Cutting 1719

Chapter 480 Awakening of the Big Dream of the Great Battle

Chapter 480 Awakening of the Big Dream of the Great Battle
"Welcome Wang Shi to the north, the glory of our Han family has finally been restored in the world, pass down the order, gather volunteers, and wipe out the Eight Banners!"

Fenzhou Mansion was already in chaos at this time, and all the careerists jumped out when the Qing court collapsed. They didn't really support the Fuhan Army, they just wanted to get more money at this special time. Benefit.

Among the people who jumped out, there were not only the landlords in Shanxi, but also local officials in Shanxi. They gathered together, played the banner of welcoming the king, and directly launched a rebellion. The leader of them was Fenzhou Murong Sheng, the county magistrate of Jiexiu County, with the support of the local gentry, entangled the bravery of thousands of people and eyed Taiyuan.

Murong Sheng was not born in a proper way, but was an official who was bought by donations. Originally, the Qing government sold officials as false titles, and they didn't really sell them. The lack of officials in Shanxi has been sold cleanly. It can be said that except for the governor of Shanxi, all others that can be sold have now been exchanged for silver.

Under such circumstances, almost all the officials in various prefectures and counties in Shanxi are bought by those who waited to buy officials. Moving other thoughts, for example, now after the Northern Expedition of the Fuhan Army has won the victory, it starts to think about changing the dynasty.

"The world is in chaos today, how can we just sit back and watch?"

Murong Sheng stood in front of the crowd. He was wearing a cloth robe, his scalp was shaved blue, and his braids were hanging down his head. He looked very excited, and his face was flushed with excitement.

"I'm going to be the teacher of Xingyi, and I have no way! We have to get rid of the braids first, so that we can become our own people in the Fuhan Army in the future! Only in the new dynasty can we continue to be masters!"

Murong Sheng picked up his braids, took the scissors handed over by his entourage, put the braids on the blades, and then looked at everyone suspiciously, then cut off the braids in his heart.

Everyone gathered around him, with all kinds of thoughts on their faces, but they all had a look of pride on their faces, and they also cut their braids together, waiting for Murong Sheng to initiate righteousness, using the words in the book to say , What is it called 'the world gathers to respond, win food and the scenery follows'.

Of course, Murong Sheng also understood in his heart that his role was only as a leader, and it was impossible for those wealthy gentry to be obedient and obedient. If something went wrong, it would be nothing more than a replacement.
For Murong Sheng, this is enough. After gathering these volunteer soldiers, if he can make some contributions, he can also occupy a position in the new dynasty. Among other things, it is not a problem for the new emperor to give a prefect of Fenzhou.
That's enough, that's enough, whether it's Murong Sheng or other landlords and gentry, what they always think about is to maintain their own status, no matter how the court changes, it is ultimately up to them to govern Fenzhou.

Of course, if you want to promote righteousness and attack Wudao, you have to kill a monkey to sacrifice the flag to declare the justice you uphold.As for this point, Murong Sheng and the other big Jiexiu clans knew very well that the most suitable ones were naturally those businessmen, and the most important monkey was Jiexiu Fan's family.

The so-called Jiexiu Fan family was one of the eight famous Shanxi merchants in the late Ming Dynasty. His ancestor Fan Yongdou did business in Zhangjiakou at the end of the Ming Dynasty. He often went to Liaodong to provide military supplies and intelligence for the Manchu Qing. After proclaiming himself emperor, Fan Yongdou also received preferential treatment from Shunzhi. He held a banquet in the Forbidden City and summoned him in person.

In addition, the Fan family also made a lot of contributions to the Qing court. For example, Fan Yubin, the grandson of Fan Yongdou, made great contributions when Kangxi conquered the Junggar tribe.

At that time, the cost of transporting military rations was very huge, and the merchants who transported them to the front line were often unable to make ends meet. At that time, the Fan family, as the imperial merchants, had to bear this heavy responsibility. Based on his many years of business experience, Fan Yubin believed that there would be no loss, so he asked for a price of [-] shi The price of rice was two-thirds lower than the official price, and the military rations were sold at his own expense, which was approved by Kangxi.

Later, Fan Yubin traveled thousands of miles in the desert, did not work for officials, did not disturb his neighbors, and arrived at the appointed time. He collected enough 1404 million taels of silver, and also transported more than 100 million shi of military rations, saving Emperor Kangxi more than 600 million taels of military expenses. Even when copper materials were in short supply at that time, Fan Yubin invited him to go to Japan to buy copper catties, thus solving Kangxi's problem.

In the past, the Fan family was well-known in Shanxi. Not to mention a small county magistrate like Murong Sheng, even the prefect of Fenzhou had to be careful in front of the Fan family. The magistrate lost his post and resigned, so he can be called majestic.

But how reckless they were in the past, how much they will suffer backlash now.In the hearts of Murong Sheng and those people, using the Fan family to sacrifice the flag can not only inspire people's hearts, but also occupy their property.

"Dog traitor! Kill him!"

"Fan's family is willing to be a pawn of the Qing court. It is really hateful and shameful. You should kill them to thank the world!"

In front of the school grounds in Jiexiu County, people have already surrounded the people. Among these people are the enemies of the Fan family in the past, and the villagers encouraged by the magistrate Murong Sheng. Cut them into pieces, while cursing angrily, while throwing stones and leaves.

Fan Yubin is more than 50 years old, his hair has turned gray, he is shirtless, and a wooden sign is tied to his body, on which are written several big red characters, besides his name 'Fan Yubin', there is also a big blood red character --cut.

Behind Fan Yubin, dozens of members of the Fan family followed. They were all dejected and tied up tightly. They also had some wooden tags on their bodies with their names written on them. Other than the word, the others are either 'cut' or 'twisted'.

Fan Yubin lowered his head and walked towards the front, and the volunteer soldiers on the side looked at Fan Yubin with a mocking look. These big figures who used to be aloof in the past, have now come to this end, it is really heart-warming.

A larger stone hit Fan Yubin's mouth in an instant, several teeth were smashed out with blood, and at the same time, several people cursed angrily.

"You traitor, I didn't expect you, Jiexiu, Fan's family to have today. My grandfather and father are spirits in heaven, so you can rest in peace!"

Fan Yubin only felt severe pain all over his body. He forced himself to be patient, and tried to open his eyes to take a look. He saw that he didn't know most of those scolding people, and a wry smile appeared on his face. Is the enemy still important?In Jiexiu County, who doesn't want his Fan family to die?
From the great-grandfather of the Fan family, Fan Ming, to his grandfather, Fan Yongdou, and to him, Fan Yubin, Jiexiu’s Fan family’s family history has reached its peak for a while. When Yongzheng sent people to Shanxi to raise funds last year, his Fan family He also took the lead in donating 100 million taels of silver, and he was in the limelight for a while.

It's just that now that the Fuhan army has reached Shanxi and Zhili, his Fan family was doomed from that moment on. Even if Murong Sheng didn't arrest or kill him, his Fan family wouldn't live until next year. Forget it, it's dust after all. Dust, ashes return to ashes, Fan Yubin closed his eyes, he was no longer willing to think about these things.

On the fourteenth day of the twelfth lunar month in the third year of reform, more than [-] members of Jiexiu's Fan family were executed by Murong Sheng in Jiexiu's school grounds. Murong Sheng then swore to go out and led more than [-] troops to besiege Xiaoyi County, defeating hundreds of Qing troops.
In Tongzhou, in the Qing army camp, there was a chilling atmosphere at this moment, everyone's face was ashen, and there was a look of despair.

Emperor Yongzheng was wearing armor and sitting in the handsome tent, his eyes were closed tightly, his face was as red as blood, which was the reaction of taking too much medicine.

"Reporting to the emperor, the Ning thief was unwilling to negotiate peace, and even claimed that I would surrender unconditionally before the talks could continue. The slave really had no choice but to be driven back by them. It's just that the slave had also investigated before he came back. The Chu Ni army is afraid The assembly has been completed in Tianjin, and they will come to attack the capital soon."

Xu Yuanmeng knelt on the ground, with somewhat embarrassment and shame on his face. He did not complete the task assigned by Yongzheng. Neither the peace talks nor the delay of the Fuhan army seemed to be realized.

Yongzheng opened his eyes slightly. Xu Yuanmeng's news was not beyond his expectations. The reason why the Fuhan Army didn't want to talk about it now was because they felt that they would be able to secure the Qing Dynasty without paying any price, and this was their confidence to help.

Of course, the reason why the Fuhan army can feel this way is because since the Northern Expedition, the Qing army has hardly any resistance. Whether it is Shandong or Zhili, they have not even defended the city. The rout and surrender, wave after wave of rout, wave after wave of surrender!

In fact, even Emperor Yongzheng no longer had the confidence to continue fighting. Just after Song Kejin surrendered, he had already arranged the eight banners in the capital and started to pack up his belongings and evacuate from the capital. Unfortunately, he went to the nearest Liaodong Corridor in Shengjing It was completely occupied by the Fuhan army, so the Qing court could only choose to detour through Xifengkou.

If you want to go outside the customs from Xifengkou, it is relatively far away, so it is impossible to withdraw all at once, especially now that it is winter. For the Qing court, they must persist until the beginning of next spring to get all the Eight Banners back The wealth collected from the capital was brought to Shengjing.

Therefore, the army led by Yongzheng must stick to the front line of Tongzhou, and must not allow the Fuhan army to advance or even surround the capital. Otherwise, on that day, not only the Qing Dynasty will be completely gone, but even the Eight Banners will be completely gone.

Must fight!At least keep the enemy out of Tongzhou
Yongzheng's head felt so painful that he couldn't make a wrong move in today's complicated situation, but how to fight is not a simple matter
"Your Majesty, the distance from Chu Ni to Tongzhou is very short. Once they are stuck, I am afraid that he will be very passive in the future. Why don't the Emperor take a part of the army and go from Xifengkou first. As for the servants and others, they can lead the rest The army defends Tongzhou."

Xu Yuanmeng's words are still very reasonable. He doesn't think that the emperor's stay here is of any use. It is enough for Xibao and some generals in the army to stay here. If the emperor dies in Tongzhou, what will happen? What's going on?

Back then, Kangxi dragged his old body and wanted to conquer in person, which almost caused a huge disturbance in the court. Apart from some thoughts under the table, he was mainly worried. What if the emperor died on the road?Or what if he died in the hands of Chu Ni, or even more seriously, was captured alive by the Fu Han army?
These are all questions, but still have to think about the problem.

Yongzheng shook his head slowly, he had already made up his mind that he would definitely stay in Tongzhou in this battle, for only one thing, and that was to regain the hearts of the people.

In the past few years, Yongzheng offended too many Manchurians in order to carry out sufficient reforms, so as to prevent the Qing Dynasty from reaching this day. Unfortunately, compared with the Fuhan army, the Qing court is really on the verge of dying. It is no longer possible to create the miracle of San Francisco back then, so that the country's situation completely collapsed
Therefore, Yongzheng's idea is very simple. Since there are many complaints against him within the Eight Banners, he should stay in Tongzhou to fight. Sometimes his death can be used to re-bridge the divisions within the Eight Banners.

"I won't go, and I can't go."

Yongzheng's face was a bit dignified, and he took a light breath, "I have lived to my age, and the people can see everything. In the future, no matter what the reputation is, I, Yinzhen, are willing, but no matter what, I can't become a Chongzhen who was a deserter did not become a deserter, let alone Yinzhen!"

The faces of the ministers were silent, they had vaguely guessed the most serious situation, that is, the emperor was so staunch, and planned to fight the Fuhan army in Tongzhou, but in this case, how should they run?
Not everyone can go to death calmly. Yongzheng's heart has been filled with despair, so he deserves to die for the ancestors of the Qing Dynasty, but other people's thoughts are not like this, they still have a lot of freedom Life, there are concubines who have just married, and heirs who are not yet born. The only thing is that they don't have the heart of benevolence towards the Qing Dynasty.

"Your Majesty, you should put the overall situation first!"

"Your Majesty, victory or defeat is nothing more than a common matter in military affairs, how can you put the country and the country into a single battle?"

"Your Majesty, if you keep the green hills, you won't be afraid of running out of firewood."

The ministers began to persuasion, but Yongzheng became more and more silent, even a little lonely. He looked at the ministers in front of him very sadly. Maybe what these people said made sense, but what's the point?

The Qing Dynasty is almost gone, so what's the use of talking about it?

"I've made up my mind, so there's no need to persuade me anymore. Since Ning Bandit wants to decide my life and death with a single battle, then I won't show weakness!"

Yongzheng's attitude was somewhat decisive, and he pointed his finger at the Bali Bridge on the map, and said in a low voice: "Since we want to guard Tongzhou, then guard the Bali Bridge!"

On December 81th of the third year of Yongzheng, Emperor Yongzheng stood in front of the ministers of the Qing court. His figure was very thin and thin, but it gradually overlapped with the shadow of [-] years ago.

And in the capital at this time, hundreds of thousands of Eight Banners who are about to evacuate the capital, their expressions are a bit dazed and helpless, it seems that the 81 years since the capital are just a situation that has not yet fully awakened. Dream.

(End of this chapter)

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