Chapter 287

In the arena, everyone except Xiang Yu has come to their senses.Without exception, they couldn't believe it the first time they saw Qin Mu.This place...has become such a dangerous place, and this Mr. Qin is willing to take huge risks to rescue them for their sake.

Then, when there was only one Xiang Yu left in the end, everyone was a little worried.Normally, being fearless and fearless should be regarded as a compliment to others, but now... being fearless and fearless has become a restriction.If it wasn't for the absence of any fear in his heart, then Xiang Yu should have woken up long ago.

"My lord, what should I do with this...Mine Manager?" After many miners woke up, their names for Qin Mu also changed quietly.Of course, they looked at Xiang Yu with some anxiety.How should such a person be handled?He can't be woken up, the most important thing is to make him fear, and he doesn't know what the situation is to make it happen...

Only Qin Mu knows, so it's probably...unlikely.So his answer was also very simple: "Don't worry about it so much! Anyway...he's alone. You all do it together, lift him up, and then everyone walk out together!"

Everyone also looked at each other in blank dismay, Xiang Yu was still under control, if he was carried out like this, would there be any accidents?However, there is nothing to do in the stalemate here, it is better to trust Qin Mu's judgment.

So, everyone glanced at each other, and several strong miners stepped forward together, carrying Xiang Yu on their shoulders.

"One, two... start!" The actions of several people were quite consistent.He directly carried Xiang Yu, who was more than two meters tall, on his shoulders, and then walked directly towards the border.

One step... two steps... As the steps advanced, everyone's expressions gradually changed.As the distance between them and the golden flower gradually increased, Xiang Yu became more and more restless.He began to struggle on the shoulders of everyone, and because of his strength... even if the four miners exerted their strength at the same time, they were still shaken by him, almost falling...

"Don't hesitate! Go forward!" shouted the lead miner.It is basically impossible to control Xiang Yu.After spending so much time together, he has long known how powerful this mine manager is.

Don't say there are only four of them now, even if there are ten people, they can't hold him down!Besides, the Xiang Yu in front of him didn't even have his hands and feet bound. If he continued to delay...after being freed, would he attack them?

No one dared to think about that!This guy, with a few punches, even a wild boar would have to lie down... If he gets a few punches alone...

Therefore, while he has just started to struggle, and now that he is not too far away from defending himself, it is better to fight and take the time to lift him out!Maybe... after going out, he will wake up!

Qin Mu frowned tightly.In the current situation, if you say you are not nervous, it must be false.This is the overlord of Chu, and if he is really excited, even if Dianwei and Zhuqian go up together, it will be difficult to take advantage of it.And now, he has no reason at all, if he is controlled by the shadow to kill... there is no other choice but to run!

It's just that he, Dianwei, Zhuqian and the shadow guards escaped, but...these more than 50 miners, no matter what, it is impossible to escape...

In the next moment, Qin Mu's eyes widened and he yelled, "Quick, throw him out!"

Uncontrollable shock appeared on the faces of several miners carrying Xiang Yu on their backs!Because, at this moment, Xiang Yu suddenly opened his eyes!However, in his eyes, there was no light at all, as if a black hole had appeared in his eye sockets!
And as his eyes were still open, he was just struggling unconsciously, and immediately started punching the person under him!Moreover, during the process of swinging his fist, his eyes were still fixed on the flower!
Qin Mu also realized the change in him immediately, so he used the fastest speed to remind the miners directly!If this fist hits hard, then these miners will either die or be injured!
Fortunately, the work in the coal mine also gave them a little training.Every time coal appears, there will be some crises.Scattered stones, sprayed gas, and pickaxes bounced by stones will all become opportunities for them to train their reaction power.And the most important thing is their belief in Qin Mu!It even surpassed Xiang Yu as the mine manager!

Therefore, when Qin Mu just gave the warning, everyone pushed Xiang Yu on his shoulders without hesitation, and threw him out!In an instant, the throwing action was completed!
With such decisiveness, Xiang Yu's punch was directly missed, and he himself stood up in a daze!

In an instant, everyone began to worry!Because, where Xiang Yu was standing, he hadn't gone out of the shadow's control, it was still one step away!However, after what happened just now, all the miners were terrified, and no one dared to approach Xiang Yu again!

That is to say, everyone reacted in time just now, otherwise, someone would have to be punched and vomit blood!

However, Qin Mu was really unwilling to give up like this!After all, it took so much effort to finally get Xiang Yu close to the edge, and if he gave up directly, then Xiang Yu would soon be attracted by the mysterious golden flowers and return to the original place again!

"No, absolutely don't give up! Find a way, use a rope, and drag him out!" Qin Mu turned to look at Qingwa.

His weapon is actually that rope!The rope is made with a special method, and it is extremely strong. Xiang Yu will definitely not be able to break free when he loses consciousness!

"Throw it out!" Qin Mu roared.

Qingwa was startled by the accident just now, so her reaction was a little slow. When Qin Mu reminded her again, he also knew that now was not the time to be surprised at all, so he took out the rope from his waist and threw it out.The rope formed a beautiful rope flower in mid-air, and it was directly wrapped around Xiang Yu's waist!

On the other end of the rope, Qing Wa threw it to Zi Shisan without any hesitation.

How strong Xiang Yu is, even if the frog has not directly felt it, he knows that it is definitely not something he can match!

And Zi Shisan quickly signaled the shadow guards behind him to do the same.

Xiang Yu seemed to realize something at this time, and began to struggle desperately.

If the ten shadow guards hadn't firmly grasped the rope, he might have really broken free!
Finally, Xiang Yu finally got out of the range of the shadow!

(End of this chapter)

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