Cutting 1719

Chapter 411 Industry 1.0 Plan

Chapter 411 Industry 1.0 Plan
Will the Fuhan Army go to the Northern Expedition?
Yongzheng's question cast a shadow over the hearts of almost everyone present, and almost everyone knew the answer, but no one dared to say it. Maybe Yongzheng just wanted everyone to coax him and tell him An unrealistic answer.

"Your Majesty, once Chu Ni goes north, our Eight Banners new army will definitely attack the invaders and protect our ancestral land!"

The minister of the Ministry of War, Tuolai, had a look of pain on his face, and he said firmly: "Now the Eight Banners new army has trained more than [-]. If there is another year, one hundred thousand new troops will be at your fingertips. At that time, add my Eight Banners and Mongolia's [-] cavalry, and There are more than [-] people in each battalion of the Beijing Banner and each battalion of the Han Army. If they fight against Chu Ni, they will surely win a victory!"

The words were full of enthusiasm, but in the hearts of Yongzheng's monarchs and ministers, there was not even a splash. If he could really defeat the Fuhan army with these 10 people, Yongzheng would have personally conscripted it!Why bother coaxing yourself to play blindfolded here?

To put it bluntly, after so many beatings, the Qing army had already learned the current war mode even if it relied on being beaten.Today's wars are not the same as in the past. Do they depend on the number of people?Is it relying on the unparalleled Eight Banners cavalry?
No, it depends on who has the most guns and artillery, and whose guns and artillery can hit far and accurately. This is the real strength. Without guns and artillery, without these advanced equipment, relying on personal bravery, the grave will be as early as possible. It's three feet high!
Those Batulu who died on the battlefield, those warriors who were easily shot and killed by the volleyball champions, are all telling the Qing emperor and ministers a truth.

Times are different!
Yongzheng took a rough breath, glanced at the minister, and then said slowly, "Tell me about this Southwest War, Yue Zhongqi." When he said this, his teeth seemed to be aching, "What should I do with this person? "

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay. Speaking of this battle, the biggest person responsible was naturally Ertai, but Ertai was captured. Right now, we can only talk about another governor, Yue Zhongqi.

It's just about Yue Zhongqi, and Hanchen is involved, it's not so easy to say, especially the Manchu officials in the court, don't comment casually, otherwise there will be a dispute between Manchu and Han at this juncture, and I'm afraid there will be another chaos.

Everyone couldn't help looking at Zhang Tingyu. As the leader of Hanchen in the imperial court, Zhang Tingyu is the best candidate to answer. Even if there are any questions, they will not lead to the dispute between Manchu and Han.

Yongzheng also looked at Zhang Tingyu, "Hengchen, you should talk about it."

Zhang Tingyu had no choice but to bow his head and go out, knelt on the ground and said: "The battle in the Southwest is mainly due to the unreliability of the chieftains. If it weren't for their rebellion on the battlefield, Ertai would not have been captured, and the situation would not have collapsed like this. Although Yue Zhongqi has no military exploits, he has made no major mistakes, but although he has made no major mistakes, he has made minor mistakes, so he should be severely punished."

After all, Zhang Tingyu still shifted the responsibility to the chieftain, which is not wrong. After all, without the chieftains turning against the water, it is impossible for the Qing army to be wiped out by a surprise attack by the Han army in the first battle. Without Guiyang The [-] Qing troops under the city restrained the Fuhan army, so that Yue Zhongqi's retreat was completely cut off, and he had to fight back against the superior strength of the Fuhan army.

There was a hint of smile on the faces of the crowd, and immediately someone came forward and agreed: "The chieftain is a stubborn and unconvinced generation after all, a king who is hard to obey, and the defeat in this battle is to be blamed. Please let the emperor see clearly."

"Well, what Hengchen said is not unreasonable. Although Yue Zhongqi made no major mistakes in this battle, she also made minor mistakes. She made a mistake in a military plan. She will be fined for three years and her eyes will be removed."

Yongzheng sighed softly, "Sichuan Admiral Zhang Guangsi is outstanding in battle, a minister of special affairs, forgetting his life and martyrdom, and never returning to his righteousness, each of them seeks his own peace of mind, and posthumously bestows on him as Prince Shaobao and Jin Qingche Captain. "

After Yongzheng finished speaking, he inadvertently glanced at Yue Zhongqi's memorial again, and he often sighed at the moment, maybe that's the only way to go.

In August, there was a wave of grand celebrations in Nanjing. The whole city was dressed in red and colorful, and everyone was smiling. It was not only to celebrate the complete victory of the Southwest War, but also because of the birth of the second dragon son of His Majesty the Emperor.

For the emperor, the more sons the better, so that when inheriting the throne, there will be more options and multiple guarantees.Therefore, the emperors and heirs of all dynasties are an important part of the evaluation. For example, Emperor Kangxi gave birth to a full 35 sons and [-] daughters.

Although Ning Yu only has two sons at present, it is not too many.But for Ning Chu, the significance is very great, which means that besides the eldest son of the emperor, there is another layer of protection.If the eldest son of the emperor dies, there will be a substitute, so that there will be no successor.

Of course, for Ning Yu at the moment, he didn't think so much, but immersed himself in the joy of his second son coming to the world. For him, this matter was more of a kind of father-son relationship. a feeling of.

"Chengming, Ning Chengming, this is it."

Ning Yu left this name on the imperial book with great satisfaction, and it will be the first imprint the baby in front of him gets in this world.

With a satisfied smile on her face, Chen Caiwei looked at the father and son in front of her, and felt that the present day, with the arrival of a new life, has become extremely beautiful.

As the queen, Cui Si stood quietly aside. For her, Chen Caiwei's mother and child were safe, which was a very fortunate thing in itself. She regarded Chen Caiwei as her family, so there was no any threat.As for the so-called court struggle, Cui Si, who is calm and calm, did not appear.

Ning Yu is also very satisfied with this kind of life. Looking through the history books for thousands of years, the harem he saw is full of blood and blood. The struggle inside is no less tragic than that of the previous dynasty. , in order to be able to leave a quiet place for myself.

As for the issue of the succession of the throne in the future, Ning Yu is confident that it can be completely resolved in the next few decades. No matter what the method is, it will not repeat the mistakes of the predecessors.

After Ning Yu returned to Fengtian Temple, he got good news, that is, the innovative two-year-made steam engine was finally completely developed and entered the practical stage.

As for the updated steam engine, it has also entered the project approval process, but because the current technology still needs to be digested, it can be expected that it will take longer to break through if it wants to develop an updated steam engine.

After Ning Yu got the good news, he also felt very excited. With the steam engine that can really enter the practical stage, the industrial revolution he led can be officially launched.

Different from history, Ning Yu does not want to proceed in a disorderly manner with regard to the progress of the industrial revolution, which will only cause a lot of unnecessary losses. Since he came from a later age, he will naturally find a way to make the whole The process of the industrial revolution has become more scientific and orderly.

According to Ning Yu's will, the cabinet has submitted an Industry 1.0 plan, which will take five years as the dimension to formulate industrial development plans for different stages, so as to ensure the rapid development and advancement of Ningchu's industrial revolution.

In the first five-year plan, more than a dozen major categories will be laid out, including cotton spinning industry, mining industry, transportation industry, basic raw material smelting, auxiliary industries, etc., including the construction and commissioning plan of 140 five factories, and a For the railway from Nanjing to Shanghai, the scale of the entire industrial planning and ancillary industries will involve 800 million silver dollars and more than 120 million related industrial workers.

Of course, for the 800 million silver dollars, naturally it cannot be taken out at once. The cabinet finance will provide 500 million silver dollars in the first two years, 800 million silver dollars in the next three years, and the remaining 400 million silver dollars. It will be directly raised through the issuance of construction bonds, and the profits generated after the project is completed and put into operation will be paid in installments.

Although this plan is very large, the benefits it will produce will be considerable, that is, through five years of industrial construction, at least the current financial income of Ningchu will be greatly improved in the future.

According to the estimates of the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Industry and Commerce, based on Ningchu’s current financial income of 3000 million silver dollars, even if the north is not about to be unified, the annual income of the south alone can reach at least 5000 million silver dollars. In [-], that is, in the first year after the end of the five-year plan, the annual income could exceed [-] million silver dollars.

This estimate alone is enough to convince the cabinet to sell the last pair of underwear to support the construction. Therefore, this slightly radical plan has not attracted more people's opposition. After all, the country has money and can better govern the country.

At the same time that Ning Yu ticked off the Industry 1.0 plan, Ning Zhongjing, the chief minister of the cabinet, also rushed into the hall excitedly, and for him, it seemed that he had brought another piece of good news.

"Your Majesty, the chambers of commerce of the southern provinces have already submitted a request to the cabinet through the Jiangnan Chamber of Commerce and Industry and the Ministry of Industry and Commerce. That is, they are willing to contribute 1000 to two million silver dollars for the military pay for the Northern Expedition next year."

"Oh? 1000 and [-] million, that's a lot of money."

Ning Yu had a smile on his face, but he already guessed what was going on in his heart, so he said lightly: "I think this money should not be given for free, tell me, what do they ask for?"

"Your Majesty has a clever plan. Those people do have some needs."

Ning Zhongjing chuckled. For him, the chief assistant, if someone else pays the military salary, then he will have a lot more funds for domestic construction, so he is naturally willing to make this happen.

Ning Yu snorted coldly, looked at the booklet in his hand, and paused, "Yong got 1000 million taels of silver from those old gangsters in Shanxi by selling officials and blackmailing him. I won't do such a shameful thing. How can He De let the Chamber of Commerce give 1000 million taels for nothing?"

Because today's commercial activities in the south are not exploited by the government and various forces as in the past, but have received strong support from the government in terms of policies and other aspects, and many chambers of commerce have made a fortune.

For these merchants who have already sold goods such as silk, porcelain, and rhubarb to the West, although 1000 and [-] million is not a small amount, it can still be taken out.

Therefore, neither Ning Yu nor Ning Zhongjing ever doubted this point. For them, the most important thing is the purpose of the chamber of commerce.

"The representatives of the Chamber of Commerce said that His Majesty Xing Wangshi's Northern Expedition to the Central Plains is naturally for the people of the whole world. It is also their wish to achieve unification. It is nothing to donate 1000 two million silver dollars for this, but there is one thing. Your Majesty's unification is The world is north and south, but it is not the business circles of the north and the south, and please Your Majesty can restrict the Northern Chamber of Commerce to suspend its entry into the General Chamber of Commerce for five years."

Ning Zhongjing didn't think it was a big deal for this condition. It was nothing more than five years to prevent merchants from the north from entering the General Chamber of Commerce.

"Hmph, they have a big appetite!"

Ning Yu sneered, "Don't think I don't know, if you just give them five years like this, there is no such thing as the so-called Northern Chamber of Commerce, I'm afraid the whole world belongs to them!"

It has to be said that when Ning Yu heard this request, his first reaction was not hatred, but surprise. The surprise is that the southern businessmen, under Ning Yu's many trainings, have undergone such a big change. This method of spending money to prohibit the Northern Chamber of Commerce from entering the General Chamber of Commerce can be called a stroke of the gods.

You must know that all the large and small merchant chambers in Ningchu currently have double constraints, namely the Dachu General Chamber of Commerce and the Ministry of Industry and Commerce. Any policy introduced can be implemented as long as it is approved by the Ministry of Industry and Commerce.

Therefore, the general chamber of commerce is composed of representatives sent by the provincial chambers of commerce. In this way, everyone will have a certain amount of room to refute some partial policies. Swallowing them completely ensures their independence.

However, after the successful Northern Expedition of the Fuhan Army, the north and the south will be united. If the northern chamber of commerce is prohibited from joining the general chamber of commerce, it means that the southern chambers of commerce will be able to slice and eat the big cake in the north. Is there a so-called Northern Chamber of Commerce?The whole business world went to the South.

Ning Yu knew in his heart that the essence of capital is to seek higher profits. As long as he can eat up the entire North, what is 1000 or [-] million?It's just a drop in the bucket, like the Jiangnan Chamber of Commerce or the Huguang Chamber of Commerce can get it out, and the Jiangxi, Anhui, Guangdong, Guangxi and other chambers of commerce can't get it together.

For this request, Ning Yu naturally chose to deny it. He wants to unify not only the world, but also the hearts of the people. If the Southern Chamber of Commerce is allowed to completely devour the North, how will the people in the North treat him as an emperor?

In the world, the country is the most important thing, and the country is only related to the hearts of the people, so what can a few goods be counted for.

"This matter is not allowed. I am determined to go to the Northern Expedition for the sake of the people of the whole world. Is it the rise and fall of a family?"

Ning Yu snorted coldly, "All the expenses required for the Northern Expedition will be included in next year's military expenditure, so these merchants will not have to worry about it. Instead of fantasizing about it every day, it's better to take good care of your own business. My royal consortium, I have made a lot more money than them recently."

(End of this chapter)

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