Cutting 1719

Chapter 462

Chapter 462
In September, the capital was turbulent inside and outside the capital, and the people in the capital could almost feel the breath of the coming war. Many people brought their parents and wives, preparing to escape from the maelstrom of the capital.

Whenever a war breaks out, the intensity of the battle in the core area will be much higher than those in inconspicuous places. Therefore, for many people, fleeing at this time is the best choice.If you wait until the capital is completely under martial law, it means losing your last chance to escape.

The capital covers a vast area, so there are many gates in the city, so there is a saying of "inner nine outer seven imperial cities and four". Of course, the inner nine gates are usually used by princes and ministers, and the "outer seven" are really used by the people. , that is, the seven gates of the outer city.

And since the front line of Shandong and Henan was completely broken by the Fuhan army, the seven gates of the outer city have been completely congested. out.

Guang'anmen is one of the seven gates of the outer city. It is also the only gate that opens to the west in the outer city. It is opposite to Guangqumen and Yongdingmen. The only way to enter Beijing, so the Zhangyimen Street in Guang'anmen is very prosperous. There is a saying that 'once you enter Zhangyimen, the silver will knock you down'.

Among the seven gates of the outer city, Guang'an Gate is the most congested because it is the only way for all provinces to enter Beijing by land. A large number of people gathered here, waiting anxiously for the gate to open. They stopped with knives and guns, and everyone looked fierce.

Guang'anmen is under the jurisdiction of the nine gate admirals, and the officials guarding the gate are Chengmen captains of the fourth rank. It is called the land of oil and water.

Among them, the inner nine gates face the princes and ministers, and they are under the watchful eyes of the admirals of the nine gates every day. Most of them dare not do things that are too eye-catching. In addition, there are two Manchurians in charge of the gate control, which is relatively honest, but The Outer Seven Gates are open to ordinary people, and there is only the Han army alone. Naturally, they act without scruples and make a lot of money. Therefore, those who sit in this position are usually not ordinary people.

Today's Guang'anmen City Gate Captain is a well-known figure, called Xu Sheng, who was born under the Zhengbai flag of the Han Army, and is also the brother-in-law of Li Yuanliang, the deputy commander of the Han Army of the Zhengbai Banner. Xu Sheng got such an important job.

The reason is very simple. Li Yuanliang's status is unusual. His great-grandfather was Li Yongfang, the first general of Jin after the surrender of the Ming court. The qualifications among the Eight Banners of the Han Army are unmatched.

With the blessing of this kind of veteran traitor family background, even in this era, the descendants of the Li family still have a good life, like Li Yuanliang who easily gave Xu Sheng the position of the gate captain of Guang'anmen. Sheng spent a lot of money in Guang'anmen all day long.

"My lord, there are quite a lot of fat sheep under the city gate today. Hehe"

In the city tower, a wretched-looking Qing soldier was flattering Xu Sheng. He had a face full of pockmarks, which looked rather scary, but he looked at Xu Sheng with a hint of Flattery.

Xu Sheng snorted coldly, "Seeing that I have lost the Qing Dynasty, these gang slaves are all looking for a way out. Who doesn't know that among the seven gates of the capital, Guang'anmen is the most convenient? But there is no free lunch in the world. Let them bleed this time!"

Mazi Qingbing immediately lowered his head and asked softly: "My lord, are we really...really defeated?"

"Hmph, you don't even think about who I am, at least it's a Taoist platform if you let it out. How can you say something false?"

Xu Sheng snorted coldly, even if he didn't look at this, he didn't know who was standing behind Xu?The Deputy Commander of the White Banner Han Army, is that within the reach of ordinary people?

Mazi quickly chuckled, and quickly denied: "The villain knows the ability of the adult, and now I can get the support of the adult, and the villain will naturally seize the opportunity."

Xu Sheng leaned back on the reclining chair behind him, then picked up the teacup on the table, took a sip of tea happily, and said lazily: "Go and do your job well. I won't treat you badly in the future."

"What the adults say is what the adults say"

Mazi flattered and agreed, while retreating quietly. In Guang'anmen, as long as he pleases Xu Sheng, the city gate captain, there will be countless lucrative money to be fished. Is there anything prohibited here?

When Mazi walked down the gate, several soldiers guarding the gate hurriedly nodded and bowed to say hello. To Mazi, Xu Sheng needed his kindness, but to the low-level officers and soldiers guarding the gate, Mazi Also a terrific big shot.

A soldier saw the relaxed expression on Mazi's face, and immediately said cautiously: "Master Zhang, it's almost time now, can we open the city gate?"

Mazi snorted coldly, "Why are you so anxious, they are so frizzy all day long, it's fat sheep like them who are anxious!"

"Yes, yes, this subordinate has good eyesight, whoops!"

The soldier had a flattering smile on his face, and finally slapped himself on the face, but it turned red.

Mazi was instantly satisfied, he nodded his head pretending to be majestic, then looked at the sky, and then pretended to say: "Okay, it's almost time, let's drive!"

With the sound of sizzling, the heavy city gate slowly opened its arms under the push of several soldiers, and the people crowded in front of the gate became even more noisy and began to rush forward.

Seeing this, Mazi snorted coldly, "Listen to me, all of you, if you want to go there, you have no problem, but you have to come one by one! Especially recently, there have been a lot of spies in the city, and you have to go out if you want to go out of the city." Pass the inspection, open your packages one by one, and show the man!"

When the common people heard this, their expressions immediately became a little shattered. How could they not know the virtues of these gatekeepers? At least half of them have to be taken away by these people
The man standing at the front panicked. He looked at the expressions of the soldiers at the city gate, and then at the package in his arms, but he backed away slowly, intending not to pass through here.

Mazi's eyes were sharp, so he could see the strangeness of the man at a glance, so he walked forward and stood in front of the man, and said with a sneer, "Hey, we've arrived at Guang'anmen, why are we going back?"

The man had no choice but to show a wry smile, "If you go back to the official, there are still young and old waiting at home, so I won't go out of the city, please let the official go."

Mazi showed a mouthful of yellow teeth, and said with a sinister smile, "Just now I was going to go out, but now I don't go out, could it be that you are a spy sent by the rebels? Since you have already come, then take out the things in your arms and have a look. "

Seeing that the soldiers at the city gate showed him a friendly smile, the man had no choice but to hand over the package in his arms and put it on the registration table at the city gate.

Mazi squinted at the man, and snorted coldly, "You're out of fun." As he spoke, he opened a corner of the package with the blade of a knife, and saw that it was full of clothes, so he stabbed it with the blade of the knife habitually. But this poke made Mazi's eyes brighten. He didn't care about the man, and directly tore open the clothes, only to see a bunch of yellow and white things appearing in the package.

The yellow ones are strings of copper coins, and the white ones are the corners of silver barley. Mazi was overwhelmed with ecstasy. He quickly blocked the sight of others with his clothes, and then said coldly: "Today, the uncle is happy, so let's put it aside for now." Get out of here, get out!"

The man stared at the package, but swallowed his anger and said: "Master, the villain's package is still with you, return the package to the villain, and the villain will leave immediately."

"Package? What package?"

Mazi looked at the soldiers beside him and smiled, "Have you seen any packages?"

The soldiers watching the city gate had seen this kind of scene a lot, and they all knew that they had a share of benefits, so they all said in unison that they had never seen it before, and some even hit the man with the handle of a knife, and told him to leave quickly .

There was despair in the man's eyes. He looked at the people behind him, but all of them lowered their heads and didn't say a word--obviously, there are not so many brave men who speak out, and some people are The sneer that reveals a bit of a joke, seems to feel lucky for the misfortune of the person in front of him.

Boy, who made you bring so much money, who made you so rich, you deserve it!
Mazi became impatient, he carried the package and was about to turn around and leave.He muttered in his mouth: "Hurry up and send it away, you should keep an eye on it here, and don't miss the other rebel spies!"

Everyone laughed, they all understood what pockmarked meant, and immediately patted their chests to express that they would never let anyone go easily, and then two city gate soldiers pushed the man, telling him to get out of here.

The man's eyes were blood red, he suddenly let out a roar, pushed away the two soldiers beside him, and rushed towards Mazi, but Mazi didn't notice for a while, and his skills were not sensitive enough, so he was thrown hard He fell to the ground and was punched by the man with a fist all over his face.

"Traitor! Let you rob me of my property!"

While roaring angrily, the man punched Mazi hard on the bridge of the nose again, but he beat Mazi until tears came out, and he shouted loudly: "Come here! Come here! Let this unscrupulous man die!" No, kill this traitor to me!"

The soldiers on the side hurried over, grabbed the man who was about to throw a punch, and after a lot of tossing, they pulled Mazi up, and after such a beating, Mazi suddenly became ruthless and picked up the long knife on the ground , drew the knife out of its sheath, and then killed the man with a knife in full view.

The people on the sidelines were in an uproar, but in the midst of this chaos, there was a sound of horseshoes from the end of the long street, and a few Qing soldiers on horseback were rushing over with a crowd.

Mazi looked at the corpse in front of him, and his face turned pale. He stared fiercely at the soldiers, "You take half of the money in the package, and leave the rest to Master Xu. Remember not to talk nonsense. I firmly insist that this person is a secret agent of Chu Ni, and I will give you other benefits later!"

The soldiers nodded quickly, but before they could speak, the cavalrymen had already arrived in front of the crowd. One of the leaders looked at the crowd, and then at the corpse on the ground, with a trace of a smile on his face. chill.

"I am Heng Lin, the commander of the left wing under the command of Lord Junmen. You are soldiers of Guang'anmen? Who is this man? Who killed him?"

Seeing that Henglin asked three questions before dismounting, Mazi immediately felt that something was wrong, he quickly squeezed out a smile, and knelt on the ground: "The villain, General Zhang Wu, under the command of Xu Sheng, the gate captain of Guang'anmen. The man is a spy of a traitor, just now he wanted to take advantage of the opening of the city gate to sneak out, and was spotted by the villain on the spot, but this person wanted to fight with the little mermaid, and then was killed by the villain."

I have to say that Mazi's words were impeccable, and he also pointed out the people behind him. If an ordinary official came here, he would probably have some scruples in his heart, so he wouldn't care too much about it. subsided.

But Henglin is different. He is the new admiral E Shan's confidant, so he didn't pay attention to a mere city gate captain, and calmly said: "Since this person was killed by you, left and right, get me Down."

"My lord, why do you want to arrest the villain?" Mazi panicked. He thought of many possibilities and countermeasures in his mind, but he wiped them out one by one in a flash.

No way, compared with a general, a left-wing leader is almost the difference between an elephant and a fly, and he has no power to fight back at all.

"Hmph, this is just your one-sided remarks. How can I trust you alone? After the matter is thoroughly investigated, if it is true as you said, I will show merit to Master E for you. If you hide something, the Sanchi National Law will not spare you!"

After Heng Lin said this, he didn't pay much attention to Xu Sheng at all, and wasn't even interested in telling him, so he just tied Mazi's hands and took him away from here.

At this time, on the upper floor of the city gate, Xu Sheng was watching this scene calmly, and he didn't mean to stop him. He was just a small boss on the left and right. Xu Sheng is not so stupid as to be as good as the cronies of Admiral Nine Gates.

You must know that since Aqitu, the admiral of the nine gates, was imprisoned in the case of the third prince a year ago, the admiral of the nine gates has been in a vacant state. Although there are many people who want to get this seat, they haven't got the emperor's favor. It was not until after Eshan returned to the capital that the answer to the mystery was finally revealed.

It can be said that in the face of the current new governor, E Shan, let alone Xu Sheng, even his backer Li Yuanliang dare not give a shit. The two sides really do not belong to the same level.So it wasn't that Xu Sheng suddenly became better-tempered, it was because he was helpless.

However, only half a day later, a large number of soldiers from the Eight Banners Infantry Battalion appeared at the seven gates outside the capital at the same time. Under the leadership of their respective generals, they put up swords and guns, put up seals, and launched a complete blockade on the seven gates. And no one is allowed to leave the city.

Everyone in the capital hadn't expected that the scene in front of them was just a small wave, and the real big wave hadn't arrived yet.

(End of this chapter)

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