Cutting 1719

Chapter 601 The Victory Has Been Determined

Chapter 601 The Victory Has Been Determined
In this naval battle, the original formation of the Dutch Navy was two horizontal lines, with more than 40 armed merchant ships on the outside, mainly using their smaller stature to outflank enemy warships, and because the main force Battleship fleets have always been fighting together, and this tactic often exerts great power, so this is also a common formation of European navies at present.

However, in this battle, the outcome between the Great Chu Navy and the Dutch Navy does not depend on those third-tier battleships, but depends on whether the cover fleets of both sides can win. Support the flanks.

After the Helder, Troy, and Tulip turned back to support them, the flanking battlefield had already become a mess, with burning wreckage of warships everywhere, and rockets all over the sky, forming a scene on the battlefield. A very cruel scene.

The squadron formation led by Xu Tonglong was originally in a relatively peripheral position, so when his order was issued, the four chasing boats and more than ten boats and express boats quickly left the original battlefield and began to move towards the battlefield. Heading in the direction of the three Dutch third-tier battleships.

These veterans who were originally from the Luying Navy, although the warships they drive are traditional small and medium-sized warships, their steering skills are among the best. Under the leadership of Xu Tonglong, they control the wind direction very delicately. In front of the Dutch battleship.

The three third-tier battleships, the Helder, the Troy, and the Tulip, naturally didn't pay attention to the small boats in front of them. They almost cut in with an arrogant attitude, and they didn't even intend to fire, but prepared to use They used their specialty ramming tactics, directly crushing the boat in front of them into the sea.

It has to be said that in front of the double-decker third-tier battleship with a length of more than 30 meters and a width of more than 20 meters, the ships of Xu Tonglong and others looked almost like children, and there was almost no hope of resisting them.


As the distance got closer, the Helder directly rushed in, slammed into a fast whistle ship, and there was a violent impact sound, and the fast whistle ship in front of it quickly capsized, only Only a vortex remained on the surface of the sea, and there were a few broken edges of the plank.

"It's Lao Wang and the others"

The officer standing beside Xu Tonglong murmured that sea battles are often more cruel than land battles. Once the warship he is on sinks, it is almost impossible to hope for survival, because the enemy will never extend a helping hand, and they will even Likes to use muskets to hit targets that are still struggling on the water.

Xu Tonglong looked a little gloomy, and he whispered: "Stop talking nonsense, go and prepare rockets and gunpowder!"


Everyone ran quickly, and they took out more than ten rockets from the cabin, which were the last few in stock. Once they finished shooting, they could only rely on the two cannons on the ship that were more like decorations Come to fight.

The Helder, the Troy, and the Tulip charged over more and more aggressively. The ram on the bow of the ship had become the most powerful weapon at this time, and with the help of the wind, they cut in at an extremely fast speed. But for Xu Tonglong and his warships, it was a monster that could not fight head-on.


The rest of the boats and boats fired their own rockets one after another. With Xu Tonglong's hope, they radiated their brilliance fiercely. After the violent explosion, Haier rushed to the front. A huge hole had been ruptured in the hull of the German, and the fiery flames quickly swept the entire sail. Under this blow, the Held was finally about to declare war sinking.

Seeing that the Halde had completely lost its combat power, Xu Tonglong and the others also showed a little smile on their faces, but the smile only appeared for a moment, because there are still two third-class battleships, the Troy and the Tulip, and No major damage was encountered, but their own rockets have been exhausted.

At this time, the Troy and the Tulip seemed to have woken up from the sinking of the Helder. They didn't have the slightest hesitation, and ignored the fast-scoring boats, and went directly to the rushing boat where Xu Tonglong was. He rushed over, as if a heavy cavalry in iron armor had already raised the spear in his hand, waiting for the moment to pierce the opponent's body.

Looking at the Dutch warship that was about to collide, Xu Tonglong didn't seem to notice it. He turned around and looked at his subordinates, and saw that these young people were also looking at him in the same way. There was a touch of regret and reluctance, but there was no fear at all.


The violent explosion sound was intertwined with the crashing sound. A No. [-] and Tulip No. [-] were like a couple in love with each other. They were intertwined with each other, and neither would leave the other. Sink until there is no trace left.

When such a tragic scene appeared on the battlefield, the Dutch battleship Truy, which was still colliding, slowly stopped and did not continue to fight. Instead, it began to change direction, preparing to leave the remaining warships organized by Xu Tonglong. Obviously this battleship has fallen into great fear.

"Crazy, they are all a bunch of unreasonable lunatics!"

"Why are we at war with these lunatics here?"

The captain of the Troy, Fantley, looked at the Tulip that had sunk into the sea in disbelief. He yelled frantically. In his past naval battle career, this was the first time he saw such a situation. For him, it was impossible to understand the thoughts of the people on that ship.

As the Troy turned and left, De Vries, who was on the Batavia, was also very annoyed. It seems that there are still seven Dutch third-tier warships, but six of them are trapped in this area. In the sea area, there is also a Troy, who doesn't want to face the enemy's lunatics at all.

At this stage, De Vries could only let out a long sigh, fearing that this battle would not last.

Of course, De Vries will not choose to surrender. He only hopes to temporarily leave the battlefield and wait for a rest to fight again. At that time, he will have a greater chance of winning.

However, in the era of sailing warships, once the distance between the two sides is shortened, it will never be so easy to separate. At least when Qiu Ze discovered that the Dutch warships were tending to leave the battlefield, he quickly realized it. Resolutely issued an order to let the traditional Chinese warships besiege the Dutch armed merchant ships.

As time slowly progressed, more and more Dutch armed merchant ships were sunk, and the remaining part of the merchant ships could not hold on to such a fierce attack, and began to plan to escape. However, these merchant ships were all bigger than the Chu Navy. The driving boats and boats are much larger, and naturally the speed is much slower.

"Surround up and tell them to surrender quickly, if they don't surrender, they will all be sunk!"

On A-[-], a naval colonel had blood all over his face, and his body was covered with many wounds caused by fine sawdust, but he didn't care about it at all, and kept shouting loudly.

Everyone can understand why he is so excited, and why he is so brave and fearless.

Because the name of this naval colonel is Xu Tongen, and just now, Colonel Xu Tonglong, the No. [-] officer who died in the battle, was his biological elder brother.

"Boom boom boom——"

With the sound of a rush of drums, more and more fast whistle ships and boats rushed up. Although they are small in size, they can pose a considerable threat to Dutch armed merchant ships at this time, at least tow It is not a problem to accommodate these merchant ships who want to flee.

A-[-] under Xu Tongen's command seat cut into the Dutch merchant ship without hesitation, and cooperated with other close-in chasing boats and boats, firing dozens of rockets one after another, but sank several more Dutch ships. Armed merchant ships.

So far, there were originally more than 40 Dutch armed merchant ships, but now less than half are left, and the rest of the merchant ships have disappeared into the vast ocean.

"Continue to bombard me, as long as they don't surrender, this battle will not end!"

Xu Tongen gave an order loudly, he didn't care about the merchant ships in front of him, he only wanted to sink those entangled third-tier warships, and only by achieving a complete victory could he comfort his brother's spirit in heaven.

When the time came in the afternoon, the Dutch armed merchant ships that had been under siege finally couldn't hold on any longer. When the Da Chu Navy sank another seven armed merchant ships, the remaining fifteen armed merchant ships could no longer support them. Live, the white flag was raised, and he chose to surrender.

After Xu Tongen sent people to take over the armed merchant ships that surrendered, everyone on the battlefield realized that the turning point for victory and defeat had finally arrived. Many traditional Chinese warships, Xu Tonglong and more than 40 officers and soldiers were all killed in battle, and finally disappeared into the ocean.

"Pass down the order, raise the flag and the general governor's flag, this battle must completely wipe out the enemy!"

Looking at the changes in the situation in front of him, Qiu Ze couldn't help letting out a long breath. This thrilling naval battle has been fought so far, and the Chu Navy has basically been assured. Without the cover of armed merchant ships, it is impossible to escape. Maybe, but if they want to launch a desperate fight, it depends on whether they have the determination.

As Qiu Ze's commander-in-chief flag was raised, bursts of drums sounded, and large and small warships also launched the final siege of the Dutch warships. Except for the twenty-odd warships responsible for guarding the prisoners, the rest Under the command of Xu Tongen, more than 50 warships surrounded the six third-tier warships.

As for the Troy, which had escaped from the beginning, it had left the battlefield long ago, but stayed far away on the edge of the battlefield, and seemed to be waiting for an opportunity to re-enter. However, at this time, no matter what choice the Troy made, Neither can have the slightest impact on the overall situation.

De Vries' face was as gloomy as water. He felt that he and the entire fleet had become insects that had fallen into a spider's web. The stickiness on it became stronger and stronger, and their vitality became lower and lower—— Now there is only one choice before de Vries, and that is to choose a forced breakthrough.

To break through forcibly, you need to kill these third-class sailing warships of Dachu that cannot be defeated or run away!
Of course, no matter what, De Vries had no other choice. He quickly issued an order to direct the six third-level sailing warships to escape from the entanglement of the Dachu third-level sailing warships, and prepare to break into the outer side of the fleet. , Through the form of the battle line, fight again in the form of formation.

In fact, this is also the reason why De Vries has come to his senses now. He fell into a disadvantage from the beginning, and although he reversed the situation later, his vigilance was not so strong, so that he was invaded by the big Chu warship. Since I came in, I didn't feel that I would lose at all, so I didn't force myself to regroup with losses.

Now that De Vries has recognized the reality, he no longer holds the unrealistic illusions before. He would rather pay the price of damage to the battleship, and hope to reorganize the formation and fight in the most effective way of the Dutch Navy. !


When the Dutch third-tier battleships began to adjust their positions, the third-tier battleships of the Dachu Navy naturally would not miss this opportunity. A large number of shells were fired directly from the side, and the Dutch battleship was violently bombarded side-to-side.

The battleships on both sides had already emitted dazzling flames, and a large amount of wood debris was directly splashed out, continuing to cause a large number of casualties. After the sound of the guns stopped, the commanders of both sides frowned at the same time, because they At the same time, a previously undiscovered problem was discovered.

That is, the number of artillery on the third-tier battleships of the Great Chu Navy is more, the power of each salvo is greater, and the rate of fire is also faster, so the wounds on the Dutch battleships are actually more, small pieces The collapse of the warship caused serious losses on the warship. As for the Dutch, although the number of artillery pieces is relatively small, in addition to some small artillery pieces, they are also equipped with some large-caliber artillery pieces. Once these shells hit, basically every shot is a big hole .

Obviously, the design ideas of the warships of the two sides are vividly expressed in terms of structural differences and combat characteristics, but at present it is difficult to judge which of the two methods is better, so the commanders of the two sides only frowned slightly, and said No other indication.

No matter what, this battle must be finished first.

However, when the war on the sea surface reaches this point, the cruelty is no less than that of queuing up and shooting in the land war, because the distance between the two sides is close enough, it is like two people pointing guns at each other, and then they all pulled together. Trigger, only those who survive can be considered true warriors.

However, don’t forget that when fighting at close range, the Dachu Navy has such a big weapon as rockets, so the artillery is only second at this time. I saw a large number of rockets being transported out of the cabin by the soldiers. Then it was mounted on the launcher, and after a sharp whistling sound, a large number of rockets poured onto the opposite Dutch battleship.

When the war reached this stage, the defeat of the Dutch navy had become a certainty, but the Dachu navy, as the victor, did not feel much happiness, because for this battle, the price they paid was really huge. too big.

(End of this chapter)

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