Cutting 1719

Chapter 404

Chapter 404
"be cheated"

It was not Ertai who made the exclamation, but Yao Rucheng, the commander-in-chief of Zhenyuan Town who was guarding Guiyang at this time. Half of the 6000 troops below were transferred to Anshun.

But when the three divisions of the Fuhan Army broke through Longli together, Yao Rucheng also got the news that nearly [-] Fuhan troops appeared in the east instead of Anshun, which means that Anshun is not the real main attack direction of the Fuhan Army , It also means that the Governor of Yunnan, Guizhou and all of them have been tricked.

Thinking of this, Yao Rucheng's heart became cold. He would not be so confident that he could defend against the menacing 3000 Fu Han army with [-] people. If he could do this, Yao Rucheng didn't know if other people could do it. And he himself is obviously not the material
"Quickly report to Lord Duxian, saying that [-] Chuni have broken through Longli, and the humble official is willing to die for the country, vowing to defend Guiyang to the death, and hope Lord Duxian will come to help quickly."

Yao Rucheng swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and finally heaved a long sigh. Maybe he himself knew that this move was tantamount to hitting a stone with an egg, but since he ate the court's food, he naturally wanted to be the court's ghost
On the tenth day of July, 200 Fuhan troops arrived at the city of Guiyang, and then launched a fierce attack. In front of more than 3000 artillery pieces, Yao Rucheng's [-] men did not resist for long. It took only half a day for Guiyang city to fall, and Yao Rucheng died in battle.

When the city of Guiyang fell, Ertai was leading his army back. When he just arrived in Anshun, he got the news from Yao Rucheng. The speed of the Fuhan army is so fast.

At the same time, Yue Lingfeng's No.12 Division was advancing unhurriedly in the direction of Xingyifu. The speed was not too fast, and it mainly played a role in supporting the Southwest War.

The fall of Guiyang has become a foregone conclusion. If it had been before, Ertai might not have cared so much, but he was a little terrified of the current situation. After all, he knew that Yue Zhongqi was going to attack Yichang from the direction of Shizhouwei.
But now the battle situation in Sichuan is holding up, but there is a big problem in the battle situation in Guizhou. If the Fuhan army goes directly northward to Chengdu Mansion along the way, the whole situation will collapse completely. Whether it is Ertai or Yue Zhongqi, it is almost impossible to escape. One dies.
"Immediately send someone to report to Governor Yue that Guiyang has fallen, and Chu Ni may transfer to Chengdu."

Ertai's face was livid, he closed his eyes, let out a long sigh, and then said firmly: "Order all the troops to attack Guiyang, and take Guiyang quickly while Chu Ni has not fully established his foothold!"

Issuing this order means that Ertai will fill this pit with human life, no matter how many people die, they must fill it up, otherwise more people will die
Kuizhou Mansion, as the gateway to Sichuan, has always been a battleground for military strategists, and for Ning Chu, it is also a key place in the battle of entering Sichuan.


The roar of artillery fire like this has been going on for a while. For the defenders in Fengjie City, they are already a little numb. Although many people die under the artillery fire every day, the defenders still have nothing to do. countermeasures.

Fengjie is not considered a strong city. The artillery on it has long been destroyed, and the night raids organized by the Fuhan army have also been beaten to pieces. Apart from filling them with human lives every day, they have no confidence. , and even morale has dropped to a rock bottom.

As the admiral of Sichuan, Zhang Guangsi has already arrived in Fengjie City, but he has no other way, he can only rely on Yue Zhongqi's tactics to be effective, so although he will patrol the city wall every day, but more is still waiting for Yue Zhongqi Incoming message.

However, the Fuhan Army has also lost patience. Changshan Wang Ning Zhongyi doesn't want to stay in Fengjie City for too long, otherwise the tens of thousands of Fuhan Army led by Cheng Ming may enter Chengdu earlier than him.

If this really happened, then Ning Zhongyi would be ashamed to face others. After all, the real main force right now is still the road led by him, with five divisions and a brigade of nearly 6 troops.

Therefore, the artillery fire of the Fuhan army on this day was much more violent than in the past. After bombarding for more than an hour, it turned many barrels into red. Yes, the bombardment will continue.

And Zhang Guangsi also expected one thing through the artillery bombardment of the Fuhan army, that is, the Fuhan army is going to launch a really large-scale siege
From the previous battles, he had already deeply felt the strength of the Fuhan army, so he did not dare to take it lightly, and ignored the threat posed by the artillery, and hurriedly led people to observe the movements of the Fuhan army at the top of the city.

Before the artillery fire stopped, Hao Zhao, the deputy commander of the second division and the commander of the first regiment, was already standing in front of many soldiers of the Fuhan army. His right eye was covered with a black cloth, and he held a long knife in his hand. People look motivated.

Among the Second Division, Hao Zhao, the deputy division commander, can be called a true legend. He was not born in the Young Eagle Camp and the Martial Arts Hall, nor was he a direct descendant of the Ning, Cheng and other families. What he paid for this was not only his right eye, but also more than a dozen scars on his body.

Even among the newly born Fuhan Army, there are not many soldiers like Hao Zhao who really climbed up from the bottom, and more people still hold positions at the battalion and company level, especially with the reform of the lecture hall to become officers. After the academy, this kind of phenomenon may be difficult to appear again.

Amidst the roar of artillery fire, Hao Zhao looked deeply at everyone in front of him with his only one eye, as if he wanted to remember everyone in front of him in his heart.

And all the soldiers below were also looking at Hao Zhao, at this man who made them feel proud from the bottom of their hearts.

"Brothers, the war won't last for a few years, the Southwest War is over, and the Northern Expedition will follow!"

Hao Zhao sighed in a very strange tone: "We didn't expect that this dog is so useless, many brothers have not yet made the credit for being able to seal their wives and sons."

"However, this also means that our country will usher in peace. You no longer need to wear braids to be dogs for the masters of the Eight Banners. In the future, you will have food, clothes, mothers-in-law and children."

"But the premise is that we have to win this battle, and you have to survive!"

Having said that, everyone's hearts seemed to be filled with something. Their faces were flushed, and their hands trembled a little. It was the feeling that can be expressed when excitement and excitement are mixed together.

Hao Zhao drew out his long knife, pointed at Fengjie City from a distance, and roared loudly.

"Use the bayonet and stab Fengjie City!"

"Use the bayonet and stab Fengjie City!"

All the soldiers cheered, and they all shouted this sentence, took off the bayonets at their waists, hung them on the muzzles, and emitted a dazzling cold light.

Soldiers, just be as imposing as a rainbow, be as heroic as a thousand clouds!

Wang Changshan looked at the picture of the second division's swearing-in, and couldn't help showing a faint smile on his face, but Yu Zhijing, the commander of the second division, who was beside him saw it, but laughed softly: "This bunch of bastards Hao Zhao is a talent. I'll leave it to him, I'm relieved."

"Yeah, he's a talent. Li Shihu went to the Eighth Division, Xu Chengliang went to the newly created No.16 Division, and you're going to be the head of the General Staff Headquarters. Now the old man is short of people. Luckily, Hao Zhao is pretty good."

Changshan Wang Ning Zhongyi sighed softly, the troop expansion is fast, and the flow of personnel is also fast. Fortunately, the selection mechanism of the Fuhan Army is relatively complete, and there is no shortage of people.

Just when Ning Zhongyi and Uji Jing were sighing, the sound of artillery fire stopped, and the charge of the first regiment of the second division also started. They will charge in multiple waves, and Hao Zhao is leading the charge. The second wave of soldiers launched an attack. More than a few hundred people held up the siege ladder in a slightly scattered formation and began to prepare to climb first.

The first battalion charged the first wave. Song Yan, the battalion commander, was originally a captain officer who graduated from the lecture hall. He took the lead in the charge recklessly, so the colleagues who were admired by the brothers in the camp also had a temper with Hao Zhao.

The soldiers of the first battalion did not show the slightest hesitation or fear on their faces. Although gunshots had already started to sound from the top of the city at this time, and archers were firing salvos, for the soldiers of the first battalion right now , there is no way out but to move forward.

The military regulations of the Fuhan Army are strict, if they choose to retreat for no reason during the charge, they will be killed no matter what the reason is.That is to say, either the chief officer should not give the order to charge, or he would just charge forward, there is no other way to go.

It is this kind of strict military discipline, coupled with high rewards, that makes the first camp always have extremely high morale and combat ability.

Of course, as the first to enter the camp, it is also the fastest way to get promoted and make a fortune. For example, the battalion company commander must be selected from the first to enter the camp.

In Ning Yu's words, what is considered at the regiment level is more the courage of the soldiers than the wisdom.

After all, soldiers without courage can hardly bear the cruelty of modern warfare, nor can they win on the battlefield.

"Quick, follow me!"

Song Yan's face was extremely solemn. He knew that the most dangerous thing was before he got to the top of the city wall. After reaching the city wall, he could fight in formation. On the contrary, the danger was not so high. Now he could only rely on luck to avoid the Qing army's attack.

No matter how talented you are, a lead bullet, an arrow, or even a stone will bring danger to your life when you first ascend. Therefore, in addition to courage, there is also luck.

The soldiers of the Qing army were ready. They held guns, bows and arrows, and long knives in their hands, and there were boiling oil and boiling water on the top of the city. The purpose was to drive all the soldiers of the Fuhan army off the city wall.

Soon, after the Fuhan army had suffered a certain amount of casualties, the ladder was finally erected, and people began to climb towards it, and the second wave of soldiers led by Hao Zhao also started running all the way. The rest of the soldiers of the Fuhan Army behind were also looking at the head of Fengjie City with piercing eyes.


The shouts of killing all over the sky seemed to have deterred the Qing army. When they looked at the boundless Fuhan army below the city, their hands holding muskets trembled slightly. Although they would light the fuse and shoot together, but every time There were not many soldiers of the Fuhan Army who really fell this time, so even some people began to retreat gradually.

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

The soldiers of the Fuhan Army were very experienced. They decisively grasped the cowardice shown by the Qing army. They climbed to the top of the city wall through gunpowder smoke and fire, and launched the bloodiest hand-to-hand combat with the Qing army. Bayonets and long knives The sound of colliding with each other, the sound of bayonets piercing through the flesh, almost rang together.

The blood seeping out of the fallen corpses almost stained the entire city wall, looking both terrifying and pathetic.

When some soldiers of the Fuhan army finally stood firm on the top of the city, they began to change tactics, ignited the grenades in their hands, and then threw them towards the crowd of the Qing army. Those ignited grenades were like devil's horns, Harvesting the lives of Qing soldiers.

Seeing the heavy casualties of the Qing army, a gloomy look appeared on Zhang Guangsi's face. If it weren't for the current situation, how could he let his brothers be wasted in vain?
"We must send someone to stop it"

Zhang Guangsi earnestly entrusted the soldiers who were about to go up the city wall, but he himself was thinking about retreating. After all, no matter from what point of view, when the Fu Han army stood firm on the city wall, the Qing army was doomed to have no chance.

The sounds of fighting on the city wall became more and more intense, but Zhang Guangsi's expression became more and more dignified, because he knew that now was the most critical time, and he even had the idea of ​​going into battle by himself.

If you can withstand it, you can live.

Can't stand it, only die.

The Qing army was very tenacious, and it had never been so tenacious, but the huge gap in combat power between the two sides made this tenacious meaningless. Most of the soldiers who fell were Qing soldiers, while the Fuhan army stood on the top of the city wall There are more and more people on the ground, and there is almost no chance to deal with the small positions on the top of the city.

"I didn't expect it to be so soon. We have to continue to help the leader expand the position on the city wall. It is best to completely take down the city wall today."

A gleam of excitement flashed in Ning Zhongyi's eyes. He didn't expect Hao Zhao's power, nor did he expect the Qing army to become so irresistible. It was even worse than those Qing soldiers who fought in the past.

In fact, what Ning Zhongyi thought about was also a question that others had thought about, and the reason was very simple, that is, there were fewer and fewer veterans in the Qing army, and almost all experienced veterans were lost in the previous battles. It is also impossible for recruits to grow so fast that it actually caused the Qing army's combat power to be low.

On the contrary, the Fuhan army must win every battle, and the veterans did not have too many losses. The veterans who participated in two or even more than three battles almost caught a lot. The existence of these people constitutes the current stability of the Fuhan army. Cornerstone.

"It seems that we can win the Kuizhou Mansion ahead of schedule."

(End of this chapter)

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