Chapter 290 Xiang Yu's Fear

In an instant, blades protruded from the chests of almost all tracers.The few who didn't have it also wanted to escape with a look of horror, but... they were destined to fail!
The strength of the shadow guards far surpassed them. They didn't do anything just now, but they were worried that they still had more than 50 miners to protect.Once done, there is no way to entangle everyone, and the miners may be injured.

And as long as there are about the same number of them, the tracker is not a threat at all!Just now, Qin Mu was just delaying time.And when he saw Qingwa gently waving in the woods opposite, he knew that the shadow guard had come!
Therefore, there is no need to continue to delay with these people, just let the shadow guard do it.Just now, after Qing Wa found out about the tracker, besides notifying Qin Mu immediately, she immediately accelerated forward.Here, it is very close to their base camp, as long as they get there and call a team of shadow guards, the matter can be resolved very smoothly.

And those trackers, of course, didn't know that a young man disappeared among their group, thinking that they had a chance of winning.

In the end, he had to pay the bill with his own life.

A group of people returned to the camp without accident.Next, it is time to find a way to take back the coal mine and kill the shadow in the depths of the coal mine.But before that, there was another very important thing, which was to wake Xiang Yu up.

Now Xiang Yu is no different from a walking dead.There is no response to the outside world, and if you want to move forward, you can only do so under the guidance of others.At first, when I was near the open space, I still struggled to think that the golden flowers were approaching, but now it seems that they are far away, so I just stood there, motionless.

How to wake Xiang Yu up?Not only Qin Mu, but also the miners are thinking about this issue.Mine Manager Xiang has been with everyone day and night for so many days, and they have completely approved of this man who is cold on the outside and hot on the inside.

At the beginning, when Xiang Yu appeared, he was still an image of a careless young nobleman. At that time, almost all the problems of noble children could be seen from him...Of course, that was after eating.

When he first appeared, there was no difference between Xiang Yu and a refugee. Although everyone didn't say anything, they still felt a little conflicted in their hearts.Especially, after eating a full meal, he immediately became arrogant and started to gamble with Qin Mu...

Everyone was a little unhappy at the time.This Mr. Qin, although we didn't get along for long at that time, he was so respectable for both food and wages. Why did you act unconvinced when you came up?When I first arrived here, I couldn't even hold a hoe steadily, but I started looking for trouble when I was full?
Therefore, when Qin Mu announced that Xiang Yu was the mine manager, everyone was a little unconvinced.Ergou himself is good at work, and he has a good relationship with Mr. Qin, and he is familiar with everyone. He can only be a deputy mine manager. You, an outsider, are like a mine manager?
It's just that a lot of things happened later.For a while, the government came to arrest people to serve in corvee, and for a while, it was local ruffians from nearby, who came to the coal mine to make trouble, and Xiang Yu rushed to do it without saying a word!Beat the shit out of all those people, wailing, and no one dares to come here again.

Besides, after getting along for a long time, everyone found that although this feather has various problems, in the final analysis, they are all caused by his previous growth environment, and he has no bad intentions.At this time, everyone didn't have so much resentment towards Xiang Yu.

Later, it was these trackers who not only robbed the mine, but also went deep into the dense forest to hunt them down.If Xiang Yu hadn't stepped forward, I'm afraid these miners would have died here one by one.At this time, they had truly accepted Xiang Yu.

So now, Xiang Yu can't wake up, they are more anxious than Qin Mu!
"My lord, tell me, what conditions are needed to wake up?" Er Gou tossed around Xiang Yu for a long time, but the other party still didn't respond at all, and he himself began to feel a little anxious.

Qin Mu looked at Xiang Yu, and said in a deep voice: "We guess now, it should be personal willpower, pain and fear, all three are indispensable! And the flower you saw in the open field should be able to reduce Requirements for personal will! Unfortunately, that flower is still within the range of the shadow, and we dare not pick it lightly!"

"Personal willpower... There is nothing to say about this. I think the mine manager should not lack this..." Er Gou touched his chin and began to think: "Pain, we have given this... In order to make him feel pain, even They all directly stabbed with swords, but there was no reaction at all!"

Qin Mu nodded: "Xiang Yu's problem is not these. It's fear! This guy has nothing to fear!"

"There is nothing to be afraid of in my heart..." Ergou couldn't laugh or cry, the mine manager was so emotional that it was for this reason that he couldn't wake up...

"Then we should find a way to awaken the fear in his heart! My lord, what can you do?"

Qin Mu pondered for a moment: "In this world, there must be something he is afraid of... The key is whether we can find it..."

"Just like you, if you are controlled by that shadow, you will instinctively feel afraid... and Xiang Yu, it seems that because he is too confident in his own strength, he feels that the shadow cannot hurt him, so he is not afraid... But, he is not afraid of the shadow, Doesn't mean there's nothing to be afraid of..."

Everyone was lost in thought. Indeed, Xiang Yu must have something to be afraid of, but in the final analysis, under such circumstances... what is it that makes him afraid?

"Don't think about it!" Er Gou walked directly in front of Xiang Yu: "If you think about it this way, it's better to try one by one! We all have the things we are most afraid of, so tell them one by one, and try to see if the mine manager is afraid!"

"I'll come first, I'm most afraid of ghosts! Mine manager, there's a ghost on your shoulder..."

"Boom!" Xiang Yu seemed to have heard what he said, and slapped himself on the shoulder directly, but... didn't wake up...

"I'm coming! I'm most afraid of tigers! Mine manager, you have a tiger on your shoulder..."

"Boom!" I haven't woken up yet...

Er Gou couldn't take it anymore: "Aren't you stupid! The mine manager can kill even wild boars, and still be afraid of tigers? Haven't you heard of one pig, two bears and three tigers?"

"Let me try! I am most afraid of thunder, mine manager, there is a thunder on your shoulder..."

This time Xiang Yu didn't even move...

After a long time, Qin Mu's voice was heard: "Xiang Yu! Your uncle Xiang Liang is here!"

Xiang Yu reacted instantly: "What! Uncle, why are you here... I am not lazy, I am still traveling... traveling..."

(End of this chapter)

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