Cutting 1719

Chapter 426

Chapter 426
In the Ningchu army, the grenadier battalion was created by His Majesty the Emperor himself, and has always been the only elite among the divisions of the entire army, and the other is the guard battalion of each division headquarters of the entire army, which shows its status high.

But at the same time, it is also accompanied by the extremely high casualty rate of the grenadier battalion, especially the position of battalion commander, which is a seat that is known as the number one warrior in the army. Because there are 21 grenadier battalions in the division. Long, nearly ten people have died, and dozens of people have retired due to disabilities.

But even so, those who wish to become members of the grenadier battalion or even the commander of the grenadier battalion in the army are like crucian carp crossing the river, because in this position, it is the real road to heaven.

Want to get promoted and get rich?Want to be a marquis and a general?Then go to the grenadier camp. Not only can you wear plate armor in battle, but even the military uniform is more gorgeous than others!

As the battalion commander of the grenadier battalion of the Sixth Division, Han Dingwu's status is no lower than that of other regiment commanders. Even the division commander Deng Ziyi was polite to him, so he was sent to guard the artillery position to prevent Samoyed Phan Gou jumps over the wall in a last-ditch effort.

With the roar of the battalion commander Han Dingwu, hundreds of grenades were ignited and thrown into the air, and then fell on the road of the cavalry, followed by a roar, and the cavalry in the front almost A long row fell down.

There are many weaknesses in the grenade of this era. In order to be able to throw it far enough, the charge inside is not too much, and the power is not that great. Secondly, due to the problem of craftsmanship, there are also many bad bombs and duds. But in the face of the huge number, None of this will be a problem.

If the quality is not good, then use the quantity to smash it!
In the face of a series of explosions, even the Manchurian cavalry of the Qing army could not stand up to the vanguard, not to mention the hundreds of cavalry warriors of the Satsuma domain. Unfortunately, the formation of the impact became very chaotic with the fallen horses in front.

But before Tao Zhengyi could make a move, the second, third, and even fourth rounds of grenades were thrown over in turn. After such a series of indiscriminate bombings, even the other soldiers who fought Attracted attention, they couldn't help looking at this small battlefield, only to see that a large part of the cavalry of the Satsuma domain had fallen down, and blood was flowing from the horse corpses, which made people shudder.

It's brutal!It's shameless!Too vicious!
Everyone murmured silently in their hearts, with this kind of bombardment method, what is the use of cavalry?I can't rush through it at all!
Tao Zhengfang insisted on standing up from the ground. One of his eyes was blown out, one arm was broken off, and a gash was cut in his stomach. Blood was flowing continuously. To be someone else, I am afraid that I have completely fallen down.

But Tao Zhengfang still stood up, slowly struggled to ride on the horse beside him, glanced around, and saw that there were only more than 100 cavalrymen on the horse in the bloody field of vision, and these more than 100 people They all looked at Tao Zhengfang with reverent and obedient eyes.

"For the glory of the Shimadzu family! Onboard!"


With a resolute posture, more than 100 cavalrymen charged towards the artillery positions of the Fuhan Army with the lances under their arms.

Han Dingwu looked at the man who insisted on charging opposite, with a dignified expression on his face, he slowly lowered the sword on his back without saying a word.

At this time, the only way to respect the enemy is to fight the enemy with all your strength and kill the opponent!

The soldiers of the Grenadier Battalion, like Han Dingwu, clenched their horse-chopping swords with both hands, and looked at the Satsuma cavalry who were close in front of them, preparing for a peak blow.

During the flickering of the sword, the blood rain swayed between the sky and the earth along with the wailing of the horses, and also dyed the soldiers of the grenadier battalion with a layer of red dance. At the same time, some soldiers of the grenadier battalion were pierced by lances!
The fight between the two sides is almost the cruelest game in the world, where it is only divided into life and death, standing and lying down.

When Tao Zhengfang was split in half by Han Dingwu's saber, and when eight hundred cavalry warriors were completely wiped out, it also meant that the battle had almost come to an end. The soldiers of Satsuma were still fighting, Almost completely collapsed, they dropped their weapons and knelt on the ground, and more people started running towards the rear.

Shimadzu Tsutsuyoshi's face was pale. He pulled out the short ribbed knife from his waist, and regardless of other people's obstruction, he inserted it into his abdomen fiercely. The blood completely stained his inner clothing.

"Kang Jiu-kun, I'm sorry to trouble you to intervene"

"No matter what, please keep the Satsuma clan! Keep the Shimadzu family! Please."

With hot tears in Xueqing Cangjiu's eyes, he pulled out the samurai sword at his waist, and helped Shimadzu Tsutsuyoshi complete the final intercession.

When the Satsuma army was defeated so tragically, Shimadzu Jifeng had no other choice but to die. This is a fact that both Shimadzu Jifeng himself and Yuki Harukahisa are extremely certain in their hearts.

However, after the death of Shimadzu Jifeng, the mess had to be cleaned up by Xue Qingcang for a long time. He quickly erected a flag representing surrender on the front line, and regardless of the danger, he sent envoys to the army in the direction of Ningchu to help Means to surrender.

That's right, from the original negotiation to the current surrender, there is only one battle in the middle. If Yuki Haruka persists in the fight, there will be no harm other than the complete destruction of Tsurumaru Castle owned by the Shimadzu family. any other benefits.

The reason why Shimadzu Jifeng committed suicide was that he hoped that Xueqing Cangjiu could bear the shame of surrender, because if it was him himself, he would not be able to face that fact at all, and suicide would be a better result.

After seeing the envoy sent by Xueqing Cangjiu, Deng Ziyi did not immediately order to withdraw the troops. The reason is very simple. He saw something from Satsuma Fan, and this kind of thing made him feel deeply afraid. It is the persistence from the bottom of the heart. The opponent always chooses to surrender, but it is also a surrender when the situation is completely irreversible.

In this state of mind, Deng Zi also hoped to spend more of Satsuma's army, so as to reduce future hidden dangers, so he did not withdraw his troops, but temporarily detained the envoy, waiting for the end of the pursuit.

It wasn't until evening that the pursuit came to an end temporarily. Except for hundreds of remnants who fled into Tsurumaru Castle with Xueqing Cangjiu in their arms, as many as 7000 of the other 5000 soldiers who went out were beheaded. More than 2000 people were captured by the Fuhan army, but the Fuhan army suffered only more than 300 casualties.

A complete victory, a well-deserved victory!

After the war had subsided completely, Deng Ziyi, as a representative of the whole army, came to negotiate with Xueqing Cangjiu. He returned all the envoys to Tsurumaru City, and only brought one condition, that is, unconditional surrender. Fu Han army enters the city!

At this time, in Tsurumaru City, since almost all the soldiers were lost outside the city, there were no other armed forces except for the temporary soldiers of less than a thousand people. Naturally, there is no threat in front of the Han army.

Xue Qingcang sat for a whole night in front of the portraits of the Shimadzu family's lords, and finally chose to leave the city to surrender. He sent someone to convey the surrender message to Deng Ziyi, hoping that Ning Chu could keep the Shimadzu family and Retain the existence of the Satsuma Domain.

Regarding this request, it is naturally impossible to follow the original unconditional surrender, but Deng Ziyi also knew in his heart that what the emperor wanted was not the destruction of the Satsuma clan or the Shimadzu family. Da Chu didn't have any benefits, so he immediately chose to agree.

On March 21, the third year of innovation, the Sixth Division of the Fuhan Army held an entry ceremony outside Tsurumaru City. The neatly lined up team carried long muskets and marched towards the city step by step. The bright bayonets were fixed on the muskets. It looks particularly solemn.

For the other people in the Satsuma domain and the remaining retainers of the Shimadzu family, this scene is naturally extremely humiliating, but they have no other choice. After all, the defeated have no room for bargaining. They can only watch in silence But my heart was almost bleeding.

Xue Qingcang held a young boy in his hand for a long time, and brought a large number of Shimadzu family retainers, kneeling in front of Deng Ziyi, and asked people to send all the maps, population and land atlases of the Satsuma clan.

"The criminal, Xue Qingcang, has seen General Shangguo for a long time. The defeat of the Shimadzu family this time is purely self-inflicted. It's just that the chief culprit, Shimadzu Jifeng, has died in battle. I hope the general can understand Shimadzu's remaining veins. Stop killing again."

Looking at the old man kneeling in front of him, Deng Ziyi smiled slightly. He found that he admired the man in front of him a little, and he was considered a talent if he could endure humiliation and ask for everything.

You must know that when Xueqing Cangjiu mentioned the culprit, Shimadzu Tsuitoyo, he didn't change his face. Even when other Shimadzu's retainers glared at him, he acted as if he hadn't seen it. Quality is definitely not something that ordinary people can have.

Deng Zi also didn't want to embarrass this person too much, so he smiled and said: "This battle could have been avoided originally, as long as the Satsuma clan can hand over Ryukyu, it's just that Shimadzu Jifeng is extremely stubborn, stubbornly resisting the heavenly soldiers, and this time he died. It can be regarded as the fruit it deserves. As for the others, since they chose to surrender, this general has no intention of causing more killings."

Hearing this, everyone felt relieved. As long as they don't kill people, everything will be fine. As for the others, what else can't be lost?
But Deng Zi also glanced at the young boy Xueqing was holding for a long time, and asked curiously: "Who is this child?"

"He is Shimadzu Tsutsuyoshi's only son, and his name is Shimadzu Sonobu. I hope the general will take pity on him!"

"Hehe, it looks like he's only three or four years old."

Deng Zi also became interested, and said with a smile: "In the future, maybe I can be sent to Nanjing to go to Guozijian Primary School, and maybe I can be a classmate with the eldest son of the emperor!"

Xueqing Cangjiu's heart moved, he was no stranger to Chinese history, and soon understood the other party's meaning, which was to let Shimadzu Munenobu be a hostage!

In the usual way, it would be absolutely impossible for the heir to be a hostage. However, for the current Shimadzu family, due to the defeat in the war, the entire army was wiped out, and the outside shogunate and other daimyo were spying on them. , the Shimadzu family can be said to be in a situation of internal and external troubles, and if they are not careful, they will be completely wiped out.

If it has developed to such a stage, then what is the point of his grievances?If he went down and met Jifeng Gong, how could he be worthy of his entrustment?

After thinking about it, Xue Qingcang thought for a long time that if she could get the protection of the Celestial Dynasty now, she would surely be able to persist until the day when the Shimadzu family regained its glory in the future.

Once this person's thinking is thought through, this way will be taken. If you can't beat it, then join the opponent.

"If it is true as the general said, then it would be the best thing for Zong Xin!"

With a smile on his face, Xue Qing Cangjiu said humbly: "This battle was originally the reason why the Shimadzu family did not understand the teachings of the Celestial Dynasty. If the future governor of the Shimadzu Family can get the education of the Celestial Dynasty, this situation will not happen again Yes, the Shimadzu family will be very grateful if the general can facilitate this matter!"

Deng Zi also didn't expect Xueqing Cangjiu to agree so happily, and immediately said meaningfully: "That's natural, if Zong Xin is allowed to go to Nanjing, the future will naturally be limitless. Thank you Kurangu-kun!"

"Hi! In this way, it is naturally a great thing!"

The two reached a preliminary agreement in a short period of time, but they showed the Shimadzu retainers at the side in a cloud, looking at the smiles on the faces of Deng Ziyi and Xue Qing Cangjiu, it was simply Some couldn't believe their eyes, is this the enemy who beat you to death before?

Of course, in any case, Deng Ziyi's battle can be regarded as a victory. He doesn't even have to fight Ryukyu now. All the Ryukyu kings in the group began to return to Nanjing.

Having fought such a big victory, everyone's faces were filled with excitement and pride. Deng Ziyi might be named an earl after this battle, and Qiu Ze was originally an earl, so he might be able to make further progress. , Come on Marquis, as for the other large and small soldiers, they will also have their own rewards.

Only Zongxin Shimadzu, who went to Nanjing alone, looked at these ferocious soldiers with a hint of confusion in his eyes. He was still too young to understand the pain of losing a father, and he didn't know much about family. Even so, with only a rough woman on board to take care of him, he still doesn't quite adapt to the current environment, and his whole person is a little listless.

After Deng Zi also saw the situation of Shimadzu Zongxin, he was a little worried that the other party would die during the journey, so he could only let the military doctor with the army take care of him all the way, and he was a little relieved when he arrived at the Shanghai pier.

At the same time, the battle against the Satsuma clan in Nanjing did not cause much disturbance. Even the major newspapers and periodicals that reported frantically when they encountered something in the past only wrote an article the size of a tofu block. Let me introduce the ins and outs of this battle.

The world fell into an extremely strange calm.

(End of this chapter)

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