Cutting 1719

Chapter 422 The Battle Against the Satsuma Domain

Chapter 422 The Battle Against the Satsuma Domain
In February of the third year of innovation, the envoy led by Ning Zhonghai, after reaching a formal agreement with the Japanese shogun, went to meet the emperor symbolically, and then chose to leave for the country.

On the issue of the Satsuma clan, Ning Zhonghai also reached a preliminary agreement with Tokugawa Yoshimune, that is, no intervention in principle. Tokugawa Yoshimune will not help the Satsuma clan withstand this thunder, but he will not force the Satsuma clan from within— — This will intensify the internal conflicts between other vassals and generals.

After Ning Zhonghai returned to China, Ning Yu rewarded the entire delegation, mainly adding some annuities to the title. In the current system of titles in Ning Chu, there is no real seal of land and household registration, only annuities and the title itself Honor, so the amount of annuity can also reflect the honor of the title.

Inside the Fengtian Hall, all the cabinet ministers, Ning Zhongyi, Privy Council Envoy, Cheng Ming, Ning Zuyi, and others gathered in the main hall. Everyone lowered their heads slightly, listening to the general plan of the Chief Assistant Ning Zhongjing on this year's budget. introduce.

"According to the forecast of the Ministry of Industry and Commerce, next year's industrial and commercial tax revenue can completely surpass land tax and become the main source of finance. At that time, the cabinet will also provide further support and promotion for industry and commerce."

When everyone heard this, they were somewhat surprised, because the land tax has always been the main source of annual revenue. For example, among the annual revenue of Ning Chu's reform in the second year, the land tax was about 2000 million taels in 200, which was more than expected. About [-] million taels, mainly for the development of some wasteland and the popularization of iron farm tools, and achieved good results.

As for the tariffs, mining tax, commercial tax, tea tax and salt tax belonging to the industry and commerce, it is about 300 million taels, which is not much different from expectations, but it is conceivable that with the comprehensive popularization of industry and commerce policies in the south, As well as the prosperous development of maritime trade, more than 2000 million taels of industrial and commercial taxes are within reach.

More importantly, Guangdong, Guangxi, and the southwestern provinces that were newly included in the second year of innovation were exempted from tax for one year as usual, and the places involved in war were exempted from tax for two or even three years. Therefore, these places were not taxed, but After next year, these places will be included in the tax system, and the revenue will increase by another 800 million yuan.

After the end of the Northern Expedition this year, the threat of the Qing court is completely resolved. By then, the domestic financial plate can be conservatively estimated to exceed 6000 million yuan. Therefore, in the expected goals given to the cabinet, Ning Yu's revenue for five years of innovation must be at least Sixty-five million yuan, thus completing the doubling of the Qing court.

After all, the revenue of the Qing court at its peak was only more than 3000 million taels, and if doubled, it would be 6000 million taels. It can be carried out wantonly, but the emperor who is in charge of the house is also a generous temperament, but he spends a lot more money.

".In general, this year's revenue will increase significantly, but the Industry 1.0 plan and other expenditures are also a very large expense. It is estimated that a long-term industrial bond worth 3000 million yuan will be issued for ten years. The interest rate is six percent, and the five-year rate of return is four percent."

Ning Zhongjing sighed softly. He really wasn't the kind of person to borrow money to live on. He didn't really agree with Ning Yu's radical plan, but he couldn't object to it on the surface.

In fact, from Ning Yu’s point of view, this is nothing, because the Qing government’s central finance is not thorough in excavating taxation. A more realistic and credible number, so what is this number?

According to Ning Yu's understanding, the policy of sharing the land into the mu and the government and gentry's integrated grain payment policy was not fully implemented during the Yongzheng period, but was actually implemented during the Qianlong period. In the original history, Qianlong's annual income had already risen to 18 million taels in 5000 years With the addition of 300 million shi rice grains, it has almost doubled.

Therefore, in Ningchuli, where the policy of apportioning the income per mu and the government-gentry payment policy is more adequate, the excavation of finance is also more sufficient, and in addition to this reason, there is also the reason of the industrial revolution, that is, Ningyu in this era The implementation of the Industry 1.0 plan is an amplifier for the economy.

The power of the industrial revolution lies in its subversion of traditional productivity. Like Britain before the industrial revolution, the population only increased by about two-thirds in 400 years. In a hundred years, the population has increased by nearly 1.5 times.

This is because most of the time, the growth of productivity is an ordinary linear growth, while the population is an explosive exponential growth. However, when the productivity cannot keep up with the growth of the population, it will lead to famines and wars, which in turn will suppress the population. To put it simply, the growth of the economy means that people can live, but they can't support them, which is the Malthusian trap in economics.

Generally speaking, when the relationship between population and productivity reaches a balance point, there are only two ways to go. One is war, plague, famine, etc., which will greatly reduce the population, so that the relationship between land and population will no longer be tense. , This is also the path that China has been taking in the past; the other is more difficult, that is to open up to the outside world, increase land, increase productivity, and increase unit output.

However, when the industrial revolution appeared, the growth of productivity has skyrocketed, which also contributed to the explosion of population. For example, in the Qing Dynasty, although there was no industrial revolution, there were also food crops such as corn and potatoes from the Americas, which contained more calories. , so it continued to boost the population growth, and it was close to [-] million by the Qianlong period.

For Ning Yu, because the intensity of the war against the Qing Dynasty was not high, and the time was short, the essence of the south did not suffer much damage. While the wealth was preserved, the population was also preserved. According to the current population of Ningchu, it is conservatively estimated that it is more than [-] million.

After the implementation of the industrial revolution, the population of Ningchu's unified country will reach at least 50 to [-] million. This is an extremely scary number, and this time may be about [-] years later.After a hundred years, the population of China may soar to more than [-] million.

Therefore, Ning Yu not only needs to open up to the outside world to obtain more living space, but also needs to actually increase productivity, that is, to give other people an extra bite of food through the industrial revolution.

"The industrial development plan is my long-term development plan. Today's Industry 1.0 is just the initial plan, which is nothing. There will be Industry 2 and even Industry 0 in the future. It cannot be postponed, let alone abolished!"

Ning Yu looked at all the courtiers, but he said firmly that no matter how difficult it was, he would eventually carry it out, and anyone who dared to stop him would be his enemy.

The ministers were stunned, and they also understood Ning Yu's thoughts. If they want to join the cabinet or even become the chief assistant in the future, the first requirement is to be a supporter of the industrial development plan, otherwise they may not be able to pass the emperor's test.

After sorting out this matter, Ning Zhongyi of the Privy Council was next. After he announced last year's military operations and this year's military preparation plan, it aroused many people's discussions. Sacred Heart is arbitrarily arbitrarily arbitrarily concerned about the financial issue, but one or two sentences can be said about the military and state affairs that follow.

However, everyone talked about it, but they actually focused on the three battles to be fought this year, namely the Northern Expedition, the Burmese Conquest, and the Satsuma Domain.

Among them, like the Northern Expedition, the Privy Council has already made plans, and it can be done step by step. As for the Battle of Burma, it is specially in charge of the Southwest Group Army. Three or five divisions are enough, and it will not affect the plan of the Northern Expedition. Only the battle of the Satsuma Domain, But not sure yet.

Ning Zhongyi frowned slightly, "The key to the battle of the Satsuma clan is not the Satsuma clan itself, but the attitude of the shogunate."

This is something that everyone can think of. After all, Satsuma is just a small state, and its area is only one county in Ningchu. If you choose to secretly assist the Satsuma clan, the war will inevitably expand and the time will be further prolonged.

For this question, Ning Zhonghai, Minister of Industry and Commerce who has been to Japan in person, naturally needs to answer it.

"In general, the shogunate has reached an agreement with Da Chu, and it is unlikely that they will stand up for the long-standing Satsuma clan, unless the ambition shown by Da Chu scares them."

Ning Yu nodded slightly, "The battle against Satsuma is not a simple war, but also related to the strategy against Japan. Therefore, while ensuring our interests, we need to limit the war within the territory of Satsuma. It will end in a shorter time. At the same time, the operation to recover Ryukyu should also be carried out at the same time."

"However, at this time in Ryukyu, there is already a nominal Ryukyu King"

The second assistant, Cui Wancai, tactfully expressed his objection. After all, he was famous for playing Satsuma, but sending troops to Ryukyu was a bit nondescript.

Ning Yu snorted coldly, "Ryukyu has been under the rule of Satsuma for a long time, and the current King of Ryukyu is just a puppet. After our army regains Ryukyu, we should establish a new king and place it under my Great Chu Fan. Heaven and earth are right."

"Yes, Your Majesty."

On February [-]th of the third year of innovation, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ningchu officially submitted a letter of credence to Japan, requesting that the Satsuma clan stop its aggression against Ryukyu, release the Ryukyu king and others, and make corresponding compensation to Ryukyu and Ningchu.

For this request, the shogunate naturally knew it well, directly chose to ignore it, and handed it over to the Satsuma clan. The meaning of this is naturally very simple. You, the Satsuma clan, have made a good show by yourself, and you will end it yourself.

Strictly speaking, the shogunate's handling of this matter is not very authentic. In the past, it would have been crusaded by the world, but the problem is that the Satsuma clan has always enjoyed exclusive interests in the Ryukyu matter, and has not engaged in any disputes with other powerful clans. Sharing, coupled with the fact that the Shimadzu family of the Satsuma domain is very strong, so they are also jealous of many big names, and everyone has a kind of spectatorship.

But when this letter of credence was in the hands of Shimadzu Jifeng, the lord of Satsuma, he felt a deep sense of shame and resentment towards the shogunate.

"Hmph, where did the shogunate put my Satsuma domain? Could it be that they deceived my Shimadzu family to have no one?"

Shimadzu Tsutsutoyo is now in his early forties, about the same age as Tokugawa Yoshimune, but compared to Tokugawa Yoshimune's lofty reputation, Shimadzu Tsutsutoyo has a lot of shortcomings, but fortunately, he There is a military adviser named Yukiharu Kurahisa who has been advising Shimadzu Tsutsuyo for a long time.

After reading the national documents for a long time, Xue Qingcang sighed, "General, I'm afraid this matter is not that simple. I am afraid that the shogunate has long colluded with Ning Chu."

Relatively speaking, the Satsuma clan is the foreign daimyo with the closest connection with the outside world. Even the Tokugawa shogunate often needs to use the relevant channels of the Satsuma clan to contact the outside world. Therefore, they naturally know that in the past period of time, Some tricks played by the Tokugawa shogunate with Ning Chu.

If there is no shadow of the shogunate behind this incident, they will not believe it even if they are killed.

"However, the head of the family should not be too worried. In this matter, the shogunate can only play tricks behind the scenes at most, and never dare to jump out, otherwise other big names will not tolerate it. The key to the problem still lies in Ning Chu himself."

Although Xue Qing Cangjiu had a faint expression on his face, his tone seemed a bit dignified.

Ning Chu
Although Shimadzu Jifeng is not the master of the Ming Dynasty, he also knows that this powerful regime in the southern part of the Qing court completely captured the entire southern part of the Chinese dynasty in just a few years, and now it has become an existence far surpassing Japan. This time because of the Ryukyu incident, Shimadzu Jifeng was really unwilling to confront Ning Chu.

But no matter how powerful the enemy is, Shimadzu Jifeng is unwilling to give up Ryukyu. Layered vest, how many benefits the Satsuma clan has obtained from the tribute trade of the Qing court, it is all white money!

In Japan, silver is more expensive, so many merchants like to do business with Chinese merchants to earn the difference in the price of gold and silver. However, since the shogunate was issued, only the Shimadzu family can continue to do this business. Therefore, he will not give up Ryukyu no matter what.

"If I compromise on this, how can I be worthy of the successive governors of the Shimadzu family? How can I be worthy of the honor on the family crest?"

A look of determination flashed across Shimadzu Tsutsuyoshi's face, why doesn't he know what it means to shake a tree with a mayfly?But after all, some things cannot be surrendered.

However, Xueqing Cangjiu let out a long sigh. His original intention was to let Shimadzu Jifeng back down a step. As long as he could avoid giving Ning Chu this excuse to start a war, there would naturally be room for change in the future.

After all, the real enemy of the Shimadzu family has always been the Tokugawa family who have been watching coldly from the shogunate.

Just looking at Shimadzu Jifeng's expression, Xueqing Cangjiu knew that he could not persuade the other party, so there was only one way.

"Patriarch, for the current plan, we have to face the battle. We must not only win, but also win a big victory, so that we can negotiate with Ning Chu with the victory and get a better result."

Then, when Shimadzu Jifeng nodded frequently, Xueqing Cangjiu said coldly: "Just winning is not enough, we have to write to other foreign daimyos to explain the seriousness of this matter to them, Expose the sinister intentions of the shogunate, and then jointly put pressure on the shogunate to force the shogunate to stop the conspiracy!"

(End of this chapter)

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