Chapter 305 Pipeline

If you really want to solve Qin Mu's problem, you still have to go to the assembly line.After the assembly line appears, in fact, many problems will be solved.For example, the division of processes.Each section only does the same work, and everyone observes each other and can only observe the same type of work.If you want to learn secretly... you can't learn anything else, at most you can only improve your efficiency.

Moreover, with the assembly line, it will be easier to improve the efficiency. You only need to increase the speed of the assembly line.It is very difficult to control the efficiency of the "manual assembly line" envisaged now.As long as one person is lazy, the rest of the people have to wait. If there is any problem, one card is the whole team.

With the assembly line, the conveyor belt runs fast. If you don’t work hard, the work will not be completed. The supervisor can easily find that you are lazy... Moreover, the movement of the machine will not be diverted by human will. You If it is too slow, the conveyor belt will force you to increase your speed... Then the efficiency will increase faster...

If the "manual version assembly line" is used, then a team can only process one cannon at a time. If the assembly line is used, after reasonable deployment, then except for casting, it must be done one by one. In fact, all the subsequent processes can be done by one person. Deal with two, three or even more cannons...

Qin Mu was thinking in his heart that his mouth was about to drool... This assembly line was originally a great weapon for exploitation by the capitalists of later generations. If it is used in the current scene, it may drain the energy of these Mohist disciples...

How could a machine designed by capitalists for hundreds of years be so easily handled by them?
Of course, Qin Mu would not feel indebted to using this set of tools to deal with these Mohist disciples... You know, what are their identities?Wanted criminals... If they are caught by the authorities, they only need to report their injuries, and they can directly hang the existence at the gate of the city.The supervisor gave them a way to get rid of the crime, one by one, what's wrong with putting in some labor?
What's more, although these people have been double-identified by Li Hei and Jin Yiwei, there must be many people with evil intentions among them. Let them feel the power of capitalism and righteousness. Qin Mu is still very willing...

For the power of the conveyor belt, you can use a steam engine for the time being. In fact, now, Qin Mu feels... Maybe he can do a little research and research, and he can already build a power plant...

Now there is coal and steam engines. In fact, thermal power generation is not just relying on coal to boil water, and then using steam to drive turbines to cut magnetic field lines to generate electricity... However, with electricity, some motors and other things need to be changed. It is obviously too late to do it now, so why not wait until the Huns are defeated!
The task now is to take Li Hei and get the assembly line out first!With the assembly line, there will be no problem in the production of cannons.When the time comes, go directly!Get rid of the Huns!

The so-called assembly line is actually a conveyor belt. With the steam engine as the power source, we only need to make some gears to drive the transmission.Moreover, the speed can also be adjusted through the combination of gears.

However, the production of the assembly line is first planned in the plan book, and the next more important thing is to check the production of gunpowder.Gunpowder is the source of power for cannons. If there is not enough gunpowder, then no matter how many cannons and shells there are, they are just toys for Hercules.It is impossible for soldiers to fight the enemy without gunpowder.

At present, the biggest difficulty in making gunpowder is the source of saltpeter.Alchemists use very little saltpeter in daily alchemy, so they can scrape the hoarfrost on the city wall, refine the crystals on the kitchen bricks, etc. However, after starting to produce gunpowder on a large scale, it is impossible to supply these things at all. on.

Fortunately, there are saltpeter mines in the Hanzhong area. Qin Mu had already prepared for it, and followed the same routine. He directly asked Zulong for a fief and then mined it.In this saltpeter mine, there is no healer to make trouble... Of course, if there is trouble, there are still a few dynamite packs to serve... Qin Mu is not too worried, after all, the cost of a dozen dynamite packs is lower than that of a doctor of medicine too much……

After solving the problem of gunpowder, I took another look at the production area of ​​the shells.This is nothing to look at, just make a lot of balls. The key difficulty lies in whether the size and shape of the iron balls meet the requirements.If the size is too small or the shape is not round, it will not be able to completely fill the barrel, the pressure generated when the gunpowder explodes will be lost, and the range of the shell will be reduced.

If the shell is made too big, not to mention the heavy weight, the most important thing is that it will not be able to fit into the cannon... Qin Mu's current design of the cannon has a small mouth and a big belly, in order to maximize the pressure of the gunpowder explosion, so if the shell It's too big, it really won't fit in it...

Of course, the solution here for shells is relatively simple, and it only needs to be well trained in mold making and quality inspection work to be strengthened.

After turning around, Qin Mu found that all the work was actually stuck in the level of efficiency... In other words, it was stuck in the production line.

If there is an assembly line in the future, then there is still time to beat the Huns before late autumn.

Qin Mu directly asked Li Hei to follow him to the study room, then took out the banknotes and began to draw the blueprints.

When Qin Mu drew the first gear, Li He was still confused.The lord just didn't say a word just now, he thought his work was too bad, and the lord was a little angry.As a result, it seems that they are designing something new...

But what is this round thing?Hey, it doesn't seem to be round. Why are there so many jagged edges on the outer circle of this circle?
Li Hei is very familiar with sawtooth.The saw used for logging is considered a very important invention of the Mohists, but I have never seen this circular saw... Besides, the saw teeth should be as thin as possible. Why is the size of the lord's mark so thick?

Why is there a saw... No, how did these two saws come together?If the last sawtooth is spliced ​​together like this, then if one sawtooth moves, the other will definitely follow suit...

After drawing so many sawtooths, why start to draw another thing?Strange, what is this for?Oh, and it turns out it's wrapped around a gear called a conveyor belt...

This is not bad, the movement of the gears will drive the conveyor belt... But, who has the strength to push so many gears here?

(End of this chapter)

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