Chapter 317 Help
However, this young man actually stopped making wine because he wasted food?Li Si stroked his beard and fell into deep thought.The more he got to know this young man, the more he felt that he couldn't see through him.After learning about the wine, he was even more confused.

With Qin Mu's wisdom, it is impossible not to see the hidden profit in this wine, but he just said that he refused to produce because of wasting food.Is this love of money or not love of money?

"Old Li, don't think about it!" Wang Jian patted him on the shoulder, and now they have left the city gate of Xianyang.It stands to reason that after the city gate is closed, it is impossible to open it again, but that also depends on the person.In this car, there is a Great Qin Prime Minister, and a Great Qin Marquis Wu Cheng.Not to mention a small Xianyang city gate, even if these two people go to the palace in the middle of the night, they can call the gate open!

In the night, Li Si in the carriage looked at Wang Jian: "Who do you think this young man is? Why do I think... I can't see through this person at all... Even, let alone see through, even Every step he takes, I can't guess. Every time, after seeing his effect with my own eyes, I can realize what he wants to do..."

Wang Jian looked at Li Si and was silent for a while, only then slowly said: "If you can't see clearly, then I can't see clearly... But, this is a good thing... Think about it, is it similar to your majesty? It's just , At the beginning of His Majesty's accession to the throne, the things he will do... I also don't understand."

Li Si muttered to himself: " can't be can..."

In the next moment, the two looked at each other, knowing that they seemed to have talked too much.Although I didn't drink much of this wine, it seems that I can't underestimate it...

Wang Jian laughed and changed the subject without a trace, and the two quickly began to discuss the gossip news in the court...


In the supervisory garden, Qin Mu was still in the study and didn't come out all day.Knowing that a servant came in, saying that it was Wang Jian and Li Si, he stopped what he was doing, thought for a while, and said, "Please come in."

After thinking about it for a while, he knew the purpose of their coming here in the middle of the night.Qin Mu knew that there were spies sent by other nobles in the prison garden.With Jin Yiwei here, who can be full?

However, Qin Mu listened to Feng Bao's suggestion and did not clear out those spies.Anyway, no matter how much he cleared out, those people would try their best to find a way to stuff them in.This has nothing to do with hostility or friendship, it is a common practice at the top.

As long as they are the nobles of Daqin, who can not have spies stuffed in by others?Now these, at least I know their existence, even if I want to guard against someone, I still have a goal.If all of them were asked to withdraw, it would not be possible to stop it. Moreover, Jin Yiwei always had negligence. If it appeared, a spy who had successfully lurked would have an incalculable destructive power!
Here, with these spies in the house, it is more convenient to do anything in the future.If you want to deal with someone, just pass on fake news directly in the supervisory garden, and at that time, maybe the other party will show their feet.

Of course, such things are probably rare.However, in short, these spies are actually very useful.They spent a lot of effort to sneak in, lest they behave badly one day and be fired by the host.So they worked very hard, even harder than ordinary servants.

If Qin Mu hadn't known that they were spies, he might have really thought they were some kind of innocent people.It's just that sometimes Qin Mu can't help but find it a little funny... People who he hired and paid with hard work are sometimes lazy.But those who came to the prison with bad intentions worked extremely hard...

Qin Mu even thought, if these people are all spies, it possible to cut off half of the manpower, and this village can continue to operate?Of course, this is limited to servants.Among craftsmen, there must be absolutely no spies.

Li Si and Wang Jian must have received the news when they came here. They knew that they were working on something new, so they came to have a look.

Sure enough, after Li Si and Wang Jian came over, they were not overly polite, and went straight to the point: "Young master, I heard that you are doing something new. Old Wang and I reckon that it should be used to fight the Huns? Is there any?" What can we help with?"

Qin Mu took a look at the two of them, but he didn't expect that these two were very active. After knowing that they were going to fight the Xiongnu, they came to help on their own initiative?Qin Mu still remembers that in the past, he was asked to find an iron mine, but Lao Li was pushy!He even didn't let him look for it at all, but he had to excuse Li Si by saying that Daqin had no iron mines...

Wait... Lao Li and Li Si, these two are not from the same family, are they?Otherwise, why did he defend Li Si so much?It is estimated that it is!Dad belongs to the royal family and has a high status. How can these friends be ordinary people?

Qin Mu regained his composure and said, "You two just came! I really need your help with something! But... can you help me?"

Wang Jian immediately jumped up. Unexpectedly, the young master looked down on them!

"Little son, what are you talking about? Let me tell you, there is really nothing in Daqin that my old king can't talk about! And Lao Li is here today. No matter what questions you have, we can solve them." I solved it for you easily, do you believe it?"

Li Si also nodded reservedly.When I came to the prison garden before, I always followed Zulong. Firstly, I didn't dare to reveal my identity, and secondly, no one dared to brag in front of Zulong.

Now I finally got a chance to pretend to be aggressive, even he has no one to live in.

In the end, Qin Mu just rolled his eyes: "Who do you think you are? Forget it, I'll tell you guys anyway. It's best if you can help with these things, and if you can't, just pass on to Dad for me , let him solve the case."

Li Si was also a little helpless. He had hidden his identity for too long, so of course he couldn't reveal it directly, so he nodded and said, "All right, young master, just tell me, what do you want?"

"Two things!" Qin Mu stretched out two fingers: "First, I need a hundred-man team, smart and not afraid of death, to help me test new products! Second, I need... about [-] Pieces of cloth... [-] furs. Can the two of you do this?"

Wang Jian nodded decisively.It's just a centurion, and this is completely within his purview.

And Li Si... was a little silent.To be honest, what Qin Mu wants... is quite a lot...

(End of this chapter)

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