Chapter 300
Absolutely fair... Lao Cai felt that there seemed to be a drop of cold sweat on his forehead.In this case, what do you mean by absolute fairness?Who would want absolute fairness when being interrogated?
Could it be that if I hit your companion with a whip, then you must also receive this whip?This kind of fairness, whoever is telling the truth, no one wants!But... the leader who was like a child on the opposite side just said it so ordinary.

Without giving them time to think, Qin Mu directly waved someone to take them down.The three people are far apart in the woods, and they must not be able to hear each other talking.

Afterwards, the leaders of the three shadow guards came to Qin Mu's side.Since the three people were interrogated separately, they also needed to verify the authenticity of each other's answers, so the questions must be the same.

Qin Mu thought about it. At the beginning, he must have asked some unimportant questions, so he pondered for a moment and asked the first question: "Which organization are you from?"

Hearing this sentence, Lao Fan was a little surprised.Do you really don't know or you don't know?I've seen that big lump of the God of Medicine, and I'm still asking this?Moreover, when the young man spoke just now, he obviously knew that they came from the medical organization?What is the situation?Why... suddenly feel that this interrogation is a bit wrong?
After thinking about it for a long time, Lao Fan still decided that no matter what the other party asked, in short, in the first stage, he should cooperate first and show his own value. Riding a horse can ensure that he will not be directly hacked to death.

"I am...the Doctors Organization, Old Fan of the Seventh Guard of the Shangdang Branch..."

After hearing this, Zijiu didn't respond, just nodded and left.After a while, Zijiu finally came back, holding a small knife less than a foot long in his hand.

Lao Fan's heart tightened, this... he was empty-handed just now, why did he take the knife now?
Zijiu came to him and said calmly: "You were the slowest in answering just now, so, according to the second rule, you will be punished." With a flick of the knife, a piece of flesh was cut off his right leg.

Zijiu's technique was very delicate, Lao Fan could even see the piece of meat hanging on the blade, it was so thin that it was almost translucent, it was even better than the chef's cutting ability.But... Correspondingly, it hurts!

Lao Fan couldn't help crying.Logically speaking, how could this bit of meat hurt so much?But it was because Zijiu's method was so good, the meat cut out was very thin, but the area was huge, so the pain was extremely severe!

In the other two places, Commander and Lao Cai heard Lao Fan's scream, and their faces turned pale for a while!Such a scream... It sounds like he was really shocking!The most important thing is that they don't know what happened to Lao Fan at all!If they were replaced by themselves, would they be able to withstand it?

After Zijiu finished slicing the meat, he ignored Lao Fan's screams and calmly asked, "How many of you are here?"

Lao Fan didn't dare to be negligent, suppressed the pain forcibly, and replied in a trembling voice: "A total of... one hundred and zero people... Four were killed by miners before, and some of the rest went into the forest to hunt down the original miners, and some Just as a guard on the coal mine..."

Zijiu nodded and left again.After a while, he came back again, and cut off a piece of flesh from Lao Fan's leg with a cold face.

"Why..." Lao Fan screamed and asked, "I didn't hesitate this time..."

Zijiu's face was stern, as if he couldn't hear his screams at all, he said coldly: "It took some time to cut your flesh, so this time you are the slowest. The next question, the big lump in the depths of the coal mine is called What?"

Hearing Zijiu's explanation, Lao Fan felt dizzy and cut his flesh... It was your time spent, not mine, so why is it counted on me?It's just that at this juncture, he didn't dare to argue with Zijiu, so he forced himself to hold back the anger in his heart, and said, "It's the God of Medicine! It's the God of Medicine!"

Zijiu nodded, turned and left.Turning around after a while, Lao Fan's heart seemed to be pinched by someone, and it seemed that it would explode in the next instant!
However, this time, Zijiu didn't cut his flesh. Instead, there was a scream from another direction, the voice of the commander.Lao Fan suddenly relaxed and looked at Zijiu with a begging look: "What's the problem this time? Ask!"


In the dense forest, Qin Mu looked at the three shadow guard commanders in front of him, listened to the news they reported, and nodded.

Now, the involution among the three members of the healers has begun.They now know that whoever answers slowly or poorly will be cut off by the shadow guard in charge of the interrogation. This kind of threat similar to Ling Chi is the blade hanging above their heads!
And, most importantly, this threat exists every round!If you want to avoid being stabbed, you can only do everything possible to answer as soon as possible!The less time you spend thinking, the better!And once you can't think and want to make up lies, it is almost impossible.

This is also the reason why Qin Mu interrogated the three of them separately after consideration.On the one hand, it can prevent three people from colluding, and on the other hand, it can also save a lot of interrogation costs.

This is a classic case Qin Mu heard about in his previous life, called the Prisoner's Dilemma.The two criminals were arrested at the same time, and the police began to interrogate them.If both men do not tell the truth, then there is an acquittal.If one person tells the truth and the other tells a lie, then the one who tells the truth will be acquitted, and the one who tells the lie will be sentenced to ten years in prison.If both were telling the truth, they would each be sentenced to five years in prison.

Although in this assumption, telling lies is the best option.But in fact, after research, almost all of them choose to tell the truth.Because after the two parties are separated, no one can be sure about the other party's choice, so they can only choose the option that is most beneficial to themselves... If you confess and the other party does not, then you are not guilty.Anyway, the worst is that the two of them will be sentenced to five years together.

Qin Mu's current design is also like this.The Prisoner's Dilemma can only be known after the interrogation is over, but Qin Mu's current three-party interrogation has feedback every round!
This also made the three prisoners, every time they saw someone being punished, they must know that the others were telling the truth and answering quickly!Take Lao Fan as an example, since he saw that the other two chose this way, then he must not be stabbed every time, he must tell the truth and answer quickly!Anyway, they all recruited, and they resisted, what's the point?
Is it to take a few more knives for them? !

(End of this chapter)

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