Chapter 295 Changes in the Mine
In the entire mine, all the miners have put down their work, whether they are coal diggers, coal pickers, or others, without any exception.

Even, Lao Fan saw more than one person's shoulders full of heavy coals, but before they even had time to dump them, they turned around and left with the large group!

Even if the God of Medicine has something to do... he shouldn't be in such a hurry, right?You know, every move of these miners actually depends on the command of the God of Medicine, and what they are doing now means that the God of Medicine has a big problem, and they are even at a loss, and there is no way to command these miners normally!

Otherwise, according to its designated order, not only should coal be mined, but also the miners' physical strength and life should be preserved to the maximum extent. Otherwise, if they are exhausted on a large scale, it will be difficult for them to replenish manpower in time.Therefore, God of Medicine generally does not do this!Carrying the coal and walking to the back, I was exhausted!
So, in the final analysis, the current situation can only explain one thing... There is something wrong with the God of Medicine, and it is a big problem!Even, there may be such a catastrophic event as out of control!
Lao Fan didn't even bother to talk to Lao Cai, and ran to the commander's hut. While running, his voice came out: "Lao Cai! Follow up and see what's going on!"

Lao Cai curled his lips, a little helpless, as if he didn't hear what Lao Fan said.This guy has always been such a thief!Just now he was asked to report the situation, but he refused to go anyway, now that something happened, he ran over again, and asked himself to investigate the situation instead?Lao Cai knew in his heart that the God of Medicine might be out of control now!
If it is really out of control, it will be inseparable from the enemy!It's okay for him to stand quietly, because of the previous mark, the God of Medicine will most likely ignore him.But if it moves by itself, once it is judged to be a threatening target, it may be directly controlled by it and become a walking dead like those miners!At that time, will your old fan save me?

Don't talk about being saved, when the time comes, I'm afraid it's too late to run away, right?Not to mention Lao Fan, as long as he confirms that he is really the God of Medicine, I am afraid that even the commander will run away immediately...

After a while, Lao Cai's heart skipped a beat when he saw the people rushing towards the depths of the coal mine.The first group of people he saw just now entered calmly and even formed a formation... At that time, why was God of Medicine not in a hurry?A possibility suddenly appeared in his mind... Maybe, those people are not controlled by God of Medicine at all...

Thinking of this, Lao Cai looked left and right. The other guards seemed to have noticed the strangeness of the mine and started to move. No one paid attention to is best to slip away now. Choose... Big deal, find a village to hide your name in the future, it's better than staying here.Whether it's the God of Medicine getting out of control or being attacked by someone, the people here can't afford it!

After a while, Lao Fan, who finally reported to the commander, returned to the original place, but his original partner, Lao Cai, had disappeared.

"This guy, he won't really go to the back to talk and investigate... What a fool! If the God of Medicine loses control... he will die!"

the depths of the coal mine.

Zi Shisan's face was ugly.I originally thought that this is a big lump of meat, and there is no other means other than mind control, so it should be considered easy to deal with.But when I got here, I realized that this lump of meat is too huge!

Their swords looked like green blood was splattering, but in fact, compared to the size of this fleshy lump, the wound was too small!It's like a person accidentally cut a wound on his finger. It hurts, but... it's the kind of wound that will heal if you don't go to the hospital in time. It's still far from fatal!
But at this moment, there are already some miners who are close to them, and they have appeared in their field of vision!
"Not good! This guy went crazy and summoned all the controlled miners in front! It should be stimulated by pain, a little crazy! We have to hurry up! These miners have lost their minds, and they are likely to attack us... "

Hearing Zi Shisan's words, Zi Jiu, another shadow guard leader, felt a little helpless: "What you said is so simple, our sword is only so long, and we didn't let us cut this lump of meat even if it resisted at all, but it's been so long... you Does it work?"

"Thirteen! Before we set off, didn't the young master give you some secret weapon? It doesn't matter now, what are you waiting for? You have to wait until our brothers die before you take it out?"

Zi Shisan also looked anxious: "It's not that I don't want to take it, the young master said, it's urgent to use it if it's less than [-]!"

They are still in the state of Qin Mu's version of brainwashing, as long as it is Qin Mu's request, they are [-]% unable to go against it.Before the secret weapon he gave Zi Shisan reached the standard he required, let alone use it, Zi Shisan couldn't even remember what it was and where it was placed!
"Damn... Isn't it urgent now?" Zijiu pulled out his long sword from the lump of meat: "When these miners surround us, even if they stand still and let us chop, we probably won't be able to finish chopping! Not to mention, they still have picks in their hands..."

"At that time, if one person gives you a bite, you will become meat sauce!"

Zi Shisan naturally knew this, but obviously the current situation was not considered "urgent" in his heart, so he still couldn't recall what Qin Mu had given him.So he had no choice but to feel a little depressed, and slashed vigorously.

The shadow looked at them and seemed to be getting more and more anxious!It also doesn't know why the omnipotent mind control doesn't work for these people?

It can even feel that there is someone among them who has been controlled by it!And every time it wants to sneak into that person's heart through the previous crack, it can feel a weaker but extremely firm force blocking its invasion...

why is that?Obviously, here, he should be regarded as an invincible existence, but was stopped by such a weak force?

Fortunately, the time is too short!If it takes a little longer... to give him enough time to grow, then, that little bit of power is simply impossible to stop it!

The shadow twisted back and forth in the air, sending out bursts of sound waves that ordinary people cannot hear, but those miners, after hearing this sound, became even crazier!Some people even started to run the ministry!
Shadow was already a little anxious.It is still in the larval stage, the method is too simple!
(End of this chapter)

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