Chapter 315 Wang Jian's Dream
With an inexplicable smile on Sun Jiu's face, he looked at Wang Jian and said in a low voice, "What about me, don't you have some guesses in your heart?"

Looking at the face that was far more unfamiliar than familiar, Wang Jian felt a bit bitter in his throat, and said hesitantly, "Sir, have you... become a fairy?"

Mr. Sun nodded, and his whole body became ethereal: "Wang Jian, the catastrophe of military strategists is coming soon! After this catastrophe, whether the strategists live or die, disappear or grow stronger, will be with you!"

"Me?" Wang Jian pointed to himself: "I am an old man who is about to enter the coffin. Why does the survival of the military family have something to do with me?"

Mr. Sun didn't speak, but looked at Wang Jian's right waist.At the same time, Wang Jian lowered his head, and on his right waist, a jade pendant in the shape of a spear was hanging on his waist.This is the token of the leader of the military strategist.After Mr. Sun accepted his apprentice, he gave this jade pendant to him.Of course, Wang Jian did not embarrass the military strategists in the end. Nearly half of the entire Qin Dynasty was brought down by him.

Wang Jian smiled bitterly: "Is it because of this?"

Mr. Sun nodded: "Of course! You are the leader of the contemporary military strategist, and the life and death of the military strategist is of course up to you to decide! However, the specifics, the secrets of the sky are chaotic, and even I can't investigate them in detail! Be careful! Especially, once you use swords, you must pay attention! The life and death of soldiers are on your side! Remember!"

Wang Jian wanted to say something, but Mr. Sun's voice had already dimmed, and disappeared in just a moment...

Wang Jian took the chair in a state of dismay.After Mr. Sun disappeared, the candles that were originally lit had also been extinguished, and he was the only one left in the entire carriage. The appearance of Mr. Sun just now did not leave any traces.

"Wang Er, did anyone talk in the car just now?" Wang Jian suddenly turned around and asked his groom.When I was talking to Mr. Sun just now, I didn't particularly avoid people. Even at the beginning, I was a little loud because I was shocked.If someone was talking...then the groom should be able to hear it.

However, Wang Er was surprised and said: "My lord, no one is talking! You just got into the car just now, how could someone talk?"

Wang Jian was startled.I had chatted with Mr. Sun for a long time just now, but...why did the groom say that he just got into the car?Moreover, the candle didn't have any trace of being lit, and it was cold to the touch... Could it be that just now was just a dream of my own?However, that dream was too real, as if it really happened...

"My lord, what's the matter with you?" Wang Er questioned after not getting Wang Jian's order.

Only then did Wang Jian regain his composure, shook his head and said, "It's nothing, let's go! I guess that old fellow Li Si has already waited impatiently..."

He was right, Li Si was already a little annoyed in the cold wind at the city gate.After all, I am also the prime minister of a country, the existence of one person under one person and above ten thousand people, you old man Wang Jian, let me just wait here, why wait so long?

After a long time, he saw Wang Jian's carriage staggering towards the gate of the city.Li Si burst into anger: "Old Wang, you bastard, what's the matter? Do you know that I've been here and waited for a long time? If you don't explain it clearly to me today, we will make trouble with His Majesty today. You have to make this clear!"

Wang Jian hurriedly jumped out of the car, teasing on weekdays was all about teasing, but it was limited to words, not to mention that he only appeared in the prison garden.But now, since he was late for so long, making Li Si wait had already overturned the official taboo.Under normal circumstances, those with small official schools arrive first, and those with large official schools arrive last.If the status is not far apart, they basically all arrive together.

Li Si himself is the prime minister, and this position is already higher than him. Even counting His Majesty's trust, the two of them are about the same. As a result, they have indeed made people wait for so long, so it is not good to be too stubborn now.

"Li Xiang, I encountered some special circumstances on the road. I'm really sorry for the delay!" Wang Jian took Li Si's sleeve and pulled him into the car, while apologizing with a smile: "I have some good wine in my car. Come, let's drink." Serve two cups, and I will apologize to you!"

Li Si snorted, and Wang Jian lowered his posture. He was not good at all, but he just snorted coldly: "What wine? If this wine is not good, it can't make up for your negligence!"

Wang Jian laughed a few times, and said in a low voice: "You, don't worry about this! I promise, you have never drank my wine! Moreover, this wine tastes better than all the wines you have ever had before. All better!"

Li Si frowned and looked at him: "If you say that the wine is good, I still believe it. But, you brat...are you exaggerating a bit? Better than all the wine I have ever drunk? You guy, can you still drink wine?" Is it better than the royal wine rewarded by His Majesty?"

Wang Jian glanced left and right, and said wretchedly with a smile: "Don't believe me! The wine given by His Majesty is indeed delicious, but to be honest, is it wine? It's an honor to drink! But my wine... But the The taste is better than your majesty's wine! I'm not claiming this, but your majesty said it himself!"

"Really?" Li Si was also a little shocked. Zu Long himself admitted that this wine is better than the wine in the palace?To know?The wine that the first emperor drank on weekdays was all tributes from various wine-making holy places in the country!The taste is all carefully selected first-class products!
Li Si had drunk that kind of wine in the palace many times, and the taste was really outstanding!Even if he personally went to the place of origin to ask for the wine, it really didn't have that taste!
But there was even better wine in Wang Jian's carriage... Li Si couldn't even imagine the taste of this wine!
It wasn't until the two sat down that Wang Jian looked left and right, and then took out a ceramic jar from under his seat.

Li Si looked disgusted.Even if this wine is fine wine, it's not worth it, is it?
Wang Jian didn't know what he was thinking?He smiled at the moment: "Lao Li, don't be unconvinced! This wine, even if His Majesty sees it, will grab it for me! That's why I want to hide it like this!"

Li Si glanced at him, and said to himself, just blow it up, what else can His Majesty have less of what you have?

"Pour it up quickly, I want to taste it, what is so magical about the wine you mentioned!"

"Don't worry!" Wang Jian smiled shyly, took out two small wine glasses from under his body, and set them up.

Liston sneered, these two glasses, I'm afraid they can hold... less than a drink or two?Among the soldiers of Daqin, who didn't drink heavily?That's it, the gap between the teeth is not enough!
(End of this chapter)

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