Chapter 309 The answer already exists
Qin Mu's tone was cold. In his opinion, the members of this doctor's organization are simply crazy!He found the coal mine!Miners, he hired them!In the end, they robbed it by force, but now that they robbed it back by themselves, they still want justice?
However, Song Xizi didn't think there was any problem, and his words were tinged with coldness: "Young master, you can't say that. Those miners of yours, there are only more than 50 people, how fast can we get up? Although we have expelled them, we are not greedy at all for the coal you should have, and even increased it!"

"Think about it, if it's still those miners, how difficult would it be for them to increase production? When will this coal mine be mined? After we joined, the mining speed of the coal mine has been greatly increased, and you and I can use this coal mine , isn't it good?"

After listening to Song Xizi's words, Qin Mu fell into deep thought for a moment.It's not that I didn't understand his words, but I thought again, this guy...what's going on, why can he say such shameless words so easily?
"I discovered the coal mine, and tried to turn the coal mine into my fiefdom. So it's my stuff, right?" Qin Mu looked at Song Xizi with contempt in his eyes: "Why did you steal my stuff? , as long as you still let me use it, I should thank you? Even if I snatch it back, you still want to seek justice from me?"

Song Xizi's tone was stagnant, but then he said forcefully: "Anyway, you can't finish mining. Am I right?"

He gritted his teeth and said: "In the end, I have the strength, so I can do this! And you, absolutely should not, should not do anything to the God of Medicine! Do you know how much energy it takes us to cultivate a God of Medicine? ? Do you know how many hills we have to dig to find the ingredients for a God of Medicine?"

Listening to his words, Qin Mu realized one thing: what the commander told him, the gods of medicine were all living people dug out from the mountains, maybe it was true.At least, Song Xizi's words proved that this kind of medical god really needs to be dug out.

But... Qin Mu sneered: "Do you have strength? What kind of strength do you have? The strength of a cavalry with more than 20 people who can't catch a group of miners in half a month? Or a so-called god of medicine who can't even carry a pack of explosives The strength to live?"

He gathered his clothes and sat cross-legged on the ground: "You guys, I don't care what you want to say or do. I don't even bother to care about the secrets behind your god of medicine. But, the premise is that you don't mess with me. I!"

"You..." Song Xizi's snake head suddenly grew bigger, bent and stretched out in front of Qin Mu, hissing, and even... a slight stench came over: "I'll give you one last chance, Tell me, how to find coal mines! Otherwise, you today will be the blood in my belly!"

Qin Mu didn't even look at him, he had already made sure that this Song Xizi was only strong on the outside but good on the inside!If you can solve him here, how is it possible to talk to him for so long?Even for the simplest question, his figure has become increasingly dim, and there is no need for Qin Mu to do anything. It is estimated that he will disappear after a while...

Qin Mu just closed his eyes and meditated.After Song Xizi's snake head circled Qin Mu for a few times, he found that Qin Mu didn't move at all, he restrained himself, became smaller again, and returned to his original appearance: "Are you really going to fight against us? The medical organization, inheritance For hundreds of years, do you really think it is a wise thing to be our enemy?"

Qin Mu didn't even open his eyes: "You don't have much time, do you? To put it bluntly, your organization that has been hiding in the sewer for hundreds of years, how dare you say that you have inherited it for a hundred years? If it really appeared on the ground , I’m afraid, it’s already gone!”

Song Xizi's breathing was suddenly heavy, it seemed that Qin Mu's words touched his back!It's just... the more intense his emotions became, the dimmer his figure became. In the end, that shadow fell apart!
Qin Mu suddenly probed his head and looked in the direction he was originally in. Through the thick fog, he seemed to see... In a dark cave, a stick of incense had been burned out, and a white-haired old man in his 60s woke up in rough clothes. Come over, incompetent and furious!

A smile appeared on the corner of Qin Mu's mouth. Sure enough, his previous suspicion was correct.How could it be possible for a person to become a fairy or live forever just because he put on a snake head, turtle neck, crane wings, and deer legs?The old man who appeared at the end of the screen is clearly a normal person, with arms, legs, and head all in perfect condition!

Obviously, he should have wanted to use this strange appearance to shock Qin Mu in that space, but unfortunately, it didn't have the effect he wanted.

"Dang!" In the white space, Qin Mu heard a voice, and immediately, his eyes darkened quickly, and when he opened his eyes again, he was still in the carriage he was riding in!
The tea in front of him was still boiling hot and steaming, but just now, the lid of the teacup fell to the ground due to the bumpy road, and the noise woke him up.

Qin Mu stretched, looking at the familiar scene around him, he couldn't help yawning.Just now... It seems that I had a very real dream... In that dream, some old man from the medical organization was threatening and intimidating him...

Qin Mu took a sip of tea and began to suspect, was it really a dream?It's a little too real!However, Qin Mu still shook his head and smiled. There are old people with snake heads. Can it be considered real?

What's more, in the dream, the person from the doctor's organization was able to talk to him in an inexplicable space thousands of miles away. How is this possible?

"Dianwei, how far is it?" Qin Mu finished yawning and opened the curtain. Outside, there was still the same farmland.It is almost late autumn now, and the farmland on both sides of the road has already been harvested, and the new crops have not been planted. It will not be until next spring that the farmers will start to work on the land again.

Dian Wei smiled in front of him: "Master, we have just left the house. Look around, and the supervisor is still in sight!"

Qin Mu looked back, and sure enough, the supervisor was behind.Judging by the distance, they will come out in no more than two quarters of an hour.It is at least one more hour away from Xianyang!
Qin Mu thought for a while, then suddenly said: "Not going to Xianyang anymore! Dian Wei, turn around!"

Dian Wei was a little surprised: "Master, didn't we just come out? Why did you turn around?"

Qin Mu smiled: "I went to Xianyang to find the answer, and now I have the answer!"

Yes, there is an answer! ! ! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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