Cutting 1719

Chapter 491 Exit!Exit!

Chapter 491 Exit!Exit!
On the 29th of the twelfth lunar month in the third year of innovation, just before the Chinese New Year, the Fuhan army successfully occupied the capital after a turbulent battle, which brought an end to the battle.

In fact, since the first battle at Baliqiao, the main force of the Qing army has completely disappeared. The former army of more than 3 was killed by the Fuhan army. More than [-] people were killed, and more than [-] people were captured. The rest almost all broke up and fled. , and the Fuhan Army also suffered more than [-] casualties in this battle.

Strictly speaking, the Qing army did not fight badly, especially since almost all the people gathered in this battle were the blood of the Eight Banners, so everyone dared to fight for their lives, and everyone was not afraid of death, which is why they paid such heavy casualties.

After the Fuhan army gathered its forces, it was already a piece of cake to conquer the capital. After all, there were only less than [-] troops left by the Qing army in the capital, and they were all old, weak, sick and disabled. It only took one day for the Fuhan army to conquer the capital. In a short time, the capital was completely captured and many important places were controlled.

Ning Chu and his ministers did not enter the capital immediately. After all, there are still many diehards of the Eight Banners hidden in it. , none of them will directly enter the capital.

Of course, not all the troops entered the capital. Ning Yu directly arranged for the first division and the second division to enter the capital and garrison together. , If someone dares to fish in troubled waters, he will be killed without mercy.

In fact, before the Han army entered the city, there were still many bannermen left in the capital, some of them were Manchurian Eight Banners, a small part were Mongolian Eight Banners, and most of them were Han Bannermen.

The reason is also very simple. When the Eight Banners evacuated the capital, the time was too tight, so that a large number of bannermen and their belongings were stranded in the capital.However, this is the reason why the Eight Banners of Manchuria and the Eight Banners of Mongolia are stranded. The Han Banners are different. They have no option to evacuate outside the pass from the beginning, so except for a small number of people, almost all the rest stayed in the capital.

Therefore, when the city is broken, these Eight Banners are the most fearful. They are worried that Ning Chu will repeat the scene of the Eight Banners going south, and even many Eight Banners women directly choose to commit suicide
When the capital was in chaos, the remaining divisions of the Fuhan Army were temporarily stationed in Tongzhou. The original Qing army camp in Tongzhou had become a barracks for the Fuhan Army, and the original Tongzhou government office had become a Ningzhou government office. The temporary office of Chu's monarchs and ministers, they will always be here to govern - until the capital is completely safe.

"Reporting to Your Majesty, through the confessions of Yongzheng's servants and others, the ministers and others have come to a preliminary result. On that day, Yongzheng was not beheaded by our army, but took a lot of elixir. After he shot that arrow, The emotions were completely out of control, so that the drug broke out and died suddenly on the spot."

Cui Wancai directly submitted the original report, and then sighed: "Yongzheng at that time may have already made up his mind to die."

Ning Yu was warming up around the stove at this time. He was really afraid of the cold in the north. After hearing Cui Wancai's words, he immediately took the report and read it briefly. Medicine has a lot to do with it, especially after the capture of the capital, although the liar Jia Shifang died, but according to other people's confessions, this connection can also be drawn.

Emperor Yongzheng wholeheartedly wanted to die on the battlefield, but worldly affairs tricked people. In the end, he still died under the pill, which made people feel a little inexplicable.

"Although Yongzheng was not beheaded by our army, it is better to hand out the reward as soon as it is received."

Ning Yu nodded lightly, and said softly: "Also, Yongzheng is a man after all, so he should be buried alive. As for the mausoleums of the former emperors of the puppet Qing Dynasty, they should be preserved. In the future, they will be separated from the mausoleum of Emperor Ming. It can be managed in one place, and it can also be used as a history education base, taking history as a mirror.”

"Yes, Your Majesty."

Cui Wancai understood the intention of the emperor's words. In fact, it was because people inside and outside the court claimed that they wanted to destroy the Qing Mausoleum in order to restore the original, which also reflected the determination of the Great Chu to inherit the Ming Dynasty.

But in Ning Yu's opinion, there is no need for this. He wants to keep the Qingling Tomb for future generations to see, and he must keep this period of history in mind.

"Although the war has basically ended, the people's life is not easy, especially this year Zhili is very short of food, and the Eight Banners have transported a lot of food to the outside of the pass. Right now, the capital's rice is two hundred yuan, the key There is still a price, and the city cabinet should ensure the relief of the Zhili area, and there must be no situation of changing children and eating."

Ning Yu's exhortations did not come out of thin air, but the information gathered by his spies, and the various tragedies in it made people worry after reading.

Cui Wancai understood what Ning Yu meant back then. Speaking of which, the problem of food shortage in Zhili has always been serious, or in other words, the problem of food shortage in the entire north is very serious.

As early as after the Fuhan army captured Jiangnan, the food supply system in the entire north had actually begun to become unbalanced. Yongzheng had no choice but to concentrate on food and attack Zhili first. There was a certain disaster.

By this year, both Shandong and Henan have experienced certain droughts and locust plagues. Coupled with the lingering war, the food production is still not as good as in the past, but even in that environment, Shandong and Henan still have to transport grain to Zhili , As a result, many people starved to death.

Today, Zhili has completely lost the external food supply channels. The key is that the few remaining food stores have been transported outside the pass by the Eight Banners, which has caused a large-scale famine. If it was not for Fuhan The army captured Zhili. I am afraid that after this winter, many people in the capital will starve to death.

Regarding the situation in Zhili, Cui Wancai was also worried, "Reporting to Your Majesty, Zhili has no food in stock at the moment, and can only rely on the outside world for food. The key is that Shandong, Henan, and Shanxi have just entered the hands of our army. I am afraid that it will be difficult to provide more grain, and now the Ministry of Finance has allocated 200 million shi of grain stored in Nanzhili, Anhui, and Huguang, which will be transported to Zhili by sea ship, but there is not enough time."

"Not only is there not enough time, but there is also not enough food. I am afraid that the 200 million stone grains can barely survive the winter for most people, and they will fall into a state of no food next year. We must not only provide them with relief food, but also let the people live a real life. days of peace."

Ning Yu pondered slightly, he already had a preliminary idea in his mind, and he was going to communicate with the cabinet again.

Cui Wancai stroked his beard and pondered: "Then what does His Majesty mean?"

"The matter should be divided into two parts."

Ning Yu's eyes were a little bright, and he said loudly: "The first part is to solve the current problem. We will continue to transport food to Zhili. The part that is currently in short supply can be filled with military rations. First, we will finish the emergency. As long as the accounts can be filled, the Privy Council will not say anything more. During this process, we must insist on implementing the New Deal, and resolutely confiscate the flag fields and some traitor gentry fields.”

"The second part is that we can't just support the millions of people in Zhili, the burden on the court will be too heavy, and the work-for-relief cannot be carried out for a long time. Therefore, we need to divert the population out and open up wasteland. Feed more people."

Cui Wancai's eyes lit up, and he smiled and said, "Your Majesty, do you mean to reclaim wasteland outside the pass?"

"That's right! Solve the problem of Zhili, just outside the pass!"

A smile appeared on Ning Yu's face. Speaking of which, the timing is also very ingenious. Usually, Han people are not willing to leave their hometowns and explore the wilderness. Only when they can't survive, they will choose to try their luck elsewhere.

However, if we want to solve the problem in the Northeast right now, we can’t just rely on the army or firearms. The key is to have a large number of people, as a source of troops and grain storage, so that we can actually control it. Therefore, let the Han people go out to find The way to survive is completely feasible, and by developing the Han people to leave the customs, it can further curb the wolfish ambitions of the Russians.

After much deliberation, Ning Yu felt that there was no better way than this, but thinking of the large amount of preparation work to be done later, he couldn't help but feel a little headache.

(End of this chapter)

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