Chapter 311 Airship and Hot Ball

However, it is not that simple to make an aircraft.In the history of mankind, the imagination of flying has never stopped, and there are many aircrafts invented.

After Qin Mu thought briefly, he could think of airplanes, hot air balloons, gliders, airships, helicopters and other most common aircraft in later generations.This is just the most conservative idea. In fact, people in history have done much more crazy things than these in order to realize the ideal of flying.

For example, the No. 1 flight in ancient China, Wanhu in the Ming Dynasty, directly tied dozens of gunpowder boosters to a chair, then carried a kite on his back to increase the lift, and finally fell to his death.For example, the flying saucer-shaped aircraft studied by some people in later generations has been unable to take off despite painstaking efforts.And those rockets, space shuttles that can even send people into space...

There are too many, of course, some of them can be known only by imagination, and there is no way to make them.Qin Mu's main considerations were actually airplanes, hot air balloons, airships and helicopters.

Gliders will be less difficult to manufacture, but the problem with glider is that there is no way to lift itself into the air and stay in the air for a long time, and it relies heavily on wind power.Fighting the Huns is not in the mountains, and there is no way to guarantee the wind factor.If one day encounters the Huns army and there is no wind, the glider will basically be useless at all.

For Qin Mu, airplanes and helicopters are relatively difficult models for the time being.Although he has now produced a steam engine, it is still difficult to use it to drive an airplane.Airplane, in fact, is a concept that appeared in the world only after the internal combustion engine was invented.

Compared with steam engines, internal combustion engines have higher thermal efficiency, higher output power, and lighter volume.If an airplane wants to go to the sky, it not only needs enough power, but more importantly, its own weight must be light, so that it can have enough thrust.The coal burned by the steam engine is the biggest enemy of the aircraft.

Therefore, even before the invention of the internal combustion engine, some people tried to use steam engines to manufacture aircraft, but they all failed without accident.Because of the large size and weight of coal, even if a steam engine that can be installed on an airplane is really built, and even can fly off the ground for a short time, in the end it is because there is too much coal loaded, and real flight cannot be realized at all.

Even, the flying effect of such an aircraft is not as good as that of an ordinary glider.

Qin Mu also knew the principle of the internal combustion engine.It is nothing more than replacing the current steam engine, making some components such as crank connecting rod, valve train, fuel supply system, lubrication system, cooling system, ignition, etc., and making it into a four-stroke engine.The so-called "four-stroke" is actually not complicated. Intake, pressurization, combustion, and exhaust are four-stroke.

Even, if possible, he can draw the blueprint now and let Li Hei make it directly.However, it doesn't make sense to do so.First of all, the engineering precision is not enough. The parts of the engine must be made very precisely, and the error should not even be measurable by the naked eye, otherwise the combustion efficiency of the engine will inevitably be affected.

Of course, the impact is just an impact and will not prevent the plane from taking off.But the most important issue is fuel.When the internal combustion engine was first invented, the fuel was gas. Later, when it was spread on a large scale, the fuel began to become diesel and gasoline!
None of these types of fuel is available to Qin Mu now.

Needless to say, diesel and gasoline, after the oil needs to be extracted, the processing of the oil is simply beyond the current technological limit.Even gas...Qin Mu, who works in an open-pit coal mine, doesn't have the technology to realize it.

So, after thinking about it, in fact, there is only one way before him... that is to make an airship or a hot air balloon.The reason why these two are regarded as the same aircraft is because their flight principles are actually similar.If an airship can be made, then hot air balloons are not a problem.On the contrary, if a hot air balloon can be made, then taking an airship is just spending more money, and there is no technical problem.

Hot air balloons and airships are actually two different application scenarios.Hot air balloons can be operated by one person, and the flying distance is not too short, but the load is relatively small, and there is a disadvantage that the direction of flight is not so easy to control.Under normal circumstances, hot air balloons rely on the promotion of horizontal airflow. If you want to go in any direction, you must continue to rise and fall to find the horizontal airflow in the corresponding direction before you can be blown over.

The airship has many advantages that hot air balloons do not have, such as elevators and rudders, which are more maneuverable.The load capacity is large, and before the bomber appeared, it once had the function of driving a bomber.

Of course, airships are not omnipotent.First of all, it is more difficult to make than a hot air balloon. If you want to use it in the war against the Huns, it is impossible with the current manpower.Moreover, the cost of good maneuverability of the airship is that more operators are required, and compared with hot air balloons, the threshold for use is higher.

Of course, for the army, if they can really fly and fight in the sky, no matter how high the threshold is, they can actually accept it... After all, the threshold is high, that is, to study for a while and train a few times.If you really go to the battlefield to fight with real swords and guns, you will die every minute!

Qin Mu pondered for a moment, and finally decided that the hot air balloon and the airship should proceed at the same time.These two are actually very suitable for different scenarios.Hot air balloon, faster response, suitable for scouts, quickly discover the situation, and respond quickly.For Qin Mu, if a fairy appears one day, a hot air balloon is a good escape option... It only takes a few minutes to fly to the sky...

Airships, on the other hand, can play a greater role in warfare.Whether it is carrying more explosive packs, or more shells, or even if the scale is large enough, it can also be used as an aircraft to carry people.In fact, when the airship first appeared, it was used as a manned vehicle.

If you want to build an airship or a gas heater, you must use stronger materials...and you must have enough fuel, gas, or other related things. Of course, the most important thing drawings.

Qin Mu couldn't fit everything in his mind, so he didn't know the design drawings of the hot air balloon and airship.In fact, being able to barely remember some driving principles is also a very coincidental thing.

This matter cannot be rushed...

(End of this chapter)

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