Chapter 291 Shadow's Ability

After Xiang Yu woke up, all blocking factors disappeared.Qin Mu began to concentrate on thinking about how to get back the coal mine currently occupied by the healers.

At present, the experience of the two sides is actually not balanced.On Qin Mu's side, there are a lot of high-end combat power. There are more than 50 shadow guards, and there are more than 50 youth regiments with weaker combat power. The rest are fierce generals like Xiang Yu, Dian Wei, and Zhu Qian.They alone can be worth more than 50 people in the entire youth group.

On the other side, in the mine, the tracers who had charged into the battle had been wiped out, leaving only the stupid guards that Zi Shisan looked down upon very much. The word "stupid" came from Zi Shisan, who had been in the coal mine and experienced the strength of the guards.

Those guards were not only lacking in defense, they even had a poor sense of responsibility.It may be that they have too much confidence in the shadow, so they basically didn't care about the situation in the mine.Zi Shisan was an obvious factor of disharmony, and wandered back and forth in the mine for a long time, but they didn't notice it.

In the end, not only did Zi Shisan find the trace where Xiang Yu and the others had left, but he also saw the big lump hidden deep in the mine... the meat and the mysterious shadow.

But Qin Mu also knew very well that the so-called guards were not their opponents in the first place, and the real threat should be lurking in that shadow.If they want to step into the mine, they will be controlled by the shadow.And when they were seated, they were controlled by the shadow, so... there was nothing to say.

But, how should we deal with that shadow?From the current point of view, as long as you enter his sphere of influence, there is no possibility of escaping...

Everyone fell into silence.Qin Mu suddenly asked, "Will those animals... the animals in the mine be controlled?"

animal?Many miners are trapped in memories... It seems that they have not noticed any animals in the mine... That means, in fact, animals... cannot be controlled...

"Can't animals be controlled..." Qin Mu lowered his head, and his mouth was drawn into a line: "The influence of shadows is obviously an area skill... If so, why are animals not affected..."

"What is the difference between humans and animals..."

When he spoke, he didn't deliberately avoid the people present, so many people heard his whispers, so all the people present began to think, what is the difference between humans and animals?
Zi Shisan was silent for a while, and after a while, suddenly said loudly: "I know! People wear clothes, but animals don't!"

In an instant, the audience was silent.Everyone turned their gazes to him, but... in their eyes, it wasn't admiration, but caring... caring for fools...

Zi Shisan laughed, and also realized how unreliable his speech was... Although animals don't wear clothes, humans don't wear clothes all the time... It's just that he suddenly thought of this just now, and blurted it out instantly.

Dian Wei thought of something: "Animals can't work, but people can!"

Everyone frowned, and wanted to refute at first, but after thinking about it carefully, there was indeed some truth.The reason why the shadow wants to control others is to let them work in the mine, but if it controls animals, what do they do?
Zi Shisan shook his head and said: "No! Before I was controlled, I didn't know how to be a miner! But after being controlled, I was extremely proficient, as if I had practiced hundreds of times... Obviously, the shadow has some This kind of ability can make people learn how to work! I think it will definitely not depend on whether they can work!"

Qin Mu glanced at him in surprise, unexpectedly he also noticed this detail.At the very beginning, Qin Mu felt that these miners in the coal mine were too skilled!

You know, Daqin has no coal mines!It is simply impossible to find so many skilled workers!Unless the organization of doctors has the strength to travel through time and space and snatch these people from the coal mines of later generations, these people must not be miners!
And if they really had such abilities, they wouldn't have come here to snatch a coal mine at all... In later generations, so many coal mines can just remember the location, and they can mine when they come back!
Therefore, Qin Mu is almost certain that these so-called skilled miners were just ordinary farmers before.Moreover, it is farmers from all over the country.Because it is not a trivial matter to have two or three hundred middle-aged laborers disappear on a large scale in one place, and it is impossible for the shadow guards to be ignorant of this.

They must have found one or two from various places, and finally gathered here to have two or three hundred people.Of course, this also means that their mining function is definitely not inherent, but endowed by a certain external force... That external force, apart from the mysterious shadow, cannot have other options.

Of course, what Zi Shisan said is open to discussion.Because the shadow chooses to control the object, it is likely to see whether it can work.As long as both hands and feet are healthy, what is impossible?
No... There was a flash of lightning in Qin Mu's heart.There are monkeys in this world!Monkeys, like humans, have healthy hands and feet, so they must be able to work without problems.And if you choose to control the monkey, the sequelae will be smaller and more secretive!Don't choose monkeys, obviously not because they don't know how to work...

"Zi Shisan, how do you feel after being controlled?" Qin Mu asked suddenly.

Zi Shisan was stunned for a moment: "Eh... that is, there was a voice in my heart that kept urging me to work... and then asked me to hold the front frame with my left hand... and put my right hand on my waist..."

Qin Mu waved his hand: "Needless to say, I know... To control the shadow, you must be able to understand what he said!"

Everyone suddenly realized!No wonder there isn't a single animal in this place... For sure, Shadow needs to constantly encourage others to do things in his heart, and even if the animals are affected by his ability, they can't understand those demands at all!So, definitely what to do!
And the reason why the controlled people in the mine are so proficient must be because the shadow itself knows how to mine, so he directly forcibly instilled these skills into everyone!

However, even knowing these things, everyone is still a little distressed.

Because, among the people present, who would not understand what others are saying?As long as you enter the shadow's ability range, as long as you can understand and speak, you will be controlled...

Then the people present, no one can escape!
Qin Mu let out a long sigh of relief.Don't be afraid that the opponent is too powerful, but be afraid of ignorance.

Now, the shadow's ability has surfaced, and it's easy to target...

(End of this chapter)

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