Chapter 297
Zi Shisan's eyes were a little straight.Although this big lump of meat is not very strong, even if they swing their swords casually, they can create many wounds, but... the scene in front of them is still a bit too shocking.

Each of those huge holes has a radius of one foot.They hacked desperately for a long time before, compared with this hole, they almost did nothing!Moreover, there is more than one hole!
After a cursory look, it seems that every dynamite pack can blow out a big hole.In other words, this seemingly inconspicuous cloth bag is worth the attack of all the shadow guards and youngsters... even surpassed by several times...

Now, the big lump of meat did not fall apart directly, but a large amount of green juice kept gushing out from each cavity, and the so-called "meat" around it had gradually begun to show signs of melting, forming a large amount of green juice on the ground. A puddle of some disgusting liquid.However, now the shadow above the lump of meat has dissipated, and the sound that kept appearing in their minds has disappeared.

Not far away, the miners who were originally under control had all stopped, looking at their hands and body, touching their face, and looking at the surrounding environment, as if they were still a little dazed.

Zi Shisan guessed that this probably means...the shadow has been severely damaged...not only is it no longer trying to control them, but even the miners who were already under control have come to their senses.

Judging from the current situation, the disappearing shadow probably won't last long.He even guessed that it is likely to have hung up now.Otherwise, there is no reason for the miners under control to regain their sanity.Even if it is not hung, judging from the situation, there is no possibility of recovery for this big meat tray.Just kidding, how long do you want to grow a few big holes with a radius of one foot?

Moreover, now they can clearly see that the flesh and blood around the big hole has begun to melt.

The periphery of the coal mine.

With the sound of the explosion, the guards finally determined that something big must have happened later!Looking around, in the coal mine, those miners who had not had time to walk to the back mountain had already listened one by one, and began to wait and see the surrounding environment.

The commander stood on the commanding heights and watched the scene: "A horse! What was that just now? It almost deafened me! What about Lao Cai, did he report just now that a group of suspicious people went to the back mountain? Come here!"

Although the commander is full of fat, it doesn't mean that his brain is not working well.In fact, those who can survive in an organization like Doctors are at least above-average smart people.Of course, whether this cleverness is used in doing things is another matter.

Anyway, in fact, the entire medical practitioner organization has the final say on those few people, and it doesn't matter whether other people do anything or not.

Hearing the words, the people around him quickly looked in the direction of Lao Cai and Lao Fan, but...there is no one in that place now.Lao Cai is not stupid, and Lao Fan is not stupid either.He originally wanted to report to the commander and get some credit.When he turned around, he found that Lao Cai had disappeared.Lao Fan guessed at the time that this matter must be serious.

However, before he made up his mind, he was directly blinded by the loud noise from the back mountain, and Lao Fan slicked his legs with oil at that time.

If you don't run now, it will be too late when the commander reacts.Needless to say, Lao Cai escaped and was sentenced to death.As a companion, he failed to keep an eye on Lao Cai and was escaped by him, and he was sentenced to death.It's also a capital offense, so why not just run away!
The commander was a little speechless, this Lao Cai and Lao Fan... ran really fast!Of course, if the God of Medicine behind really had a problem, he probably could only run away.

"Come on! Gather everyone and head to the God of Medicine to see what's going on!"

The commander who reacted immediately issued an order.The most important thing at the moment is not to chase down the traitors, nor to suppress the miners, but to gather all the guards.Otherwise... In a few minutes, everyone will probably run away!All gathered together, with his cronies guarding him, the chance of escaping was much smaller.

No matter how bad it is, even if they run off together to become bandits, at least he is still a leader!Instead of becoming a polished commander!
Many guards were gathered together, and some people also discovered the disappearance of Lao Cai and Lao Fan. There were also some guesses about the commander's careful thinking.It's just that they don't have the guts to resist now.

The mighty guard team came to the depths of the coal mine, encountered miners along the way, and chopped them with knives, beating people to the point of bleeding.Of course, he still remembered the request of the God of Medicine and did not dare to kill anyone.If there is no problem with the God of Medicine, then it is their fault.

Until the God of Medicine came into view, everyone's footsteps seemed to be glued to the ground, and they couldn't move.

That big lump of meat is the God of Medicine... But what are the big holes on the God of Medicine?

Zi Shisan had seen them a long time ago, and rushed over without giving them any time.The teenagers used all kinds of strange weapons and strangled all those people with almost no effort.The shadow guards only surrounded the formation without making a move.

In the dense forest, Zu Long looked at Qin Mu, the shock in his eyes could not be concealed.

He really didn't expect that not long after he made the cannon, Qin Mu had a big killer.

Even if he hadn't witnessed the loud noise just now, but... from such a distance, he could still feel the power.

In the dense forest now, there is silence.The birds and beasts that had never been heard before were all shocked by the loud noise and did not recover for a long time.

"Mu'er... what kind of weapon is this?" Zu Long's lips were a little dry.

Qin Mu smiled calmly and didn't take it seriously: "Father, you've seen this thing before! It's actually gunpowder! It's no big deal!"

"It's no big deal?" Zu Long squatted down and looked at Qin Mu: "The distance is so far, the movement is so loud, do you think it's no big deal? Besides, I've seen that gunpowder cannon before, why isn't it making such a loud noise?"

"Father, gunpowder itself is loud, not to mention we used a lot this time.

"Then... without cannons, gunpowder can still be used? I didn't see you coming with cannons?"

Qin Mu smiled: "Didn't you see it when I gave it to Zi Shisan just now? It's just those cloth bags!"

"Cloth bag?" Zu Long couldn't believe it for a moment.

However, Qin Mu frowned and looked in another direction.

Dian Wei reacted faster, before Qin Mu could speak, he had already jumped out!
A moment later, he had already appeared from the dense forest, holding two people in his hands!
(End of this chapter)

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