Cutting 1719

Chapter 482 The Battle of Eight Mile Bridge

Chapter 482 The Great Decisive Battle of the Eight Mile Bridge ([-])
Amidst the sound of drums, more than [-] officers and soldiers of the First Group Army of the Fuhan Army marched in the direction of Zhangjiawan, preparing to directly occupy Zhangjiawan and surround the Bali Bridge on the side.

As the key to this battle, the Bali Bridge is already heavily guarded by the Qing army. It is not a good idea to attack hastily. Therefore, in the idea of ​​the General Staff, they captured Zhangjiawan and then attacked Yujiawei to achieve outflanking Bali. The purpose of the bridge.

Of course, the Qing army also had a lot of preparations for this battle. They understood the important position of Zhangjiawei in this battle. In addition, [-] new troops also strengthened to Zhangjiawan before the war.

Therefore, the Battle of Zhangjiawan will be the first hard bone that the Fuhan Army will face. Once it can be broken, it will directly drive the overall situation. Among them, Ning Chengzu, as the commander of the Seventh Division, is now in charge As for the important task of attacking the main position of Zhangjiawan, Xie Qingchun, the commander of the No.20 Third Division, was responsible for the flank cover, mainly dealing with the horse army led by King Linbu of Duoluo County.


Accompanied by the sound of fierce artillery on both sides of the strait, the Seventh Division of the Fuhan Army marched towards the Qing army's position amidst the earth-shattering explosions, and in the process, the artillery of the Qing army also began to pull out.

As a testimony to the Yongzheng New Deal for several years, regardless of other combat capabilities, the new army of the Qing court has made great progress compared to the past, at least in terms of artillery power. Each town of the new army will be equipped with an artillery association, equipped with The 36 six-pound cannons are all new types of artillery, not the old-fashioned cannons of the past. Although they are inferior to the current artillery firepower of the Fuhan Army, they are much stronger than before.


"Boom boom-"

The range of the artillery of the Qing army has been much longer than in the past. Although the technology of their explosive bombs is still immature, at least in this battle, almost all of them were fired. Under the bombardment of dozens of artillery pieces, from time to time several Falling into the crowd of the Fuhan army, plowing a few bloody paths
"After being beaten for so many years, I finally have some strength to fight back."

On the artillery position of the Qing army, a Deputy Commander of the Eight Banners wearing the uniform of a second-rank military general of the Qing Dynasty, his face was very dignified and extremely calm, but what he said did not boost morale. A helpless self-mockery.

The generals of the Qing Dynasty standing beside him thought it was true. Before that, their artillery, not to mention suppressing the Han army, had no room to fight back. The power, range, and even quantity of the artillery were not as good as The Fuhan army exploded their chambers at every turn, so artillery battles often became suppressed from beginning to end by the Fuhan army.

But before everyone was happy, they saw a large black spot in the sky, and those were projectiles fired by the artillery of the Fuhan army. Obviously, this was a covering attack against the artillery positions of the Qing army.

The Vice President of the Eight Banners still stood where he was, neither dodging nor dodging, because dodging at this time did not make any sense. He just looked at the advancing Fuhan army formation with deep eyes, and his expression was extremely calm.

"Everyone, the war has forced us to sacrifice our lives. The artillerymen don't care about anything else. They will fire at the Fuhan army with all their strength to serve the emperor. Today is the day!"

"Serve the emperor, just today!"

A series of bomb explosions sounded on the Qing army's position, and the soaring flames instantly engulfed the Qing army from top to bottom. When they died, they hadn't really escaped from the battlefield for half a step.

In this era, the cruelty of war is like two people who don't wear any armor and are killing each other with long swords. Neither side can take a step back, because as long as they take a step back, the other side's long sword will give his head to him. cut down.

The same is true for the Fuhan army and the Qing army today. Under the frantic attack of each other's artillery, the soldiers of both sides cannot choose to retreat. Once they retreat, it will easily turn into chaos on the battlefield.

"go ahead!"

With the sound of rumbling guns, the advance of the Fuhan army was very rhythmic, neither rush nor slow, but the psychological pressure on the opposing Eight Banners new army was quite strong, because under the winter sun, the soldiers of the Fuhan army were neatly arrayed The bayonet that was lowered, from time to time, glowed with a cold light, which made people feel creepy at a glance.

The Eight Banners New Army instantly became tense. Although they had undergone long-term training, they could not compare to the strength of the Fuhan Army. In addition, most of them had never actually been on the battlefield, so although they had a strong fighting spirit at this time , but after all, there is still a little weakness, and some people even start to sweat on their foreheads.

Just when the array seemed a little unstable, and there were even buzzing voices, a leader of the Eight Banners in cotton armor uttered an angry roar. He looked at the Watching these Eight Banners soldiers.

"What are you afraid of! They are human beings, and they have a head and a life!"

"The muskets in your hands and the bayonets on your waist are things that can kill people!"

"Is it possible to continue to run? The Qing Dynasty has already lost all the country except Zhili. If they dare not fight again, what if they run outside the pass in the future?"

Zuo Ling's voice was a little sad, "My eldest brother died in Shandong, and my second brother died in Henan. I will die here today. As long as you are a man of the Eight Banners, follow me and fight hard! "

When any group is about to perish, there will never be a shortage of people who stand up. Although they are not really useful to the situation, their existence should not be underestimated.

It's just that the new Eight Banners soldiers who have been inspired at this time will soon realize one thing, that is, no matter how the small universe breaks out, lack of actual combat experience means lack of actual combat experience, and they will soon be taught how to behave on the battlefield.
The long horizontal formations of the four Fu-Han armies began to run side by side, approaching the Qing army's position, from two hundred paces to one hundred paces, and then to eighty paces.

Ning Chengzu narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at the Eight Banners New Army army on the opposite side, and then slashed down hard with the command saber in his hand.


After hearing the order, the soldiers of the Fuhan army Qi Qiping held the musket in his hand, and then pulled the trigger. With a violent roar and thick white smoke, a row of bullets rained directly towards the Qing army. The direction poured into the past.

I saw blood spattered in the formation of the Qing army, and many soldiers of the Qing army were shot and fell down. Then there was a commotion in the soldiers in the direction of the Qing army, but it was quickly calmed down by the Qing army general Zuo with the back of his knife. .

Then the Fuhan army fired three rounds of volleys and began to shoot in rotation. For a while, the heavy rain of bullets made the Eight Banners New Army unable to lift their heads. Just three rounds of salvos had already caused more than [-] casualties. But it made the generals of the Qing army anxious.

"Defend the emperor, defend the Qing Dynasty! Follow along!"

The Eight Banners New Army Zhenglan Banner Deputy Commander Dolch hurriedly gave the order to attack, and saw more than [-] people from the two guilds of the Eight Banners New Army marching in the direction of the Fuhan Army. They also divided into three rows and lined up. He formed a long formation and leveled his muskets in the direction of the Fuhan army.

"Keep your guns steady, as long as we men eliminate the traitors on the opposite side, they will be great heroes in the future!"

Some of the participating leaders and assistant leaders of the Eight Banners New Army shouted loudly. They held long knives in their hands and looked at the soldiers of the Fuhan Army on the opposite side, with bloodthirsty taste on their faces.

"Bang bang bang-"

It is not the sound of muskets from the Eight Banners New Army, but a new round of volleys from the Fuhan Army. This clearly shows the insufficiency of the current muskets of the Qing army. It is too complicated to load ammunition and the rate of fire is too slow. So much so that it can't be compared with the bursts of the Fuhan army.

"Clap clap clap..."

After the Fuhan army fired another round of guns, the soldiers of the Eight Banners New Army fell down another 1000 people, and the remaining soldiers of the Qing army finally buckled their muskets, but they were relatively uniform. The Fuhan army lined up the guns, and the Qing army's guns were even more messy, but they finally knocked down more than two hundred soldiers in the direction of the Fuhan army, and got off to a good start.

However, at this time, the two sides have completely different blows to each other, but anyone with a discerning eye can see the current decline of the Qing army. As long as the fight continues like this, the new army stationed in Zhangjiawan may be defeated The Fuhan army was completely wiped out.

"We can't continue to fight like this, Ma Jun has to charge!"

Lin Bu, the king of Doro County, frowned slightly. He had already seen clearly the current decline of the Qing army. .

"They still have one division that hasn't moved. If they charge now, I'm afraid they will fight with them."

Seng Bao, commander of the Eight Banners Xiaoqi Battalion and Zhenglan Banner Dutong, frowned. The tens of thousands of horse troops in his hands were not dispatched casually, and he was a little hesitant at the moment, unwilling to throw the horse army on waste for nothing.

Lin Bu, the king of Duoluo County, snorted coldly, "The situation is very dangerous now, not only the cavalry, but also the new army. They have fought to this point, and it will be too late if you don't rush, Sengbao, this king will let the new army The army responded further and tried to attract Chu Ni's other division."

Seng Bao nodded slightly. He glanced at the current situation through the binoculars, seeing that the two sides were still in the passing period, and he understood at the moment that there would be no better opportunities if he waited any longer.

"Your Majesty, just please, our Qing cavalry is not something these barbarians can handle."

"Sengbao, our Daqing is now at a time of life and death, you have to show the emperor that our Daqing's cavalry is still the cavalry of the past!" Prince Duoluo sighed slightly.

"Alright, my lord, let's go this way."

Sengbao paid a salute to Duoluo County King Linbu, and then went to mobilize the cavalry. Nearly ten thousand Eight Banners vests are placed in this era. No matter from what level, they are very powerful. Even the Fuhan Army The most concerned are also the vests of the Qing army.

Nearly ten thousand vests are mighty, wearing cotton armor, holding wooden spears and sabers in their hands, they did not choose to charge from the beginning, but under the leadership of Seng Bao, they began to move around the camp of the Fuhan Army ,, they will move to the rear of the left flank of the Fuhan Army, waiting for an opportunity to attack the possible loopholes of the Fuhan Army.

Just when the Qing army's vest was moving, Emperor Yongzheng also saw such a scene. Due to the asynchronous command in the battle, he did not send someone to ask questions, but ordered other Qing army cavalry and the new army to do a good job. Preparation, so as to realize the support of the attack and divert the attention of the Han army.

Therefore, on the surface, it seems that the Fu Han army and the Qing army are only fighting in Zhangjiawan at present, but the battle in Zhangjiawan is always related to the overall battle situation of the two sides. It is retreat.

Just when the Qing army made some moves, this scene naturally couldn't be hidden from the eyes of the Fuhan army. In the plan formulated by the General Staff, there were naturally relevant countermeasures. After a burst of orders came out, only the battlefield The Fuhan army on the road also began to gather, from Zhangjiawan to Bali Bridge, and then to the vicinity of Maju Bridge, and began to gather their formation.

The adjustment of the two sides' formation is naturally not something that can be completed in an instant. It takes a long time to adjust. Therefore, when the two sides adjusted, the new army in the direction of Zhangjiawan suffered a lot.

After the Fuhan army fired several rounds of guns, they almost cut off a large piece of meat from the new Eight Banners army. They were dizzy and brain-swollen by the rain-like bullets, causing a lot of deaths and injuries. Even the speed of shooting became slower, and the ratio of casualties on both sides began to increase sharply.

"Don't panic, don't shake your hands. The more you panic, the faster you die!"

Seeing that the Fu Han army began to approach step by step, the Qing army's participating leaders and assistant leaders began to panic. They shouted and cursed at the panicked Eight Banners soldiers. Their previous training on the battlefield almost started. Ineffective, many people have no idea what they should do.

"Sixty Steps"

"Fifty Steps"

When the distance became shorter and shorter, the Qing army managed to fire a round of guns. Unfortunately, because too many people were too nervous, many people forgot to remove the stabbing rods, resulting in a large number of projectiles that were originally thought to have turned into a single shot. A stab stick was fired and hit the Fu Han army.

Seeing such a scene, the soldiers of the Fuhan Army were naturally overjoyed. They knew that the mentality of the Qing army had gradually collapsed, so they decisively began to press forward and continued to press forward, and they no longer had the slightest worry about the muskets of the Eight Banners New Army.

"Forty Steps"

"Thirty Steps"

When the distance was only [-] steps, the Fuhan army finally stopped. They all stabilized the muskets in their hands, and then pulled the trigger, only to hear a violent sound coming, coupled with a strong White smoke filled the air, and the pungent smell of gunpowder finally became a symbol of hell.

What is even more frightening is the thousands of projectiles fired within a distance of thirty steps. At such a short distance, with an incomparable speed, they drilled into the body of the Qing army, bursting out countless blood flowers. Almost an entire row of Qing troops fell to the ground. It is conservatively estimated that the number of casualties exceeded 500.
After such a round of blows, the Qing army's guarding force in Zhangjiawan fell into a complete collapse, and the change of hands almost became an inevitable fact.

(End of this chapter)

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