Chapter 316 Li Si's Drinking
Looking at Li Si's expression, Wang Jian felt amused in his heart.When he first came into contact with this wine, he had the same thought in his heart, but after drinking a glass, he realized that his past few decades were basically in vain!He couldn't wait to see what kind of expression Li Si would show later!

"Li Xiang, if you want to change to a bigger cup, it's not impossible. How about I find you one?" Wang Jian's eyes almost disappeared from laughing, and he stretched his hand under the seat and began to touch: "Forget you, I'm stingy!"

Seeing him like this, Li Si felt a little guilty: "There's no need to change it! Why don't you drink this cup first, and talk about other things later!"

In fact, now Li Si also reacted.Who is Wang Jian?A famous alcoholic in Daqin!When those nobles went to his house, he excused himself not to come out drunk, but no one noticed anything unusual!I even think it should be true!If one day they came to the door, it would be abnormal for Wang Jian not to be drunk!So, after going seven or eight times, I realized that Wang Jian should be avoiding them.

For someone else, Li Si just said he was drunk once today, but the officials reacted faster than the other!Just left!It can be seen that Wang Jian's image of a drunkard is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people!

Correspondingly, such an alcoholic did not use a big bowl when drinking, but used a small cup like him... That is enough to prove that no matter what is wrong with this wine, at least, it should really be used like this !

Seeing that he denied it, Wang Jian stopped insisting.Anyway, the wine alone is enough.

Wang Jian no longer insisted, and raised his glass directly: "Li Xiang, come, the first cup is my old Wang's apology for you! If you do it, today's incident with us will be considered a turning point, how about it?"

Li Si snorted, and said: "Then it depends on the sincerity of your Wu Chenghou. If this wine is mediocre, then we have to talk about it!" He said, picked up the wine glass in front of him, and drank it down in one gulp!

They drink a lot on weekdays, and they have long been used to this way of drinking.But, this time it feels completely different!Li Si could only feel that there was a hot liquor flowing down his throat, scalding the entire esophagus like a fire, and finally flowed into his stomach, and his stomach could almost feel it, a little hot!

It took him a while to finally suppress the hot feeling, and then, he felt a strong fragrance diffuse from his mouth and rush straight into his nasal cavity!This... is the aroma of wine!At that moment, Li Si had only one thought in his mind: "This is wine!"

Yes, he just felt that the wine he drank before was simply white water!Where is there a little wine smell?He was overjoyed, he had long forgotten Wang Jian's resentment for making him wait so long just now, so he put the glass down and motioned Wang Jian to pour another glass.

Wang Jian chuckled. At that moment just now, Li Si's expression changed from disdain to shock. This change made him very enjoyable to watch, so he didn't mind giving him another drink.

After it was full, he smiled and said, "Old Li, has this matter between us happened in the past?"

"It's over, it's over!" Li Si didn't bother to say anything, he just wanted to try the taste of that wine quickly, and he didn't care to say more, and went straight to work.

Wang Jian watched him finish drinking, filled his glass silently, and drank it all in one gulp, then put away the wine jar again.

Li Si became impatient on the spot: "Old Wang, what do you mean? I just drank two glasses, and you put them away? As for being so stingy? I am the prime minister of Daqin anyway, so I am not worth this jar of wine?"

Wang Jian chuckled, knowing that Li Si was just talking about it, in order to drink more, he said directly: "Old Li, I am not targeting you, even if your Majesty is here, this is the same treatment! By the way... Your Majesty It’s probably not as good as you! I haven’t even let His Majesty drink it!”

Li Si curled his lips, this old king is running the train with his mouth full!At this moment, he also felt that although he didn't drink much, the strength of the wine was too strong!It's just two cups, it feels better than drinking two altars normally!
"You bastard! Your majesty can't even drink it? I really don't believe it! No matter where the wine is produced, if your majesty asks them to offer hundreds of jars of tribute, how dare they refuse? Don't just order wine like that Now, even if they are asked to call out the technology and produce it for the Royal Workshop, who would dare to refuse?"

Wang Jian half-joked and said seriously: "Don't tell me, this wine craftsman is really not afraid of His Majesty! In fact, His Majesty also drank this wine! He wanted it at that time! As a result, guess what? They didn't give it to you!" Moreover, my altar was also secretly hidden when I saw that others didn't pay attention! Otherwise, do you think you can drink such good wine?"

Li Si was a little impatient, this Wang Jian, can we be reliable in making up stories?Whether or not His Majesty wants to come, who dares to do this in the territory of Great Qin?Wait... He really thought of someone...

"You mean, this wine..." Li Si pointed in the direction of the prison garden.

Wang Jian nodded.

Li Si suddenly felt that the existence of this wine was much more reasonable!After all, that one, has made a lot of things that are more magical than this wine!
"But... that's unreasonable! This wine is indeed delicious, but isn't wine brewing usually done on a large scale? A wine cellar can casually produce hundreds of catties, right?" Li Si asked suspiciously: "Why not even His Majesty?"

Wang Jian sighed, and said, "Young master said, brewing wine is a waste of food! Daqin has just experienced a famine and has not yet recovered its strength. You can't waste food, and you don't want to brew as much as you want."

"That's not right... If the young master really wants to save food, why does he still brew these?" Li Si picked up the glass in front of him, and now he could still see some small drops of wine on the wall of the glass. stick on it.

"This wine is actually a by-product. It was made by the young master to make some disinfectant. If it weren't for this, we would never have known that the taste of wine can be so strong!"

Li Si also stopped talking.In fact, this kind of wine... In his opinion, it is not just a drink, but more of a cash cow...

That's right, he knew that Qin Mu loved money, even when he helped Shi Huangdi, he would exchange it for money.In essence, the reason for the head-on conflict with Zhao Gao was also to compete for the sale of glass in No. [-] Shop A.

But this wine... is obviously a more profitable industry than glass.

Glass, no one wants it except the nobles.But what about wine?Even if you are a beggar, if you have spare money in your hands, you will buy a few bowls, right?
(End of this chapter)

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