Chapter 101

While Zulong was waiting for news from the army, Qin Mu was not idle either.

After killing Tian Jiu, he brought the young master of the farm family back to Zhuangzi.

They didn't let anyone watch them, just arranged a room for him, and then let him fend for himself.

Except that when Yuehuying was patrolling, he would pay attention not to let Zhuqian take him away, everything else was optional.

However, the young master of the peasant family was extremely cooperative.

Just settled down on Zhuangzi calmly, without any intention of escaping.

Even if Zhuangzi's servants had some gossip about him, they just pretended not to hear them.

You should eat, you should drink.

Qin Mu commented on this: "He is a qualified prisoner, and if he is sent to the Three Kingdoms, he will not lose to Ah Dou."

Of course, no one in Zhuangzi knows who is Adou.

Originally Dian Wei could know a little bit, but the system also modified his memory.

Actually, Qin Mu didn't belittle him.

From Qin Mu's point of view, A Dou is an extremely intelligent person.

By the end of the Three Kingdoms period, it was already a situation of long-term division and unity.

Whether it is the comparison of national strength or the hearts of the people in the world, there has been a gap.

The defeat of the Shu Han was inevitable.

That being the case, what is the use of talking about the restoration of the country and keeping it in your heart all day long?

It's nothing more than letting yourself die faster.

The same goes for the young master of the farm.

It is the general trend for the Great Qin to rule the world.

It is pure stupidity to fight against the general trend of the world with the power of one person and one family.

Since Daqin suppressed the peasant family, the best choice for the peasant family is to disappear.

Since he was captured, the best choice is to be a prisoner.

Therefore, Qin Mu didn't let Ah Da find him until he was done with the work at hand.

"How are you living in Zhuangzi these few days?"

The farmer's young master wore his signature smile: "Thank you, the master, for remembering. The past few days in Nongkong are more relaxed than any other days in the past."

He's talking about relaxing, not being comfortable.

In all fairness, the hardware on Zhuangzi is very good, but the number of people is still a bit small.

It is simply impossible to have someone serve everything like those big noble families.

In the past, he was a captive by Tian Jiu's side, although he was not free, but he really stretched out his hand and opened his mouth for food.

Before Zhuqian's assassination failed, Tian Jiu didn't dare to neglect him, so he ate the delicacies of mountains and seas.

Qin Mu smiled and said, "Relax? As a prisoner, do you still feel relaxed?"

Nong Kong nodded: "Kong Kong used to be a prisoner, although he lived a carefree life, he was always worried.

Now with the owner of Qin Zhuang, although he is also a prisoner, he is not worried. "


Nong Kong laughed: "Master Qin, although Kong has no skills, but he has taken too many prisoners, he will always feel a little bit.

Others captured me because they wanted something.Only the owner of the villa wants nothing from me.

That being the case, why not relax? "

Qin Mu shook his head and said, "Of course I don't want anything from you, what I want is a farmer's family."

"That's natural." Nong Kong said seriously: "It's just that the farm family has dispersed. To me, the so-called farm family is just one person."

"What about the rest?"

"Scattered and gone. Since the establishment of the Qin Dynasty, it has severely suppressed the various schools. If the name of the farmer is still retained, there will be no real benefit other than being wanted by the government. Even my father, because of the head of the farmer, has no real benefits. I was brutally assassinated because of my identity. Although I couldn’t help myself, I had to inherit my father’s business, but I didn’t want the children of the farm family to suffer casualties. So I disbanded the farm family.”

"Disbanded? Do you think anyone will believe you when you say this?"

Nongkong smiled helplessly: "Of course no one would believe me, otherwise no one would kidnap me.

It's just that it's better for me to be kidnapped than to die as a peasant disciple, don't you think? "

Qin Mu suddenly smiled: "That's all. Anyway, there is a Zhuqian here, so it's not a loss for me to support you. You go, I will send you a few servants in a few days. Seeing that your clothes have not been changed for more than ten days, I am afraid that you will be fine." It stinks."

Nong Kong was stunned: "No more? If you are not going to trick me, find a way to contact the disciples of the farm?"


Qin Mu laughed loudly: "Not ready!"

Nong Kong is gone.

Qin Mu naturally didn't believe the so-called saying that all the farm disciples were disbanded.

However, this young man has been dependent on others since he was sensible, and he has developed an extraordinary heart long ago.

During the conversation with Qin Mu, his mood has not fluctuated.

Although he was smiling all the time on the surface, his eyes were like deep pools of water.

Knowing that Qin Mu let him go, it caused a slight disturbance.

However, Qin Mu did not intend to force him.

The so-called farm children do not exist for the owner of the farm, but for the farm.

It's a bit of a mouthful to say that, but in fact, why are there farmers?

It is because there are a group of people who have great enthusiasm for farming.

These people gathered together to form an organization, and only then did they elect a farmer.

Whether they gather or disperse, the passion for farming never fades.

As for Qin Mu, there happened to be a few miraculous crops...

As long as you reveal the information yourself.

There is no need for him to go to the farm children, some farm children will come to him on their own initiative.

All he needs is to let Zhuqian grow these crops, and then find a way to spread the news.

Therefore, Nongkong's role is really just to help him keep Zhuqian.

After rescuing Nongkong, Zhuqian really fulfilled his promise.

In front of Qin Mu, he regarded himself as a servant, and never said much.

If Qin Mu told him to go east, he would never go west.

There is no problem except that I always want to secretly send Nongkong away when I have nothing to do.

But Nongkong didn't want to leave either.

So the situation stabilized for a while.

More than ten days ago, Qin Mu sent Zhu Qian out to farm.

He has a lot of various crops in his hands, all of which are rewarded by the system, and many of them are even things that will only be available hundreds of years later.

He received a systematic education in his previous life and was a top student, so he knows a lot of knowledge.

It just doesn't include farming.

After all, since childhood, apart from reciting a few agricultural poems, which student has ever been in the field?
Therefore, he had no choice but to learn from each other's strengths and prepare to use the farm children to help him cultivate the land.

Although they are not very familiar with the habits of later generations of crops, Qin Mu has a large number of seeds in his hand for them to experiment.

For example, Zhuqian dragged more than 50 catties of sweet potatoes away from him and started to grow seedlings.

Of course, not knowing the details of farming doesn't mean Qin Mu knows nothing.

For example, for sweet potatoes, the first step is raising seedlings, and the second step is transplanting seedlings. He still knows this.

After he briefly explained to Zhuqian, he left it alone.

Right now, he just tested Nong Kong, so he was going to take a look at Zhuqian's seedling field.

The field is not far from Zhuangzi.

Zhuqian is very precious, he doesn't let outsiders get close, and stays by the edge of the field all day, even Nong Kong hasn't seen him for a few days.

When Qin Mu left Zhuangzi, he saw Zhuqian carrying a load and watering the sky from a distance.

(End of this chapter)

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