Chapter 102 Where's My Sweet Potato?
Zhuqian, a tall man of nearly two meters, stood out in the field.

Especially his thick and loose hair is very recognizable.

Seeing Qin Mu approaching, Zhuqian quickly put down the pole and saluted Qin Mu: "Master!"

He is not pretending.

Originally, he was a knight-errant who made promises.

What's more, Qin Mu did not embarrass Nong Kong, although he was not as considerate as Tian Jiu.

Not to mention Nongkong, even Qin Mu does many things by himself.

What's more, they don't treat him specially on weekdays, just treat him as a member of Zhuangzi.

When Nongkong said to stay here and relax, he was also sincere.

So Zhuqian's cry came from the heart.

Qin Mu nodded, and came to the field. Looking around, there was not a single sweet potato seedling in a large field.

Qin Mu was stunned: "Zhuqian, where are my sweet potato seedlings?"

That fifty catties of sweet potatoes, wouldn't all be eaten by this guy?
Judging from his stature, he should have this appetite.

This is half of his savings!
After traveling for six years, he roasted sweet potatoes five times, and saved the rest for making seeds.

In the end, fifty catties were given away, and no roots even grew?
Qin Mu squatted down, picked up a stick and dug in the ground.

After a while, he dug up a piece of sweet potato buried in the ground.

That sweet potato assassin has started to rot.

Qin Mu knew that this was probably the precursor to sprouting.

If the sweet potato sprouts still haven't grown after being completely rotted, then this piece of sweet potato is useless.

Zhu Qian scratched his head: "My lord, this sweet potato won't sprout even if it is planted, and I don't know what's going on....

No, I've been carrying a few loads of water every day for the past few days, maybe they will grow when there is water..."


Qin Mu was a little crazy: "Do you know how precious my sweet potatoes are? They are overseas crops! The whole Daqin, there are only so many in your field now!
In the end, it didn't sprout, maybe you're still here? "

Zhuqian said helplessly: "But... I don't know what conditions it needs.

This crop has its own growing season.

The millet should be planted at the spring equinox, but the grain should be planted at the half moon in the evening.

This sweet potato... If the lord gives me a year, I will try it every half a month, and it will always come out! "

"No, no, no!"

Qin Mu shook his head: "One year is too long, I can't wait that long."

Zhuqian touched his head: "But my lord, it's already the end of summer. If the sweet potatoes need to grow in hot weather, even if we grow seedlings, they will freeze to death when the weather turns cold!"

"Well... I didn't think of what you said."

Qin Mu rubbed his chin and thought for a while, then suddenly said: "If I have a place that can simulate all the temperatures in spring, summer, autumn and winter, can you try out the cultivation conditions of sweet potatoes?"

Zhu Qian was stunned: "My lord, the rotation of the four seasons is the right time.

Changing the four seasons is a fairy trick... How could you change the four seasons? "

"Then don't worry about it, I'll ask you, can you?"

Zhuqian murmured: "Then...that's okay...but..."

Qin Mu waved his hand: "Okay, don't let it go. Come with me!"

Qin Mu took him back to Zhuangzi and found Ada: "Ada, you take a dozen people and follow Zhuqian to find a field with better lighting conditions, dig it carefully, and then level the land!"

"Then go and call Li He over!"

Soon, Li Hei hurried over: "Master, are you looking for me?"

"Not bad!"

Qin Mu threw him the blueprint in his hand, which he had just drawn: "According to this pattern, it will be made with hundreds of refined steel!"

Li Hei looked a little puzzled. On the blueprint, it seems to be a shed with a one-sided slope?
"My lord, if you want to build a house, you can just build it, why use steel as the frame?"

"Then don't worry about it. Anyway, this shelf can be done in three days, right?"

Li Hei smiled honestly: "Leave it to me, you can rest assured!"

Dian Wei looked at him busy to and fro, a little curious: "Master, what do you want to do again? Tell me about it?"

Qin Mu had already arranged everything at this moment, and he relaxed in his heart. He glanced at Dian Wei and said with a smile, "I'm going to make a greenhouse."

"Greenhouse? What's that?"


Qin Mu thought for a while: "Simply speaking, it's a small house. But the temperature of this house can be controlled and adjusted. If it's hot, it's hot, and if you want it to be cool, it's cool."

Dian Wei's eyes widened: "Really? How is this possible? If there is such a house, wouldn't winter turn into summer? Couldn't summer be turned into winter? My lord, can this house be made?"

"of course!"

Qin Mu nodded and said, "But it's not that exaggerated. It's okay to turn winter into summer, but at most summer can be as cool as spring and autumn! It won't turn into winter!"


Dian Wei was shocked to hear Qin Mu's dissatisfied tone!
It's all like this, winter turns into summer, summer turns into spring, isn't that okay?Why are you still not satisfied?
Qin Mu was naturally a little dissatisfied.

The greenhouse is a product of the previous life, which is mainly used to change the heat conditions and grow off-season vegetables.

The simplest greenhouse is covered with a layer of plastic sheeting, and a fire is lit in the heat conduction hole. It is no exaggeration to change winter into summer!
In summer, covering the sunshade and spraying some water can also reduce the temperature to a very low level!

Even, if it is an advanced greenhouse and some refrigeration machines, it will really turn summer into winter in seconds!
It's just that Daqin's conditions are limited, and he doesn't even have plastic sheets, so Qin Mu can only make ends meet.

Of course, this is enough. Although Qin Mu doesn't know what season sweet potatoes grow in, it's definitely not winter!
It is almost enough to have a greenhouse to simulate the three seasons of spring, summer and autumn.

In addition, after all, there is no plastic sheeting, so Qin Mu needs to think about what material to use.

By the way, glass can be used!

Although plastic is cheap, it really cannot be manufactured without the foundation of modern industry.

Glass is different, as long as you choose the right material, melt it, stretch it, and then you can make a large piece of glass!
Qin Mu remembers that the embryonic form of glass "medicine jade" appeared in the Warring States Period as early as possible.

However, because this medicinal jade uses lead red as an auxiliary material, its transparency is very poor.

It's okay to use as decorations, but it's not suitable to use as a greenhouse.

The glass making method of later generations...

The technical requirements are not high, the transparency is high, and the strength must be guaranteed...

"Have it!"

"Dianwei, follow me to the next village to find Lizheng!"

It didn't take long for them to find Lizheng who was patrolling the village.

Hearing Qin Mu's words, Li Zheng was also a little dazed.

"A river full of white sand? I know one..."

(End of this chapter)

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