Chapter 306 The White Space

Li Hei looked at the pen in Qin Mu's hand, moving it constantly on the paper, drawing the entire conveyor belt without much effort.It's just that the problem that troubled him still hasn't been solved... What kind of thing is used to drive such a heavy conveyor belt?

This conveyor belt itself is made of steel, and its own weight is already very high.Not to mention, when it is built, heavy cannons will be placed on it.One or two may not be very eye-catching, but according to Qin Mu's plan, there are more than one or two cannons on such a conveyor belt!Such a heavy thing, what should be driven by it?
It wasn't until the last moment that Li Hei's question was resolved... At the beginning of Qin Mu's conveyor belt, a huge cylinder was directly drawn, and there were several iron arms protruding from it—steam engine!

Li He just stood there in a daze, this steam engine can still be used like this?In fact, it is not an exaggeration to say that the steam engine was built by him.And during the first experiment, he saw with his own eyes how that humble machine could easily push a thousand kilograms of weight...

However, after all, he has never seen the use of a steam engine, and there are still many limitations in his thinking, so he did not expect that the steam engine could be used like this at the first time!The key to this structure is several robotic arms that can be pushed back and forth.In fact, if Qin Mu didn't draw it directly, I'm afraid he told Li He directly, and the other party didn't know what to do.

Li Hei was holding the blueprint in his hands, and that look was like looking at his wife... Qin Mu felt a chill, and kicked him out directly, and asked him to make according to the blueprint, and come to him when he encounters any problems.

In the next time, it seems that I should look for Feng Bao.This time he went out, there were too many questions in his heart, and even many things were completely contrary to his previous worldview... If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he might not know how to describe it at all...

He didn't know who to tell these things.In this world, there are not many people he can trust.Dian Wei, a typical martial artist, it is completely useless to tell him this.Zulong, let's not talk about his identity, even if he told him, he himself is a firm theist, and there is nothing to discuss.The same is true for Lifu, who will definitely choose to believe in the existence of gods.

Only Feng Bao, although he was also from the feudal era, was still accustomed to trusting himself after all.What Qin Mu wanted was actually to use his mind to see if he could open his mind and inspire some ideas.

In the past, he had never seen these things, only heard some legends.Therefore, he can think freely, thinking that he is living in a physical world, and all he thinks about is to move out those things from later generations and change his living conditions, whether it is the medical level he displayed or the food, food, etc. Machines are actually the embodiment of this idea.

But if there really are gods in this world...then is there any point in doing these things?If there are really those supernatural powers in this world, wouldn't the things they made by themselves be childish in their eyes?
What to eat, is nothing more than finding some spices in the world, isn't the food still whole grains?Maybe, on the nine heavens, you can taste far more delicious than hot pot without so much effort?

My own medical skills still need people to take medicine, and even surgery if necessary, and after that, it will prolong my life.After all, a person's life is no more than a hundred years at most.But if there is a method, like the fairy method, as long as one can easily practice it, one can be free from all diseases and live forever, then is there any meaning to such medical skills?
Thinking deeper, it is... If the gods really exist, I might have offended them... If the God of Medicine is really a product of the gods... then I would kill one with a stone and then use a dynamite bag Die one... Is the immortal behind the doctor organization ready to settle accounts with himself?

There is also the old man Lie Yukou, who forced himself to create an illegitimate son named Lie Yufeng for others, does that person also plan to talk to him?
Thinking about it this way, Qin Mu felt that someone was staring at him from behind, making his scalp tingle... So although Qin Mu didn't say anything now, the sense of urgency in his heart was already very obvious.

If there are really gods in this world, then I can almost say that I have no way to deal with it now...

This is also the reason why Qin Mu wants to find Feng Bao. Qin Mu thinks, maybe, with Feng Bao's mind, he might be able to see the essence of those things. discredit.Moreover, he also felt in his heart that whether there are gods or not, the IQ thing... should always be very important.

On the way, Dian Wei drove the carriage towards Xianyang.Qin Mu in the carriage was sitting alone in the huge carriage, with a pot of steaming hot tea in front of him.He closed his eyes and was cultivating his mind.

On the way to the coal mine, in order to arrive as soon as possible, he has been holding on. Whenever the shadow guards and the teenagers start to hurry, he will follow.However, he is still a six-year-old child's body after all, and the days of getting up early and going to bed late every day exhausted him a lot.

As the leader, he didn't want to show timidity in front of them, but he couldn't hide his physical fatigue.Even if he didn't say anything, but when he came back, he was relieved, and the exhaustion would still emerge from his bones.

Just like at this moment, although he is still sitting upright in the carriage, he even seems to have fallen asleep, and has begun to enter a state of ecstasy.Even though the tea in front of him spilled out during the bumps, he still didn't notice it.

The next moment, Qin Mu seemed to disappear directly from the carriage... When he opened his eyes, he was no longer in the carriage.

Qin Mu looked around, it was a pure white space, nothing existed, and there was no light source around, but he didn't know that there was some gentle white light, so that the whole space didn't look dark, but gave this white Added a little layering.

Qin Mu looked around and couldn't see the boundary.His eyes were all white, and there was no other reference at all. He couldn't even tell what direction his eyes were looking at.

where is this place?
(End of this chapter)

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