Chapter 304 Process Division
Cannons are not so easy to make.The reason why it was a one-time success before was because Qin Mu and Li Hei spent almost four or five days making the mold, and after casting, he specially asked his apprentice to polish it several times.

They are already very familiar with these steel castings... It can even be said that the current steel casting in the supervisory garden was actually built by Qin Mu and Li Hei and his apprentices together.Under such circumstances, their familiarity with steel far exceeds that of these newly joined Mohist disciples.

Mohist disciples must learn from scratch, and even go through many times of training and experiments before they can truly master the skills of steel casting.But the problem arises, how can it be so simple to learn these things?Even if they are skilled craftsmen, there are not many people who actually worked as blacksmiths before.

Blacksmiths are a small branch of Mohism, and more people are actually carpenters...Because not only Mozi, Lu Ban's influence in Mohism is even greater...Because Lu Ban is a practical school, his skills are easier to learn.Therefore, the problem now is that a group of carpenters want to learn the technology of steel casting for a while, which is basically the same as Li Hei's apprentices.

However, Qin Mu had no choice. These carpenters had some technical means, no matter whether it was operation strength or skill, what they lacked was experience in working with steel.It must be much faster than ordinary people to learn.

Qin Mu looked at the people on the field and knew that the time had come for a change.The problem now is that everyone wants to learn from the smelting of iron ore to the calibrating process of cannons. From the beginning to the end, everyone wants to learn... How is this possible?

Even if they could really learn it, Qin Mu couldn't possibly agree... Otherwise, after three years, this buddy would leave the prison garden directly and turn his head into the arms of the remnants of the Six Kingdoms, Qin Mu's crime would be serious!
The reason why Qin Mu was unwilling to allow the Royal Workshop to make cannons was to prevent the outflow of technology and bring the world closer to the era of hot weapons in advance.Don't be wary of Daqin in the end, but you will succeed. After the war is over, Daqin's cannons will indeed be useless.However, when the remnants of the Six Kingdoms rebelled, there was a family of 10 artillery troops...that would be ridiculous...

"Li Hei, what do you think is the reason why the production of cannons has not progressed?" Qin Mu looked at Li Hei beside him.

This morning, after Qin Mu came over, he called Li He to his side.Li Hei had followed him for a long time, and he was a Mohist disciple, so he still had enough power to speak, so Qin Mu assigned these Mohist disciples to his subordinates before he left.Anyway, Li Hei must be technically savvy, so he doesn't have to worry about a chaotic situation where laymen direct experts.

Li Hei was ashamed.The lord entrusted him with such an important task, but in the end, it took him so long to complete it.Even this morning, there was almost an accident... A Mohist student wanted to feel the temperature of the blast furnace, but almost burned his hand... Fortunately, the lord has good medical skills, otherwise there would be many disabled people in the world.

However, he also knew that this situation was not something he could reverse.After thinking for a long time, Li He lowered his head and said, "My lord... This is mainly because I was a little slow in teaching. Up to now, no one has been able to completely build a cannon, so the speed is a bit slow..."

Qin Mu shook his head.Li He was taking the responsibility on himself again, and he didn't want Qin Mu to take the blame on these Mohist disciples.

"This matter is indeed your fault, but it's not because you were slow in teaching!" Qin Mu looked at him and said calmly, "Don't worry that I will think that your classmates are not good. Actually, the casting of this cannon is not so Easy to learn."

He paused, and said jokingly: "Even if I taught you personally, it took a long time, did you finally learn it? Why, do you think that your teaching ability is better than mine?"

"Don't dare!" Li He quickly shook his head.Teaching ability... To be honest, Qin Mu beat him ten blocks.

"So, isn't it normal that they don't know how to do it now?" Seeing that he wasn't so nervous, Qin Mu calmly said, "Actually, they can't learn all the casting process of the cannon itself! Everyone is immature. You can learn one of them."

Li Hei was a little surprised: "But, if they only know one step, they can't build a complete cannon... Er... I see..."

In fact, Li He already knew what Qin Mu meant halfway through his speech, and it must be to prevent the production technology of cannons from leaking out.On this point, he is very much in favor of it.As one of the few people in this world who has actually seen the scene of firing a cannon, and also a Mohist disciple who pursues universal love and non-aggression, he really supports Qin Mu's decision with both hands.

However, there are also some problems in doing so. For example, the most basic one is that there are too many processes in the production process, and too many people are switched. Will the speed drop?

For example, the simplest problem is that for a cannon, the initial process must be casting, and if it is cast, the whole cannon is very heavy... Just moving it around will waste a lot of manpower , and if you keep moving around like this in the subsequent production process, most of the time will be wasted here.

He told Qin Mu his worries, but Qin Mu just laughed it off.

"You guys seem to have a simple mind. How come you don't use your brain when you actually do things?" Qin Mu said with a smile: "Cannons are not easy to move, so we have to move them? Cannons are dead, but people are alive." of!"

Li He couldn't help laughing.Indeed, his thinking just now was indeed limited.If the cannon is heavy, don't touch it, just replace it!In the same place, the first person casts, the second person demolds, the third person cools, the fourth person measures the mark, the fifth person polishes, and the sixth person calibrates...

Instead of finishing one person, he directly switched to another blast furnace and started making new cannons... In this way, the efficiency has been improved a lot?
Seeing that he understood, Qin Mu was also relieved.Li Hei is still very smart, and he can see through a little bit, otherwise it would be impossible to learn Qin Mu's countless new technologies so quickly...

However, although such a process avoids the problem of efficiency, it is still not in line with Qin Mu's concept of dividing the process... After all, there is no separation, and after a long time, I have actually learned...

(End of this chapter)

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