Chapter 298 The Two Captives Who Collapsed

The two people caught by Dian Wei were really Lao Cai and Lao Fan who ran away because they saw the situation was not good before!

The two were originally teammates and knew each other very well.Lao Cai chose the dense forest to escape, because the dense forest has many trees and is dense, it is extremely difficult to track.And Lao Fan wanted to catch up with Lao Cai with all his heart, so he followed him.

On the way, he really caught up with him.However, Lao Cai knew that the more people there were, the bigger the goal would be.If he escaped alone, even if he wanted to find traces to track him, it would be a bit difficult.Besides, they still have to find a place to hide in the future. There are more than a hundred people in a village, and once in a while, one person's goal is enough, let alone two people coming together?

If Lao Fan was a woman, he could forcefully explain the couple,'s a bit too strange for these two old men to flee famine together.Even if the doctors' organization ability is limited, it is impossible to trace those remote villages, but the power of the government can still penetrate!Will Lizheng report them?I can't tell!
Therefore, when Lao Cai escaped cautiously, he carefully considered every step he took, lest he leave any special traces.Lao Fan behind him didn't think about anything, and walked all the way along his footprints. There were countless broken branches and trampled weeds on the road. Now, even a fool can follow them.

Of course, it was Lao Fan's ridicule that finally turned Lao Cai's face and fought with Lao Fan.Originally, Lao Cai took one step and looked at three steps, afraid of leaving traces, but after Lao Cai was destroyed, he still satirized Lao Cai, and he had no ability to hide...

The final result was that Lao Cai became angry from embarrassment and made Lao Fan part ways with him.Of course, Lao Fan, who worked so hard to catch up, disagreed. In the end, the two started fighting in the dense forest... Although they were pecking at each other, there was not even a bird singing in the woods. The two of them started fighting. The news reached Qin Mu who was not far away...

Dian Wei was not polite, and threw them directly on the ground in front of Qin Mu.Lao Cai and Lao Fan looked up, and saw a six or seven-year-old child...beside him was a fat man in black...

As for their side, although there are not many people, everyone seems to be able to tear their entire team directly... Since when are there so many fierce people in this forest?Reminiscent of those mysterious people who entered the coal mine before... Lao Fan rolled his eyes, the upper echelons of the doctors really lost their minds and thought of robbing this coal mine!

At the beginning, when he wanted to rob this coal mine, Lao Cai had an ominous premonition.They had actually been looking for a place like this for years.But there has been no progress, only to find this kind of coal stone in some natural bare and exposed places, and then put the God of Medicine on it.

It's just that what they would do before was to mine such stones and throw them aside.After all, this kind of coal is useless except for lighting it for heating.They didn't know why a coal mine suddenly appeared here, and it seemed that the official of Daqin was behind the scenes.

Now, as expected, something went wrong.Lao Cai sighed softly, even though he had decided to run away, it was still so unfortunate that he fell into the hands of others.Of course, in this place, the end may be a little better than that of the doctor.At least, Daqin officials will not destroy your mind, and then turn you into a gray-clothed animal who can't even take care of itself.

Qin Mu looked at Lao Cai and Lao Fan who were thrown on the ground. They were lying on the ground directly, as if they had no intention of running away.Lying there motionless, not knowing what was going on in his mind.

Of course, Qin Mu didn't care what the two of them thought.He just asked Dian Wei to tie their hands and feet, and stuffed a rag into their mouths to prevent them from biting their tongues to commit suicide.Then he stood quietly, waiting for Zi Shisan and the others to bring them back.

He didn't speak, but Lao Cai and Lao Fan panicked.Generally speaking, shouldn't people who have captured hostile forces alive ask for some information?Even sometimes, it is very common for people who are captured alive not to cooperate, and they will be directly sentenced to death.

At the moment they were arrested, Lao Cai and Lao Fan actually had some confidence.The medical organization is too mysterious, most of them are animals in gray clothes, after being caught, they will not eat, drink or speak until they starve to death.And those who can really communicate, or the members of the medical organization, are almost never captured alive.

This is also the biggest reliance of the two.Aren't you curious about the Doctors Organization?It doesn't matter, we both know a lot, and we can tell you slowly, but the premise is that we are both alive, or alive well.In particular, there seems to be official involvement behind this coal mine, so I want an official legal identity, isn't it too much?This legal status is slightly higher, but not too high. It allows me to live comfortably without attracting the attention of doctors, is it okay?
As long as you want something from us, it's up to us to decide how to set the conditions?Even, the moment they were caught, they even hoped that Qin Mu would start to punish them.Because only in this way can it be proved that Qin Mu and the others urgently need information from the Healer Organization.The heavier the torture, the more urgent Qin Mu was, which meant that their value was greater.

However, Qin Mu didn't ask a word, and God directly made people gag their mouths... Does this mean that he didn't even want to listen to them?Lao Fan looked at Lao Cai, and both noticed the worry in the eyes of both parties.If the person doesn't want the intelligence, they're worthless...

If there is no value, naturally there is no room for bargaining... It is even hard to say whether they can save their lives... Maybe in the end, the other party directly touched their necks... It is very difficult to determine.

Lao Cai looked at Lao Fan, it was this guy!If it wasn't for him insisting on catching up, then sneaking away by himself... There wouldn't be such a big movement at all, let alone being caught!

If you catch it, you can catch it, if you can survive, it's fine, but this person in front of you is obviously a ruthless character!Just standing there motionless, the others didn't even speak, which made the six-year-old look a bit scary!
Lao Fan was also a little scared.If he were an ordinary person, he might still despise Qin Mu. After all, a six-year-old child has no deterrent power.It's just that Lao Fan is different. He comes from a doctor, and he has heard and seen too many things!The ability of a six-year-old to become the leader of this group of people will not make him despise him, it will only make him more fearful!

After spending such a long time in silence, Lao Cai and Lao Fan's psychological defenses were about to collapse.Qin Mu's every move will make them worry, whether to kill them directly!
(End of this chapter)

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