Chapter 288 Encountering Chasing Soldiers
As Xiang Yu was pulled out, many miners finally breathed a sigh of relief.As long as he gets out of this range, no matter how crazy Xiang Yu is, at least, there will be special people to deal with it.Let them dispose of a few unarmed miners, there is always a feeling of powerlessness...

Soon, they all came out, and for Qin Mu, originally there were only a dozen shadow guards and Qingwa following, but now the number of the team has expanded several times in an instant, and these newly added people... Just be white, without any fighting power...

If you encounter those cavalrymen who are chasing them now... I will be difficult... It's not that you can't beat them. The fighting power of the shadow guards is definitely stronger than those wild cavalrymen who don't know where they came out, but the most important thing The problem is, they now have a lot of people to protect...

Even, if there is a battle, every one who can fight must protect ten people... This is simply an impossible thing to accomplish.Wasn't Xiang Yu forced to retreat into the mountains because he couldn't protect these people?

Besides... Qin Mu's eyes were a bit worried, Xiang Yu was forcibly pulled out, and up to now, he was not even very sober.The real person is still in a state of confusion, no matter what Qin Mu calls, there is still no sign of waking up...

"Lack of awe is really a terrible thing..." Qin Mu said in a low voice.In any context, being fearless should be a good thing, but now, it has really become a stumbling block...

Now, holding a rope in his hand, he is leading Xiang Yu, behind him are more than 50 miners, and in the dense forest beside them, the shadow of the shadow guard appears and disappears from time to time.Qingwa is responsible for the task of scouting, and is on guard in front of everyone.

In the dense forest, it was very quiet, except for the creaking sound of footsteps on dead leaves, there was no other sound.It's just... Qin Mu didn't take it lightly.

Those cavalrymen who disappeared... or people who probably weren't cavalry, may not be a threat they can deal with now...

Suddenly, the green baby in front of her suddenly turned her head to look behind her.Qin Mu's heart tightened, sure enough, what he was afraid of would happen!
Originally, he was already very careful, and he also chose a path that he hadn't walked before, just to prevent the path that he walked before from being discovered by those trackers, which would cause trouble.

Qin Mu signaled everyone to stop, but Qing Wa had already turned back quietly.After the scouts observe the situation, they must report back to the main force as soon as possible so that the people behind can be fully prepared.

"24 people! Weapons, knives, swords, crossbows, no horses!"

The young baby's return is quite comprehensive.And Qin Mu also saw the professionalism of the tracker from such a report.The weapons they used did not have any long weapons, obviously because long weapons would be affected in the dense forest.

And they can carry hand crossbows, which means that these people are not simply wandering bandits.Because these murderers have hand crossbows that only the army can hold in the Great Qin!At least, this is also a lackey of a certain big family, and even the people in the army are unknown.

Of course, this is not the most difficult problem.Under the current scene, no one is sure whether they have any connection with the shadow in the coal mine.If they can use the means of shadows, then the next battle will be almost impossible...

"Don't be in a hurry to confront us first! Did they find us?" Qin Mu calmed down, knowing that the best way now is not to start a confrontation, and try to avoid it if possible!

Qingwa shook her head.It also made everyone breathe a sigh of relief: "We haven't found it yet! Judging from the situation, they should be following our previous traces! If nothing goes wrong, they will follow our traces all the way to the previous open space ! However, this can only be delayed for a moment! They seem to be very familiar with this jungle, and the speed is very fast!"

"Forget it, if you can break free, it's better not to conflict!" Qin Mu thought for a while, "The shadow guards continue to move around, don't expose them! Qingba, lead the team and bypass them!"

"Okay!" Qingwa nodded, and went straight forward, leading the team to the west.In order to stay away from those people as much as possible, they even turned [-] degrees to the west!

But, not long after, a miner suddenly exclaimed!Behind him, a huge wild boar showed its figure!However, the wild boar didn't attack, and when they saw Xiang Yu, they ran away!
However, both Yingwei and Qingwa's expressions changed greatly: "Hurry up! Run!"

This scream must have reached the ears of the tracker!Those people are obviously experienced chasers, and now, they may have already chased them in this direction!
Everyone became nervous, especially those miners, who had no combat power and were hunted down by them before...

The miner who yelled was ashamed. If he hadn't been too timid...those people might really have gone around!
Of course Qin Mu also saw his expression, but didn't say anything.People can be timid, and that's okay.It's just that screaming under such a scene obviously has nothing to say!If something happened to someone... Qin Mu couldn't possibly say that he was not responsible!
After a while, the people who were running could already hear the rustling of the woods behind them!Obviously, those pursuers are already nearby!
"Go on, speed up!" Qin Mu shouted as he walked. These miners had been trapped in the open space for a long time before, and now they are a little exhausted: "Imagine your family! As long as you persist for a while, you can see They're gone!"

"Second dog! Your mother is at home alone now, and she can't even lift the water. Don't you want to see her?"

Not far from Qin Mu, Ergou suddenly raised his head, and his footsteps, which were a little slow at first, started to speed up again in an instant!
And Qin Mu made a few gestures, and in the dense forest around him, some shadows slowed down a bit, fell to the back of the team, and began to cover everyone's retreat!


A hand crossbow came through the air and nailed straight into a big tree in front of Qin Mu!

Qin Mu's face did not change, and he rushed forward, as if he hadn't seen it at all!
Crossbow arrows, need to aim!And the faster you move, the harder it is to aim!

If you are frightened and slow down, you are courting death!

After a long time, Qin Mu and the others finally stopped.

The shadow guards took cover from the rear. Although they killed a few people, more than 20 people still chased after them!
(End of this chapter)

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