Chapter 313 The Gathering of Nobles
At this moment, there is an undercurrent surging in the upper class of Xianyang.Ever since Qin Mu entered their field of vision, most of the nobles were naturally hostile towards him.This commoner who didn't know where he was born suddenly came up with an imperial examination system, which directly pushed the nobles of Daqin to the edge of the cliff.

Now that it has been so long, Qin Mu is still an inevitable topic of conversation at their banquet.However, no matter what they thought, Qin Mu's motives seemed indescribable to them.What happened to the nobles?Didn't Daqin be able to rule the world because of the efforts of the nobles?
They can't figure it out!The world depends on the nobles to fight and rule.After the aristocracy is eliminated, who will be the official?Who will decide the case?Is it really necessary to let those common people stand up and become the masters to govern the country?Do not make jokes!They are farmers and craftsmen, and they should not be officials by nature!

If all common people become officials, who will become farmers and craftsmen?Are you going to let the nobles go?
This is also the biggest resentment against Qin Mu in the hearts of many nobles.In the final analysis, the imperial examination system proposed by Qin Mu is to allow the common people to replace the nobles, but it does not arrange a better place for them.But they didn't think that civilians should be under the oppression of nobles by nature?

Wouldn't it be okay to not give privileges and live like everyone else?For many nobles, the answer is no.This is also the fundamental conflict between Qin Mu and these nobles.

However, in the current situation, it is obvious that Qin Mu has the upper hand.No matter how they struggle and destroy, the imperial examination has already begun.Among the states and counties, many talents have been elected, and these people have become reserves. Once there is a vacancy, they can fill in the grassroots and become fresh blood other than nobles.

The palace examination in Xianyang is also under preparation.When some of these people passed the palace examination, even if they were approved by the first emperor, they could start directly from intermediate positions and become the benchmark for the efforts of the common people in the future.If there is a chance in the future, it may not be impossible for Sangong Jiuqing to appear.Qin Mu knew that after the imperial examination, how many prime ministers were born from poor families?
No matter how much the nobles howled, they could not fight against Qin Mu who was supported by Zulong.No matter how much they want to destroy the imperial examination, once the imperial examination starts, don't they still have to obediently send their children to the examination room?Even, their actions this time were very successful!At least, nobles accounted for the vast majority of those who passed the exam.

However, neither Qin Mu nor the nobles regarded this exam as a victory for the nobles.This time, the nobles have been forced to accept the rules of the imperial examination, and now they do well in the exam, but it is because the former poor students did not have any books to read.

This problem has been resolved after Qin Mu's strong intervention.Governments at all levels now, whether they are willing or unwilling, have begun to lend books to poor students for free under the decree of the first emperor.And these students did not disappoint Qin Mu's painstaking efforts. Even if they were made things difficult by the government, they forcibly endured it and insisted on borrowing the books.

The nobles in the government were so angry that they could do nothing.Make things difficult, dare, really obstruct this matter, their heads probably no longer belong to them.

So now all the nobles, once Qin Mu is heard, they will itch with hatred, but there is nothing they can do.Not only were they helpless, but they also watched helplessly as their own leader, who was originally the biggest backbone of the nobles and the top of the entire Great Qin, Wang Jian, Li Si, Meng Yi, and the lesser Li Xin, seemed to have become Qin Mu's supporters .

Among the three lords, there was only one mascot, Guo Weiliao, who did not approach Qin Mu, but he had always been like this, and had always been independent from the court faction, after all, it was a symbol of military power.And Zhao Gao, the only one who dared to confront Qin Mu head-on... had already been beheaded by Qin Mu on the street in front of Zulong... Who knows if such a thing will happen again in the future?
They knew that if someone really dared to carry out Zhao Gao's last wish and deal with Qin Mu, then the fate would not be much better than Zhao Gao's...

This also caused all the nobles to be extremely sensitive to Qin Mu's every move.All the means that were originally used to fight each other were used on Qin Mu.For example, about today's matter, Qin Mu had just started to draw the blueprints, and they already knew about it.The speed... is only slightly slower than Zulong.Qin Mu is the only one who can make them care so much.

"We... just admit it like this? Do you think that if this continues, Qin Mu's arrogance will not become more arrogant? He can pass an imperial examination today, but he doesn't know how much higher it will be tomorrow!"

Someone sneered: "You don't have to encourage others, why don't you show yourself up? Who doesn't know what the end will be if you fight against that Qin Mu now?"

The man ate a nail and stopped talking.

After a long time, the crowd finally dispersed.It's just that when he came, he was full of resentment and wondered if he could find someone to stand out.When he left, his mentality had completely changed.Since Qin Mu couldn't resist, shouldn't he find an opportunity to get close to him?

Such a thing is actually not a shame.It's not like it hasn't happened before.Needless to say, although Li Si was poor, he was of noble birth.But Zhao Gao... in Daqin, he was completely white. Like this, after gaining power, wouldn't a large group of people rush forward and try every means to flatter him?
For these nobles, any principles and bottom line are actually nonsense.What they value most is the inheritance of their own power. The so-called family is just a moat that must be built to ensure the inheritance of power.If they themselves can live forever, and they can be in power forever, then the existence of the family is of little importance.

Therefore, as long as they can ensure the smooth inheritance of their power, they will not have any hesitation.Don't say it's like Qin Mu bowing his head and giving in, if kneeling a few times can make them go further, then the people who kowtow can line up from Xianyang to the East China Sea.

Most of the dispersed crowd had sad faces, but there were some exceptions.Most people now know about the change of owner of the No. [-] shop in Fangshi Jiazi.

Those who have bought things in the glass shop are now a little happy.At least, I have given Qin Mu a confession... Even if he really wants to make an example in the future, it will not be his turn.

It's just... After talking for a long time, they still don't know what Qin Mu is doing...

(End of this chapter)

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