Chapter 299 Performance
This situation didn't last long, because the shadow guard came back soon.Only now did Lao Cai and Lao Fan know why Qin Mu didn't even bother to ask them—because they had a better choice.Their leader was brought back.

The fat-headed and pot-bellied commander is said to be the commander of the guards, but he is actually more like a businessman... His position in the organization of doctors is indeed similar to that of a businessman.His duty is to squeeze the people under him, and then share the profits with the backers behind him.The backer is actually a partner. After he has accumulated enough capital, he will kick the original backer away and find a stronger one.Repeatedly.

When the leader saw Lao Fan and Lao Cai, he immediately became excited: "You two bastards! You actually ran away! If it weren't for you, I would never have ended up like this!"

Lao Fan rolled his eyes, this guy is still acting!He and Lao Cai had figured out the commander's temper a long time ago, knowing that he was essentially a businessman, and it was impossible for him to be loyal to the doctor.The reason for this is probably to show his "integrity" and to gain some advantage in the subsequent interrogation.After all, people in this era always have an inexplicable preferential treatment for the so-called "righteous men".

It's all about acting.After Lao Fan finished rolling his eyes, the commander's roar also stopped.He looked at Qin Mu with eyes full of anger: "Young master, you can't be humiliated! Tell your subordinates to do it!"

Lao Cai couldn't help but rolled his eyes, he acted so much, be careful that he really treats you as a loyal minister, he will cut you off directly, and fulfill you!He was much more stable than Lao Fan, and even he couldn't stand it, which shows how poorly this leader's performance is.

Qin Mu took a look at the commander, and was clear about his tricks, but he didn't expose it.After Ying Ying and others were in place, he took a few cloth bags from Zi Shisan's hand. After opening, there were a few wriggling green lumps of meat inside.

"This is that shadow?" Qin Mu frowned.The piece of meat in his hand was still writhing, Qin Mu felt a little disgusted watching it.However, he is close to being a doctor, so he still has a high acceptance rate for such things.

The skin of these pieces of meat in front of them is a bit rough, but the meat inside is quite delicate.Especially the chimera of fat and muscle, it looks...somewhat similar to the structure of the human body!
This speculation surprised Qin Mu.Originally, he didn't think about it, but after this idea surfaced, it really made him feel more and more that this is human flesh!
Qin Mu raised his head and asked, "What did this thing look like?"

"What does it look like?" Zi Shisan was a little surprised. After thinking about it for a moment, he began to recall: "On the surface, it looked dusty... Then, it collapsed into a ball in the valley, a bit like a thick pancake... It’s just too big, we have nearly 100 people, and it’s nothing in front of it... There are some folds on it, but it’s nothing special. It’s just that there is a translucent shadow floating on it, which looks a bit like a person..."

Qin Mu shook his head, the thing Zisan described seemed to have nothing to do with people.However, looking at the sticky and trembling flesh on his hand, I still felt a shock in my heart.Qin Mu wrapped up that piece of meat. If he could bring it back, he could study this thing. What kind of working principle is it that can appear a translucent shadow and control others?

After reading these, he no longer paid attention, but turned his attention to the three members of the healers who were captured alive.

He motioned to the shadow guard to take out the cloth strips from Lao Fan and Lao Cai's mouths.

Lao Cai and Lao Fan, who finally got their own, didn't open their mouths immediately, perhaps because they were afraid of the commander, they just breathed heavily, trying to suck back the air lost by the cloth strips blocking their mouths just now.The leader looked at the two of them, his lips parted slightly, but no sound came out.

Qin Mu noticed his small movements, but he didn't care at all. He just said, "Three, don't be so careful if you get caught. If you cooperate well, you will have a way out."

"You may have also guessed that the reason why I kept you is because I want to know some information about the doctor. Now, is there anyone who doesn't know anything? If so, you can just say it, and I will give you a happy."

All three were silent.Even the commander who was acting righteous just now was silent and did not speak.They are really not fools, now that Qin Mu is obviously at the moment of standing up, anyone who dares not to look at them now will really be hacked to death!Even if you want to perform, you should prove your worth after the interrogation begins.No worthless toughness is nothing but a way of death.

Seeing that the three of them were silent, Qin Mu also smiled: "It seems that you are all smart people. It's easy to talk to smart people, so I'll just briefly explain our rules, so as not to cause any unpleasantness to everyone."

The three members of the doctor's organization were stunned. This young man is quite kind.Even though they were going to be interrogated, they still acted politely, and even said "don't be unhappy"... It sounds good, but they got goosebumps all over their bodies.

Moreover, there are so-called rules... Isn't an interrogation just a question and an answer?Hit without answering?What rules can there be?And their original plan was to resist a few beatings first, at least to prove that they were strict with their mouths, in order to get enough chips from the opponent.

But what exactly are these so-called rules?
Qin Mu said with a smile: "The first rule, we will interrogate the three separately. Of course, the questions asked are the same. If anyone's answer is different from others... then it means that you are lying. Lying Those who must accept punishment..."

Qin Mu's tone was very flat, but the content made the three of them feel extremely cool.When the three are separated, there is no way to conspire.Having the same questions means not being able to lie...not even saying you don't know!Otherwise, your value will be worse than the other two...

"The second rule is to reward those who cooperate and punish those who resist. For the same question, whoever answers slowly will be punished...Of course, if the answer is fast and good, then there will be rewards..."

"It's roughly just these two items. In fact, they are very common things. The purpose is not to punish everyone, but to get everyone to cooperate." There was a smile on the corner of Qin Mu's mouth, but no matter how you look at it, he looks like a pervert...

"Please believe that I will... be absolutely fair!"

(End of this chapter)

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