Chapter 296

Shadow looked at the people at his feet.Compared with their own bodies, they are simply pitifully small.Every time you attack, although it hurts, it is difficult to cause any major damage at all.If there is no such pain, even if they cut for a day, it may not really cause any harm to themselves.

However, if the shadow wants to control the miners, it must fully concentrate its energy, otherwise there will be flaws in the control of such a large number of people.For the shadow in the larval stage, it is still a bit difficult to control so many people.That's why Zi Shisan and Xiang Yu almost didn't attract any attention from it when they were out of control.

Under the overload, the shadow can only use the simple commands to control everyone, so even if there is any unexpected situation, it is difficult for it to find out in time.

However, the current situation is completely different from someone getting out of control.These people are doing it a disservice!What's more, he is now concentrating on trying to control these people in front of him, but he still can't do so.This is the key to Shadow Rage.Therefore, the shadow even did not hesitate to stop the coal mining which was crucial to it, and directly summoned the miners to destroy them.

It's just, I don't know why, those people obviously can't cause any harm to it, but it just makes it unable to calm down, as if there is really something that can threaten it...

On the other side, the controlled miners are almost here.This is an extremely strange scene, hundreds of people are rushing towards them, but their faces are extremely calm, and they are not even panting, let alone shouting loudly!

A frontal charge is often accompanied by breathtaking shouts. On the one hand, it is to encourage oneself, and on the other hand, it can also deter the enemy.But... This scene of hundreds of people charging silently is more breathtaking than the usual battlefield charging!
Zijiu was so startled by this scene that his hair stood on end, and he shouted loudly: "Zi Shisan, the dog day, isn't it urgent yet?"

Zi Shisan was also stunned by this scene, his voice trembling: "It's here... It's here! If we don't, we'll all die here! Grandma, I remembered!"

The commanders of the shadow guards looked at each other at the same time, and they all remembered what the secret weapon Qin Mu had given them was!It was a square cloth bag, tied tightly with a few hemp ropes, and carried on their respective backs!

Zi Shisan's eyes were a little horrified: "Young master, what kind of trick is this...Put this thing on our backs, but force us to ignore his existence!"

"Don't talk about that, when I think of this thing, I still feel that my shoulders are really heavy, but I didn't feel it at all just now!"

"Don't talk too much, the Xian family's methods are beyond our imagination! We should quickly throw this thing out! The little boy said, after throwing this thing out, we will have to run as far as we can!"

"Stop talking, hurry up! Say a few more words, and those miners will come running over!" Zi Shisan took off the square cloth bag on his back, and then tore off a rope on it.After the rope was torn, a puff of white smoke rose.

Seeing this, the others didn't dare to waste time and followed suit.Zi Shisan yelled, "Throw it!"

Without hesitation, everyone used their utmost strength and threw the cloth bag in their hands towards the center of the big lump.Although it seems that the shadow is controlling others, in fact, they are all sure now that the shadow is attached to the lump of flesh. If the lump of flesh is damaged, the shadow should die along with it.

The cloth bag was thrown out, and no one dared to stay, so they all ran away!Of course, you can't go in the direction you came and go, it has been filled by miners.If they ran in, it would be fine if the cloth bag could kill the meat lump, but if it didn't... They ran into the crowd, they were courting death!
Therefore, at this moment, they can only flee to the two sides.However... the two sides of this coal mine are not mountains, but bare cliffs...

"Quick! Quick! Quick!" Zi Shisan's eyes were red!The cliff is not high, but now, it is a race against time!The movements of the teenagers are a little slower, compared to the shadow guards, their strength is still weaker!

"All the shadow guards, no one brought a boy, climb up!" Zisan roared loudly, and the shadow guards turned their heads to take a look, even if they had already climbed halfway, they jumped down directly and carried the boys on their backs , just started to continue climbing!

Don't mention the past, don't talk about the future, now they are comrades-in-arms!The soldiers of Daqin would never abandon their comrades and retreat by themselves, let alone shadow guards!Never!

However, there is still not enough time!Zisan looked at the shadow of the fire in the thick white smoke behind him, and shouted loudly: "Everyone, get down!"

In the next instant, a loud noise directly drowned out his voice, and the entire coal mine was covered by thick white smoke!

In the dense forest, Qin Mu frowned, looking at the direction in which the white smoke rose.The explosive package exploded... That also means that the shadow is indeed an unknown creature beyond the current level, so that the sword can no longer cause damage to it, and the explosive package has to be activated!

That's right, his secret weapon is the dynamite pack!After the invention of gunpowder, the manufacture of other things may be limited by the technology of steel casting, but there is really no technical threshold for things like explosive kits.You only need to compact it with strong cloth, tie it up, and make some detonating ropes with white phosphorus.

Explosive packs don't need any materials, they only need enough gunpowder to be able to create enough shock waves at the moment of explosion!

Therefore, after learning that the coal mine was seized, Qin Mu immediately prepared a large number of explosive packs as his trump card.If the enemy is really too strong to match, just blow it up and kill it!

Zu Long also frowned. He also heard the explosion just now. It seemed to be a bit like the sound of shells being fired back then, but it was much louder.Moreover, the sharp and painful white smoke was similar to that of the cannon fire, only more intense.

Do you need an opponent with a cannon...

This doctor's organization actually has such a means?
Deep in the coal mine, Zisan spit out the dirt in his mouth, and the loud noise made him faint for a moment.The thick white smoke obscured his vision, he turned around in the direction he remembered, and waited quietly for the smoke to dissipate.

Then, he saw...a huge hole with a square meter appeared in the huge lump of flesh.

Green blood, everywhere!

(End of this chapter)

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