Cutting 1719

Chapter 467

Chapter 467
The Ningchu Navy landed in Tianjin this time, and there is no so-called risk in itself. After all, the first and second armies' attacks on Zhili have already prevented the Qing army from taking care of the defense in Tianjin, so this battle will be smoother than expected , everyone in the navy is also very relaxed.

However, Qiu Ze sighed deeply, wrapped his windbreaker tightly around his body, and walked towards the cabin. Deng Yunfang seemed to have noticed something, and Dang even followed, while the other officers looked at each other in blank dismay. Don't know what happened.

Deng Yunfang knew in his heart that Qiu Ze was an extremely introverted person, and he rarely had emotional fluctuations, and it seemed that such a feeling today should not have happened to him.

"Marshal Du, is there anything else that worries you right now?"

Qiu Ze remained silent for a long time before he whispered, "Do you still remember the Fujian Navy after the platform?"

Deng Yunfang's eyes narrowed slightly. Although they were not witnesses of that era, it didn't mean he didn't understand what Qiu Ze meant.

After recovering Taiwan, Shi Lang was promoted, but the Fujian Navy did not maintain the huge size of the past. A large number of ships and sailors were abolished. There was only one reason-the Fujian Navy at that time could no longer find an opponent.

The cunning rabbit dies, the running dog cooks.It's never just for those generals, it's the same for those armies, especially for naval divisions, a large number of warships require huge funds to maintain, so once there is no opponent on the sea, it will be completely useless .

"Is the commander-in-chief worried that after the fall of the Qing court, our navy will be useless?" Deng Yunfang was also a little apprehensive. He fell in love with this kind of life wandering on the sea, and naturally he didn't want to lose his future in the future.

Qiu Ze sighed softly, "Your Majesty told me that the navy in the future will build large ships with more than 100 gun positions, install steam engines on them, and wrap iron sheets on the ships. Warships will be many times more expensive than they are now."

Speaking of this, Qiu Ze couldn't help but have a strange look on his face, "But, with such a good ship, who shall we fight?"

This is a question, and even Deng Yunfang's eyes are a little confused.

When Ningchu's navy was still worried that there would be no enemies in the future, the soldiers of the Qing army guarding Wangdu at this time finally paid some money after two months of arrears. In addition, there are several fat big pigs and some chickens and ducks.

Wangdu is just in front of Baoding City, which is the last barrier. Therefore, the Qing army also deployed a lot of troops here, probably more than [-] Green Battalions and [-] Banner Battalions stationed here. It can be regarded as the last strong city to attack Baoding, so Li Weijun, governor of Zhili, also attached great importance to this.

At noon, the smell of cooking smoke was already wafting from Wangdu City. There were groups of soldiers standing or squatting on the ground, each holding a large bowl filled with half a bowl of rice and half a bowl. A bowl of bran powder, eating around a pot of unknowingly dark vegetables.

However, even those unrecognizable dishes were completely eaten by people, and even the only remaining oil stars were stared at by people, ready to snatch them at any time.

An old-looking general manager glared at everyone, and then drove half of the black paste in the pot into his own bowl. He grabbed it with his hands.

Everyone didn't speak, they ate their own bowls and looked at other people's bowls. There are very few days when they can eat happily like this. Usually they are almost half full. This is thanks to the adults above. We need the brothers from the green camp to work hard so that we can get a good meal.

However, just as he was about to finish eating, a boy who was only fourteen or fifteen years old lowered his head, his eye circles were completely red, he looked at the veteran who often took care of him, and sighed: "Brother Zhu, what about our meal?" After eating, are you going to go all out?"

"Shiwazi, it's easy to fight. Just stand there and don't even need to move. Someone from far away shoots a row of guns. If you're lucky, it'll be gone on the spot and it won't hurt. If you're unlucky, you'll be hit by that cannon." , if you die, you will die, if you are half dead, it will be miserable."

The person who spoke was a veteran. His body was very emaciated, as if he was chopping wood, and the wrinkles on his face were layer upon layer, witnessing the vicissitudes of time.

Shi Wazi was a little frightened, he looked at his porcelain bowl, the inside had been licked clean, and there was still a shadow reflected vaguely, that was his face, young and immature, full of hope for survival. eager.

The veteran seemed to see the fear in Shi Wazi's heart. He smiled and said in a low voice, "My son, you have to understand that this is our fate. After all, people in troubled times are not as good as Taiping dogs. It is good fortune to live one more day."

While the two were talking quietly, another green battalion soldier moved a few steps to this side, leaned over, and said with a smile: "I heard that the Fuhan army in the south has almost arrived in Baoding. It will hit Wangdu in a few days!"

"When the Han army is going to attack Wangdu, we are the first to die. How happy are you?" The veteran was a little disdainful, and he licked the porcelain bowl until there was no more smell on it.

The Green Battalion soldier was in his early twenties and looked quite young. He smiled and said, "Old Zhu, you don't understand. We are all Han Chinese, so why do we have to fight against the Fu Han army?"

"Is this a war? It's not always the people above who make the decisions. What can big soldiers like us do?"

The veteran looked shyly at Mr. Qian in the distance. Their conversation was nothing to Mr. Qian, but he felt that Mr. Qian could not hear it. Otherwise, it might be a whip. It is impossible to say that the crime of military spirit has been beheaded.

The young green battalion soldier sighed softly, "My family was originally in Henan. After I became a soldier, I heard that my house was occupied by the Fu Han army. Brothers and sisters are suffering, this is what I think about every day, it’s heartbreaking.”

Hearing what the young green battalion soldier said, the rest of the people had the same look. After all, everyone has gone through such a situation. Even most of them have lost their parents, and the atmosphere became sad for a while.

"But the reality is not what I thought it was"

The young green battalion soldier said angrily: "A few days ago, an elder brother of my family told me that my father and mother were not troubled by the Fuhan army, and even sent some relief rice to my family, otherwise my family would at least be hungry." Several people died a few days ago, after my younger brother joined the Fuhan Army, the family was divided into a full ten acres of land!"

"Ten acres of land? Is it true?"

The old soldier frowned. He didn't believe in such a good thing. Although he had heard before that he would divide the land when he joined the Fuhan Army, he took it as a joke. After all, his poor life Even if it is dismantled, it won't sell for that much money.

Mr. Ba, who had been silent by the side, sighed slightly at this time, "What he said is true, as long as you join the Fuhan Army, no matter what army you are in, you can get ten acres of land, and according to the current Ningchu announced The so-called New Deal, as long as the land is less than [-] mu, basically you don’t have to pay too much tax, which is half of the current tax here.”

When everyone heard what Ba Zong said, most of them believed it right away, because everyone knew that Ba Zong was a literate person, and if it wasn't for the suppression of Mr. Qian from above, it would be impossible for him to be a bird now. Total useless.

The general manager sighed again: "Now the Fuhan army is coming to Baoding, and this is a severed meal for our brothers." Speaking of this, he said with deep meaning: "No matter what you think, I don't want to just die in Baoding like this. Wangdu."

The young green battalion soldier was immediately attracted by the scene described by Mr. Li, and he murmured: "I heard that serving as a soldier in the Fuhan Army not only has fields, but also eats meat and vegetables at ordinary times, and everyone is strong. , and three sets of clothes will be issued every year, as well as thick cotton winter clothes, and even the shoes on the feet are cowhide boots!"

"It's more than that. Let's say that people's monthly vegetable allowance is two silver dollars, which is higher than our monthly salary. What's more important is that it's all sent to the big guy in real money, and it's no more than a Shangguan." hand!"

The general manager sighed slightly, took off the dilapidated and dilapidated bird gun on his shoulder, and said with a wry smile: "If you don't talk about it, just look at the guy in your hand, and you don't know how bad it is. He is a real flintlock. It's a fire stick!"

Soon, everyone's emotions were aroused by these words. Everyone pursed their lips tightly, not letting their surprise come out. Their eyes looked to the south with a bit of longing.

Although no one said that they wanted to join the Fuhan Army, these words successfully made the green battalion soldiers give up their resistance, but began to think about how to join the Fuhan Army?

Now the green battalion soldiers in Zhili's various prefectures have heard these words more or less. They have gone from doubting to believing, and then from believing to looking forward-looking forward to the Fuhan army coming quickly and bringing the big guys together to defeat the Qing Dynasty. Ting can live such a good life from now on.

The green battalion soldiers are indeed soldiers, but they are also ordinary people in essence. They hope to live a stable and peaceful life, with their families by their side, and a few acres of Susukida to support the whole family. This requirement is not high, but in In times of war, it has become an unattainable luxury.

Therefore, when Ning Chu was able to bring them a life that they had never imagined before, all the green battalion soldiers completely lost their fighting spirit. They changed from being afraid of the Fuhan army to looking forward to the Fuhan army's arrival.

Perhaps, everyone is waiting for a chance to surrender.


In Wangdu City, Xing Wentai, the commander-in-chief of Zhengding Town, was writing the most important letter in his life. It was addressed to Li Weijun, Governor of Zhili, in the hope that the other party would send reinforcements from Baoding as soon as possible.

"Informed by Duxian personally, the last general, Xing Wentai, has been on guard for more than a day and a night, but the reinforcements have been cut off. There are very few troops in the city, let alone the advantage of firearms. It is really difficult to continue. I hope that Duxian will send reinforcements. To repay your kindness with all your heart and brains."

While Xing Wentai was writing, blood was oozing from his arm, and his expression was extremely gloomy, full of despair.

Just one day ago, the No.15 Division and No.17 Division of the Fuhan Army arrived at Wangdu City, and then launched a fierce attack. The roar of more than a hundred artillery pieces almost wiped out the small Wangdu City Wall. At that time, Xing Wentai took his bodyguards to the top, I'm afraid Wangducheng would be gone at that time.

"Baojingshi, you need to protect Baoding Mansion first, and to keep Baoding Mansion, you need to keep Wangdu City."

At the critical moment at that time, Xing Wentai still withstood the attack of the Fuhan army, and he paid a very heavy price. Not only did the guards around him die or injure more than [-]%, he was also injured.

The generals on the side looked at Xing Wentai, but there was a trace of sadness on their faces. They knew their superiors too well. To put it mildly, it was called loyalty, but to put it badly, it was axis. At this time, they still chose to continue sacrificing their lives and forgetting death. Work hard for the continuation of the Qing Dynasty.

Perhaps for others, they may have brought their own soldiers and joined the Fuhan Army, just like the former Dingzhou General Soldier, after surrendering to the Fuhan Army, they were not only promoted to a higher level, but also banned. , but for someone like Xing Wentai, he didn't have these thoughts.

"Military Gate, if there is no reinforcements by the day after tomorrow, I'm afraid they won't be able to hold on."

One of the generals was full of disappointment. Almost all the battalions under him were disabled. Although there are still more than 7000 people in Wangdu City, not many of them are truly capable of fighting.

In the past few years of war, although the Qing army's combat power was very low, it always had this advantage in numbers. However, now, it has lost even the advantage in numbers. It is impossible to stick to Wangdu City.

Standing in front of everyone, Xing Wentai sighed slightly: "Whether you can defend it or not, you must defend it after all. Collect all the firearms in the city and use them, and move the injured brothers inside. If you can't defend them I believe that the Fuhan army can keep them alive."

The generals were silent. They respected Xing Wentai from the bottom of their hearts, and were willing to follow him to guard Wangdu, but that didn't mean they agreed with Xing Wentai's decision. Anyone with a discerning eye could already see that the Qing Dynasty was dying.

Just when everyone was silent, there was a roar from afar, which attracted the attention of everyone present, and everyone realized that the Fuhan army might launch an attack again!
Xing Wentai's expression was slightly cold. He knew that the Fuhan army had a lot of artillery, but he didn't expect that there were so many. If the fight continued like this, no matter how many soldiers there were, it might not be able to hold it for too long. After all, the Qing Dynasty had to have its own Only good cannons that can be cast will do, otherwise they will always be beaten behind.

Just when Xing Wentai was thinking, there was a violent roar, accompanied by the vibration of the ground, which made him almost stagger and fall to the ground.

"It should be digging the ground and attacking the city wall, I'm afraid we won't be able to keep it!"

(End of this chapter)

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