Cutting 1719

Chapter 406 The Change of Yingxiao

Chapter 406 The Change of Yingxiao
In the middle of the night, the Qing army camp was as quiet as ever, and there seemed to be no movement at all.


A mournful howl suddenly came from the Qing army camp, but it made the night watchman's face turn pale. He hurriedly grabbed the whip and rushed into the camp where the roar was coming out, crackling the whip a few times, but Make that man bloody.

"Dog slave, stop barking!"

However, it was too late. With the sound of howling in this life, the entire Qing army camp seemed like a dry grass field was thrown into a handful of firewood, which instantly detonated the entire camp, followed by howling sounds one after another. He Qianzong could not stop even if they slashed and killed with knives.

Ertai woke up suddenly in his sleep. When he heard the roar outside the tent, he felt a chill in his heart. Could it be that the Fuhan army came in?

But before he got up, a personal guard rushed in, his face was covered with blood, and he trembled with unstoppable panic, "My lord, it's not good, there's a scream !"

When Ertai heard this, he was slightly relieved, as long as the Fuhan army did not come to fight, but when he thought of the roar of the camp, he frowned again. It was because the recent attack was too eager and the casualties were too great due to.

It's just that the roar of the camp is a big taboo in the army. If it is not handled well, the soldiers can only be allowed to kill each other until dawn. In this case, it may even lead to the complete collapse of the army.

"Follow the governor out of the camp to have a look, and let the generals of the army suppress it by themselves."

Ertai's face was gloomy. After all, he was a little courageous, and he would not be afraid of what the rebels would do to him, so he went out of the camp to find out what happened despite the obstruction of his personal guards.

It's just that before Ertai got out of the big tent, there was a scream of killing outside, and blood even splashed on his handsome tent, dyeing it a dazzling red.

Ertai narrowed his eyes, he seemed to smell the problem in the camp noise, his expression changed immediately, he quickly grabbed the guards who were about to leave the camp, and said in a low voice: "Hurry up and gather the guards."

Before he finished speaking, there was an exclamation from outside the tent, "Master Duxian, someone is making trouble" Before the man finished speaking, there was a sound of hacking and killing, and then fell into silence again.

Ertai sat in the handsome tent with a gloomy face. He already understood what happened outside, so he didn't leave the tent right now, didn't say anything, just waited silently.

After a while, Wumeng chieftain Lu Wanzhong, Meng family chieftain Meng Hong, Zhenxiong chieftain Long Qinghou and others walked into the camp together, and behind them were dozens of chieftain soldiers.

"Lord Duxian, there are rebels in the camp, and we have already led the army to kill the rebels. I am here to say hello to you."

Lu Wanzhong, the chieftain of Wumeng, was expressionless, looking at Ertai, the governor of Yunnan and Guizhou in the Qing Dynasty.

Ertai didn't get angry at all, he just sighed slowly, "Since the rebellion has been decided, go down and rest."

"No, the rebellion hasn't been completely put down yet. Isn't there a rebel by your side, Lord Governor?"

Lu Wanzhong chuckled, and then several chieftain soldiers stepped forward, grabbed the guard's arm, and dragged him out of the tent, and then there were several sounds of swords piercing into the body, and the whole camp was plunged into a state of panic. silence.

A flash of anger flashed in Ertai's eyes. Looking at Lu Wanzhong, who seemed to be rebellious in front of Anshun, he couldn't bear it anymore, and said sharply: "Lu Wanzhong, do you know what you are doing? The imperial guards assigned by the governor, are you planning to rebel?"

Lu Wanzhong looked even more humble, lowered his head and said softly: "Your Excellency has wronged you. His bodyguards have already died in the battle. These people are nothing but traitors. The camp is not peaceful now. Also, please don’t show up as a commander, so as not to be poisoned by villains.”

Seeing that Ertai completely gave up, he glanced around at the crowd before slowly exhaling and closing his eyes.

Originally, [-] Qing troops ruled [-] chieftain soldiers, which was a very risky thing in itself, but the various performances of the former chieftains finally confused Ertai's eyes and led them in their way.

But at this moment, there was an explosion sound like thunder, but it made everyone's faces turn pale. The explosion sound seemed to be boundless, without even the slightest pause.

Lu Wanzhong's face changed instantly, and he saw a chieftain soldier barging in from outside, knelt on the ground and said: "My lord is not well, Chu Ni has sent troops."

There was a sneer on Ertai's face, these chieftains who thought they were smart, after a lot of painstaking planning, in the end they just made wedding dresses for others, that's all, let's see how they end up.

In fact, when there was a riot in the Qing army's barracks, it was naturally not hidden from the eyes of the Fuhan army, especially when the chieftains deliberately made trouble, the entire Qing army's camp fell into chaos. At this time, even though Cheng Ming was cautious, he did not want to miss this good opportunity.

When the Qing army was in chaos, the first and third divisions of the Fuhan Army secretly set out from the gates of Guiyang City, leaving only the Fifth Division as a backup in Guiyang City. More than 200 artillery pieces were also moved to the Qing army camp Two miles away from the tent, artillery positions began to be built.

Even the Qing army, which had already been fighting together, discovered the movement of the Fuhan army, but in the absence of a leader, almost no one organized it, and could only watch the Fuhan army launch an offensive.


Under the cover of the night, a ray of flame appeared on the muzzle of the artillery of the Fuhan army, and hundreds of flowering bombs were thrown into the camp of the Qing army, making a huge roar, creating flesh and blood among the Qing army crowd. hell.

The Fu Han army lined up neatly, carrying flintlock guns and launched an attack on the Qing army camp. Under the cover of the night, even the smoke from the gunshots became so inconspicuous, more and more The marbles, like pouring rain, slanted into the camp of the Qing army.

More and more soldiers of the Qing army fell to the ground. Although they had stopped fighting, they were still caught in the predicament of being unleaded. However, chieftains like Lu Wanzhong, how could they have experienced such a situation on weekdays, except for one Jin led his personal guards to break out of the camp, and couldn't do anything anymore.
A near-massacre war lasted until dawn. The 3 Qing army was completely defeated. The civil strife and the attack of the Han army resulted in more than 4 casualties and nearly [-] prisoners. Only Lu Wanzhong and a few chieftains fled the camp with dozens of guards.

For Cheng Ming, this great victory was almost a big pie that fell from the sky. The [-] troops of the Qing army were eliminated in this way, and Ertai, the supreme commander of the Qing army, was captured alive. The casualties were only a few hundred.

"Report victory! Report victory to Nanjing!"

Cheng Ming laughed loudly. He looked at the teachers with a bit of color on his face, "Everyone, after this battle, there is no threat to the Southwest, but we have won a real big victory!"

On the Southwest battlefield, the main force of the Southwest Group Army, which had triumphed all the way, was the first to receive the good news. As the Qing army retreated all the way, the first Second Division had already arrived in Chungju.

Changshan Wang Ning Zhongyi was dressed in a neat military uniform, with a big messy beard on his face, red eyes, and a spur in his hand, looking at the messenger sent by Cheng Ming, all Some couldn't believe the news.

"What did you say? Ertai's [-] troops have been wiped out? There are no more Qing troops in the two southwestern provinces?"

Not only Ning Zhongyi, but even the second division Yu Zhijing in the commander's tent, and the staff officers of the Southwest Army's military headquarters also looked in disbelief. Who is the main force of the westward advance?

The messenger who delivered the good news was a major officer. Feeling the eyes of everyone at this moment, he felt a little nervous, so he hurriedly said: "That's right, Ertai's army has been wiped out, and Ertai himself has also been taken prisoner." gone."


Everyone couldn't help but gasped, this was too fierce and full of calculations, how long did Ertai come to the southwest, and he became a prisoner?I'm afraid that even His Majesty can't think of this.

After all, King Chang Shan had fought many battles, so he was not that surprised, but laughed out loud, "Vice Envoy Cheng fought wonderfully there, and we can't hold back, and ordered the troops to catch Yue Zhongqi in this battle." , otherwise, when we return to Nanjing, what face do we have to meet the emperor?"

Ertai is the governor of Yunnan and Guizhou, and Yue Zhongqi is the governor of Sichuan and Shaanxi, but it is about the same.

The commander of the second division Uji Kei smiled meaningfully, "As long as we seize the time to occupy Chongqing Mansion, Yue Zhongqi will not be as lucky as before."

Everyone was overjoyed. According to the secret report from the Military Intelligence Department, the Qing army led by Yue Zhongqi had already turned back from Shizhouwei, and now it had only arrived in Youyang Prefecture, and there was still a certain distance from Chongqing. Although the distance is about the same, the speed will be faster if you can use the Yangtze River waterway.

In addition, Yue Zhongqi's army is now basically alone. Although there are thousands of Zhang Guangsi's troops in the Chongqing government, it does not affect the overall situation. Go north to Sichuan and encircle Yue Zhongqi.

Ning Zhongyi glanced around at the crowd, "The second division is the vanguard, taking Chongqing and Ujijing along the waterway within three days, do you have the confidence?"

"Yes, my subordinates must complete it." Uji Jing had a bit of excitement on his face.

"Dong Ce, the No. 15th Division will go out to Qianjiang to prevent Yue Zhongqi's army from advancing eastward. Are you sure?"

Dong Ce's face was calm, and he said in a low voice: "The privy envoy is beneficial, and this subordinate will definitely not disgrace his life."

Looking at Dong Ce's calm expression, Ning Zhongyi couldn't help but admire him very much. He knew that Dong Ce was His Majesty's confidant. From the position of the general staff to the commander of the new division, it was very rare for him to be able to maintain his mentality without being surprised.

"Okay, the rest of the divisions will follow me to attack all the prefectures along the way. We can end this southwest war before winter comes."

Ning Zhongyi didn't even realize how big a flag he had set. If Ning Yu was on the sidelines, he would have blocked his mouth—the later mustaches and five-star generals all fell on this sentence .

Nanjing, Fengtian Temple.

Ernst, a bachelor who is also the director of the Mint Committee, is reporting in front of Ning Yu.

"Your Majesty, the first batch of currency has been issued by major banks in Nanjing, Wuchang, Hankou, Changsha, Hangzhou, Nanchang, Guangzhou and other places. At present, the common people have a relatively high acceptance of our copper dollars, while the exchange of silver dollars is relatively small. As for the gold dollar, there are not many people currently exchanging it. The value of the exchanged currency is not a big problem, and it can basically be circulated throughout the industry in the second half of this year."

Ning Yu nodded slightly. In fact, this was also expected by the Mint Committee. After all, for most people, they mainly use copper coins for daily use, and the new copper coins are high in quality and heavy enough. Therefore, the common people should not be too disgusted.

As for silver coins and gold coins, their value is relatively high, and many people are still in the wait-and-see stage, so it is normal that they are difficult to be accepted.

Looking at the freshly baked silver and copper coins in his hand, Ning Yu made up his mind.

"Ernst, the issue of currency is related to people's livelihood. We need to go deep into the people and have a look. If we sit down and talk about it, I'm afraid there will be big problems."

Ernst also nodded, "What Your Majesty said is very true. If you don't see the use of currency with your own eyes, I'm afraid you won't be able to grasp its problems more accurately."

A newly issued currency system will inevitably have some problems at the beginning, especially when it is used at the same time as the original currency, the resistance that arises is often great.

In Ernst's plan, the old copper coins and silver coins still have a circulation period of half a year. After next year, they will be completely abolished and their circulation and use will be prohibited. Therefore, whether the new silver coins and copper coins can be recognized within half a year will be very important. .

Since he wanted to go out to visit the people, Ning Yu did not inform other people, but took a dozen people from the attendant room and guard office, plus Ernst, out of the palace together.

"Sell newspapers, the newly released "Qingliu Daily", a new currency issue, two dimes a piece!"

"Guest officer, the new arrival, do you want to come and have a look?"

Today's Nanjing has undergone earth-shaking changes. It's not just that the downtown area has become more prosperous, and it's not that the flower boats on the Qinhuai River have become more extravagant. They have really improved and it shows in the smiles on their faces.

In addition, thanks to the emergence of newspapers, the people's enthusiasm for national affairs has also increased a lot, just like this time the Southwest War, many people expressed great support for this battle, and even joined the army The number of people signing up has doubled, and the whole country has changed silently.

Of course, all of this is the greatest recognition for Ning Yu. The reason why he has introduced so many reform measures is to better protect the lives of the people at the bottom, and in the newly released tax law, all It further favored the people at the bottom, and even aroused the objections of scholars.

Seeing the scene in front of him, Ning Yu greeted Ernst and the others with a smile on his face, "It's rare to come out today, the young master will take you to a restaurant!"

(End of this chapter)

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