Cutting 1719

Chapter 465

Chapter 465

Shanhaiguan, with Yanshan Mountain in the north and Bohai Sea in the south, has been built by Hongwu, Chenghua, Jiajing, Wanli, Tianqi and Chongzhen six dynasties. It is strong and indestructible, and is also known as the first pass in the world.

When the Qing government entered the Central Plains, the biggest problem it faced was Shanhaiguan. Shanhaiguan did not really fall into the hands of the Qing court until after Wu Sangui surrendered to the Qing Dynasty. Before that, even though the Ming court was extremely weak, even if the Qing court had countless talented and famous generals, But still stop in front of Shanhaiguan.

The lock and key of the two capitals are unparalleled, and the first pass of the Great Wall.

Today's Shanhaiguan is still very important to the Qing court. After all, Shanhaiguan is sandwiched between the capital and Shengjing, and the distance from both is about [-] miles.Once the Fuhan army can seize Shanhaiguan, no matter attacking Shengjing or the capital, it will be a piece of cake.

Especially in the current situation, the 15 troops of the Qing court are blocked in the pass. Once Shanhaiguan is gone, it means that the main force of the Qing army must either return to Shanhaiguan or go in the direction of Juyongguan, bypassing Zhangjiakou and entering Mongolia. Then go to Shengjing along the Xiliao River, which is more than 2000 miles away.

Therefore, for the Qing court, Shanhaiguan seems inconspicuous at the moment, but it has actually become an important place for their two capitals, and it must be kept. It is conceivable that once the navy of the Fuhan Army appears in the After the Shandong sea area, the Qing court's first thing may be to return to Fangshanguan and other places.

Ning Zhongyi looked a bit cautious, "Shanhai Pass itself is not something to be afraid of, the key is the 15 Qing troops in the pass, we must attract their attention, and we must not let them support Shanhai Pass."

Ning Yu nodded slightly, and said softly: "The First Army and a part of the Second Army need to put some pressure on Zhili, and they can't be allowed to stay in the capital. The Central Army launched the Tianjin landing battle according to the original plan. "

Speaking of this, Ning Yu pointed Shanhaiguan with his finger, "This place is narrow, and it is difficult to deploy heavy troops. Since the imperial guards have already arrived on the battlefield, they will naturally have to gnaw the most difficult bones. Ning Zuyi, what do you think? ?”

As the commander of the Imperial Guard Division, Ning Zuyi is only lower than the commanders of the two major armies, but higher than the ordinary division commanders. Therefore, he also holds the title of Deputy Privy Envoy in the Privy Council. He stood up, He said solemnly: "The imperial guards have never been dispatched, this battle is the best whetstone!"

Ning Yu nodded in satisfaction, and said with a little emotion: "If the imperial guards stay in Nanjing for a long time, I am afraid that they will lose their fighting spirit after a long time. It is good to experience more wind and rain. Ning Zuyi, if you can win Shanhaiguan, you will continue to be the imperial guards, if you can't take it, everyone will retreat to the second-line army, and I will build a new imperial guards."

When Ning Zuyi heard this, he was immediately excited, and directly performed a solemn military salute, with a bit of solemnity in his expression.

"If the imperial guards are not victorious in this battle, the general is willing to die at the gate of Shanhaiguan!"


On September 22, the No.15 Division of the Fuhan Army launched an attack on Zhaozhou. Dozens of cannons were lined up.

Dong Ce stood under the city of Zhaozhou, holding a binoculars to watch the movement on the city. He was wearing a black cloak and a red military uniform inside, looking very heroic, and behind him stood a large row of Everyone looked at Dong Ce with admiration.

Dong Ce is not an unfamiliar name to the current young officers in the Fuhan Army, because he was also an instructor in the lecture hall for a period of time before, just like the other generals who came out of the young eagle, the professor Several batches of officers came out, and it was not until the military academy got on the right track that they completely let go of their teaching positions.

Therefore, although Dong Ce looks young, he is the teacher of many people after all, and their current fighting skills also have a bit of Dong Ce's style.

Of course, there is no such thing as a teacher-student colleague in the Fuhan Army. Even if you really want to rely on the teacher-student relationship, it doesn't matter, because everyone is a student of the emperor, and everyone is a student of the emperor.

Dong Ce has been working for a full year since he became the No.15 division commander last year. Although it seems to outsiders that this has somewhat lost the trust of the emperor, Dong Ce is happy in his heart. After all, only Dong Ce understands in his heart that he is currently Where is the short board.

Compared with the current new generation generals of the Fuhan Army, Dong Ce has his own outstanding side, that is, he has worked in the center for a long time and can better grasp the overall situation. However, correspondingly, he also lacks the practical experience of leading troops in the local area. And the corresponding military merits, so serving as the commander of the No.15 division is an opportunity to exercise and prove yourself.

Of course, Dong Ce doesn't have to worry about his status being affected. After all, Ning Yu once said that if there are no major accidents, Dong Ce, Xu Chengliang, and Yu Zhijing will all have the same status if there are no mistakes in ten years. The opportunity to become a privy envoy is at least the position of a large army commander.

As for the battle of Zhaozhou this time, it was Dong Ce who announced to the world that he did not choose to remain silent, but went further and used Zhaozhou's military exploits to prove himself.

"The first regiment, get ready to go directly to the city, the second regiment will respond, and the artillery of the division will attack the remaining artillery forces of the Qing army in Zhaozhou. If there are hidden artillery, it is necessary to find out and deal with it as early as possible."


Following Dong Ce's order, the divisional staff quickly formulated a detailed plan, including the key areas for artillery strikes, the time of strikes, as well as the troops invested by infantry in attacking the city, and the corresponding rhythm, which were gradually broken down. , It became a number on the straw paper, and then the number became a series of orders, which were issued to each regiment and battalion.

It has to be said that the traditional commanding operations rely more on the generals' experience and understanding of the war, but now, all the specific planning of the war in Ningchu is not completed by the generals alone, but detailed through the staff system. This system can further reduce the influence of generals themselves, so that the command level can always be kept in an efficient state.

"Kill ah-"

Amidst a burst of military drums, the soldiers of the Fuhan Army, led by their respective officers, launched an attack in the direction of Zhaozhou City. Young and energetic faces were reflected on the snow-white bayonets. The soldiers, on the other hand, were already battered by artillery fire.
On September 24, the city of Zhaozhou was broken.

On September 27, Zhengding City was broken.

On the second day of October, the city of Dingzhou was broken.

In just ten days, the capital received three bad news from the front line one after another, and the soldiers of the Fuhan Army were getting closer and closer to the capital—after passing Dingzhou, it was Baoding Mansion, and when Baoding Mansion passed, it was the capital. The capital was completely in a panic.

Looking at those memorials, Emperor Yongzheng finally understood a truth, that is, the reason why he was unable to make a decision was completely misled by the ministers, especially what Zhang Tingyu said, which sounded very reasonable, but When it comes to reality, it is a misleading statement.

In addition to this reason, the Longkodo incident also made Yongzheng unable to bear it any longer. He could no longer watch the Eight Banners New Army gradually lose control. Therefore, various factors made Yongzheng completely determined.

"This time Chu Ni has arrived in Baoding, I must not continue to sit firmly in the capital, I want to conquer by myself!"

After hearing Yongzheng's words, the ministers of military affairs all had their own thoughts in their hearts, and they each expressed their own ideas. Some advised Yongzheng not to conscript himself, or to send a prince to take command, while others believed that he needed to conscript himself. To punish the crime of rebellion, the two sides kept arguing in front of the imperial court, but at this time Zhang Tingyu stood up again.

"I would like to report to the emperor that it is absolutely impossible to conquest in person now. You must know that the emperor's director is not in the military strategy. You should be vigilant day in and day out."

Zhang Tingyu finally gritted his teeth and finished these disrespectful words, but when these words were spoken, Yongzheng's whole face turned from green to white, and then turned red again, and the ministers were already shocked by these words I was taken aback.

You must know that the highest state of swearing has never been to fight for the advantage of words, but to directly hit the most sensitive and vulnerable part of the other party's heart in order to achieve the effect of four or two thousand pounds.

Obviously, Zhang Tingyu's words made Yongzheng's self-esteem completely smashed into pieces, almost pointing at Yongzheng's face, scolding Yongzheng for not being able to fight wars, and completely incomparable with Kangxi, even Kangxi could not win , you shouldn't be on it.

To be honest, reasoning is such a reasoning, but there is no such thing as saying it. After saying this, Yongzheng almost wanted to draw his sword and kill Zhang Tingyu in court.

And the ministers didn't understand at all. There is obviously a more amicable way to communicate about stopping Yongzheng's personal conquest. Why did they choose to be so straightforward?This is not in line with Zhang Tingyu's personality.

For Yongzheng, in the few years since he succeeded to the throne, his real opponent is not the Ningyu in the south, but the dead Kangxi. Everyone remembers the late emperor, and for the current emperor, it is not something to be happy about. This means that he can only be the shadow left by the previous emperor forever.

However, no one knows how Yongzheng got here in the past few years. In order to be able to have a real impact, what he has paid is not only the hard work day after day in the past few years, but also the restraint of his own desires.

In order to be able to enrich the country and strengthen the army, Yongzheng's expenditure in the inner court has always been at the lowest level. Except for some Taoist priests to give him energy pills, he has no other expenses. He stopped recruiting beautiful women, stopped repairing gardens, and even gave Kangxi The Yuanmingyuan given to him has not been expanded until now.

And all the sacrifices made by Yongzheng have become the guns of the [-] new troops, the newly opened gun factories, and the salaries of the soldiers of the Eight Banners. Can the king do it?
But even if Yongzheng achieved this, the world's evaluation of him will always be just another Chongzhen emperor.

No one knew what Zhang Tingyu was thinking when he was kneeling on the ground at this time. He just put his head deeply on the ground and said nothing, but he was already ready to be executed by Yongzheng.

"Bold and rebellious!"

Yongzheng let out a sharp breath, he was already thinking about how to cut Zhang Tingyu into pieces, but just before he spoke, he changed his mind again, didn't you say that I can't fight?Then I won't let you die. If I win the battle, I will not only kill you, but also humiliate you. Immediately, I snorted coldly: "This thief Zhang Tingyu is so hateful. He has no regard for the righteousness of the monarch and his ministers, and will deprive him of some official titles and titles." And with a literary background, he will be thrown into the dungeon!"

Zhang Tingyu knelt on the ground, smiled wryly, kowtowed and said, "Thank you, the emperor, for your extrajudicial mercy."

When the two guards in front of the palace came to Zhang Tingyu's side, he didn't have the slightest intention of repenting, but just let his official hat and clothes be stripped off, and then escorted out of the main hall.

As for Yongzheng, he has been sitting on the dragon chair and watching with cold eyes. He seems to be able to feel more and more the mood of Emperor Ming Sizong back then. When the ministers have no one to rely on, the emperor's inner sense of despair must be so strong.

As for the ministers of His Highness, when they saw that a dignified military minister was completely deprived of everything just because of a single sentence, they didn't feel wrong, but felt lucky that Zhang Tingyu was able to save his life. Perhaps he should be fine until the battle with the Fuhan Army achieves a decisive result.

But only Jiang Tingxi, who was on the side, sighed in his heart. At that time, Yuan Shao and Tian Feng had a disagreement on the issue of attacking Cao Cao, which made Yuan Shao furious and locked Tian Feng up. His thoughts were the same as those of Yongzheng today. Let you, Tian Feng, see my Yuan Shao's victory with your own eyes, and it won't be too late to kill you when the time comes.

But later Yuan Shao really failed. Someone told Tian Feng that he was about to be reused, but Tian Feng said that once Yuan Shao won, he could still walk out alive. If Yuan Shao really failed as he said, there would be no way out.

Today's Zhang Tingyu is Tian Feng at that time. If Yongzheng really defeated the Fuhan army, there might be a chance for Yongzheng to let Zhang Tingyu go as an idiot, but if he really failed as Zhang Tingyu said, then Zhang Tingyu would never again There is no way out.

Because as long as Zhang Tingyu is alive, he will be reminding Yongzheng of his failures and the terrible mistakes he made.

Among the ministers present, everyone understood this allusion. When they looked at Zhang Tingyu's figure being dragged away, they felt a bit of sympathy. This time, he really narrowly escaped death.

Yongzheng took a deep breath, he had already decided to throw out all his chips, no matter for the Eight Banners or for himself, it was impossible to die in obscurity, no matter what, he had to fight hard!
"Pass down the decree! To restore the title of king of Naersu Yanping County, together with King Xibao of Shuncheng County, lead the new army of the Eight Banners, and accompany me to march in person. In addition, King Xibao of Shuncheng County has excellent talents, and he is a virtuous king who serves the country solidly. Prince's salary."

Xibao is also a descendant of Aixinjueluo, his status is not inferior to that of Narsu, and he is still young and strong now. With the two of them leading the Eight Banners New Army together, Yongzheng will feel more at ease.

Seeing Zhang Tingyu's fate, all the ministers dared not persuade him any more, so they could only say "Long live", which was considered to be a complete decision for the personal conquest. At this time, Yongzheng's face returned to a rosy face.

Perhaps, Yongzheng has already burned himself as the firewood of the Qing Dynasty, and only by completely burning himself and the Qing Dynasty can he stop all his madness.

 I would like to recommend a book of the Three Kingdoms, "The Revitalization of Northern Xinjiang of the Three Kingdoms", the new book Seedling, you can read it.


(End of this chapter)

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