Cutting 1719

Chapter 437 If you want to fight, I will fight

Chapter 437 If you want to fight, I will fight

It's just that when the ministers heard Ning Yu's popularization, they were a little stunned. They even looked at Ning Yu with a bit of disbelief. Once this person got into Qian's eyes, he would really try every means Got money.
"But Your Majesty, what if someone still chooses to make a private transaction?" A minister continued to ask.

Ning Yu chuckled and said: "If it is a private transaction, the court will not approve the private contract in the future. If you want to get the protection of the court, you must go through the stamp duty, and the transaction can be verified through the stamp duty amount, which in turn levies deed tax.”

At this moment, everyone was speechless, and it was hard to say even the disadvantages, because this type of tax is simply perfect. Compared with other types of taxes, its scope of collection is wider, so the tax rate can be set relatively much lower, but it is It can realize the financial effect of collecting funds and accumulating more, and it will not arouse the resentment of the people.

More importantly, once the land property rights registered through the stamp duty will enter the management of the imperial court, no matter what it does at that time, the imperial court will at least be able to know what it is, instead of private transactions as it is now. with fog.

Ning Zhongjing, chief minister of the cabinet, was quite happy, "Stamp tax is an excellent strategy. The minister will draw up a detailed rule, which will be implemented next month. It is expected that this year's tax will increase again."

When the court has money, the happiest people belong to the chief assistant of the cabinet and the ministers of the Privy Council. This shows that both construction funds and military expenditures have become more abundant. The deduction of that fee needs to be cut down, which can be described as the best of both worlds.

"If these policies are in place, I believe that the trend of private land mergers should be weakened. At that time, the landlords and gentry will also reduce the purchase of land because of the deed tax and stamp duty."

Xiao Li, Minister of Agriculture, had a smile on his face. He was a courtier promoted by the Supreme Emperor in the past. He was always loyal and knew a lot about agronomy, so he has been serving as Minister of Agriculture, and his achievements are quite impressive. .

Ning Yu chuckled, his three axes hadn't been used up completely, how could he just stop there?

"Xiao Qing's family, relying on the first two policies alone is not enough. I think that if we want to combat the trend of mergers, we need to start with the big landlords. The land transfer deed tax and the relevant annual land tax collected will be based on the area of ​​the field. The step system of tax collection completely cancels the past taxation system of upper, middle and lower fields."

During the Ming and Qing dynasties, when taxing land, the land was divided into upper, middle and lower land systems, and different taxes were collected separately. However, this policy has a lot of room for manipulation and is often used by landlords and gentry in the countryside.

After all, the right to interpret the division of land grades is in their hands. It is very common to divide their own fields into lower fields and ordinary people's fields into upper fields. In addition, the land in some counties is indeed barren. After completing the task of paying grain, they will also deliberately divide Xiatian into Upper Zhongtian in order to achieve the purpose of paying more taxes.

Ning Yu knew in his heart that if he continued to operate through this complicated land evaluation system, it would be difficult to get rid of the bad government no matter what he did. The best way is to completely fix the land tax, not dividing according to the degree of fertility and barrenness, but only depending on the size of the land. More is more, less is less, and there is much less space for intermediate operations.

Xiao Li, Shangshu of the Ministry of Agriculture, was stunned when he heard this. He hesitated and said, "Your Majesty, the land has been divided according to the fertility and barrenness for a long time, and it is natural. If the land tax is fixed, some of the barren land will be completely abandoned. I am afraid that there will be a large part of the land that can be controlled."

What Xiao Li said is not without reason. After all, when the barren lower fields and the fertile upper fields both pay the same tax, then naturally no one will want to cultivate the lower fields, and will directly choose to abandon them. After all, Ding Yin in Ningchu has already reached In the field tax, if there is no land, naturally there is no need to pay a penny of tax.

At present, Ningchu's land taxes follow the former dynasty's rules and have always been calculated in silver taels. However, due to the currency system reform later, so far, such as sand-alkaline land, depressions, hillsides, and cemeteries have been levied from six copper dollars to eight copper dollars per mu. For arable land, it is ten copper dollars per mu for upper field, eight copper dollars per mu for middle field, and six copper dollars per mu for lower field.

On the surface, Ningchu's current land tax is a little higher than that of the Qing court, but because Ningchu has completely abolished the bad government of exorbitant and miscellaneous taxes, it has made the burden of the people much easier. The tax is only about half of that of the common people in the Qing court.

Of course, Ning Yu thought about this problem, and said softly: "For example, some too poor Xia Tian will be abandoned when they are abandoned. Although this part of the land tax will be less, because the output itself is not much, it is not necessary There will be too much loss, and the extra manpower can be transferred to the industrial and commercial industries. After all, since the implementation of the Industry 1.0 plan, the upstream and downstream labor required by the national industrial and commercial industries will be in the millions."

In the Industry 1.0 plan formulated by the cabinet, the budget of tens of millions of yuan can completely create millions of industrial and commercial jobs, and it can be used to divert some landless farmers. Everyone knows this very well.

"Then how should the step-by-step land taxation system be divided?"

Chief Assistant Ning Zhongjing asked again. He could probably guess that all the emperor's previous policies were laying the groundwork for this policy, and the land area ladder system may be the real focus.

For example, the prohibition of posting and the crackdown on private illegal sales contracts are nothing more than to better control the land registered under each household's name, and the purpose of the land area taxation system is ready to come out.

"After all, this policy is to control land mergers, so heavy taxes are only levied on big landlords. I think that everyone who owns less than [-] mu of land per household is subject to a regular tax of six copper dollars per mu, and every household with more than [-] mu of land More than [-] mu, the tax is eight copper dollars per mu. As for the more than [-] mu and less than [-] mu, the tax is [-] copper dollars per mu. , the average tax is [-] copper dollars per mu."

From two copper coins, to three copper coins, then to five copper coins, and finally to thirty copper coins, this made everyone feel a little terrified when they heard it. Calculated like this, if the family happens to have a thousand acres of land, Then the land tax alone would cost [-] copper dollars each year, a total of [-] silver dollars!
If in the Qing court, even if all the landowners of a thousand mu were in the field, they would have to pay more than 80 taels of silver. In fact, for these big landowners, they usually don’t pay much land tax at all, and they really have to pay the sky. That is three 40 taels, there can be a tenfold difference inside and outside.

Conversely, it is a great good thing for families with less than [-] mu, because they are basically all calculated at the tax rate of the lower fields, and the tax they need to pay is lower than now, which substantially reduces the burden of life. burden.

"Your Majesty, how should we calculate the value of those with more than [-] mu?"

Ning Yu sneered, "Anyone with more than [-] mu will not be subject to the tax rate of the land tax system, and will be calculated according to the industrial and commercial tax rate."

There was an uproar in the hall, what is the concept of calculating according to the industrial and commercial tax rate?You must know that no matter what category is calculated, the industrial and commercial tax is much higher than the existing land tax. This is why the court ministers have to pinch their noses to agree with him even if they think that the industrial and commercial is not pleasing to the eye. , there is no way to deny it.

Inside and outside the government and the public, vigorously developing industry and commerce and imposing heavy taxes on industry and commerce have never been a contradictory matter.Of course, some merchants faintly reveal that the tax rate is too high, but the industrial and commercial regulations passed in those years have always been there. It is clearly stated in it that how much return you want depends on how much tax you pay!
Therefore, merchants also love and hate this industrial and commercial tax. The love is because it can ensure the status of merchants, and they will not be exploited forever. The hate is because of its extremely high tax rate, which makes merchants always feel a little It hurts.

But now, Ning Yu told everyone very bluntly, since you like land so much, then calculate it according to the industrial and commercial tax rate, and see who can afford it more, you or the imperial court.

At this stage, Ning Yu was completely desperate, and threw out the stepped taxation system for land area as a spear directly into the heart of the gentry and landlord.

The expressions of the ministers have become varied. Except for important ministers like Ning Zhongjing and Cui Wancai who looked indifferent, some other ministers looked worried, but there were also some young and strong factions who seemed to be fighting high, because in their It seems that this will be the best prescription to completely solve the problem of land annexation.

As for the ministers who persuaded him, there was none, because no one knew how to persuade them. If we say that the previous advices were all based on the reason of dividing the country and serving the people, but now Ning Yu has completely told everyone. , Want to rely on the voice of Shilin to oppose the New Deal?Then let's fight!

If it is said that Ning Yu at the beginning of the founding of the country, more or less had to give the gentry some face, but now Ning Yu has the support of the people at the bottom, the support of the merchant class, and more importantly, he has become a leader of hundreds of thousands of people. The leader of the army no longer has to worry about the gentry overturning the table!
Everyone changed color for a while. It can be said that this is Ning Yu's challenge to the gentry once again since the imperial court promulgated the gentry's one-to-one payment system, or an ultimatum!

Those who obey will prosper, those who oppose will perish!

If you want to vote, go ahead, if you have the ability, you can rebel and show me to see if my Fuhan army's sword is sharp enough!

come on!Let's fight!
In the "Qingliu Bao" newspaper office, Wang Jingqi was sitting in the editor's office, with a look of fear, joy and even excitement on his face. On the table in front of him was a piece of paper exuding a faint scent of ink. That was the news that the Press and Publishing Department had just delivered, that is, the relevant policies that had just been formally passed by the cabinet.

The imperial examinations will continue to be restructured and old subjects will be added!
Posting is prohibited and is no longer officially protected!
Introduced a stamp duty system, signing the contract requires official certification!
And most importantly, the most worrisome and frightening thing - the land area taxation system in steps!
Wang Jingqi took a deep breath. Of course he knew what kind of uproar would be caused after these policies were announced. It can be said that those gentry groups were afraid that they would either collude with the Qing Dynasty to rebel against Ning Chu, or sell the land immediately. of choice.

Of course, these are not what Wang Jingqi needs to consider. The only thing he can do is to publish this blockbuster newspaper. This is a request from the cabinet, and even a request from His Majesty the Emperor himself!

Moreover, in today's environment where there are many newspapers and periodicals, with such a blockbuster newspaper, "Qingliu Daily" will become the uncrowned king of the newspaper industry!And he, Wang Jingqi, will also use this opportunity to completely become the mouthpiece of the imperial court among scholars!
A golden road has been paved in front of Wang Jingqi, waiting for him to walk up it.

Thinking of this, Wang Jingqi didn't hesitate any more, he quickly got up and stood up, and then called all his colleagues together, looking at these people with a serious and excited expression.

"Everyone, everyone!"

"Stop all the things you are busy with now, no matter what gossip is about the gossip, or the news of the appointment of those officials! Stop everything for me!"

The editors of Qingliu News who were busy writing, and the reporters who were going out to interview, looked at Wang Jingqi, who was refined and refined in the past, in surprise, and roared like a madman.

Wang Jingqi forced himself to calm down, and said in a low voice: "From now on, no one is allowed to leave this building, until this issue of the newspaper is published, and until they are sold in every city, you are not allowed to go out!"

A low-level reporter who has not been employed for a long time raised his hand tremblingly, "Editor-in-chief, if you are not allowed to go out, where will the news come from?"

"The news is in my hands!"

Wang Jingqi held up the thin piece of paper he was holding, and said with a low laugh: "The cabinet has passed several pieces of news that can be called heavy, and after they were announced to the Executive Yuan, "Qingliubao" was granted exclusive distribution. Fang, our task is to completely complete all the content of this issue within one day, and to print [-] copies in two days and distribute them to different cities."

Hearing the news, everyone didn't even dare to amplify their breathing. They stared blankly at the crazy Wang Jingqi, but they all thought of one thing in their hearts, that is, after this time, the "Qingliu News" may have completely developed a vibration!


After a few sounds of chairs being touched, everyone entered into the best working condition. Wang Jingqi, the lead writer, and five other capable editors started the frantic editing process. At the same time, the responsible The printing owners have also started the preparatory work, and they will start intense printing work as soon as the sample report comes out.

For three whole days, everyone was working like crazy. They would lie on the floor for a while when they were sleepy, and then resume their busy work after waking up. Everything seemed so tense and intense.

Until three days later, more than [-] copies of newspapers still smelling of ink were printed, and they will be sold in major cities immediately, but the resulting storm has just begun.

(End of this chapter)

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