Cutting 1719

Chapter 430 The Russians Came to Envoy

Chapter 430 The Russians Came to Envoy
After disposing of Yunhu, Yongzheng hadn't had time to catch his breath when another big trouble came to him.

"Your Majesty, the Ministry of Rites has just received news that the Raksha Kingdom sent envoys to our court years ago, and they have already arrived in Kyakhta. It seems that the purpose is to redefine the border of the Ergun River. wind and rain"

In the Hall of Mental Cultivation, Sertu, Minister of the Ministry of Rites, presented a booklet to Yongzheng, but it caused an uproar among the officials in the hall. For the Raksha Kingdom, the current emperor and ministers of the Qing Dynasty are no strangers.

Flipping through the booklet in his hand, Yongzheng's face changed slightly. The Raksha Kingdom came here as an envoy to redefine the border of the Ergun River at this moment. It means taking advantage of the fire.

"Hmph, the Rakshasa thief came here just to spy on the opportunity of the civil strife in the Qing Dynasty, and wanted to get some cheap money."

"Your Majesty, in the opinion of my ministers, it is better to send them away from the Qing Dynasty, so as to avoid further adversity at this juncture."

Yongzheng hesitated a bit, and finally sighed: "It's okay not to be afraid. Although the treaty was signed at the beginning, this treaty can't stop the raksha people's prodigal ambition. In recent years, they have repeatedly caused troubles on the Mongolian border. He even secretly funded Tsengwan Arabtan.”

Obviously, some people can indeed be seen, but seeing does not mean that the problem will be solved. Instead of letting the Raksha people continue to encroach on the Sino-Russian border, it is better to choose to talk.

"Your Majesty, the reason for this matter is purely some hidden dangers left after the signing of the "Nerchinsk Treaty". If it is not resolved, it will not be conducive to side affairs."

Xu Yuanmeng, a scholar of the Manchurian University, looked solemn. It is obvious that although the "Nerchinsk Treaty" was signed more than 30 years ago, the shame of that year has always made Kangxi feel regretful, and even affected the courtiers at that time. It can be said that the entire Qing Dynasty hated the Raksha State very much.

The so-called remaining hidden dangers are well known to everyone, that is, the treaty at that time only demarcated the eastern border between China and Russia, but the other borders were not demarcated. Mongolia's vast land has lasted for many years, so the Qing court has been urging the demarcation of the border, while the Russian side has been delaying for a long time.

Now it really made Russia wait for the great opportunity of the civil strife in the Qing court. At the beginning, the Qing court wanted to demarcate the border, it was because the Qing court had its own confidence, but now all the southern countries have fallen, and it is difficult to preserve themselves, so what? Do you have the confidence to argue with Russia on border issues?This is also what Yongzheng is worried about right now. He has to guard against the possibility of a lion opening his mouth in Russia.

All the people of insight in the Qing court are well aware of the threat posed by the Raksha Kingdom, because there is almost an overwhelming desire and greed for territory in this country, and they almost want to incorporate all the land they see into In the territory.

And it is destined that there will be no opinions on this matter at the court meeting. No one dared to say a word of peace in front of the officials. Therefore, after thinking for a long time, Yongzheng did not continue to discuss this topic.

After the court meeting dispersed, Yongzheng was still a little worried, so he summoned all the ministers in the general affairs department. Some things were difficult to say during the court meeting, but there were no taboos in the military affairs department.

After all the ministers from the Military Aircraft Department arrived, Yongzheng was not polite, and said a word directly, but he expressed the fear in his heart at this time.

"The Raksha Kingdom came to our Daqing on this trip, and I am afraid it will not be easy to send them away. If they unite with Ningchu and our Daqing, I am afraid there will be no hope."

That's right, Yongzheng wouldn't be particularly worried if he was only dealing with the Raksha Kingdom alone, but the house leak happened to rain all night, and at the time of the decisive battle between Ningchu and the Qing, if the Raksha people led troops from the north to the south , I am afraid that the Qing Dynasty will really have no way out.

"Your Majesty, the possibility of this matter is not very high. Even if the Raksha Kingdom wants to send troops, I am afraid that there are not many troops they can use in the North Sea. There are only more than [-] troops. Even though decades have passed, I am afraid that we can only send about [-] troops."

Zhang Tingyu played the duet. He has always been well-read and knowledgeable, so he is also quite familiar with the Battle of Yaksa that took place more than 30 years ago. He only answered a little bit after thinking about it.

However, Yongzheng's brows were still tightly furrowed. He was not such a fool. Although Zhang Tingyu said it was easy, this battle was not easy.

Yakesa is located on the left bank of the upper reaches of the Heilongjiang River. It is an important land and water hub. It was originally the residence of Albazi, the leader of the Daur people. Later, in the early Qing Dynasty, Tsarist Russia used the Qing court to be busy with the unification of the country and the quelling of the San Francisco Rebellion, and sent expeditionary troops to invade many times. In the Heilongjiang River Basin, they burned, killed and looted, encroached on the land everywhere, especially occupied Nerchinsk and Yaksa, and built forts and fortifications there.

Kangxi had a good understanding of these behaviors of the Tsarist Russian Expeditionary Army, and sent envoys to negotiate and warn many times, but none of them worked, so that Kangxi decided to expel them by force, and waited until the end of the San Francisco Rebellion. , sent people to reconnaissance the terrain of Yaksa, and sent Sabusu to lead his troops to build a city in Aihui and garrison it forever to prepare for the future battle of recovery.
In September of the 22nd year of Kangxi, the Qing court had made all preparations, and issued an ultimatum to the Tsarist Russian expeditionary force, asking them to evacuate Yaksa within a time limit, but the Russians ignored them, and even sent people to Aihui to plunder, and then Only then did the Qing government make up their minds to go up the Zeya River, capture the Russian army in the new Jieyask Fort, and destroy the Dronsk Fort and Xilinsk Fort. SA.

When preparing for the Battle of Yaksa, the Qing army conscripted 3000 soldiers in Ningguta, 170 banner soldiers were transferred from Beijing, more than 4000 rattan soldiers from Fujian, and more than 350 Sauron soldiers, with a total force of about 100. The Cossack soldiers stationed at Yaksa, together with merchants, hunters, farmers and Cossack tribesmen, totaled 450 people, with only three small cannons. Then Nerchinsk sent [-] reinforcements, and by this time there were [-] people.

The Qing army marched in the south of the city, released bows and arrows, and used red cannons in the north of the city to concentrate their firepower. The way of fire attack was to prepare to burn the city, and then forced the Russian army to leave the city and surrender.

After the surrender of the Russian army, a total of [-] Cossack soldiers remained to serve the Qing court, and were assigned to the upper three banners by Kangxi, while the Russian guard Tolbuzin withdrew with others. At this stage, Yaksa was recovered by the Qing army .

Logically speaking, when the battle reached this point, victory had basically been declared, but the problem was that after the Qing army defeated Yaksa, they did not choose to garrison it, but burned all the houses and military fortresses in the city, Then they returned to Aihui, while the other troops returned to Beijing, and the area from Yaksa to Aihui returned to the state of no owner before the war.

On the way back to Nerchinsk, the Russian defender Tolbuzin ran into the Cossack army led by the Russian army commander Boyton. After knowing that Yaksa had completely fallen, he had to return to Nerchinsk together.Then Vlasov, the governor of Nerchinsk, sent people to Yaksa to spy, and got information that the Qing army hurried down the Heilongjiang River after burning Yaksa. He was very happy, so he sent Tolbuzin to occupy Yaksa again.

In other words, so far, all the previous efforts of the Qing army have been in vain, which is also an important reason why the Battle of Yaksa lasted for three full years.

When the Qing court heard the news and led the army to besiege Yaksa for the second time, Yaksa had been re-fortified by the Russian army, with nearly 700 troops, five bronze cannons, three iron cannons, and 950 muskets. Moreover, the city wall has been heightened and thickened, prominent fortresses have been built on all sides, trenches have been dug outside the wall, and granaries, gunpowder depots, military supply depots and nearly ten residential houses have also been built.

Therefore, it will not be so easy for the Qing army to conquer Yaksa after it has undergone re-strengthening.General Sabusu of the Qing Army led more than [-] men from his troops, together with [-] Fujian rattan soldiers led by Marquis Lin Xingzhu of Jianyi, and assisted by generals such as Lang Tan, Bandarshan, and Mala, they began to besiege Jacques for the second time. SA.

When the Qing army surrounded Yaksa, Sabsu began to lead the army to attack the city. However, this time, they suffered heavy artillery fire in the city. The Qing army suffered heavy casualties and was unable to continue to attack the city. The Russian army could not go further. Confrontation, you advance and the other retreats, the war is in a state of see-saw stalemate.

During the siege of the Qing army, the Russian army also suffered heavy casualties. When the guard Tolbuzin was inspecting the tower, a shell hit his leg, so his right leg was directly interrupted, and the wound was also infected. He died four days later. The Russian army then returned to the command of the Russian Army General Boy Eaton.

The battle lasted from July to October, and Sabsu began to adopt a long-term siege strategy, while the Russian army in the city lived in caves in the ice and snow, suffered from moisture, died of battle, starvation, and bad blood. There were as many as hundreds of people who died of illness, so that there were only more than [-] soldiers who were still fighting.

Although there were only more than 60 Russian troops in the city of Yaksa, the Qing army still chose to besiege. At this time, in order to understand the siege of Yaksa, Russia sent the former imperial minister Golovin and Iratomsk governor Vlaso Husband came to negotiate, and the Qing army chose to retreat three versts, lifted the siege, and signed the "Nerchinsk Treaty" through subsequent negotiations.

It is precisely because Yongzheng understands this that he will not underestimate the combat effectiveness of the Russian army. If the Russian army behind is still in this state, with the current Qing army, it is impossible to continue to besiege in the ice and snow for a year or even two years. Neither military strength nor financial resources can support it.

"The Raksha Kingdom has been spying on our territory for a long time, and its wolf ambitions are horrifying. If it is necessary to resort to force to resolve disputes, can our Qing Dynasty resist the invasion of its Raksha soldiers and civilians?"

When it comes to this issue, everyone's faces are a little worried, but the Minister of the Ministry of War, Tuolai, stood up and said, "My Majesty, although the Battle of Yaksa has passed for more than [-] years, the military strength of the Qing Dynasty is now stronger than it was back then." Still more than that."

Everyone was dumbfounded. If it is really so powerful, how come half of the country in the south has been lost?

Tolai blushed slightly, and said in a low voice: "Chu Ni is far stronger than the Russians. Although my Qing Dynasty cannot defeat Chu Ni, it is much stronger than before. won."

"But even if we win, with the current money and rations of the Qing Dynasty, we can't sustain it at all. From the perspective of slaves, at least we have to meet these envoys of the Raksha Kingdom. If we want to fight and make peace, the emperor can make other plans at that time. "

Zhang Tingyu, as the Minister of the Household Department, has always opposed being too tough on this matter. After all, the current Qing Dynasty is no longer the powerful Qing Dynasty. The foundation is more than weak.

Yongzheng thought about it carefully, and finally sighed: "Sertu, pass on the decree and let the Rakshasa envoys come to the capital to negotiate. I have to listen to their ideas more or less." Then he whispered Said: "If the other country has an unreasonable request, I will not agree anyway."

Seltu had no choice but to claim yes, but he was a little worried in his heart. The Raksha Kingdom was not an easy enemy to deal with, and he was afraid that he might bleed heavily this time.

(End of this chapter)

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