wrote the letter, I rushed to Jiangning Cao's mansion in a hurry.

In terms of seniority, Sun Wencheng belonged to Cao Fu's uncle's generation, so Cao Fu took his family and made a big gift to Sun Wencheng. toddler.

"Zhan'er, come here and see Grandpa!"

Cao Fu pulled out a child about ten years old, kowtowed to Sun Wencheng, and then introduced: "This is my elder brother's posthumous child. My elder brother left early, and this child was left alone. It is really pitiful. Now It's my child too."

Sun Wencheng thoughtfully, nodded slowly, and sighed: "The Cao family has not been easy for so many years. When the late emperor visited the south of the Yangtze River many times, the Cao family had to spend a lot of effort to make the scene live. Do it decently, you and I, Li Shibo, know it in our hearts."

Cao Fu also sighed and said: "The world thinks that I, Jiangnan Sanzhi, enjoy the top wealth and honor in the world, but in the end, we know how difficult it is in our hearts. In the end, we are just a domestic servant of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Take care of the wealth and honor of Jiangnan, if the master is gone, we will be of no importance."

These words are more or less full of resentment, how did the deficit in Jiangnan come from, isn't it clear in Yongzheng's mind?Isn't it a big loophole that Kangxi paid the bill for? How much can the Cao family eat in the middle?Now Zuoyou just found a scapegoat.

Sun Wencheng also had a cold expression on his face. He has been being troubled by Zhejiang governor Li Fu recently, mainly because the loopholes on his side are not too big, and it took a lot of effort to temporarily fill up the account book. , but if Yongzheng insisted on investigating it like this, he would definitely be unstoppable.

"Nephew, our Jiangnan Sanzhi weaving is a relationship of the same spirit, one prospers and the other loses, and now we can't just watch it slide down. If there is any way to do this, let's be straightforward."

Cao Fu smiled bitterly and said: "The new governor is not a good person, but at any rate, it can be regarded as a leak. If we can use the team to practice this east wind, we can be safe for a while. But, the middle The amount of money required is simply too great."

Others don't know, Sun Wencheng still has a good idea of ​​the family background of the Cao family. It must be an exaggeration to be so rich, otherwise, he wouldn't even be able to make up for the deficit. It is enough for a family to work together, and if you want to hold a group practice, I am afraid that you will not hear the sound if you throw it in.

It's just that Sun Wencheng is hesitant to take out so much silver at once. Compared with the Cao family, his worth is far inferior, but as long as there is a glimmer of hope, he should not give up this opportunity
"Let's try to raise as much money as possible first. As for the rest, we can wait and see. The new inspector is not a good role to deal with. I'm afraid we will have to fight again on how to deal with the money."

The two of them had already discussed, so they stopped talking. After drinking a few cups in the mansion, Sun Wencheng bid farewell to Cao's mansion, but on the way back, letting the cold wind blow made Sun Wencheng excited. A bit of thought that shouldn't be there.
Since you are spending money to buy your life, why do you have to do group training?It's not a bad idea to take this money to join the Fuhan Army
Sun Wencheng is no better than the Cao family and the Li family. After all, he is a civil servant of orthodox background, not a slave from the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and his loyalty to the Qing Dynasty is actually the same. Naturally, he will not be as obsessed as the Cao family.

The night was bright, and after Sun Wencheng returned to the mansion, he woke up from the drunkenness. He wanted to write a secret letter to the Fuhan army, and wanted to join the Fuhan army, but he was afraid that the 300-mile road would be intercepted. The lives of the whole family may be lost.

But if you wait until the Fu Han army comes over, the credit will appear to be small, so you will be full of worries, and you will be in a dilemma for a while.

Just thinking about it, Sun Wencheng caught a glimpse of inspiration, and couldn't help showing a little smile on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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