Chapter 292 Reverse Brainwashing
Qin Mu looked around and quickly pulled out a plant from the ground.

"Okay, everyone come to me! I have a way to stop everyone from being controlled by the shadow!" Qin Mu looked at the plant in his hand, and a smile flashed in his eyes.

"Really? Young master, this... this kind of control can be prevented?"

"This kind of ability to control others should be regarded as the means of the immortal family? The young master can actually control the means of the immortal family. Doesn't it mean that... the young master is an immortal?"

"That's how it is! I've heard it a long time ago that the young master is a disciple of a certain immortal. It's ridiculous. I didn't believe it at the time! Now that the iron-like truth and facts are thrown in front of me, my face hurts!"

"You've heard of it too? That seems to be true? I heard that the young master is the disciple of that god named Lie... Lie...that's why he invented so many things! I heard , He also predicted the famine in Daqin before!"

"Lie Yufeng! I even forgot the name of the immortal, such obvious disrespect, don't implicate me when you are struck by lightning!"

Numerous shadow guards have long heard of various legends about Qin Mu, and at this moment they finally connected these things together. Suddenly looking back, those things Qin Mu did before seem to have become proof that he is a fairy...

The miners stared blankly at Qin Mu. In their minds, he was a wealthy boss. Later, he was rescued by Qin Mu and became a hero worth following. Now, Qin Mu's status has once again grown. Turning around, he actually became a fairy...

Ergou's knees softened and he knelt down!The miners behind him knelt down a lot!

"Master... Lord, you... you are a fairy... before us... before... ah..."

They are all honest farmers, how do they know how many twists and turns there are?All I know is that this Mr. Qin seems to have suddenly become a god, and they seem to have worked for gods before?Especially, when I think about when I was working before, because Qin Mu was young, he had to make a few jokes, then it would be disrespectful to the gods...

In their hearts, gods should be respected from above, but they seem... they didn't even pay tribute to this god before, but ate a lot of things from him...

Qin Mu couldn't laugh or cry.Old Comrade Lie Yufeng is really useful sometimes, but in inappropriate occasions, such as now, it will cause a lot of unnecessary misunderstandings.Especially this misunderstanding, he didn't explain it.In the past, many of his things, such as printing, were all in the name of Mr. Lie. Once it was clarified... it would not end in the future.

But on this occasion, if there is no clarification, those shadow guards are fine, and they don't seem to be too afraid of the so-called Xianjia characters.But these miners, afraid of being suppressed by the awe in their hearts, dare not do anything!
Qin Mu was a little helpless, thought for a while, and said, "Everyone! I'm not a fairy! Take a closer look, I'm just a mortal! I need to eat and sleep every day. I can neither travel between heaven and earth, nor live forever in the world. among!"


"Not so much! I just worshiped the descendants of the immortals as my teacher! Lie Yukou, everyone has heard of it, is a real immortal figure who can walk against the wind! And my master is called Lie Yukou Feng is his descendant! Even my master himself is not considered an immortal, so how could I be an immortal?"

Everyone looked at each other left and right, but somewhat believed Qin Mu's words.In fact, the immortal itself is above the misty and the clouds. Everyone has heard of it, but they have never seen it.Therefore, Qin Mu's saying that he is not a fairy is also in line with their subconscious mind.

"Stop kneeling! If I were an immortal, I would have wiped out that shadow long ago! Is it still necessary to spend so much trouble?" Qin Mu said with a smile: "Okay! Get up, we still have an enemy to deal with !"

Hearing this, Ergou also hurriedly got up and surrounded Qin Mu.Regardless of whether Qin Mu is a fairy or not, in short, he has already decided to hug Qin Mu's thigh tightly in the future!
Among the shadow guards, there was a slightly fat figure who sighed and seemed a little disappointed.

Immortal...Although people today have never seen it, but in fact, it really exists...At least, it is clearly recorded in the file of the Shadow Guard that the reason why the former king was able to escape from Zhao State was because of the help of an immortal ...

Qin Mu didn't notice him, but waved the plant in his hand, and then, everyone smelled a cool fragrance in their noses... It seemed a bit like mint, but the smell was obviously lighter...

This plant is called tonic grass.It is a herbal medicine often used by alchemists to make alchemy. It is said that after refining the elixir, it can strengthen the mind and energy!

But Qin Mu knew that this statement was actually nonsense!The truth is that this herbal medicine contains certain replacement ingredients. After ingestion, it will give people the illusion, as if they have communicated with the world, thus creating an illusion that everything is under control.

The ability of the shadow is actually brainwashing.Although I don't know why it can achieve such a large-scale non-contact brainwashing, but as long as it has this ability, then it is enough to prevent the target task from being brainwashed.

The essence of brainwashing is to make people doubt themselves and trust the people who appeared at that time.Qin Mu, on the other hand, is planning to use the Heart Budding Grass to reversely brainwash directly during the period of hallucinations, making everyone believe that only himself is the strongest in the world!
If it succeeds, it can prevent them from doubting themselves, and the shadow washing and brain techniques will naturally fail.

Of course, in this case, there will be certain consequences.For example, if a person's confidence is extremely inflated, many behaviors will be uncontrollable.But fortunately, Qin Mu is still the number one doctor of all time.Washing, brainwashing, is psychologically similar to hypnosis.

Therefore, Qin Mu can put his own importance above everyone's true self, and when needed, he can directly issue orders to them!
In other words, Qin Mu is equivalent to brainwashing everyone before the shadow brainwashes them, taking control first!

And after that, he will not enter the coal mine area, so he can ensure that the shadow guard and others will never be washed by the shadow again, brain!
And the order Qin Mu gave them was to kill the shadow!

In fact, the shadow is not so easy to be killed, but Qin Mu still prepared some secret weapons himself!
A moment later, Qin Mu hypnotized the defenseless crowd.Then, under his gesture, set off towards the location of the mine!
(End of this chapter)

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