Chapter 312 Vibration
Qin Mu scratched his head and thought while walking towards the study.Now he has formed the habit of drawing a picture first if he wants to do something.In fact, this itself is a sorting out process, which allows him to think through many details.Moreover, if there are some things that Da Qin can't make at all, Qin Mu can also try to replace them with things within the technical range.

The reason for drawing pictures is also because it is actually difficult for Qin Mu himself to make these things.His body is still young, although compared to many people of his age, he is already considered a superman, but after all, there is an upper limit.And these things, when he described them to others, it was impossible for the other party to understand them.

Just like when he introduced the airship to Li Hei, can he understand the word propeller?Rudder, can he understand?Instead of spending a lot of words to introduce these things, it is better to draw a picture directly. Don't care what the thing is called or what the principle is, just follow the picture I drew.At most, I will teach you how to use it.

However, Qin Mu's drawing this time was not as smooth as before.Even after a day passed, he still didn't come out of the study.A few servants went to deliver the food a few times, but found that Qin Mu didn't even eat much, just picked up a few bites and left it there.

Now Qin Mu spends the whole day at his desk, writing and drawing.In fact, the servants are already familiar with this scene. Every time the protagonist wants to do something, he will stay in front of the table for a while.However, the longest time before was less than an hour, but now it has been a full day!
What exactly is this going to do?A few servants summed it up a bit, and felt that the matter this time was not simple... In the past, when making a cannon, such a powerful thing, the lord just sketched a few strokes. When the painting is finished, it's still hot!Now this thing can be called a waste of sleep and food!
However, the servants didn't notice that when they were discussing in low voices, there seemed to be some people beside them, who were actually wearing the clothes from the prison garden.Those people seemed to pass by by chance, but when they passed by, they slowed down involuntarily.

It didn't take long for a message to spread quietly from the upper echelons of Xianyang: the mysterious expert behind Zulong is preparing to do something new again!After Zhao Gao's death, the upper echelons of Daqin, who had been quiet for a long time, suddenly began to guess again, what Qin Mu was going to do this time!
"Superior" Qin Mu, this name has gradually spread among the upper echelons of Daqin.Different from ordinary people, they watched Qin Mu's creation step by step and how it changed Daqin.Therefore, the news of the supervisory garden has always been their most concerned.Now hearing that Qin Mu started to forget about eating and sleeping, a group of nobles gathered together again.

"Have you heard that, that expert, he's started messing around again! I don't know what he's going to do again. Will it shake our foundation just like papermaking?"

"Are you talking about an expert? Don't you know his name? That expert is called Qin Mu! It is said that there is still a child who has not reached the crown! Tell me, why does such a talented boy always fight with us? The nobles can't make it through? Are we guilty of him?"

"Thinking too much! If you really offended him, can you still sit here now? I do know that one of us Daqin really offended him!"

"You know? Who is it? If someone really offended him, shouldn't we put pressure on him and at least ease the relationship. I feel that every time he wants to do something, we basically have no power to fight back! If he continues like this, Daqin, there will be no place for me to wait!"

"Hmph, Zhao Gao! Don't you know? Zhao Gao once sent someone to assassinate Qin Mu, what happened? In broad daylight, Qin Mu led his men into Zhao's mansion and beheaded him on the street! I heard that, At that time, His Majesty was watching from the side, but did nothing! Not even a symbolic reprimand!"

"Eh... you bastard, you actually said something useless!"

"It's useless? I'm reminding some of us! Don't forget, when Zhao Gao assassinated Qin Mu, many of us contributed a lot! Now there are still people who want to encourage others, so please everyone Think about it, it is true that we are nobles, but can we match Zhao Gao in strength?"

There was silence.After a long time, someone said: "In the future, everyone must not confront Qin Mu! But... His news, you must not miss it! You must understand clearly what he is doing this time!"

In Li Si's prime minister's mansion, many people were gathering.If you look carefully, there are even quite a few honorable men in the army.

These nobles in the army were originally frequent visitors to Wang Jian's residence, and they were all people he met and promoted during his long service in the army.This group of people has already become aristocrats in the army.Usually, after Qin Mu did something, they would always gather at Wang Jian's mansion to discuss together.

However, after a few times, Wang Jian always claimed that he was drunk, and only Wang Li was allowed to come forward.And Wang Li also strictly obeyed his father's request, keeping his mouth shut the whole time, never saying a word of unnecessary nonsense.It's almost like saying that I don't want to get involved with these things.

In desperation, everyone stopped going later.As a result, a large part of it was diverted to other places.Li Si's place is the prime minister's mansion, and there is no conflict with Wang Jian in normal times, so it has become the most place.

However, Li Si was also quite active when it came to the topic of Qin Mu.After all, at that time, Qin Mu was more favored than Zhao Gao, and he was obviously an extremely powerful competitor.However, after hearing that Li Si had met Qin Mu several times with Zu Longqu, his attitude eased a lot.

And this time, it was obvious that the rumors in the market were confirmed.A large number of officials gathered at the prime minister's mansion, and took over... only Li Si's youngest son, Li Liang, came forward and said that Li Xiang drank too much in the afternoon and was too drunk, so he could only receive him.

However, seeing Li Liang's and Wang Li's identical expressions, everyone could only sigh repeatedly, and one by one declared that something was up, took their leave and left.

Just before they left, they couldn't help being a little curious.What kind of means does this Qin Mu have to make the three princes of the Great Qin avoid each of them?

Even Li Xiang, who was originally against him, seemed to immediately change his original hostility after meeting him once?
It's just that no matter what, they couldn't figure it out...

(End of this chapter)

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