Chapter 289

"Run! Keep running! I thought you had wings on your legs, so you could fly out!" Among the pursuers, someone saw Qin Mu and the others stop, and burst out laughing.Originally, there was a lot of killing in the mine, but in fact, few miners died at all.

After tracking for half a month, there was no trace of it.Although Xiang Yu is not very good at hiding traces, at least, in a mountain forest, it is not that difficult to hide a dozen people.Especially, in the high-speed movement, even if the corresponding traces are left, it will take time to catch up.

But today, they finally found the trail of that group of people, and managed to catch up with them, but in the end, they almost ran away again.Why?They are the tracers of doctors, and they are the best at tracking!Usually when the healers meet any target, if they escape, they will all come forward to solve it.And no matter what kind of target it is, within three days at the most, it will definitely be captured and returned to life!
This time I met a miner in a coal mine, but they have been waiting for almost a month, and they still haven't been able to clean up!
It is said that they are miners, but they are actually just a group of farmers!In particular, during the pursuit of the tracker, it is often found that the way these miners escaped, there are even traces of burning and roasting meat, and even, in some places, it is obvious that they even roasted a whole pig!
Of course, for more than 50 people, roasting a pig is not a waste.But...the crux of the problem is that they have been so prodigal in the jungle, but the tracker has never been able to find them.Even when others eat barbecue, they can only eat raw and cold dry food.Especially in the past few days, the dry food has been used up, and they can only eat some wild vegetables...not even a sip of hot water...

I'm afraid they are the only ones who have had such a miserable life!Now, such days are about to end.As long as these people in front of me die, no one will know about the dark history of the tracer...

Qin Mu looked at the more than 20 people who were chasing after him, and Dian Wei and Zhu Qian beside him were already ready to go.And the strongest fighting force, Xiang Yu, is still in a daze, and even needs someone to take care of him...

As for the shadow guards, who were scattered around, wanting to completely protect the 50 people like Zhu Zhu was simply a dream come true!
Qin Mu's face was ashen, looking at the arrogant follower, he said in a low voice, "You guys, who is the leader?"

There was a sneer from among the tracers, it seemed a little disdainful, but also a little bit of a sense of revenge, "Do you still want to die? I can feel that there are some masters nearby, and it is difficult even for me to find them." They have to track... However, it is impossible to kill me! Do you think I will be as verbose as others? Do it!"

"Stop!" Qin Mu didn't expect the commander of the tracker to be so decisive, and he didn't even plan to delay a little time, but he still had something: "Don't you want to know how to find the coal mine?"

As soon as these words came out, the movement on the other side stopped instantly.Qin Mu was very calm, and had already guessed the situation.

Not long after I discovered the coal mine, these people rushed to seize the mine.Moreover, the most important thing is that after the robbing, it did not disappear directly, but occupied it very openly, and sent a large number of people here to mine.

What does this mean?Explain that coal mines are extremely important to them!And it's so important that the originally low-key doctors will forcefully occupy the place even if they anger the officials!Moreover, such a robbery also shows that the doctors still don't know how to find the coal mine.Otherwise, there is no need for them to take the risk to seize this place.

"You... know how to find coal mines?" An inconspicuous middle-aged man walked out of the line of tracers and asked hesitantly.

"Of course! I found the mine you robbed!" Qin Mu said without any hesitation, "Let these people go, I will follow you!"

Dian Wei's complexion changed instantly, and he turned to look at Qin Mu: "My lord! No!"

Zhuqian was equally unbelievable: "My lord, if we fight with them, we will definitely be the winner!"

Qin Mu shook his head, and said in a calm tone, "We will definitely win, but... the miners must suffer heavy casualties! Don't say too much, I will care for myself!"

The leader of the tracker looked at Qin Mu's appearance, but he was actually a little suspicious.What he wants to protect is just some miners... As for it?Do you want to trade your own safety for them?These people... are everywhere now, how can they compare to a talent who can discover coal mines?
However, no matter what, he still had to confirm whether the coal mine discovery that Qin Mu just said was true or not.

Because...for doctors...coal mines are so important!It is so important that even if they know that this coal mine is the place that Daqin attaches the most importance to now, they still want to grab it by force!It's so important that even if it's just civilians, they must send out tracers to kill them all!
And as the leader of the tracers, he actually vaguely knows why the healers are so willing to pay the price... because...they are creating gods!Now, those controlled miners in the coal mine are the power of "God"!

It's just that God-making seems to have some special requirements for the venue.And this kind of coal mine seems to be one of the best locations.Therefore, as soon as the high-level doctors learned that there was a coal mine here, they immediately started to act in a hurry.

If this Qin Mu can really find the coal mine...then don't let go of these people in front of him, they will accept even more demands!
"Okay! Tell me, how to find the coal mine?"

Qin Mu's face is calm, as long as the other party is interested, let alone I can fool them, even if I really tell them how to find the coal mine, it doesn't matter!Because... dead people can't speak!

"Looking for coal mines is similar to looking for copper mines. There are some iconic things. Let me talk about the easiest to see first. Where there are coal mines, there will be a lot of eucalyptus on the surface. Of course, the distribution of eucalyptus is relatively wide, and sometimes it is difficult to determine... ..."

The commander of the tracker listened and gradually nodded.There are many eucalyptus trees on this mountain...

"In addition to this, it also depends on the terrain. If the uphill here is steep and the downhill is gentle..."

The leader of the tracker listened very carefully, and compared it with the situation here while listening.

At this moment, he couldn't help frowning: "What you said doesn't seem to match the topography of this place..."

Qin Mu smiled: "I made up nonsense!"

"You..." The man seemed to have a premonition, but it was already too late!
From the shadow beside them, a knife stretched out and stabbed him right through!

(End of this chapter)

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