Chapter 308 Asking for an Explanation

Qin Mu's heart skipped a beat when he heard the words, and he looked at the immortal again.From top to bottom, flying snakes, tortoises, cranes, and deer seem to be auspicious things in myths and legends, and they are symbols of longevity.Could it be that their so-called longevity is actually the incarnation of themselves as the seeds of longevity?However, this kind of transformation is not complete, and in the end, it becomes such a monster?

However, if transformed into a long-lived species, can it really live longer?At least, Qin Mu felt that this method should be regarded as going astray!As a doctor, Qin Mu knows that the human body will sometimes have a rejection reaction!After some people are seriously ill, the five internal organs will be damaged.If you still want to live at this time, you can only replace it with a new one.

The so-called rejection reaction will appear when a new organ is replaced. Even in later generations, it needs to be suppressed with extremely expensive drugs, so that the human body can transition smoothly in the end.Even so, the survival rate for this type of surgery is alarmingly low.This is still replaced by organs that are also human bodies!
The "immortal" in front of me has been directly replaced with various animals... They don't belong to the same species anymore. Blood vessels, nerves, and muscle tissues are all incompatible, and the rejection reaction will only become stronger!The survival rate of this kind of organ transplantation cannot be said to be one in ten thousand, even if it is one in ten million or one in billion, Qin Mu feels normal!No wonder there are so few immortals!
What's more, this immortal's upper body and lower body have not been changed, only the upper body has been changed, even the head has been changed... Under such circumstances, is the consciousness communicating with him still the original person?
Even if Qin Mu forcibly accepts this setting, even if this immortal is really one in a million, has overcome so many life and death trials, and finally realized his dream, but... it is still a bit unscientific to be able to live until now...

As far as the longevity species on him are concerned, only tortoises can be counted as long-lived, but in fact, the average lifespan of tortoises is only about 60 years, and the longest-lived tortoise is only more than 250 years old.Of course, much better than humans.But others, the average lifespan of a snake is eight to 16 years, the average lifespan of a crane is 20 years, and the average lifespan of a sika deer is only 20 years.

It can be said that the several parts of the "immortal", except for the tortoise, which may really exceed the human lifespan, are far less than the human lifespan.Besides, the lifespan of a tortoise is only 60 years. If humans take good care of it, there is hope for them to live beyond a hundred years. Wouldn’t it be longer than a tortoise?
Qin Mu couldn't accept it no matter what. Combining a lot of things whose lifespan is not as good as human beings, can they be able to far exceed human beings, and even achieve immortality?This is just a joke, right?
The Immortal looked at Qin Mu without speaking for a long time, thinking that he had really frightened him, so he smiled and said, "Young master, don't be surprised, you will see it a lot in the future, and you will naturally get used to it."

Qin Mu didn't explain, such words, this method of splicing people and bodies... Qin Mu felt that it was the work of a medical organization.However, so far, Qin Mu has not thought of any means to get out of here. In addition, this "immortal" has not shown any hostility so far, so Qin Mu decided to stand still for now.

"How do you call your Excellency? Even if you are an ancient person, you should have a name, right?" Qin Mu said lightly, "I can't always be ignorant of how to call you?"

The immortal paused, twisted the snake's head a few times, and said, "I'm Song Xizi."

"So it's Mr. Song." Qin Mu nodded.The name Song Xizi should not be considered an ancient person.The surname Song should have appeared after the Zhou Dynasty. A certain prince was granted the title of Song, and his descendants took Song as the surname.And the name "Xizi" only began to appear at the end of the Warring States period, and even now there are still people with this name.

Of course, there is a premise for this speculation, that is, Song Xizi is not telling lies.As for whether what he said is true or not, Qin Mu has nothing to think about right now.

"Mr. Song, what is the reason for looking for me?" Qin Mu looked at Song Xizi in front of him, and keenly noticed that the other person's figure was much weaker than before.Sure enough, this method of manifestation is not unlimited.After such a long time, the other party's appearance should have reached its limit.And if the opponent reaches the limit, there is a high probability that it will be the time for Qin Mu to get out of trouble.

Song Xizi seemed to have noticed his own situation, so he no longer just cared about maintaining his mysterious image, and said in a deep voice: "This old man is here to ask the young master for something!"

"What?" Qin Mu's tone was indifferent, and he had already guessed what the other party was going to say next.

"Ask for justice!" Song Xizi's voice was still old, but his tone was tinged with a hint of toughness: "The god of medicine I cultivated with great difficulty, my young master just blew it to death casually. In this matter, young master, do you want to kill him?" Give me some explanation?"

Qin Mu looked to the opposite side, and when he saw it, Song Xizi finally stopped holding back and revealed his true purpose.However, Qin Mu just smiled lightly: "Okay! Speaking of fairness, the coal mine I discovered so hard, you just led people to seize it without even saying hello! You even sent cavalry to kill my miners. I was just defending." After all, should you give me an explanation?"

Song Xizi swallowed his head and spit out the letter. I don't know if it was an illusion, but he actually gave people a feeling of anger: "Young master, although we robbed the mine, we just used the space! The coal mines mined, I didn't keep anything, didn't I give it all to you?"

Qin Mu sneered.Indeed, after the medical organization seized the coal mine, although it was still mining on a large scale, it did not actually take the coal for itself.They even pretended to be the original miners, and handed over to the officers and soldiers of Daqin officials who came to transport coal as usual.This also led to Qin Mu not discovering the fact that the coal mine was raped and occupied until Gouzi risked his life to report it.

But... that's not to say they're just taking up space.You know, they brought nearly [-] miners, and what they handed in was only the amount mined by the original [-] miners.Where did the extra ones go?Even the guards don't know!
Qin Mu guessed, probably, that they were all occupied or even swallowed up by the so-called God of Medicine.Since he needs the fire of the five elements, how could he just stay in the mine?
"There is no need to say more about this kind of excuse." Qin Mu's attitude was very cold: "The people who robbed my coal mine and killed me still want to ask me for an explanation?"

(End of this chapter)

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