Chapter 301
The current model has basically taken shape after being nurtured by the previous short-answer questions.Take Lao Fan as an example, every time Zijiu Yi passes by, the first thing he does is to quickly ask what the problem is.

Even if he was punished again this time, he still screamed and answered, fearing that he would be the slowest next time.Looking at the situation, Qin Mu also felt that the heat was almost up, and after the involution was formed, it was almost impossible to stop it.It’s also time to start asking some deeper questions.

"The next question, let's ask that 'God of Medicine'. Find out what that thing is, and why can it control people?" Qin Mu pondered for a moment, and asked the question this time.

Zi Shisan and the others didn't hesitate at all, they responded with a bang and scattered away.If it was said that at the beginning of the interrogation, they still had doubts about Qin Mu's methods, but now they are completely convinced.

The shadow guard is too familiar with interrogation.The so-called shadow guards are actually similar to the Jin Yiwei of the later generations, but they are also responsible for guarding, so in their dungeons, all kinds of torture tools are readily available, and they are handy for things like interrogating prisoners!It can be said that in the whole Daqin, no one is more professional than them!Therefore, Zijiu's meat cutting skills are so good.

Therefore, when Qin Mu first asked them to separate the three of them, Zijiu and the others were still somewhat disapproving.Isn't it an interrogation?Why is it so troublesome?Specially separate, and make all kinds of rules...wasting energy!For them, interrogation means beating?Isn't it just punishment?
If the prisoner is caught, he will be beaten first, and then interrogated, or not?beat!For them, this kind of craft is usually practiced, and almost no one can resist it!How simple and neat is this thing to do?It can be said that they didn't like Qin Mu's tricks and thought it was a waste of time!It's just that he is a young master after all, and there is another Zulong standing behind him, so no one said anything.

As a result, after the actual implementation, the effect was so good that they were a little surprised.They didn't even break a sweat, and they didn't do anything, they just peeled a few pieces of meat from the prisoner's body, and didn't even sprinkle salt. In the end, they recruited!Moreover, one move is faster than the other!Even Lao Fan, Zijiu's subordinate, dared not feel pain in order to recruit workers!Even every cry of pain can be suppressed forcibly!
At this moment, they only felt that their previous interrogation methods were rough!too rough!I spent a long time trying not to say it, and sometimes I have to hold back my strength. I can't really accidentally beat someone to death, right?Really killed, where did the news come from?
Moreover, if you are a novice, it is easy for the prisoner to see that you are keeping your hand deliberately, and sometimes it will cause obstacles to the interrogation... After all, the annoying person knows that if you dare not beat him to death, then you will be even more unscrupulous in the future!

If they had gone to consult the young master before, how difficult would this interrogation be?
On the other hand, Zu Long looked at these and was extremely emotional.I really did not come out in vain this trip out of the palace in a micro-service!Not only did he see Qin Mu's new gadget again, the "God of Medicine" who was so powerful that he could directly blow up the doctor, but he even saw another aspect of Qin Mu: such an exquisite interrogation design is simply a genius!
This kid, since I knew him, never seemed to be disappointed!Whether it's such a good thing as invention, or even many dark things, such as power struggles, interrogations, etc., Qin Mu is not only proficient in it!Now, I have learned another technique, separate interrogation...

This is not just for interrogation!If I want to deal with noble families in the future, can I use this method?For example, if I want to kill the Bai family, then separate Li Si, Wang Jian, and Meng Yi, and ask each other. Whoever can give clues will be rewarded, and whoever helps to cover up will be punished severely!In this way, isn't it invincible?
Zu Long looked at Qin Mu with even more brilliance in his eyes!Qin Mu alone is worth a million troops!

On the other hand, Lao Cai's face, which had been calm since the interrogation, finally changed.He had been very cooperative before, so the several punishments were actually taken by Lao Fan and the commander, and he was not injured at all.

However, the screams of those two people were actually a sledgehammer hitting his chest, which made him fearful.And the question that Zi Shisan asked now was almost the same, and while his mind was shocked, he didn't dare to think too much.

Lao Cai closed his eyes. As soon as the answer to this question came out, it would be fine if it didn’t leak out. If it did leak out, then the doctors would definitely hunt him down to the ends of the earth… But, it doesn’t matter!If I don't say it, won't Lao Fan and Commander still say it?

"The God of actually a person!"

The first sentence surprised Zi Shisan.That big lump of meat is actually a person?However, no matter from the outside or anywhere, there is no trace of people at all!Even, except for the vague shadow that looks like a human being, there is no way to communicate normally!However, he did not interrupt, but listened quietly.

"The outside world knows that the medical organization has mastered a certain secret of the human body, which can empty the consciousness of normal people and turn them into animals in gray clothes who can only obey orders. And this is just the tip of the iceberg of their strength."

"One of their real trump cards is actually this kind of god of medicine. The so-called god of medicine is someone they dug out in various places... I know it's hard to understand, but they are indeed dug out, living people... ..."

Zi Shisan didn't move at all. This matter made his heart a little cold.Then, I was thinking again, is this old Cai playing tricks on him on purpose?However, with such an outrageous story, it is estimated that when the three shadow guard commanders meet later, it will be revealed.When the time comes, dig a big one for him!
"After this kind of person is dug out, they are naturally empty shells without consciousness. And through some kind of medicine, the doctor can make light and shadow appear in such a person's body. This kind of light and shadow, they call it 'primordial spirit'! This kind of primordial spirit God is the source of mind control!"

"However, the primordial spirit consumes a lot, and all the components of the human body will be absorbed by it! Therefore, the conditions for use are very strict! If it encounters a suitable place, the human body will absorb nutrients without limit for the primordial spirit to use. Become the big meat tray you see!"

Zi Shisan didn't waste any time. After Lao Cai finished speaking, he immediately turned around and went back.

After listening to the answers of the three shadow guard commanders, Qin Mu frowned.

(End of this chapter)

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