Chapter 314 Mr. Sun

In the cold wind, Li Si stood beside the city gate of Xianyang, wrapping his clothes tightly.It's autumn now, and it's really cold at night.Presumably, if it is nighttime, the weather will cool down further. If the wind continues to blow, it will inevitably cause a cold...

However, he immediately thought of the person he was going to meet. For him... the so-called cold, I am afraid that it can be cured in a short time... In other words, at least have a good relationship with him. No need to worry about any disease.

"I've been waiting for such a long time. Why haven't those people who were agreed to come here yet?" Li Si rubbed his hands. He didn't know why. He had already agreed with Wang Jian and the others to come to the city gate. Gather here, it's just that I have been here and waited for a long time, why haven't they come yet?
On the other side, Wang Jian was still in his carriage, and his heart was surging.In fact, he already knew about Qin Mu's anomaly today, and he couldn't control his curiosity. He made an appointment with Li Si, and prepared to raid the prison garden with two people to see what good things Qin Mu had done.

In fact, it's not just their curiosity, but because the war between Daqin and the Huns is about to start.Although this news has not been made public, they, as the confidantes of the First Emperor, have already begun secret preparations.And the cannons and other things that Qin Mu made were also made for the purpose of destroying the Huns this time.

Now, he suddenly started to make a new thing, and it was so difficult, they immediately thought that Qin Mu...maybe it was made for the purpose of destroying the, they had to go to the supervisory garden as soon as possible !
Li Si wants to see this new thing, what kind of help he needs to provide, raw materials, manpower and other things need to come from him. Although the Royal Workshop belongs to the Shaofu, the Shaofu is also his subordinate!Strictly speaking, Jiuqing are all guests of the prime minister!And Wang Jian, in order to see what this new thing is, wants to make some preparations in advance, and needs to train soldiers in advance, so he must start preparing now!

It's like the few cannons that Qin Mu provided before.When Wang Jian watched Qin Mu fire the cannon, it was a relief!Dig a hole in the ground, fill it with gunpowder and shells, and then ignite it.But when I got the cannon and started training, all kinds of dangerous accidents happened, almost blowing up my own people!Moreover, that aiming is even more difficult!

He still hadn't thought about why Qin Mu was able to hit the target steadily when he fired the cannon for the first time!As for these artillerymen of my own, each of them has fired at least fifty rounds before they have mastered the basic aiming skills!That's not even possible.Fortunately, for cannons, you don't need to be very accurate, you can use the quantity to wash the ground.

However, just before Wang Jian set off, he got into the car and found... there was someone in his car!Wang Jian came out with a head of white sweat.He is the military god of Daqin, so the safety of the mansion is naturally guarded by his confidants. It can be said that he is not inferior to anyone except the palace!
However, under such a heavy guard, there are still people who can directly get into his car!With such strength, I am afraid that if he really has some bad intentions, his chances of resisting are much smaller!After all, it's not a young age anymore!

However, just when he wanted him to step back gradually and get out of the carriage, that person suddenly spoke: "Wang Jian, why, you met as a teacher, but you didn't pay him a visit?"

As a teacher?Wang Jian was stunned.The tone of this person's speech is so familiar to him!When he was 14 years old, a gentleman came to the house suddenly, saying that he was very intelligent and looked like a martial artist, so he wanted to teach him the art of war.That person is his Art of War teacher, Sun Jiu!
The Wang family originally started as a military general, so they have a little understanding of the art of war.Wang Jian had been fascinated by his ears and eyes since he was a child, and he was indeed somewhat talented, so it was inevitable that he looked down on these so-called soldiers from outside.So, the two played chess, and Wang Jian lost miserably.And often lose from the beginning to the end.After a few times, Wang Jian's father personally made the decision and asked Wang Jian to become a teacher.

It was only later that he found out that Mr. Sun Jiu was the leader of the military family of the previous generation. After teaching for three years, he drifted away and gave Wang Jian the token of the leader of the military family!Unexpectedly, Mr. Sun Jiu appeared again now!

But...Wang Jian is a little unbelievable that Mr. Sun was already over 60 years old at that time, and now nearly 50 years have passed. If this person is really Mr. Sun, doesn't it mean...he is over 110 years old?However, Wang Jian looked over carefully, the person in front of him was obviously a young man, with black hair and black eyes, he didn't look old at all!It looks like he is in his 20s!
Wang Jian frowned, and said in a low voice: "Where is the master, did you come here to play tricks on me? My husband is over 100 years old at the time, how can he be like you?"

The man didn't take it seriously, he just waved his hand, and the candles in the carriage lit up automatically, allowing Wang Jian to see the man's appearance clearly.In terms of appearance alone, it is somewhat similar to Mr. Sun.Could this be the offspring of Mr. Sun?

Wang Jian had already stretched his hand to his waist, and there was a sword hanging there, his eyes were fixed on the young man, ready to launch at any time.

Seeing him like this, the young man smiled and said, "Don't be so nervous. If I want to kill you, wouldn't it be better to start the car while you are in the car? Hmm... It seems that you still don't believe me? Yes, I look like this, let alone you, even if my son saw it, he wouldn't believe it..."

"How about this, let me tell you a secret that only you and I know..." The young man pondered for a moment: "When you were 17 years old, I drank with you, and after you got drunk..."

As soon as these words came out, Wang Jian's face changed drastically, and he quickly interrupted: "Don't say it! I believe you!"

Mr. Sun looked up at him, with a half-smile: "Sit first!"

Wang Jian sat down obediently.Now he no longer doubts it, because... What Mr. Sun said just now is the most difficult secret in his life... Only he and Mr. Sun know about this matter...

However, after confirming the identity of Mr. Sun, a bigger mystery came to Wang Jian's mind: Why does this Mr. Sun, who should be over 100 years old, now look like he is in his 20s?

Could it be that he has become a fairy?Wang Jian immediately thought of the theory of immortals. After all, it seems that only immortals are the ones who can live forever.

"Sir, you are now..."

(End of this chapter)

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