Chapter 302 Fire of the Five Elements
Primordial spirit... the word seems to appear in an inappropriate place... Moreover, the confession words of these people also confirmed his guess, that huge lump of flesh is indeed a person...

The confessions of the three people were basically the same, and some conclusions were in line with Qin Mu's previous observations. Qin Mu already believed it a little.When the truth is in front of you, no matter how inconsistent the truth is, you must admit it!

Of course, if it was replaced by Zulong, it would definitely be accepted without any obstacles.In his world view, there have always been gods in this world.Since there are immortals, no matter how amazing things happen, they can all be explained... Everything that I can't understand is the means of immortals. Since it is the means of immortals, isn't it normal not to understand?
As for Qin Mu, if he wants to accept the so-called immortal, he still needs some stronger evidence.However, there is definitely no way for medical science to explain this meat lump... His medical skills, given by the system, are already at the pinnacle of human history, but even so, he can't think of a reason to explain it.

Of course, that's not to say that such things don't exist in medicine, there are.For example, cancer cells can proliferate, divide, and divide indefinitely. In theory, if there are sufficient conditions, cancer cells can also grow into such lumps.

However, the survival of cancer cells still requires certain conditions.Either in the human body or in the laboratory.If you throw cancer cells directly into the coal mine, then there is only one dead word... The most important thing is that there is only one type of cancer cell after all.As for the piece of meat that Qin Mu looked at, there were obviously different human tissues.

These must be normal human cells, not those cancer cells that can multiply indefinitely.And medicine can't explain why the human body can grow to such a huge size... By the way, it can't explain why the human body has such a light and shadow called "primordial spirit"...

If Qin Mu is willing to introduce the existence of "immortals", then this problem will be solved, but it is a pity... Although Qin Mu has not been in this world for long, it has been a full six years... I always feel that this is a physical world, even if I know martial arts None of the heroes of .Suddenly there is a fairy, who can accept it?

Zu Long was obviously a little surprised by this answer.Such a big meat lump, the blood is green, you say he is a human?Even if there are immortals in this world, after all, no one has seen them!

Qin Mu pondered for a moment, then asked the next question: "Ask them, why did they come to the coal mine?"

He actually wanted to ask this question for a long time.With a big killer like the God of Medicine, shouldn't it be secretly hidden and developed?Just like in those movies in the previous life, every time the villain comes out, his subordinates are equipped with the Four Great King Kongs, the Eight Great Arhats, and the Thirteen Taibao, and when he comes out, he will brutally beat the protagonist and his friends who only have three or two kittens .

Such an artifact, just keep it, keep controlling the manpower, and finally control an army of several million, and go directly to overthrow Daqin, aren't you happy?Why did you have to throw this god of medicine into a coal mine when he was still incompetent, even a coal mine with an official background? Isn't it stupid to want to expose it?

You know, Zulong is still in place now!Such a king, with millions of Qin troops in his hands, can really do nothing to them?Obviously not!If there is really no other way, then what is the medical organization hiding?
"Father, what do you think?" Qin Mu turned to look at the silent Zulong.I don't know this thing, it's actually normal.No matter how strong he is, he is only six years old.Jinyiwei has just been established, and before that, it didn't even have its own intelligence network.The medical organization, in fact, was able to find a base before, even if Feng Bao's ability was outstanding.

But such a trump card, doesn't even Zulong know?

Zu Long was silent for a moment, then shook his head: "I think what they said should be true. However, it should also be noted that they are not the core of the medical organization, and what they learned must not be the complete truth."

"Daqin has noticed the organization of doctors for a long time. Their leaders and even the heads of various places are actually under the supervision of Daqin. But... this organization of doctors is indeed low-key, and there have been no major activities for hundreds of years. Therefore, Surveillance is not very comprehensive. They have not shown anything special before."

Qin Mu squeezed the space between his brows, and said in a low voice, "So, this should be the first time their God of Medicine has been exposed to the official sight... Then, what was the image of a doctor before?"

"It's just a small organization that can do some dirty work." Zu Long replied casually: "Since they were removed from the doctor's name, their gray-clothed animals have begun to appear. However, after all, there are only a dozen or twenty. Much less harmful than other organizations.”

Qin Mu was fascinated by what he heard, gray-clothed animals...are they considered to be less threatening...but the imagination is also, compared with the Mohist...the scale alone is not the same thing.Every time the Mo family makes a move, it will confuse tens of hundreds of people against Qin, and the harm is indeed much greater...

"However, now that there is such a thing as the God of Medicine, we have to reconsider it." Zu Long said in a low voice, "There is such a strange thing hidden in his hands. It may even involve immortals... This organization of doctors is really too long..."

It can be seen that Zulong is indeed angry.He followed the immortal's footsteps before, who didn't know in the Great Qin?Some people even mentioned it, that the first emperor had no way, and was looking for immortals and medicines.This doctor's organization obviously has such a thing in its hands, but it didn't pay tribute!Moreover, according to the explanations of those people, there is more than one such god of medicine!
Soon, Zi Shisan and others had returned.

The confessions of the three people are basically the same, that is, the growth of the God of Medicine requires the land of fire essence among the five elements.Healers have discovered before that where there are coal stones, the fire essence is sufficient, and the healing god grows faster.However, the land of coal stones is hard to find, and this time there is a coal mine, so they decided to take the risk.

The Commander provided an additional piece of information.The top management of the medical organization also had concerns at first. After all, they were used to keeping a low profile and knew that the coal mine had an official background, so they were unwilling to do anything.But it seems that people with higher status... It is said that it was the immortals who spoke to make them make up their minds.

Qin Mu didn't comment, and said: "After going back, I told them that the commander was the slowest and should have been punished, but it seems that he provided additional information, so he was exempted from punishment once."

Zi Shisan and the others looked at each other in blank dismay, good guy, it's still your little son who has the best time!Now, in order to avoid punishment, they should rack their brains to add additional information...

(End of this chapter)

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