Cutting 1719

Chapter 493 Hongli ascends the throne

Chapter 493 Hongli ascends the throne
In the Shengjing Imperial Palace, the fourth elder brother Hongli had red eyes, looked at Ma Qi and the others who were kneeling down, and said sadly: "My lords, now that my Ama has passed away, what should our Qing Dynasty do?"

Ma Qi already had a comprehensive plan in mind, and immediately said loudly: "The emperor has ordered the slaves and others before the war, but if there is any change, the will can be issued to determine the succession of the world."

Zhang Tingyu, who hadn't spoken all this time, frowned. The emperor previously ordered Prince Zhuang Yunlu, Bachelor Xu Yuanmeng, Marsai, and Zhang Tingyu to be ministers of Gu Ming. Although there were various changes in the future, this edict has not changed. Strictly speaking, Ma Qi was still squatting at home at that time.

But now that the emperor has passed away, Prince Zhuang Yunlu and academician Xu Yuanmeng are still on the way and haven't returned to Shengjing, and Zhang Tingyu and Marcel haven't spoken yet, so Ma Qi is going to announce his will?
But Zhang Tingyu knew in his heart that his weight was not enough, so he remained silent at the moment.But Marcel was different. He refused to accept the old man Ma Qi from the bottom of his heart, coughed lightly, and attracted everyone's attention, and then slowly said: "Do you have to wait for the opening of the late emperor's edict?" Prince Zhuang Yunlu and Bachelor Xu Yuanmeng are they coming?"

But Ma Qi didn't take it seriously. Facing the queen and a few elder brothers, he showed a look of relying on the old and selling the old. He waved his hand, "The country can't live without a king, and now my Qing Dynasty can't hang the throne in vain. , it is a big deal to decide on the succession as soon as possible, as for Prince Zhuang and Lord Xu, they should also understand."

Marcel wanted to refute, but at that moment he saw Hongli's expectant eyes again, so he swallowed his words and stopped talking.

Seeing that no one objected, Ma Qi no longer hesitated, and sent someone to the Secretary of General Administration to open the edict, and everyone knelt down in front of him, waiting for the edict to be read.

"I have been tested by the emperor for the sake of the ancestors of the ancestors, and the emperor carefully selected among the princes. He ordered me to inherit the lineage, show off the great treasure, and worry about work day and night. I am afraid that I will not be able to bear the burden. I only look up to the ancestors The heart is the heart, the government is based on the law of the ancestors, diligently seeks to govern, and nurtures the Li. There is no one thing that is exhaustively thoughtful, and there is no time that is not deeply respected."

When Ma Qi read this, the expressions of the people couldn't help becoming serious. Although they knew that the inheritance had been decided, they were still a little nervous.

"Prince Bao's fourth son, Hongli, has a kind nature and a heart of filial piety. Among all his grandchildren, the holy ancestor Huang is the most beloved. He raised him in the palace, and his kindness exceeds the norm. Now that a great event has happened, he will succeed me to the throne, that is, the emperor."

When Hongli heard the end, he finally let out a long sigh, knelt down on the ground, and a howling sound squeezed out from his throat, as if a signal sounded, and everyone began to howl.

After this incident, although Ma Qi did not have the qualifications to be a minister of Gu Ming, he was a veteran of the three dynasties after all, with outstanding prestige. In addition, he had made great achievements, so he was immediately appointed by Hongli as the Minister of Gu Ming. Sai and Zhang Tingyu began to help Xinjun stabilize the current situation,
The current Qing Dynasty can be described as internal and external troubles. In addition to the imminent threat of the Fuhan Army, there is also the problem of internal confusion. Therefore, the Prime Minister Gu Ming did not choose to make a big deal about Hongli's ascension to the throne. , Before Xu Yuanmeng and others led the army back, they had already announced their enthronement in Shengjing, and directly promulgated the year name as 'Qianlong', which was taken from the meaning of Tiandao Changlong.

After the enthronement was completed, the crowd surrounded Hongli, no, Emperor Qianlong sat on the dragon chair in the main hall of the Shengjing Palace, and then hundreds of courtiers in Shengjing began to bow three times and nine times to Qianlong, shouting Long live.

"All ministers and workers are invited. I am young and have little virtue, and have not made any achievements in state affairs. The great affairs of the court and China still need to be carried out by all ministers and workers."

Hongli pursed his lips. He looked at the courtiers kneeling in the hall. After all, he was a young man, and he barely suppressed the excitement in his heart.

Ma Qi said: "The emperor has ascended the throne now, the servants and others will naturally try their best to be loyal and overcome the Central Plains as soon as possible."

Hongli nodded, as if there was light in his eyes, he said in a loud voice: "The emperor's ambition was not rewarded, and he took the lead and died. Rivers and mountains, restore the land of the Qing Dynasty!"

On the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, Ning Yu held a grand court meeting in the Fengtian Hall of the Imperial Palace in the capital. Since the Fuhan army entered the capital, the palace has been sealed off to prevent many lawless elements from destroying the palace—so Ning Yu just kept the original palace in various places. The name was changed to the name of the Ming Dynasty, and I went to work very happily.

The ministers who participated in the court meeting were basically ministers who participated in the Northern Expedition, and there were also some generals. They were divided into civil and military teams and stood in Fengtian Hall, feeling very excited.

After all, since the Ming and Qing Dynasties, the capital has always been the most important thing in the world, and all the people in the world regard the capital as the orthodox. Even Nanjing, it feels more or less accompanying the capital.

Therefore, since the capture of the capital, there have been people blowing the wind in front of Ning Yu, wanting to return the capital—they all have their own ideas, but there is no doubt that they also represent a trend of the ruling and opposition parties.

Ning Yu didn't have any special feelings about where. From his point of view, Lidu is not only related to where he will work and live in the future, but also related to the balance between the north and the south.

For China, there are always differences in development between the north and the south, and between the east and the west. Some places are rich and some are barren. It is basically difficult to completely control it, such as Daming's abandonment of Jiaozhi.

Therefore, when the capital is established, the political considerations of the monarch are usually reflected. For example, when Zhu Di moved the capital to the capital, his main purpose was to move the center of the imperial court to the capital, thereby shifting the strategic center of gravity to the north, so as to better combat the remnant forces .

If we look at it according to this logic, Ning Yu naturally cannot ignore the strategic role of the capital. He looked at the crowd and said with a smile: "Since the Northern Expedition, Shandong, Henan and even Zhili have all fallen into our hands, and even Shanxi is about to be completely destroyed. Conquering it can be described as a great victory!"

"Congratulations, Your Majesty! Congratulations, Your Majesty!"

All the ministers praised him one after another. In their eyes, Ning Yu was able to lead an army from scratch and conquer the Central Plains in just a few years, which is comparable to Tang Zong Mingzu. The Qing army was defeated. After all, how could the Northern Expedition in the past be so clean and tidy?
Ning Yu nodded slightly, and said softly: "Even so, we can't be careless. After all, the power of the Puppet Qing Dynasty is not exhausted. It still owns the land of Liaodong, and there are still Mongolia, Gansu, Qinghai-Tibet and Uliasutai. The Northern Expedition has not really ended, and your family cannot relax."

Cui Wancai, the second assistant to the cabinet, immediately cupped his hands and said: "Your Majesty is right, we must not allow the remnant Qing to linger in the world, we need to send a large army to pacify Liaodong and kill them all."

Everyone felt like a mirror in their hearts at the moment, and they all opened their mouths and said: "Your Majesty's words are true, and the ministers are willing to do their best to restore the great cause of China's unification."

Ning Yu laughed loudly, and immediately spit out his own meaning, "Things in the north are heavy, so we should also set up a capital city to town the four directions, but the land of Nanjing is of great importance and cannot be abolished. Therefore, I think the two capitals system is feasible. The capital is the northern capital, and Nanjing is the southern capital."

"Your Majesty's words are very true, and the ministers should also follow them carefully."

The Great Court Meeting is mainly based on retreat, so after the next court, Ning Yu quickly sent someone to invite the cabinet ministers over, and then looked at the ministers and said softly: "The things in the north are heavy, and they are by no means under Nanjing. Therefore, I will stay in the capital for a long time, and the cabinet and the Privy Council should also arrange for important officials to go to Beijing, and I can leave my deputy in Nanjing for the time being."

Cui Wancai caressed his beard and said: "Your Majesty's words are very true. I have already replied to the urgent letter sent to Nanjing a few years ago. The cabinet believes that before February, it will be directly moved to the capital. As for the Executive Yuan, it will urgently allocate a Approve hard-working talents, enter the capital to reorganize the major yamen, and stabilize the political situation."

Ning Yu nodded, he was still very relieved about the cabinet's methods, and said softly: "After Li Zicheng entered the capital, he was kicked out of the capital not long after by the Qing Dynasty. This is a lesson for us. The cabinet and The Privy Council must carefully appreciate the experience and lessons this incident has brought us!"

The expressions of the people were slightly silent. Conquering the world is easy but governing the world is difficult. This point can be vividly reflected from the experience in Nanjing. It can be said that if Ning Chu had not given up on cultivating practical talents during the process of conquering the world, then fundamentally This situation will not be achieved today.

"In the past, those jurors would go to Beijing to rush for the exam. For us, it was also a process of rushing for the exam, but the exam questions were replaced by tens of millions of people in the north, and the examiners were replaced by the illusory people's hearts and minds. Originated from the hearts of the people, we must not stumble on this place!"

Ning Yu's face was a little dull, and he said in a low voice: "The new government and the new policy, the cabinet should do its best to popularize the new policy and the land and field system, and any resistance encountered in the middle must be overcome. Those who should be arrested and those who should be killed must not be easily placed under house arrest. The guards are in Liaodong, and the first division will temporarily serve as the garrison of the capital, but anyone who cooperates can speak up."

"The Metropolitan Procuratorate should also pay attention. After victory, many people will have arrogance in their hearts. At this time, the Metropolitan Procuratorate must not tolerate it easily. If it tolerates it, it will make a big mistake! At that time, it will affect me, Ning Chu, in the hearts of the people. The image and prestige!"

After Ning Yu's murderous words came out, everyone's expressions changed a little. All the arrogance in their hearts seemed to have been poured with a whole basin of cold water, and they were now sober.

Seeing that the crowd seemed to be intimidated, Ning Yu stopped to take a sip of water. He was about to continue communicating with Cui Wancai on the food issue, but he heard a voice from outside the hall, which was an urgent message from Liaodong. Need to report to the Black Emperor.

After the guard took over the secret information and handed it to Ning Yu, he attracted Ning Yu's attention, and a trace of coldness appeared on his face.

"Hongli has already ascended the throne, and the reign name Qianlong is not dead, so it will be passed on to the Privy Council! I want to see if another Qianlong is killed, how many more will come out?"

When the war between the North and the South just came to an end, a ship sailed from the sea towards the Korean peninsula, with a Korean king's flag hanging on it, and it was heading towards the capital under the protection of the Ningchu naval warship. go ahead.

In the cabin, several old men dressed in official uniforms of the Ming Dynasty were sitting opposite each other at this time, and they spoke in extremely pure Chinese, but when they were placed together with the King of Joseon flag hanging on the ship, it seemed a bit nondescript .

"This mission to the Celestial Dynasty is only for our dynasty to return to the vassal system of the Celestial Dynasty, and also to let His Majesty the Celestial Dynasty understand that our North Korea has always been seeking to resist the control of the Qing Dynasty. This is the key. It is a pity that the treacherous officials in the court , It’s really stupid to still argue about whether to use the title of Qing court king.”

The old man who spoke was Jin Shijun, the confidant of Kim Il-kyung, the imperial edict of the Joseon Dynasty, and a powerful official who is currently in charge. The other old men facing him were also the envoys of this mission.

Another person called Liu Zhenglie, he also loudly agreed: "Ever since the Battle of Bingzi, North Korea has always cherished Ming Zhengshuo, if today's dynasty drives out the Tartars, North Korea will return to the heavenly dynasty, how can we continue to make things clear Kou?"

There was a hint of agreement on the faces of everyone, and they began to discuss this, but the expression of a person in the corner was a bit worried, and he did not agree immediately.

Since the end of the Battle of Baliqiao, the aftermath has gradually spread to North Korea, and it has also brought a question to North Korea, that is, should we immediately express our position and change the reign name?
On the surface, it seems that this is just a small matter, but in today's North Korea, it has become a great event, even related to the life and death of North Korea.

"Park Yunxi, what's your opinion?" Jin Shijun turned sideways and looked at that person with a smile.

The old man named Pu Yunxi let out a long sigh, and said in a low voice: "Naturally, the lower officials dare not talk too much about matters that are decided by the leaders of the government and those who control the affairs of the people, but they are always worried. There are still tens of thousands of soldiers, if North Korea’s trade regulations are reformed, I’m afraid catastrophe will be imminent!”

There was a sneer on Jin Shijun's face, and he looked at Park Yunxi with some unkindness in his eyes, "Master Park is too cautious, if you don't express your submission to the Celestial Dynasty at this time, how will you be able to go to the Celestial Dynasty in the future? North Korea’s ability to endure humiliation and seek perfection?”

When other people heard what the two said, they immediately reprimanded Park Yunxi, and some even said loudly: "If North Korea is allowed to remain under the Qing Dynasty for one day, North Korea's shame will be one more day!"

Jin Shijun nodded in satisfaction, and said with a smile: "The king is looking forward to it at Gyeongbokgung Palace, hoping to get good news from the ministers, so we also need to arrive in the capital as soon as possible to meet His Majesty the Celestial Dynasty!"

Park Yunxi couldn't help but heaved a long sigh. Of course he knew the thoughts of the kings and ministers of North Korea, but they didn't think about it. Although the Qing court was beaten to pieces in front of the Han army, it was still a giant for North Korea. Can North Korea really resist the military attack on North Korea?
(End of this chapter)

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