Chapter 294 Green
Among the mines.

The two guards were chatting, their eyes turning casually in the mine.The job of guarding the coal mine is almost the most boring job they have ever experienced.

In the huge mine, there are two to three hundred people, but there is not even a woman!Not to mention the women, even the men were dyed black by the coal dust in the coal mine.From a distance, there is no way to tell who is who!All I know is that there is a person there and what is in his hand.As for who it is, I'm sorry, maybe even my own mother won't recognize it!

And think about where they were before, although many of them are in the deep mountains, and some are even in caves or underground, there are also men and women!Although she is not a big beauty, for them, as long as she is a woman, it is enough.Anyway, just relax...

"I don't know how we messed with the Commander, and we were sent to this kind of place by him! Ma De, I'm almost bored to death in the past half a month!" A person glanced casually and cursed.

"I must have been implicated by you! In the past, even if there were no women for the time being, you could still beat those men up for fun." The other man spat on the ground, as if to say something trivial: "It's a good thing now, these miners on horses are more valuable than us! They can't even fight!"

"That's right! There's no such reason!" The first person echoed, his eyes suddenly straightened, and he poked his companion: "Old Fan, do you think there is an extra group of people over there?"

The other person, Lao Fan, did not move: "Old Cai, are you stupid? Where did you come from this ghostly place? Besides, even if there are people here, there is only one end for them after they come here, and that is to be killed." Controlled by the God of Medicine, become a miner!"

"It's not right, it's not right!" Lao Cai said in a low voice, "Look, they are obviously not under control! Moreover, they don't seem to want to be miners!"

Lao Fan turned around cursingly, and when he saw it, he was stunned: "This... seems to be a bit wrong... Wait, look, their steps are exactly the same... Hey, what a surprise! Kill me!"

Lao Cai was a little puzzled.The overall pace is consistent, obviously controlled by the God of Medicine.However, after the God of Medicine controls people, shouldn't they let them dig coal?How did you come up with such an arrow formation?
"It's not right, it's not right!" Lao Cai shook his head: "Old Fan, you stay here and watch, I'll report to the commander!"

Lao Fan was a little impatient: "It's crazy, go if you like! Be careful, after passing by, that guy thinks you are annoying, so he will scold you! Anyway, these people are controlled by the God of Medicine, so what do you have to report!"

Lao Cai didn't say much, and hurried to the cabin where the commander was.

"What are you talking about? Is someone under the control of the God of Medicine digging coal?" The commander sat on his recliner without moving: "Anyway, he is controlled, so what does he do! Maybe, the God of Medicine wants to create something for himself. Maybe even a guard..."

"Old Cai, don't meddle in other people's business, be careful that the God of Medicine treats you as a target, let me do it for you!"

Lao Cai's face changed, and he didn't dare to say anything more.Although, logically speaking, such a god of medicine should not have his own thoughts and would only do things according to the set goals, but the unexplainable thing in front of him also made him a little scared!The god of medicine... It's not that self-awareness has never appeared!He has been a doctor for a long time, and he has vaguely heard of something!
Once such a situation occurs, it will be a disaster for doctors!However, it was obviously not his turn to think about such things, and even the commander didn't take it seriously, so it would be useless for him to say more.The commander knows more about the God of Medicine than he does. Since the other party doesn't think anything is wrong, let's just believe it.

Soon, Lao Cai, who returned to his post, found that the team that had just appeared had disappeared.After questioning, Lao Fan pointed to the depths of the coal mine: "I went there! Let me just say, how can ordinary people enter that place? It must be driven by the God of Medicine!"

Lao Cai thought of the commander's words: "That's right, maybe it's just that the God of Medicine wants to build a guard for himself. Anyway, the doctor probably knows that we are unreliable, and even the God of Medicine has started to rely on himself..."

Old Fan let out a snort.It's unreliable to be unreliable, but... to say it personally, it still makes people's faces burn.

"Leave them alone, tell me, how long will it take for us to leave this ghost place..."

the depths of the coal mine.The arrow formation finally reached where the shadow was.

There was a huge lump of flesh, which had turned dark purple, and above the flesh, a translucent shadow was floating, constantly flying up and down, shaking its head at everyone.

And the people in front seem to have heard its whispers in their minds.The sound was so powerful that they almost had an urge to run to the coal mine behind them and join the ranks of labor with everything in the hands of the defense line.

However, whenever such a thought pops up in their hearts, there will be another voice like Hong Zhong Dalu resounding in their hearts, making them wake up instantly!
That was Qin Mu's voice!It has to be said that Qin Mu has completely guessed the ability of the shadow, and even used more powerful means to restrain it.

However, the shadow's ability does not require actual contact and can control more people. It is obviously better than Qin Mu's hypnosis, and it is not an exaggeration to call it another level of ability.

It's's a pity that it doesn't have any self-protection ability.The shadow floating in the air seemed to be puzzled by the fact that the group of people in front of him were not controlled. His twisting range became larger and larger, and everyone could hear it screaming in their minds!
"Don't stand still! We are here to kill him!" Zi Shisan, who was in the front row, let out a low voice, unsheathed his long sword at his waist, and slashed directly at him!
The transparent shadow couldn't cut it, but the blade landed on the huge lump of flesh!Then, a crack appeared on the meat, and the green juice splashed instantly!


The shadow became extremely angry, and everyone felt it roaring in their hearts!
The miners in the mine in front stopped their movements for a moment, assembled stiffly, and began to walk towards the depths of the coal mine!
Looking at this scene, Lao Cai had some bad premonitions in his heart: "Old Fan, look, what is going on..."

"You bastard, what's the matter!" Lao Fan turned around, and then froze in place.

(End of this chapter)

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